canada first romana didulo

She tours Canada in a recreational vehicle, accompanied by an entourage. Must be comprehensible Re: Provincial/Territorial Medical Health Officers Relievedfrom public duties and responsibilities. She gained followers in 2021 after being endorsed by popular QAnon influencers. [6][14][25][26], Conspiracy theories and the Kingdom of Canada, Last edited on 26 February 2023, at 17:54, Integrated National Security Enforcement Teams, "How the self-proclaimed 'Queen of Canada' is causing true harm to her subjects", "QAnons Are Harassing People at the Whim of a Woman They Say Is Canada's Queen", "Inside the QAnon Queen's Cult: 'The Abuse Was Non-Stop', "Canada still headed by Justin Trudeau and Queen Elizabeth II", "Une conspirationniste canadienne notoire interpelle par la GRC", "Daphne Bramham: The absurd and disturbing tragedy of Romana Didulo", "The QAnon Queen Is Telling Her Followers to Shoot Migrants", "The 'QAnon Queen' Told Her Followers to Arrest Cops. [16] The number of people who were subscribing to Didulo's Telegram account varies, but is most commonly estimated at 60,000 or 70,000. If a post is accusatory without one shred of evidenceits the devil. Didulos speeches are filled with fantastical stories, including how she became the reigning monarch of Canada. ", She is currently on a crowd-funded tour using a rented RV with her followers, doing meet and greets in Canada. Canadian Anti Hate Network - Some have even said they have been threatened with physical violence or death. This power is not unusual for beings of her race, she says. [16], Didulo has not been universally adopted within the QAnon movement, with some influencers warning she might be a government operative tasked with discrediting the movement. As of this year, February 2021, I am the Head of State and Commander in Chief of Canada The Republic. Smith said Didulo was virtually unknown until this spring, when her posts railing against COVID-19 vaccinationsbegan to be re-shared with followers of QAnon, a baseless conspiracy theory thatpaints former U.S. president Donald Trump as a warrior against a supposed child-trafficking ring run by celebrities and "deep state" government officials. 4:00And for those individuals and groups who many not know, know this: Inside the Republic the penalty for Crimes Against Humanity, Treason, Economic sabotage and Bio Terrorismis death. Decree 24 stated that electricity became free in Canada, while Decree 23 declared water bills were now illegal. Vice also reported that some have gotten into financial and emotional trouble after following her decree to stop paying utilities, with those who followed being slapped with late fees and mounting interest. These groups of people have given up their time and energy, working tirelessly and sharing information, awakening their fellow Canadians and people around the globe. Image of Romana Didulo via Twitter Several of her former followers organized into a group that monitors her activities, warning communities she's travelling to. Normal Gossip delivers juicy, strange, funny, and utterly banal gossip about people youll never know and never meet. When she first read theletter, pharmacist Kristen Watt was inclined to simply laugh it off. No foul language Please email us at [] and well forward your email to the author. As they see it, they are entitled to free money and utilities. Didulo had once ordered on Telegram to kill those who facilitate COVID-19 vaccinations, Vice reported. Followers of Filipino QAnon influencer Romana Didulo, who claims to be the newly installed Queen of Canada, obeyed her request to meet in Peterborough, Canada, and arrest police officers. Now Didulos American adherents are set on trying to carry out her orders outside of Canada, starting in the United States. Didulo's public persona underwent a series of rapid changes since she started producing video interventions in 2020: leader of a non-registered political party called Canada1st, to head of state of a Canadian republic, to Queen of Canada with high-level extraterrestrial connections. Click on the image above then go to Specials to see discounted stock. "Discovering that she is not the Queen of Canada will not end the movement or the network she has built," said Smith. Janelle Shoihet said the Mounties could not confirm whether Didulo was detained or any details of her account. Queen Romana's Royal Decrees "Please take control of all newspaper, radio and television stations. She promises full access to these beds, complete with their miracles, to all of her followers. The Daily Beast couldnt reach Didulo or Carlson for comment. I, Queen Romana Didulo, of Canada hereby relievefrom public duties and responsibilities and declare vacant their offices in all Ten (10)Provinces andthree (3) Territories of Canada, all Regional School Board Officers/Trustees,effective this day July 5, 2021. Want to discuss? If you wish to receive the daily Operation Disclosure Newsletter, it is included in the monthly subscription. She says she renamed the city of Victoria Queen Romana City and Prince Edward Island to Province of Queen Romana.. [10], Didulo has made a number of unsubstantiated claims, such as the claim that she is an extraterrestrial with access to secret, New Age healing technology,[5][11] that she has abolished utility bills or other debts[4][12] and has ended adrenochrome extraction in Canada. T. including an armed standoff in Massachusetts in July 2021. her philosophies and teachings offer a justification for thievery, Like most followers of conspiracy theorists espousing outlandish falsehoods. Thats why Didulos rise must not be ignored. Others have followed Didulos orders to deliver bogus cease-and-desist notices to Canadian police demanding that they stop enforcing pandemic mandates. Advertisement ____________________________________________________________________ And, IF, convicted will receive the death penalty. All statements, claims, views and opinions that appear on this site are always presented as unverified and should be discerned by the reader. ", Another November 22 post said: "I will be glad to grant you that Canadian citizenship after all ducks have been tucked away permanently.". See for privacy information. I DM no one. Website: Why that matters, Ottawa split on when to warn of foreign election interference attempts, report author says, Angry parents speak out on their daughter who froze to death on N.S. In response, some followers have stopped paying their bills, have had their utilities shut off and lost their homes. They also have a proclivity for violence, as demonstrated by a number of high-profile incidents, including an armed standoff in Massachusetts in July 2021. She brags about being a dictator. There are no comments yet. [24], Peterborough mayor Diane Therrien became embroiled in a minor controversy after stating "fuck off, you fuckwads." Im Romana Didulo. [4][5], Because of her frequent calls for violent action, her proven ability to incite her followers to take concrete actions on her behalf, and her continuous attempts to estabilish a competing government to the internationally recognized one in Ottawa, she has been identified as one of the most dangerous QAnon influencers in Canada by researchers following the movement. Gold, Silver, and Copper. She espouses a dogma comprised of a mixture of QAnon conspiracy theories, pseudo-legal sovereign-citizen beliefs and new age spirituality. The so-called Queen of Canada has spent months calling for the arrests and killings of anyone involved with Canadas rollout of COVID-19 vaccines, according to the Anti-Hate Network, which has published post it says were posted by her. According to those who travelled with her, Didulo exhibits authoritarian and abusive behaviour toward members of her team, with experts warning this fits some of the signifiers of a cult-like behaviour. Some volunteers who quit, or simply displeased her, were threatened with execution. Global News has not independently verified that Didulo made the alleged threats. Ive received accusatory disgusting replies to my posts and blogs about Charlie from people trying to malign him.They are deep state demon shills and bots that are practically hysterical because the cabal has lost power in most areas except the MSM and Social Media. In her letters and online postings Romana Didulo claims to be the 'sovereign of the republic of Canada' and demands that vaccinations and other measures to control the COVID-19 pandemic be stopped. Links: They can only complain. If you wish to contact the author of this article. Control the border, land sea and sky. And for those individuals and groups who many not know, know this: Inside the Republic the penalty for Crimes Against Humanity, Treason, Economic sabotage and Bio Terrorismis death. They are drawn to her because of greed. The U.S. The movement is anti-government in nature, and its followers believe theyre immune from the laws of their government. [4][6][8][9] She regularly solicits donations through social media. 7:27I urge you to consider very very carefully your options because should the time come when the Head of State and Commander in Chief of the Republic of Canada, and that is I, must sign your execution papers for these crimes against the RepublicI will do so. And that following has shown its willingness to follow her orders, no matter how crazy they may seem. It must be quite difficult to plan a meeting when 99.9999 % of the most #prominent_members and #proponents are all 6 feet below the ground. Didulo has also shared posts encouraging her U.S. followers, whom she has called "duck hunters," to enter Canada and take over key government buildings and carry out mass arrests of police, school staff, doctors and others. So thank you for your service to Humanity. Didulo also said she had been detained for Telegram posts that encouraged people to kill medics who administered the COVID-19 vaccine to young adults and children. Same day as we receive a boatload of . [6], To effectuate these claims, Didulo has issued a number of what she calls "decrees" supposedly outlawing various actions by governments and financial institutions. Please email us at [] and well forward your email to the author. I first watched this video of Romana Didulo, the Sovereign Head of State and Commander-in-Chief of the Sovereign Republic of Canada, on Nicholas Veniamins Telegram page a few days ago and just now found it posted on YouTube. All they have to do is believe that the real leader of Canada and the world is a shape-shifting alien, a starseed from Arcturia. rose to popularity over the last two years after several QAnon influencers confirmed that she had sovereign power over Canada, growing over 70,000 followers on the instant messaging platform Telegram. She claimed recently that Russian President Vladimir Putin, a close friend, had personally gifted her an autographed watch. Around the same time the Canada 1st Party of Canada also launched their official Facebook page. Didulo has nearly 66,000 followers, known as "I AMs.". She is the leader of a fictitious government called the "Kingdom of Canada", led by the Canada1st Party, an unregistered political party in Canada of which she is the founder. Twitter: Facebook: She is currently on a crowd-funded tour using a rented RV with her followers, doing meet and greets in Canada. Youtube: Credits:,

The official podcast of the HBO Original Limited Series, We Own This City. Why is it important to subscribe? Romana Didulo, who often refers to herself as the "Queen of Canada," made the claim on a YouTube video. She put up a recruiting and consulting agency in 2007, the Guardian added. They want to stop paying the mortgage company, but still hold onto their homes. border. We do not endorse any opinions expressed on this website and we do not support, represent or guarantee the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any content posted on this website. Newsweek has also found numerous posts in which Didulo encourages "duck hunters" to join a private Telegram group chat called "Canadian Duck Hunters," which had 127 members as of Thursday morning. One former follower said Didulo threatened them with being shot in the head or being thrown off a helicopter. She tells her followers of her supernatural abilities. Didulo has nearly 66,000 followers, known as I AMs. They are currently raising funds to purchase a new $65,000 RV for their queen. Note:Readers can save 10% off their first order using promo codeINTEL10, Pure Body Extra Strength (Cellular Detox). [4][5][6][7] According to reporter Mack Lamoureux, Didulo's rise in popularity among QAnon adherents was made possible by the fact that "Q", the movement's originator, went silent in late 2020: this allowed Didulo to "[step] into the power vacuum".