bluestar and oakheart in starclan

A few moons after becoming a warrior, she begins to stay in the nursery full-time to help the other queens raise their children. Bluekit and Snowkit: LET'S GO! Bluestar's Death: Bluestar blinked open her eyes. Yellowfang shot. So familiar, like when we were kits" Mistyfoot meowed, Stonefur nodded smiling. "Im so glad we meet again old friend." "Oh, Bluestar. AmazingWarriorCats. It is noted that they are mates in StarClan . Chapter Text. Oakheart was a strong, promising RiverClan tom and the brother of the great leader, Crookedstar. "I came to sleep with you." Bluestar is a lithe blueish-gray she-cat with light blue eyes. "Bluestar! Redtail trotted over to the two and Bluestar turned her head away. 5 Bluestar x Oakheart. Want to edit and see less ads? "Yeah, but you can always try. Oakheart: I keep you, but you are not a tool, and the warrior code says you save the equipment. (puts on Lady Gaga sunglasses). What brings you here?" Bluekit: (Morphes back to normal) Better. Snowkit: (Stops crying out of the corner) Yay! Forever. But you have to buy me food from mc kittys! Bluekit: Snowkit, I will destroy Tokyo like Godzilla! [ I don't own the cover art ] An AU where Bluestar never broke up with Oakheart, and Rusty and Princess are born in their second litter of kits! "But a hidden mother" Yellowfang shot Bluestar an angry glance. And what was probably more real to him than either; the gifted leader who had done what she felt was best and borne the pain of it alone. *******Bluestar looked down at Dovepaw. Bluestar's world was swirling around her and she was back in StarClan. It is for the best. Oakheart pushed the fish over to Bluestar. She walks with our ancestors now, in StarClan. "Cinderpelt!" Many cat were by me and smiling, I saw my sister Snowfur, my mother Moonflower, my father Stormtail and my kit; Mosskit. "Firestar has been with them for many seasons, every cat has their time." Fireheart always was the fire that saved our Clan and I was proud. Oakheart is beyond charming! Oakheart glanced over to me and gasped. Oakheart was loyal to both Bluestar and his clan, he didn't expose Bluestar, kept it a secret that the two had kits. Oakheart was a strong, promising RiverClan tom and the brother of the great leader, Crookedstar. "You are my moon." Hollyfrost and Willowpaw debate who wouldve been a better mate for Bluestar. Love can lead a cat so far astray that it becomes too late to turn back. Leopardkit: I can't wait! "Don't loose your faith, ThunderClan will be fine." Her soul came out of her body waiting for some cat to lead her to StarClan. "As big as StarClan." Bluestar looked down at it and took a nibble out of it. (Get Iceberg and Pool), Snowkit: That's right ma'am! "Four will become two, Lion and Tiger will meet in battle, and Blood will rule the forest.". Bluestar yowled. "But how?" I looked down at Firestar, he lost a life now. Bluestar soon became pregnant, and had her and Patchpelt's kits. Warriors Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. "I'll never give up on anything." "I believe you Bluestar" Oakheart meowed. I can't be what I want to be. Yet she is baffled when, seasons later, RiverClan breaks what is supposed to be a time of peace with a devastating fight for Sunningrocks. ===Chapter Four=== Bluestar padded over to Cinderpelt many StarClan spirits surrounding her. The fish landed at the RiverClan tom's paws and he killed it with a killing blow. You are the fourth apprentice." ===Chapter Seven=== "Jayfeather, Hollyleaf, Lionblaze, and." Bluestar stopped. "How do you think Firestar will react?" a sandy gray tom asked. In the Great Battle, she sacrifices herself to defend the nursery from Brokenstar . Bluestar lickedOakheart's cheek and pushed herself in Oakheart's fur gently. Bluestar turned to Oakheart "it's ok I'll go to Stonefur and Crookedstar" Oakheart replied and padded to his son and his brother, then Bluestar and Mosskit goes to Snowfur "hey Snowfur" greeted Bluestar "oh hey Bluestar and hello Mosskit" Snowfur meowed "hello Snowfur" said Mosskit "can you teach me some hunting tricks?" Snowkit: Let's eat vegetables that can kill us! so, i think bluestar shouldve chosen thrushpelt because he was in her clan, and it would just be so much easier for both of them. StarClan are the deceased warrior ancestors of the Clans who live on in spirit form after dying, and watch over the living Clan cats. As the night falls Bluestar and Oakheart spends time together in harmony. Snowkit: Let's count the elders for stories! (shares language with Dapplepaw). Dog! Bluestar pressed her flank against his. But beware! Bluestar to Firestar about StarClan not ruling the forest. Snowfur laid her tail on Bluestar's shoulder. "Long time no see!" Expecting another uproar that didn't come he explains how he'd hoped to become deputy but Bluestar chose Lionheart and when he died to ShadowClan he got his wish but the power wasn't enough so he made attempts on Bluestars life and says he believes Cinderpaws accident by Thunderpath was a trap set for Bluestar which Cinderpaw is left agape by. i think bluestar did love thrushpelt- but just as a friend. Bluestar purred back. "I just hope I made the right choice for Onewhisker." Come over to Moonflower! Bluestar gave him his life. Redtail called out. she may have not loved him as she loved oakheaert, but as i said before, bluestar even said she couldve been happy with him.. "Leave me alone Spottedleaf, you're worth nothing, all you do is moon over Firestar" Spottedleaf's pelt bristled. "I'm glad you're back" She purred. Stone: COME FROM MY RING! "It's sad enough the Cinderpelt had to die because of that but don't blame it on Leafpool and the kits." Everyone didn't say anything. "But he did, he saved your Clan. My spirit headed down to Stonefur quickly, Stonefur was forced to kill Featherpaw and Stormpaw. Welcome to the Warriors Wiki! "I'm sorry I didn't pay much attention to you and Snowfur," he mewed to the blue-grey she-cat. Brightspirit flicked her tail. I HAVE A SET OF OIL! She was a proud and deeply committed leader. Slowly the three StarClan cats faded leaving Leafpool alone. Leafpool wailed. The Ultimate Guide: Updated and Expanded Edition, Gray Wing and Moth Flight during the first leadership ceremony, Jayfeather and Yellowfang about StarClan. Stonefur watched his sister from StarClan. come on! When the clans face a terrible blight, trespassing twolegs, and an unanswering Starclan . They late get their warrior names, Mistyfoot and Stonefur. characters by Erin Hunter art by me Image details Image size 1024x768px 575.33 KB 2016 - 2023 Comments 70 Join the community to add your comment. At first, she raised Mistykit, Stonekit, and Mosskit in ThunderClan with Thrushpelt as the acting father; however, in order to become deputy instead of the ambitious Thistleclaw, whom she feared would destroy ThunderClan, she gave up her kits to Oakheart to live in RiverClan, and on the journey there, Mosskit perished. All Oakheart and Bluestar wanted was to be with each other but Oakheart was from Riverclan and Bluestar was from Thunderclan. Top 5 Cats with HUGE insecurities by Riverspirit, Was Goosefeather really delusional? Cats can learn to follow the warrior code, but they cannot always learn to have the compassion and courage that comes from faith. Bluestar shouted and Oakheart turns around then Bluestar pinned Oakheart happily "what's this about?" "Pinestar." by WildKat, Silver Clouds Shining At Dusk (Silverdusk) Shadedpaw's Happy Mentor SAVE THE TIGERS Running for SW! Just remember to come and see me!" We will stay there for a month. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Moonflower licked the tear. Two because they are evil. Stonefur meowed. "But it's so early! 34.5K Views. Moonflower meowed. "They will live, with hope and faith. The figure of a cat formed and the cats tensed. #SoCWeek11 <=====> Introduction Character Design Oakheart meowed. She walked over to a pool and jumped in,she didn't like water but it was the only way to get to ThunderClan close up. I was finally in the stars, at StarClan. I watched Mistyfoot and Stonefur sharing tongues with my body. Everything became silent. i know she wouldve died anyways, but not as slow as she did. Patchkit: You will be my victim and I will catch you! "But he was the fire that would save our Clan!" Fireheart was on the Highrock,a meeting was just started. It's like eating. Oakheart purred. "Moonflower? come on! Every month: Hold the rats so I can kiss you! Leafpool took a step back. "Down with the bloody cat killer. Warmth spread through her. Among the StarClan cats, she noticed Moonflower, Stormtail and Snowfur. "Cinderpelt, you will be joining StarClan very soon." There will be many times that he will, but soon another cat will take care of the Clan, and Firestar will walk the paths of StarClan with us." Moonflower explained "yes I do love your daughter and I will not leave her, I will always be on her side" Oakheart meowed "you are loyal to both clan and Bluestar, I saw how you did everything for her you take care of your kits and save her from drowning to meet her kits and die. I see you again." "Your Clan.". best foods to regain strength after covid; retrograde jupiter in 3rd house; jerry brown linda ronstadt; storm huntley partner "Cinderpelt! It ended in a sigh. The results for this wintry gathering! She had grieved for herself because she had to leave Crowfeather. Bluestar meowed. "I have no hope." "Everyone forgives you" She meowed quietly. They started to talk, stargaze, play fought and groom each other like they used to. Bluestar dipped her head, the four cats started to glow. However, it seems that they are only willing to do it in specific instances given that Tigerheart was needed to reunite. "Oakheart!" I gasped. Do you want to leave the camp to visit the area without caring for your pig sister? This should've never happened. (T)Thistleclaw: A white tom with dark gray and gray splotches. Wanna come?" This page contains the complete family lineage of Bluestar, and contains all known ancestors and descendants. Monthly: Let my daughter hear us and smell sleep. On one paw he could picture the young warrior. "Brambleclaw needs you Bluestar, about the new territory." Bluestar: IT DIDN'T HAPPEN !!!!! "ThunderClan!" It almost seemed they were close enough to touch it. Save yourself! Snowkit: All right! But Blackfoot padded over to Stonefur and tackled him. WARNING!!!! Among the StarClan cats, she noticed Moonflower, Stormtail and Snowfur. It was a dark night for thunderclan and riverclan, as the battle under sunning rocks have consumed warriors, leaving only a few standing with bodies of cats around the place, luckily some cats have survived under the merciful gaze of the riverclan leader allowing this to all end. Hello Bluekit. It's fine! I hope they have a happy life in . Firestar, you and every cat have the choice of whether or not to follow the warrior code. You can choose your teacher. I'll always come back. I dont want to, its you. I'm sorry Redtail, but I can't give faith or hope. Secret Escape", Mistyfoot sighed. "Leafpool," She croaked. "Oakheart!" Patchpaw. Redtail shook his head in sorrow. Bluekit: (gives change to Pinestar) Here you go! We hid from the sick cats! Snowkit: (Pouches Bluekit) Awake! Bluestar nodded and walked away. Bluestar ignored them and saw Oakheart come over. The first image is what Bluestar sees: that StarClan has left her to lead a clan of traitors. "Maybe, but Mudclaw would put your Clan in danger." . The words stung in Bluestar's mind. Bluestar didn't answer. "How do you think Firestar will react?" It was a graceful day in Starclan since Bluestar was reunited with her kin. Biography Bluestar's Prophecy Bluekit and her sister Snowkit are born to Moonflower and Stormtail. Well, okay, then. Luckily Bluestar became mates with Oakheart again in Starclan, thank goodness! Larksong: I'm going to teach you gibberish! Bluestar asked alomost in tears. I am the only one who has noticed that there are tools here! Mistyfoot and Stonefur: AAHHH! If we send Lionheart back - then that'll mean Lionheart will have to leave us and never come back!" Bluestar looked at her mate and smirked. I think that it's because she is charmed. Poor young warrior. Bluestar thought seeing Silverstream walk over to her kit and lick her ear. They looked younger than Bluestar remembered. there will be three, kin of your kin, who hold the power of the stars in their paws, Erin Hunter Answers Your Questions Summer 2011, Kate Answers Questions: No Preamble and Reincarnation, StarClan was able to resurrect Tigerheart, showing they are able to bring cats back from the dead. Bluestar spat. She meowed softly. Unexpected warrior: AHHHH PIANO! Whitestorm flexed his claws now back to his well groomed fur, instead of the matted blood stained pelt. "So will I my love, we will walk with her forever"*******Bluestar gasped seeing Firestar loose another life to foxes. We can have sleep parties and talk about the boys and put on make-up - Uhh Dapplepaw: Once you start taking orders you have to buy your own cosmetics. Snowkit: I want to stay but bossy mc heavy pants go. I was filled with sorrow. "No." Redtail rested his tail on her shoulder. Bluestar smiled, happy to see the former leader, again. Stonepelt: It's Stonepelt, do you want a father who doesn't care? (which is 555 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 001 seeds) yummy! Bluestar looked at Feathertail, she had just joined StarClan a few moons ago like Tallstar. "Dovepaw." "Do not give up, you will be a medicine cat like no other, walking in the pawsteps of past medicine cats." from the story Warriors: The Return Of The Greatest Heroes by CrazyFlamefur (Flamefur) with 2,660 reads. Also included in a three-pack bundle with the rest of. "I feel bad for Cinderpelt" Bluestar meowed to Snowfur the next day. Oakheart turned his head while he's sitting on a rock "Moonflower and Stormtail wanted to talk to you" Bluestar said with a happy gaze and Oakheart is somehow nervous in the inside but felt a nudge from Bluestar "go on" and Oakheart goes off. The pixel artwork is fanart based on the canon description; undefined traits are left to the artist's, This section summarizes Bluestar's significant. Now go to sleep! SkyClan's Destiny Snowfur appears only breifly, when the SkyClan ancestors and StarClan are reunited for a night. "She lives another life!" Oh Snowfur Why in these hard times? While Frostpaw did speak to Curlfeather's spirit while visiting the Moonpool, Frostpaw later questions her connection with StarClan later in the book. Bluestar gave him his life. I wish they could. 6 I thought this was an interesting question. "Only a matter of time before it happens, the badger is coming." Bluestar rushed forward. A red, tawny shape flew out of the pool and dashed to Crookedstar. She watched the badgers snarl and slash at the cats, in horror Bluestar wailed, but nobody could hear her. Whitestorm continued. Bluestar was a leader of ThunderClan in the forest territories. Hello Brightspirit, long time since I've seen you." Thrushpelt padded over to her. Why did I leave you!?" As she let her eyesight adjust, she bent down to lap at its crystal depths. Spottedleaf retorted. Moonflower: Cool. Darkstripe was killed when he attacked Firestar, he was killed by Graystripe as he defended his great friend. "You will have to be the best medicine cat you can be, never the other." "Thanks," he purred. Was bluestar there when oakheart died? Bluestar asked "Moonflower and Stormtail is calling you" Oakheart meowed and Bluestar goes off. Oakheart meowed back and as the wind ruffles their fur. ", Stonefur let sorrow fill his mind. "But you have the hope inside my darling, I can feel it." I saw Stonefur but never you!". Moonflower purred. Bluestar: FORGIVE ME OR WASH YOURSELF UNTIL THE NEXT MEETING!!!!!! "When you go to the next gathering, I bet my fresh-kill he's gonna ask you . But now you are gone Bluestar was lying down by Oakheart looking down at her Clan. "I said stop!" Larksong: Oh see! Approximately 7cm with an anti-stress bean filling. "You." When Blustar recieves her nine lives, Snowfur gives Bluestar one of her lives; the life of pride. She was born with Moonflower and Stormtail as her parents, and a sister named Snowkit. "Bluestar!" Once the deputy, during a battle over Sunningrocks he perished from a rock slide. I watched Mistyfoot and Stonefur sharing tongues with my body. The cats of StarClan faded away and Bluestar told him about the hill of bones and the prochey,Four will become two,lion and tiger will meet in battle,and blood will rule the forest.She faded back to StarClan. "Im dead Spottedleaf." Tallstar glanced to Bluestar. Bluestar raced after her sister. "The Clans will live. "Oh. She closed her eyes. 2010-10-18 22:57:46. She has a silver muzzle and a large scar across her shoulders. Bluekit: You apologize for ME?! [1] There is no specific leader for StarClan since there are many cats from all five Clans that work together. I think I've seen him before. What has my life come to. ===Chapter Eight=== I am a spirit, I am worth nothing. Bluestar-shippings. Only Fireheart and CInderpelt could see her. She asked. Bluestar smiled and looked at him as he sat down. "You are more than a StarClan cat." Registered users will be able to edit pages, will only see ads on the Main Page, and more. Having you around kept her memory alive. Bluestar felt tears run down her cheek. Oakheart shook his head. Do Not Enter. You carried the same scent and sometimes, even now, I see my mother in the twitch of your whiskers or the flick of your tail. Each cat will be treated like they were prized." Once they've finished eating Bluestar got up "where are you going?" Bluestar looked off into the distance. They shouted at the same time. "Oh Honeyfern, why did you have to get bitten by that snake?" Bluestar was truly happy for her kin, especially her mate Oakheart, whom she didn't stop loving andnow that they are together in Starclan, nothing will break them apart! After Sunstar's death, she became leader as Bluestar. Snowkit: (Eat the other half of the salmon) Now let's worry about the elders for the story! It only seems like yesterday since you've came here, and yet so many other cats have joined StarClan." My fur bristled. Bluestar: Oh, I'm choking on squirrels! [2] They are responsible for sending signs and omens to the living cats. (jumps in) AHHHH! The little medicine cat could never fulfil her life as a warrior. No cat will be forgotten. Whitestorm yowled. She'd like to see you." "Those were my thoughts on it," Bluefur said as she purred in laughter. While in StarClan, she granted Firestar, Blackstar, Mistystar, and Bramblestar one of their nine lives. Hollyleaf's Expecting Kits? Curlfeather's placement in StarClan is uncertain. Bluefur takes her three young kits to Riverclan, but Mosskit dies in the cold snow. are bluestar and oakheart mates in starclan. Copy. Spottedleaf silenced. 2010-11-22 02:09:03. its been awhile since i read bluestars prophecy (its also my fav book), but i think bluestar loved oakheart more than any other tom. (goes to the corner and grumbles), Bluekit and Snowkit: Grandpa foo-foo, look at our shadow! I WANT TO ASK FOR EDUCATION!! "I can see why. Snowkit: They are not yet born. Bluekit: I'm special, Bluekit, and this is my sister completing the film, Snowkit. Tallstar padded up. Leafpool again stood before Bluestar. oakheart came and brought her to starclan. Cedarstar: (wake up tortured) OOOOOVVV!!!!!! the sandy-grey warrior said. Oh Leafpool What have you done? Specialists in Home Improvement. An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works 1.6K Favourites. Kate thinks that StarClan only exists because warriors invented them. Bluekit: Get out of my dreams you loony! Its been a little while but Im glad to be back I am Lilybreeze, and I have a ton of news to catch *drumrolls* at last, the moment all you wonderful folks have been waiting for! I started to pad away. No! Some of The Cutest and Funniest Names in Warriors! Cinderpelt! "Hello Tallstar." A black notebook with an image of Bluestar from. Duskfur even questions if Frostpaw did speak to her mother as her behavior was noted to be unusual. She sighed. Description. Wait- you sunflower equipment. Let your jaw do the work. so hollyfrost and i are debating, and im debating on the side that bluestar shouldve chosen thrushpelt! I need to go!" She saw so many familer and unfamiler pelts. Monthly: I'll apologize if that's what you want. Without a answer he led Bluestar to StarClan. Juniper was kicked outside, her flank throbbing with pain. In a blink of a eye she saw the reddish brown coat of Oakheart,her love. She could think of only one reason: so that Bluefur could leave the nursery and take over as Clan deputy instead of Thistleclaw. its me hollyfrost back with another article! Scourge had killed Tigerstar and Snowfur had led Whitestorm into StarClan after Bone had killed him. "You did the right thing. i honestly think oakheart was right for her because it just feels like they were made for each other. "No cat left behind!" Riverspirit wonders what really happened to Goosefeather. After becoming a warrior, Bluefur raised Whitekit, Snowfur's kit, as her own after the death of her sister, and Bluefur fell for a RiverClan warrior, Oakheart, becoming pregnant with his kits. Bluestar completed her sentence. Heres a small Riverspirit lists characters that had insecurities that affected their lives. Snowkit: (wakes up) NO! Bluestar (at the time bluefur) finds Oakheart on sunningrocks which at that time was thunderclan territory. His clear amber eyes landed on my bright blue ones. Despite warnings from Fireheart, Bluestar trusted her deputy, Tigerclaw, until he tried to murder her during a battle, and she banished him, which sent her into a depressive state and turned against StarClan. anyway, great arguments! Bluestar is a sleek blue-silver she-cat with a silver muzzel. Bluekit: (Trees through the tree) Wake up! Snowkit: I don't know but look at the food! Now and forever." document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Bluefur would have picked thrushpelt he keeps trying his best to please her and he loves her more than anything. Firestar dipped his head. Official art "This would've never happened if Leafpool didn't run off with Crowfeather!" Approximate individual price is $9.99 USD, and the three-pack bundle is $27.99 USD. GO ON! Approximate individual price is $12.99 USD, and the three-pack bundle is $38.97 USD. Snowfur pressed her pelt to Whitestorm's. "I should've protected your mother instead of Dappletail. I think Spottedleaf and (if she's dead) Sandstorm will, because I think the cat's love or leader, or friend guides them. They then slowly walked away. Goosefeather Butterfly: You HAVE THE BEST PROBLEM! I see the stars becuase that just what I am. And then there is Bluestar (left) and Oakheart (right). We send omens and dreams to the medicine cats. Bluestar purred. Google Translate Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. I also have coins and a Snowkit hit! "Shes old and sick, soon Mistyfoot will become leader." Now the forest is at peace.". She is now Cinderheart! Goosefeather gave her a prophecy, though she didn't think much of it. Here is another place where we can get into trouble! Bluestar had greeted the new StarClan cat. Yellowfang lashed her tail in fury, her pelt bristling. she may have not loved him as she loved oakheaert, but as i said before, bluestar even said "she could've been happy with him.". That should not bother you Bluestar." I haven't seen you since my first moon in StarClan!" Snowkit Out I'm hot and I have to be cool to make this story awesome! "Bluestar," I heard a meow that made me jump. Bluestar watched him. Leopardkit: Jellybeans taste delicious!!!!!!!!!!! "And who may that be?" Goosefeather Kits: You will die from the beans! Bluestar clawed the ground getting rid of all the thoughts replacing them. Snowkit: only 555 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 001. Bluestar meowed fading away before Cinderpelt's spirit appeared. (State and stand up) REQUIRED FLUFFY TAIL! You'll see Moonflower, Snowfur, Oakheart, Sweetpaw. Before I knew, there was a pile of blood and bones, Firestar looked terrified. NOW be quiet now and go to sleep! Squirrelflight was not Hollyleaf, Lionblaze, and Jayfeather's mother. "Me?!" Bluestar looked down at the Clans her eyes blazing. "Fightning for their Clan." I shook her head. Thank you Bluestar. Bluestar was suprised to hear the medicine cat's reply. Stormtail looked at Bluestar. Bluestar smiled. "Like how we had to keep Cinderpelt reborn as Cinderkit a secret!" "Stonefur, my kit. Spottedleaf took a step back. Gasping I opened my eyes. We watch, but we do not interfere. Her pelt ruffled in the breeze she looked at the moon. This answer is: (Walk in lift. Raggedstar stood beside him. I've been looking all around StarClan for you! also thrushpelt loved bluestar. Her fur was no longer wet, and she wasn't gasping for breath! Snowkit: Meh. Clan information "We're going to give Firestar his nine lives today." Goosefeather to Bluepaw foreseeing her destiny. Snowfur sighed. "Yes" She meowed and padded away. Thrushpelt smiled also. Bluestar purred. Bluestar purred. Fireheart: Even if you break the warrior code and try to leave StarClan, I will save you. Whitestorm dipped his head. Now we would always be together in starclan. He and his brother were very close, but when Stormkit broke his jaw, Oakkit was suddenly favored by their mother. Bluestar was alone. Best Answer. Bluestar touched noses with the former medicine cat and she started to glow, she then dissapeared into a small light and was gone. Copyright 2023. come on! Spottedpaw's thoughts when Bluefur gives up her kits. "Bluestar," Spottedleaf started. She bumped into a cat. Leopardkit: I show you two new devices around the camp even though Bluekit also doesn't want me! A few moons passed and one day Stonefur joined starclan. I love you, Bluefur. Redtail meowed softly. "Look at yourself! That makes them witchcraft! [1] There is no specific leader for StarClan since there are many cats from all five Clans that work together. Bluestar whipped his tail off. (Cough). But she's still watching you, as closely as she ever did. But, we all know that your mate shouldn't charm you just to do what they want. Mosskit asked "to Snowfur wanna come?" "Thanks" A tear rolled from her eye. "Firestar, you can do this! Oakheart's whiskers twitched. Many ThunderClan cats were snarling at them, but Fireheart, almost going to be leader was keeping them away. She'll never leave you, Bluepaw. I am just a gazer that watches nothing. Stormtail: (sees the marker) Oh those?