iowa students identifying as cats

Alex Murdaugh trial: Murderer sentenced to consecutive life sentences after being found guilty. If a student who identifies as a coyote tries to kill and eat a student who identifies as a cat, is the teacher allowed to interfere? The World Economic Forum has its own police force. Parents and school folk need to put their paws (feet) down and get real. The state's House of Representatives Thursday approved House Bill 1749, which would bar public schools and state colleges and universities from requiring that teachers use students' preferred. I read that a comedian joked how he asks to be regarded with the possessive pronoun there, because he identifies as a place. Why would this be allowed in the school systems anywhere? Everyone should be sympathetic to her plight, but people should not be enabling her delusions. I heard from the same reliable sources that theres this one high school where a couple of girls identify as horses. The story was made up by the TikTok user, who later posted an update expressing her disappointment at how "fake news" is made and affirming that she was not fired. Frankly, with all the unbelievably dopey Tik-Tok challenges out there, its not out of the realm of possibility that some kid, somewhere, has decided to try to emulate a cat to that extreme. Who was Suzanne Morphew's brother David Moorman? Kim Reynolds and some GOP lawmakers are trying again to funnel a significant share of education dollars to private and religious schools. ", USDA is predicting egg prices will be $12 a dozen by fall 2022.. Nearly 13 years after the 2009 Supreme Court marriage ruling, I have yet to see any weddings between a groom and a cockapoo. Fluoride.. In February The Carroll Community School District in Iowa also sent a message to parents saying rumours of them accommodating students identifiying as cats, and adding kitty litter boxes to bathrooms were not true. The inmates cannot continue to run the asylum. If a bunch of teens are willing to eat poisonous laundry pods for a social media post, pooping in sand seems almost harmless by comparison. Texas district debunks GOP hopefuls claim, Fact check: No, a Michigan public school did not provide litter boxes for students identifying as cats. A Michigan school district has debunked a wild claim that a school provided litter boxes for students who identified as "furries" people who dress up as . Fact Check: Cat litter in schools. We rely on the financial support of our readers to exist. It doesnt make sense," she added.But according to Superintendent Mark Martin, a petition isnt needed.He said the costumes violate the school dress code:"A small number of Meade County High School students have violated the dress code policy during the early part of the school year. Accessed 5 Apr. First, there was the news of Bruce Jenner transitioning to become Caitlyn Jenner. The video's creator does appear to be a high school teacher, according to her past videos, but the story is entirely made upironically, as an exercise to "create awareness" of what kids are going through at school, according to other videos posted several days later by the same account. Seriously, Parents are allowing their kids to think they are cats! She continued: "It was addressed by a child a couple of months ago that they are put in an environment where that are kids that identify as a furry cat or a dog or whatever. It looks like it isnt just happening in Iowa, thankfullyI guess? I first did not believe it when my granddaughter told me about this. Last December in Michigan, a parent said she'd heard the same rumors. Answering the Left: But do you know any gay people? If your child thinks they are a cat or a dog then you failed as a parent. 2022. Members of the "furries" fantasy subculture tell The Post they're not wild about this week . Excuse me? You have entered an incorrect email address! A Facebook post says schools are putting litter boxes in bathrooms to accommodate kids who identify as furries. "I don't know if I wanna have children, because of how f***ing nuts this world is now," a YouTube streamer with more than a million followers said, after playing the video. The district denied the allegation, but then just a couple of days later we were told about students identifying as cats in another district. Happy birthday to Nano, and hopefully hell have many more! The litter box rumors spread the notion that if schools will let transgender girls compete on sports teams and use the girls restroom, next theyll be forced to accommodate every other so-called identity, even if it means pet bowls on the cafeteria floors and taking kids out for recess on leashes. "And now schools are wanting to put litter boxes in the schools for these . document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); ***The Iowa Standard is an independent media voice. I'm a real-life furry and my lifestyle is no dirty 'cat litter box' joke. A recent story out of small-town Iowa was getting lots of twitters and titters: The Carroll school superintendent sent out an email to parents to knock down a false rumor that there were litter boxes in school bathrooms to accommodate students who "identify" as cats. Big cities run by Democrats for decades are now supposedly 'ungovernable', HBO's sexploitation is a workers' rights travesty, WATCH: Steven Spielberg likens rise in antisemitism to 'Germany in the '30s', AOC gloats after construction of Virginia Amazon headquarters delayed as company cuts jobs, Alex Murdaugh trial: Watch the key video that could've sealed guilty murder verdict. According to reports, the girl allegedly is phenomenally bright and does not speak during school hours. "They identify with animals. As you would make yourself available to a student with an academic issue or a student who identifies as LGBTQ, making yourself known as a student advocate for all students is essential. This is about stupidity not transphobia. Since then, schools in Iowa . The grandmother is urging parents and family members to attend the Meade County School Board meeting on Sept. 14 to request further action. They should not be allowed to attend school as school is meant for humans. Do your research. A level of psychiatry needs to be initiated before creating accommodations for students who identify as cats. stated on February 24, 2023 in an Instagram post: stated on March 2, 2023 in a speech at CPAC: stated on February 25, 2023 in a Facebook post: stated on February 22, 2023 in a Facebook post: stated on February 26, 2023 in an Instagram post: stated on February 27, 2023 in a Facebook post: stated on February 15, 2023 in a Facebook post: stated on February 26, 2023 in a video on Facebook: All Rights Reserved Poynter Institute 2020, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Youre literally following a rumor mill. Im convinced theyre trying to suck us up into their world of crazy . God, not everything that hurts peoples feelings is wrong. The litter box canard also serves another political purpose: Trying to scare parents. Carroll School District. Im staying calm, but Im not happy about it, and its happened on your watch, and I dont understand it., Heres the video: (It should start at the relevant section, but if it doesnt, Hansen speaks at the 32:44 mark). Top image: A 20-year-old Norwegian woman who identifies as a cat. Spreading widely rumors that there are public school students identifying as cats, and that those students are being accommodated by schools providing kitty litter in the bathrooms. This is saying that kids who; Identify as cats, meow in class, and demand litter-boxes in the bathrooms, arent normal. Then I hear meow! Im like, Okay, whats up with that? I was told by a teacher friend in Georgia that this is true in her state as well. "The rumor is that our schools have litter boxes in the restrooms to accommodate individuals who are self-identifying as animals," Casey Burlau, superintendent of Iowa's Carroll School District . Even more disturbing is the fact that the private school she attends is willing to acknowledge her feline self-identification and permits her to act like a cat in school so long as her behavior doesnt disrupt the class, according to the Herald Sun. Who is Suzanne Morphew and when did she go missing? Hansens claims were picked up and reshared by a state GOP chairwoman, Meshawn Maddock, who warned Parent heroes will TAKE BACK our schools in a Facebook post. For those of you who don't know what a furry is (I certainly didn't before I had them as students), allow me to explain. Many of the challenged books have LGBTQ themes. I pointed out last week that we not only have men who identify as women (and vice versa), but we have whites who identify as blacks and human beings who identify as animals, including cats, dogs, parrots, and even mythical dragons. Everyone Practices Cancel Culture | Opinion, Deplatforming Free Speech is Dangerous | Opinion. There is no truth whatsoever to this false statement/accusation! The issue . by Kathie Obradovich, Iowa Capital Dispatch February 14, 2022. Being an animal lover myself . Go to the fifth roweverybody's there. "I was hearing rumblings of this last year, but it really got bad when they went back to school this year. The latest breaking updates, delivered straight to your email inbox. Stop pretending that everything you hear is an attack of some sort. Like us on Facebook follow us from our main Twitter account at@TheSunUS, 2020 THE SUN, US, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED | TERMS OF USE | PRIVACY | YOUR AD CHOICES | SITEMAP, The bizarre rumor pertains to a school in Michigan's Midland Public Schools District, Parents have claimed that at least one litter box was installed in a unisex bathroom for children who identify themselves as 'furries', Superintendent Michael E. Sharrow outright dismissed the rumors, A parent referenced the bizarre claim in a Dec. 20 meeting, A furry is someone who role-plays or identifies as an animal, or an animal character with human-like characteristics. I just always had a fascination with cats and I felt myself, I'm a cat. First, the obvious, or perhaps not-so-obvious considering the media attention and outrage surrounding both stories: Neither one is true. We rely on the financial support of our readers to exist. ' she said in the TikTok video. The woman says she was born the wrong species. My psychologist told me I can grow out of it, but I doubt it, she told an interviewer. In Iowa, an unsourced, anonymous reportclaimed that school boards were considering placing litter boxes in the bathrooms, while a Canadian public school director took to the mediato connect similar rumors in his []. They are acting just as described in this article. A recent story out of small-town Iowa was getting lots of twitters and titters: The Carroll school superintendent sent out an email to parents to knock down a false rumor that there were litter boxes in school bathrooms to accommodate students who identify as cats. Why Are So Many Gen Z Kids Becoming Furries? It was about a rumor involving an Iowa school. January 11 (as per the video page source), that she is a substitute teacher and details a morning roll call with students. I'm like, 'Okay, what's up with that? A doctor at the Mayo Clinic is misdiagnosing pregnancies of Trump supporters so they have abortions. The one that identifies as a dog has to be taken outside to use the bathroom by a teacher.., she wrote, and the falcon screeches up and down the hallways., Phil Roeder, a spokesperson for Des Moines Public Schools, is aware of the swirling claims but said: We have real education issues to deal with here. CARROLL, Iowa - Rumors are going around in one Iowa town that the school district is allowing students who identify as animals to use litter boxes in bathrooms. Good question! Why did people believe them? document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); ***The Iowa Standard is an independent media voice. Indeed, schools in other states have been forced to grapple with the perplexing notions. A TikTok user in a video that has gone viral claimed falsely that she was fired from a school after failing to respect a student's decision to identify as a cat. Curiously, this is the second piece of misinformation purporting that students are identifying as animals this week. During her comments she stated that litter boxes were provided within MPS student restrooms for those who identify themselves as 'furries. "At the December 20 Board of Education meeting, a community member addressed the Board of Education. Some furries even wear animal costumes or tails in public. Kentucky school district: Students are dressing and acting like cats. "I'm grateful for the people who reached out and asked me about it, but I'm disappointed how fake news is made. Dr. Paul McHugh, former psychiatrist-in-chief and director of the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Science at Johns Hopkins University Hospital (and current distinguished professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences), echoed this sentiment when discussing the medical field and transgender people. More people are discussing students identifying as cats in schools, Iowa Senate Dems pull a McAullife: Call Republicans running for school board literal terrorists, PENCE: Empower Americans to have access to medicines, vaccines they want, let it be their choice, ALIVE: Hands-free while driving bill lingers in legislature, DEAD: Bill prohibiting employers from asking about vax status fails to pass funnel, Constitutional amendment protecting parental rights in education reintroduces by Rep. Lesko, Google dings stories about 'furries,' ineffectiveness of COVID vaccines as violating standards - The Iowa Standard. But the cost of using transgender kids as pawns in the war against teachers unions is much higher. The superintendent tells WLKY the situation is being addressed, but according to a concerned grandparent, its an ongoing problem that has many students on edge. St. Petersburg, FL Therefore, if you identify as a dog or cat you can no longer go to a public school because animals are not allowed. We did not find any credible news reports that support the claim. Texas district debunks GOP hopefuls claim," Jan. 27, 2022, USA Today, "Fact check: No, a Michigan public school did not provide litter boxes for students identifying as cats," Jan. 30, 2022, YouTube, "No, furries don't get litter boxes in school bathrooms | Is This Legit?" Author lied. Occams Razor would indicate she was just chasing clicks. Please consider a one-time sign of support or becoming a monthly supporter at $5, $10/month - whatever you think we're worth! As a Rivals site, does GIA have press credentials? Urinating and defication in a litter box, for others to clean up is unsanitary and quite frankly disgusting. A SCHOOL in Michigan has bizarrely been accused by outraged parents of installing litter boxes in bathrooms for students who identify as cats and dogs. . There is nothing safe and healthy about this. Rumors began to surface that these students were permitted to use litter boxes in bathrooms to. BBC News edited out boos in footage of Boris Johnson arriving at the Queens Platinum Jubilee thanksgiving service. GOP official insists high school installed litter boxes to accommodate students who identify as cats The Michigan Republican Party co-chair is convinced that "furry" students are roaming. "Kids who identify as 'furries' get a litter box in the school bathroom. Sir David Cattenboroughs Newest Documentary Reveals The Elusive Silver-Furred Buddy, Check Out This Beautiful Gallery Of Larry The Cat, PLUS: A New Game Features A Furious Feline, Cat With Gang Tattoos Rescued From Mexican Prison, Up For Adoption. Where did you get your info. In short: This behavior is not related to Furries so please stop lumping a harmless hobby in with an actual mental illness. In a recent interview with Norweigen radio channel NRK P3, a 20-year-old woman says she identifies as a cat. Or incest. Have yall heard about this? Interestingly, the school wrote it doesnt want to discourage or thwart the creativity or individualism of students, but it wants to promote a safe and healthy culture for all kids to feel comfortable. School districts in several states have debunked the claim that they are providing litter boxes in bathrooms. On the October 11 episode of his Joe Rogan Experience Spotify podcast, Rogan claimed that a school "had to install a litter box in the girls room because there is a girl who's a furry, who . Theyre also allowed to bark. And others, who call themselves furries, create animal alter egos and interact with others who do the same. The false claim that children who identify as cats are using litter boxes in school bathrooms has spread across the internet since at least December, when a member of the public brought it up at a . The latest madness is the news of a teenage girl who identifies as a cat the latest example of how self-identification is not necessarily an expression of the healthiest or best thing for someone who needs mental help. Waukee taxpayers voice displeasure at heated meeting. It was about a rumor involving an Iowa school. "President Biden confirm(ed) everyone will receive their $1k gas checks this week!! The Carroll School District. Then, there was the news of Lia Thomas, the male transgender swimmer who competed for the female swimming team at the University of Pennsylvania. A substitute teacher was fired, after refusing to meowat a student that identifies as a catBy not meowing back at the student, she somehow oppressed him. Answering the Left: But do you know any gay people? A woman who was working as a substitute teacher posted a video to social media alleging she was fired by school officials for not "identifying with" a student who "identifies as a cat" after she refused to meow back at the child in class. Suggests root canals are linked to breast cancer. "Vicki McKenna Promotes . It's more about the complexity of neural connections. (KCCI) - A school district in Iowa has been hit with rumors saying that students who "identify as cats" are allowed to use litter boxes in the school restrooms. And have policies ensuring no one mocks them? It's just the latest district to have to address false claims of students identifying as animals. There continue to be tales of students identifying as cats with, well, tails and all. What will happen to immigrants admitted through Bidens illegal parole program? We will need to lock them up and feed them the same food other cats and dogs are fed. '"The grandmother said a petition to end the practice was created by students and has more than 1,000 signatures. 5:55 Rumours about litter boxes in schools for students identifying as cats are false, Norbert Carpenter tells CBC News: Compass host Steve Bruce Litter boxes will not be put in schools on. This is freakn ridiculous! "I will do some more investigation," she added. 2022 03 31 Dr Duke Pesta VFW Hartland. You have entered an incorrect email address! The rumor had also been peddled on Facebook by the co-chair of the Michigan GOP, Meshawn Maddock. But here we are in 2021 and this is happening. We live in a conservative area of North Florida and A LOT of kids in our local middle school are furries. "Teacher fired for not playing along with a student who identifies as a cat. CARROLL, Iowa The Carroll Community School District recently had to put an end to a rumor that it had placed litter box in bathrooms to accommodate student who identify as animals. Im just sayin. Im just embarrassed by what this has gotten to," she said. "The students are told they cant wear hats or Budweiser shirts in school, but they can wear cat ears, cat tails, masks, leashes. #substituteteacher #substitute #teachers #crazy #studentslife #classroomcraziness #lovinglife. Its not make-believe or fantasy. And that is what is missing if you know what I mean. "And so I heard yesterday that at least one of our schools in our town has in one of those unisex bathrooms a litter box for the kids that identify as cats and I'm really disturbed by that.". Her post elicited comments from a former Carroll school board president, Jen Munson, that I warned people during the election about this type of stuff and from an area resident, Tristan Hinners, who claimed that Des Moines has students who say they are a dog and a falcon. Schools are putting litter boxes in bathrooms to accommodate kids who identify as furries. She said the issue gained attention on social media once people started sharing photos and videos of the feline costumes and behavior, "I started getting videos and messages from kids, and I said, 'Ok, Im going to post this so parents know whats going on.'". 2023 Digital IDs were given to residents in East Palestine, Ohio, to track long term health problems like difficulty breathing before the Feb. 3 train derailment. Oh, you are a human? Only rumor. But thats beyond the scope of this blog, which is to celebrate cats, have a laugh and occasionally put the spotlight on animal welfare. Ethan started an online petition to allow transgender students to use public restrooms at Spirit Lake schools on Monday and it has received more than 700 signatures so far. In Michigan, a school superintendent also sent an email to parents to say the claim was false, after a parent stated it. I dont accept sponsored posts and I have a no-politics policy, even for politics-adjacent subjects like this.