american community survey refusal 2021

I have not had the privilege yet of receiving the census form but I'm sure I will soon. Person 33. They're not authorized to do that. And it is supposed to be maintained private otherwise the census worker can go to prison or be fined or both. Just weeks before a COVID-19 vaccine is expected to be made available to U.S. medical workers and first responders, a firefighters' union internal survey taken by members of the country's largest . I have a five year old. I still am in my boxers since I just woke up and surely was not prepared for a slew of questions from this guy who was getting paid my tax money to invade my privacy). The ACS is a legitimate survey conducted by the U.S. Census Bureau, which is part of the Department of Commerce. I just had hip surgery, when the buzzer rang this evening (Saturday 6:30p.m.) Read more here: Camp Lejeune Lawsuit Claims. Are we going to let this happen? I was going to fill it out and check "race: other, American" but now I just don't even want to fill the dang thing out. me. Lock Great. And I say that is the point -- I do not want my state or city dependent on big government this is socialism and pork barrel out of control government spending. It came from data mining by the Pew Research Center. An official website of the United States government. For instance, the ACS asks how many persons live in your home, along with their names and detailed information about them such as their relationship to you, marital status, race and their physical, mental and emotional problems, etc. we demand a trial by jury of our pears, but how many wiggle, squirm and lie every which way to get out of serving when it's their turn? i wish i still had my camcorder so i could do like the person said. P.S. I hung up immediately and called the sheriff. Even the IRS does not ask such personal questions as to how our private lives are lived each day. Happy evading! Housing 16. I told her not to come back or I would spray her with my garden hose. What time do the male members of your household go to work? Poster 235 is on to something: maybe my neighborhood can get a new school, a new hospital, and a new fire station. I hope you folks do not live in my county or state. Other countries pay equally and get that ever elusive socialist universal health care. While. So why would the government hire a company such as ACS to dig into our lives? good thing inflation is under control and gas prices are not skyrocketing for no reason, and unemployment figures are under control, that they have nothing better to do than harass an honest hardworking taxpayer. And nowhere in the Library of Congress has any bill ever given them the right to fine you. First of all, get a clue! In fact, the ACS launched in 2005 to replace the census "long form." They gave up on me. I filled out my form, sent it in and a few weeks later another one came. Don't give in. Then you've got them by the balls. I see no reason to comply. Why the hell should I tell the government all this business about me? But obviously they want to know everything about you. I am so thankful for this website! Nothing illegal about that! From what I've read online about the operation methods of the Census Bureau staff that won't have any chance of avoiding a phone call "Computer Aided Telephone Interview" But I'm hoping that by telling them every time that their OMB# is expired it will shorten my interview process somewhat. I first starting receiving these things by mail like 4 years ago. Don't engage them in conversation or reason with them. This tool helps you do just that. I did not receive the additional questionnaire. (These facilities will be contacted directly for data on sexual victimization.) so the census workers who say, "if you haven't done anything wrong, just answer," well, people who are doing wrong things don't care about america -- they work for the government. Got this survey in the mail and opened it and started reading the questions and couldn't believe it I was so pissed off, it's really none of their business. My blood pressure is through the roof right now after reading this survey. You aren't getting mine! In the end, the Census Bureau has the legal authority to conduct the survey and legally has the option of imposing fines for non-compliance. Moreover, since there are no reported instances of the Census Bureau taking legal or financial action, some speculate that the Census Bureau's threats carry no weight. [1] The Rutherford Institute, a national nonprofit civil liberties organization, is deeply committed to protecting the constitutional freedoms of every American and the integral human rights of all people through its extensive legal and educational programs. The government is collecting information such as how many rooms we have in our houses, how many acres of land, what time do we leave for work, etc. If you give them a little info they will keep at you until you give in. Has anyone ever been fined or penalized for not complying? "Freedom is the sure possession of those alone who who have the courage to defend it." Haven't heard from the ACS people, "government man", or my dorm supervisor since then. I might have to go outside and see if Big Brother is installing hidden cameras. The way I see it, subsections a and d of section 141 do not authorize a January 2010 collection of information. Your name, address and phone number (front cover of the ACS), 2. The American Community Survey is mailed to 2.5% of the American population to collect statistical information for city planning. Why am I in the unlucky 2.5%? The American Community Survey (ACS), conducted continuously since the early 2000s, is an ongoing survey of just a portion of the population. I think someone should have a web cam ready when they come to the door. Nevertheless, fines and legal action are technically possible. but who gets the census??? The CFPB has set up a phone number at (855) 411-2372 expressly to help customers in more than 180 languages, and it provides free educational materials on banking in dozens of languages. And as to the types of questions that can be asked, the only limit is that they can't be of a religious nature. I do not think I should have to give out that kind of information. New cases and investigations, settlement deadlines, and news straight to your inbox. Let me get this straight: we cannot ask an illegal alien for papers because of racial profiling but we can try to force american citizens to fill out the ACS which has profiling information in every question? To complete the survey on the internet, visit I will fill in my name, address, and very few pieces of information. We've had non-stop, unannounced visits by the same census taker, who continues to drive-by the home multiple times during the day. Our surveys provide periodic and comprehensive statistics about the nation. Anyone out there actually worked for this part of the Census with accurate info? Then the phone calls started. Not to mention when the people came to my door I informed them that they were trespassing without proper identification and subject to arrest. Now.I look forward to answering that door, cell in hand, and pressing the "video record" button. Best wishes, and see you all after the election. Due to a likely technicality, I received this, with the wrong address. anon 77369: It is incorrect to say that you are required to respond. on the back it says dec 31 2011 is when approval from OMB expires. I will not comply. I am literally getting up to six phone calls a day, mass mailings, and mass e-mails. And, based on the Census, Virginia had 30 percent of the population of the United States. At first I thought this was the census under another name, then as I read it I could not believe how invasive it was. The data bank, like any data bank, runs the risk of being hacked or accessed by dishonest parties. The right to privacy is also inherent in many amendments to the Bill of Rights, such as the 3rd, the 4th, search and seizure and the 5th, self incrimination limit. The Census Bureau uses sampling methods to select households that represent a cross-section of the population of the United States. Just open the door, answer their questions, and they will forget about you and your insignificant existence for another 10 years. Anything that you answer can be used for this book, which is usually for your town, county, etc. Mind your own business. Networking and interviewing opportunities with representatives from FCPS schools will be available. When I said I would not be probed by his questions from the government and continued by saying that I meant no disrespect to him; however, I hate what the government is trying to do to us he responded. During the last survey I chose not to fill it out. The new research by the Trevor Project, which surveyed nearly 34,000 LGBTQ youth ages 13 to 24 across the United States in fall 2021, also found that Black and nonbinary young people reported . People, look around you and see. The Institutes mission is twofold: to provide legal services in the defense of civil liberties and to educate the public on important issues affecting their constitutional freedoms. A practice in which banks refuse to insure mortgages to people living in certain She said OK, left and then returned again within five minutes, saying it was her job to help me fill it out. I told him that on the advice of my attorney I had shredded the form. Unless an individual has been charged and convicted of some criminal offense connected to the Census and the crime falls within section 3559, this $5,000.00 fine does not apply. I love hearing this we live in the greatest country. Twice, a person showed up at our door. I filled out the Census form this year and still, someone came to our door. American Community Survey questionnaire. I want to thank you for this site and for all of the posters sharing their experiences and offering insight and information. The government is over stepping it's boundaries with such personal questions. This is a very big, complicated country we live in. There were laws in place to protect those people and they were not protected. The Census Bureau would have to refer a case to the Dept of Justice, they have no power of their own. I gave them my name and not much more. Don't get mad because many of us don't want to fill out the form. When I did return it, I left off my personal business. And the Justice Dept is not going to spend time on this. [17], The survey combines these intrusive questions with highly detailed inquiries about your financial affairs. After reading through the 28 pages of questions the second time (not 28 questions but 28 *pages* of them), I decided to do my research. BUREAU OF JUSTICE STATISTICS. Charlottesville, VA 22906 I just left a "Tea Party" I found out I'm not the only 1 that was asked to fill out two census forms, one asking me if I could go up and down stairs, how long it takes for my husband to go to work, how does he get there,how many rooms is in my house, do I have flush toilets, what kind of health insurance, how much is my house payment, insurance on my house, do I have insurance, etc. I, too, have been harassed by the Census Bureau. I told them I was not responding, and as I shut the door and walked away she stood on the porch and rang the bell, and since then it's all gone down hill. A: While the Census Bureau claims that an individuals information will be kept strictly confidential,[28] it does require a recipient to put their name on the survey, ostensibly for the purpose of asking follow-up questions in the event of missing or incomplete answers.[29]. Say no to everything. I'm not sure I'd complete it though. This survey is intrusive and i will not answer it! All this and I live on an Army installation! I am being harassed and threatened. Apr 15 -- The Census Bureau invites comments to OMB by May 16, 2022 on the three-year extension of the American Community Survey and the Puerto Rico Community Survey. I don't believe the ACS should, or has the right, to require more. I left all of the other personal and private questions in the survey unanswered. Shame it's only once every ten years. I since looked through the forms for the ACS on their site and it does ask far to much personal info. So glad I found this site. Next, they sent a real ***** who first harassed my child after being told that I was out of town (I was), then tried to enter our residence (my son was sitting there watching as the doorknob turned). These questions clearly violate any privacy guaranteed to me by the US Constitution and over step the Census Bureaus authority. [18] Furthermore, the questionnaire also demands that recipients provide information about their family and other people in their home, such as their educational levels, how many years of school were completed,[19] what languages they speak[20] and when they last worked at a job.[21]. Isn't this harassment? I wonder how many of those opposing census questions will annually volunteer much more private information and their personal wealth to a real evil unconstitutional organization - the IRS. Person 48. Others have reminded me that this information about me is posted out in the paper world, cyber world, etc., somewhere. Uncle Sam gets my money but what happens in my home stays in my home. American Community Survey. They would have to take you to court, and they haven't done that EVER. My advice based on our experience thus far -- and I am not a lawyer -- just ignore the calls to the best of your ability, and if you answer by accident, simply hang up without conversation. But the Supreme Court is not supreme over the other branches of government; it is supreme only over lower federal courts. I tossed out both copies of the ACS long form. Then you want to threaten with fines? You may have noticed over the past week on the news, many articles about the new situation in American families where the wife is now the major bread winner/wage earner. I decided I did not want to answer the census because of the invasiveness of the questions. I was told if I didn't answer then his supervisor would come out and if I didn't respond to his supervisor, they would return with a Larimer County Sheriff and then I would have to answer or else! They left before they arrived. It is the premier source for detailed population and housing information about our nation. A mortgage deduction should indicate I own a house; a 1099 with either unemployment compensation or reported income would indicate whether I am unemployed or self-employed. So get a clue, and if you are so upright and truthful, use your real name. However, the Website for the U.S. Census Bureau. [36] Florida v. Royer, 460 U.S. 491, 498 (1983). They have no right to know. I hollered at the door that "I'm a crippled senior and DO NOT open my door unless its my kids". she yelled through the door announcing her name & bla bla "census, have some questions for you"..I'll just leave my card & you can call me next week!". [27] Andrew Reamer, To Take a Bite Out of Crime: Safeguard the Census, Some hypothesize that the Census Bureau will not take legal action against, or pursue fines for, noncompliance with the ACS because doing so would likely attract much negative media attention. Finally, the last enumerator knocked one more time, then took away the last notice, which I decided to leave there. If a citizen doesn't comply with the ACS after a period of weeks, Census Bureau guidelines instruct enumerators to stop calling the resident. This job fair is also open to FCPS teachers seeking transfers, current applicants, and FCPS . Interesting. After they fill out the form, I seriously doubt they think about you ever again. Perhaps the people who did not answer the questions do not want to end up like the Japanese Americans did during World War II when the census was used to track them down, and it took 50 years to find out about it! Continued refusal may lead to additional visits by a supervisor. They don't want the constituents who elected them to be harassed. Should the phone ring and someone on the other end of the line say they're from the ACS, you don't necessarily have to take their word for it. A study published in 2021 by the Williams Institute at UCLA School of Law found that transgender people in the United States are more likely to be violently attacked than cisgender people. The yahoos on the Hill will continue to usurp our rights. I intend to scan the thing and email it to everyone I know, plus my congressman and senators. Don't be afraid. They bring in all additional people running up monies needed for schools, social programs. You wonder why people are reluctant to give out information. So, I tore off the page with my address on it and shredded it, and then I tossed the rest of the survey into the garbage. By phone. --Paul. I read him the 4th Amendment which states, "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized." I just moved to a suburb outside of Detroit after years of living there, and its strange but I also got 'grilled' the last time it came around. They can send me the 2010 census with their 10 questions that I am required to answer and I will. After a couple of weeks of harassing phone calls and knocks on my door, I sent the following letter, after which the harassment finally stopped. Questions and Answers about the ACS in , , Franais, Kreyl ayisyen, , Polski, Portugus, , Espaol, Vit Ng. I told him that was fine. That this money is funding from the government, which makes it socialism. That includes visitors then which would not be falsifying info. I emailed my Congressman (John Larson, CT) twice, over a month ago, but he (and/or his staff) has failed to reply by e-mail or phone. I upgraded my cell phone to one that I can take video with and that has a large memory. The $5,000.00 fines referenced in section 3571 are post conviction fines that only apply to an individual who has been charged and convicted of a crime defined in section 3559. They have been to my house, my place of business, also calling my place of business and if told I am busy they inform me they will call again in one hour. Standing up for my rights in L.A. Why not just give em complete BS answers. He asked if I was refusing to answer the survey. With a president and congress that constantly lie about everything, how do they expect me to believe that the information on the Census form is truly confidential? My husband and I now know what we will do when a rep shows up at our door. Best policy is to avoid answering the door to strangers but it's difficult to do if you are outside a lot. My hubby has served this country for over 30 years, we are about to retire and what a lovely retirement gift we are receiving (NOT)!.Harassment, compliments of the government, just lovely (NOT). Should you have further questions or need legal assistance in exercising your constitutional rights, please contact the Legal Department at Measuring America's People, Places, and Economy. No one from the Census has been escorted off your property by the police - Title 13 gives them the right to be on your property. The agent asked about receiving the survey and I informed him that mailed addressed to "resident" was not the responsibility of any named occupant to open but I was also familiar with the unconstitutional intrusion of the personal questions in such a survey and the corporate partners with which the data is shared. Ethical considerations. But they oppose the highly detailed and personal information demanded in the American Community Survey and have refused to answer it. I did not ask for this; this is not an application for credit. The Census Bureau does not hire temporary workers to collect data for the American Community Survey. Thank you for creating this site and letting me know that I am not alone with receiving these and answering them. It is so obvious that the same person keeps responding over and over here. She finally walked away but now I am sleepless as a result of this because I am not certain as to what will happen next. You are not the property of business or governments you are continually the result of your feelings. Thanks! I had never heard of such a thing. I replied I would answer no questions. Similarly, the plaintiffs contest that nothing in the federal code allows for a fine for refusal to answer the American Community Survey to be considered a criminal offense. Eventually, a Census Bureau worker begins calling the home in an effort to elicit answers. The House GOP proposal would eliminate any increase in funds for 2020 planning, and it cuts nearly $500 million in total from the administration's request, including reductions for the American. Because of a physical, mental, or emotional condition, does this person have serious difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions? Section (d) authorizes every 10 years starting 1985. The American Community Survey sends around a questionnaire with 40 different items, asking such things as whether a person is receiving disability benefits (number 16) and how many vehicles. Using new satellite data analysis techniques, researchers found that, since 2000, summer wildfires have expanded in boreal forests, which wrap around the northernmost parts of the Earth. The gov has lost what is called common sense and buried it under a ton of manure. I am so glad I found this website. Look it up. A previous post said this is the American Communist survey. Some citizens believe that city planning should be carried out through the collection of anonymous, aggregate information. Bunch of whiners who think the world revolves around their little lives and have paranoid conspiracy theories from watching too much TV. Soundbar sold separately. Subscribe to our newsletter and learn something new every day. However, while The Rutherford Institute has been made aware of Census Bureau agents engaging in harassing tactics and threatening behavior, to date, we are unaware of the Census Bureau having levied any financial penalties for non-compliance with the ACS. Don't fill out anything if you don't want the public to know some of your private information. Perhaps act so insanely crazy they will be glad to leave. They are the ones making the money tax free - not me. We are given dominion (care) over so much and neglect it, destroy it, and enslave it. Over a college survey they want me to take. I refused to tell them financial info or how much I pay on a power bill. Mykel. I found out on a different blog that the OMB# on the front of my ACS is expired. I have written to the senators of my state and didn't even receive a 'canned' response. A third "live" call, and I told the caller again that I'd sent it (the Census) in and that I would report this call as harassment. About a month ago (August 2010) I received my first ACS phone inquiry. As she walked away, I told her that her husband Ray just called and wanted her to stop at the store at a location next to her house. A Woodsboro couple is refusing to respond to a U.S. Census Bureau American Community Survey, saying the federal government's questionnaire is too invasive. Now, do we all agree that harassing people is against the law??! You don't want your personal information in some library, online or in an archives someday do you? With two teen daughters, I don't want anyone having any extra information. First time around it ended with phone calls and then they I was given a $25 gift card at the Home Depot. Here's how you know ( will be unavailable due to scheduled maintenance from 6am to 10am EST on Saturday, 3/4/2023. Personally, I want to know how many rental houses are in my town, I want all the representatives we deserve and I also really like looking at the 1920 and 1930 census to learn about my ancestors. Waiting for their next move. I hope it's not too late for us. I'll see "YOU" on the tube."You Tube". Thank God that we still live in a country where we can still tell a thug where to go. Any discrepancies, intentional or not, could result in an IRS audit of your returns. We gave the government the right to count us. We are so fortunate to live in this country. That means *not* having our door pounded on constantly and yelled at that we are violating the law by not allowing these rude, despicable low class jerks into our homes! A final note to those of you who are, or consider yourself Republicans: ACS after initial testing, "went national" in 2004. We are so far from what our forefathers prayerfully constructed as a government that it will take a real miracle from heaven for a national revival now. We have been like a frog cooked in our own water slowly. She stated that the woman was no longer employed and asked if I could please give her the info. I ignored the phone when it rang. Have no fear. I would feel dirty if I accepted a job with the census. The guy at FEMA said he needed my closing statement-I had sent that in but removed all the dollar amounts as that was none of their business. What Percent of the US Population do Lawyers Comprise. If they refuse, call 911 and report a hostile trespasser. I watched and saw that she was only there five minutes. Beyond principle, I work in the defense of our nation as a senior leader and have good reason to be concerned. :0 We shall not be intimidated! When I returned home he was scared and thought he did something wrong. They also made an unannounced visit. If it is kept under the radar, then there are not enough people screaming to make a difference. [3] The purpose of the decennial census is to apportion the 435 members in the U.S. House of Representatives among the several states. I'm paid 400 goats and a chest of elderberries in barter for my services. Don't be paranoid, it's only a few questions a lot of people already know about you anyway. I asked them what does my birthday have to do with enumeration count of my household? If you believe you are being unduly harassed by a Census Bureau employee, either by telephone or in person, it is in your best interestto carefully document the time, place and manner of the incidents and file a complaint with the U.S. Census Bureau. ", Where did this information come from and why is it on the news? The times they are a-changing. Remember Germany. And then I get this BS from a government agency? I also, as many of you, returned my census form (as I should and as the Constitution requires) but this has gone so far over the line that it's ridiculous. I say, good luck with that. [18] i feel like a jew in germany when these goons come knocking. My husband sent him away as we were eating. I want to know how long these temp workers are going to be employed? You wouldn't be getting personal visits and/or phone calls from these Census workers right now. In the case of direct taxes (a direct tax is a tax on property based on ownership), this provision requires Congress to apportion the tax among the individual States based on population. Q: Is there a penalty for refusing to answer American Community Survey questions? Make your own mind up as to what your world should be -- it's that simple. FCPS will be seeking input on the progress of this work via a survey for parents/caregivers and community members, and a feedback opportunity for staff. they have called me several times and asked what I did with it. The ability of our federal government to properly train temporary, and permanent, employees in PII and cyber security are not well represented in recent historical accounts. Jun 2022 - Present10 months. We said in Boyd v. U.S., 116 U. S. 616, 630, 6 Sup. Ignore any paperwork they send you, hang up if they call you, demand they leave your property if they come to your home. It is just such a sick country now. While talking to the ACS lady on the phone I found out they didn't have a complete address and had sent me a form.