it's been 9 months since you passed away

We were married 60 years. I yearn so badly just to be with him. I do not socialize, even at church. Cry everyday and pray everyday for strength and hope. Is this intense feeling bc 1 year, Yes I can relate I lost my dear husband to cancer the same he thought he was a very heath man I was out of town when he just went in for his regular yearly dr apt and they wanted to do more test and he was home along when they told him that he had stage 4 cancer and passed away 2 months later after 52 hours a week of camo and radiation everyday i still really dont understand how it could be just still trying to understand it hold thing most days I still think Im dreaming so I just pray every night and all in the day please god help me threw this and the holidays I hate so I pray that god help me find joy in them again cause right now there is nothing just want them to come and go away fast. For those 7 years since you passed away I've missed your voice, your hugs, your laugh and your face. Im at 15 months 8 days and Ive become a day counter, as if theres some magic milestone I need to reach. The twelve month anniversary of my wifes passing came and I thought I would cope but I totally lost it. I too have felt the way you feel. I pray daily that God would take me so that I could be with my wife. My heart is breaking. I cant function with this . I woke up in Bed a Saturday Morning on the 15th of December 2018 and she passed in her sleep. I lost my dh 1 year 10m ago too. Dont blame yourself please. . It . When Keanu died, I disintegrated physically and mentally. not ever! One Year Death Anniversary. He died in hospice and seeing him in a comma 9 days, and finally passing on still plays in my mind. She battled stage 4-5 cancer for fourteen years. They tell me they are mourning too but are moving forward. Be free. Which is understandable. Its been two years next month since my husband died we were together 52 years we knew each other 56 years. RKD. Cant find any purpose for my life. The pain is awful. My husband was only 51. Your Grief is Terrifying to Those Around You, How to Get a Better Nights Sleep when Grieving,, The second year of grief | How my heart speaks, They came to everything I was involved in from adolescence into adulthood. I feel guilty that I am still mourning the loss after two years of my brother`s passing. Unfortunately I dont have a circle of friends and people I meet seem to think that Im fine as I wear that face which says Im getting on with things ok. I just want to hold my son, tell him I love him, see his beautiful smile not just one more day but forever. My best friend's mother had passed away. It is very hard, being the eldest, the expectations and the norm of just dealing with parents grief is heart breaking. Maybe it is because we all thought if we made it to the first anniversary how could the pain not ease up. He didnt need to say a word his eyes and actions were everything. totally Oh Jennifer I read your words and its like me talking, I feel with you. And evethough it was most peaceful thing I have ever scene. She was still in very good condition for her age. We experience the acute phase of grief, or the moment right after passing. He died on a heart attacked at 49. I was absolutely devastated. I met him when I was 11 and he was 13. His cancer was a rare and aggressive form and he was gone within 6 months of his diagnosis. Some are just better than others. He was 53 years old, and in excellent physical condition prior to his diagnosis. This year he would have retired. I also know that I dont really have a choice. Yes, my husband just dropped dead at the gym nearly one year ago to the day. We never thought this type of loss could happen to us. Those who survive COVID-19 are often left with . How could you leave me alone? They only know me and my daughter, so when we get together we dont seem like were missing someone. Its hard but we humans keep going. My deep faith in God has sustained me and believe me this is a work in progress. Hes doing it for a reason to help us. One day we are shopping, and the next day Im dealing with his death. I have no one else in this world. Initially, I felt shocked. Usually a local hospice or hospital can help you get in touch with those who can help you through this. He used to say i was the wind beneath his wings oh, he had that so wrong, as i am stuck on the ground with not even a breeze under my wingsI do know how blessed i was to have had the 46 years with the love of my life. We had met and dated only three months before we were married. But until these well meaning people develop a great deal of empathy, they just dont get it!! Sometimes he can't sleep at night and stay wide awake at 4am thinking about her. And then it did happen. I lost my uncle 11 months ago. The second year was just as difficult but, for different reasons. But it does help to know that I am not alone and unfortunately, there are others struggling as much as I am. YouTube A body from the Dyatlov Pass incident. On those days I have to get up. I thought I was moving forward but the holidays have definitely set me back. I dont want medication. I dont like telling anyone how I feel because I think they She went to hospice, but at least I was Calvin, Many have been let down by those around them therefore turning to an animal for unconditional love and company and as a confidante. The sadness is overwhelming. Everyday is a battle, i lost many months that is unaccountable for and emotionally not coping. The last two year was hell on her. I take one step then the next then the next. By doing that, I cheated myself a little but it wouldnt last much. WE PROVIDE HIGH-QUALITY VISITORS WITH: My first year I believe I was totally in shock and family members kept me busy. Dear Kim; I know exactly how you feel, and what youre going through I lost my husband almost 5 years ago, the anniversary of his passing is coming up next week :,( as time passes by it has not become easier for me, I still have terrible meltdowns, and I too hide my pain from my grown-up children, friends, family and co-workers, I dont want them to worry about me or feel sorry for me. Christmas is upon us. My heart physically hurt so badly, that I prayed I would diethen and there. The last time I rubbed his arm and told him mom and I are here. Guess what? If I can last that long. This is good to know. I understand your grief. 84 year old and try to get back to things I used to enjoy but it isnt working. I feel useless and empty. I dont feel like I will get better, I feel like I will get worse. "Life is eternal, and love is immortal, and death is only a horizon; and a horizon is nothing save the limit of our sigh" - Rossiter Worthington . But when they get close I bail out. His death has opened wounds of the loss of my parents. Its horrific. Routine has changed so much and thats hard for me because I felt lonley. He fell and hit his head, passing away very suddenly. Perhaps because of expectation expecting to feel better and then feeling even more disappointed and sad when they didnt. I was totally blank, dont know what to think nor what I feel, totally felt nothing. Our 21 year old twin daughters just got back from a movie and ran in to get me. But oh, the silence, the noisy silence.some might think it a relief after the long worry and caring and initially I think there was some small relief, but now I know he has really gone and I cannot escape the tormenting thoughts. I hope you have survived you thoughts of taking you life. The first year was so very painful that I couldnt even bare having the dog around that he loved so much, that I gave him away. The one thing I asked my counselor was why, why would I do that? When we are adjusting to oneness each day is a learning experience. I was only 19 when he passed away. God Bless, I understand where youre coming from Sharon. I was about fifteen when he went into the service he was three years my elder. You Get Really, Really Tense. Others think you are strong and doing fine. I keep praying to be taken God, Its ok, I will not be mad, I will be happy that I can finally not be so very unhappy. A battle every day to overcome his heart disease with swollen limbs from heart failure. Some brothers felt by doing that it meant they were getting pushed around by keisha,even when I said it's not about keisha anymore it's about your safety now. 22 Sep 2017. I wish the pain would just be more kind. It was supposed to be just an ordinary weekend, and the day before he was feeling great, and the next evening I am driving him to ED. My husband was murdered and four months later my beloved dog died. It feels like Ive lost a part of my life. I dont know many widows that are my age, Im 60. every day is a challenger i hate waking up in the morning, I do try to go out and see friends but it really doesnt help, Im not sure how much longer I can continue like this, it has to get a little better I can only hope. He battled stage 4 lung cancer (also never smoked) for 7 1/2 years. It helps by turning a negative into a positive but it also stirs up emotions afterwards. We held each other. If I could take your hurt away I would. I pray that time will heal. My heart goes out to you all. I remember the 1st year being a blur. My friend says we are misfits. Strange to say but after reading all the comments I feel validated. I thought getting through the first year would be the hardest but as it turns out year two is just as bad. What happened to me ( Im 16 months in) was I have not had a nights sleep for weeks ,looking after my partner. A person in this stage may feel the need to keep busy all the time, or do what they . Synonyms for PASSED AWAY: fallen, gone, deceased, declining, departed, defunct, lifeless, deteriorating; Antonyms of PASSED AWAY: live, alive, living, existing . We were married 23 years. It's been 20 years since you passed. Death cannot kill what never dies" - William Penn. They would want us to go on!! My heart is breaking. We had bought a house, were remodeling it, and then going to sell the house and move out to the country. I feel like if I move out and get my own place something new I may be able to. It isnt any easier if it happens early or later than anticipated. She passed suddenly from a heart attack. My husband died at home just over one year ago. And now guilt because of some things I am doing. I was with my husband for 45 years of my life. Amor Eterno So I had my children to worry about also now the puppies and my husbands family member. Im still trying to get over the shock of the diagnosis let alone his death. When I say I miss my husband; the words I miss him, mean so much more than what those 3 words are portraying. Not sure how to deal with this anymore. I try to do things volunteering etc.but I feel numb to everything. The shock and numbness in the first year was dreadful, but it did protect me from the sharpness of the pain I now feel. I said no, Im still married. Im just so heavy hearted hearing everyones stories. Its not temporary but you will learn to live with it.You have to.I lost my wife of 33 years due to a terrible firearms accident.My uncle is 92 years old and we are very close.His time is limited.I know how you feel! Im numb with grief I cant get to church or the cemetery Im constantly in tears and my anxiety is through the roof. Those are two very different relationships but the loss is felt for both. It will be two years for me in December. I felt I should have paid more attention and have found the money to pay for the tests that would have shown he needed medical treatment. Dad in January so I have no family. Christmas, new year and my birthday went and she was still in coma. And someday, my soul will find yours. My husband had alzheimers disease for 8 years and the past 3 years of that time were very hard, as his memory slipped away more and more. it never brings back what we had or how do we retrieve. I read a lot about near death experiences and it has helped a little bit. I really think it helps. My 21 year old daughter was diagnosed with leukemia and died 14 days later from a brain hemorrhage resulting from the chemo treatment. If i was not worried about my cats i would prefer to be dead. It makes absolutely no sense now. I can say, there is hope and it is centered around one step at a time. Never to be the same, never to fit into normal again. I keep trying to get back into a life but I cry often. My best friend, and my doctor, said I should be over her death by now. Children are grown doing well, there are 12 grandchildren, 4 great grand children, and me . I am having a horrible time with not having him and I do not know if I will ever be free of my horrible grief. You do. I miss him so much and loved him so dearly. Also I was told by the doctor to take time off my work to look after my husband. I owe him everything and I decided that Ill be living a life dedicated to love in memory of him. Scars are a testament that I can love deeply and live deeply and be cut, or even gouged, and that I can heal and continue to live and continue to love. Oh Holly Doo sorry for your loss x I lost my husband of 47 years 6 months ago and Im.sooo lost ..I cry all the time I dont eat or sleep he was my soul mate how does life go on, I lost my husband of 44 years dec 29, 2020 I am at a loss for life, he was 76 and I am 65 ,,, I pretty much took care of him for the last few years poor guy so so sad he was hating his disabilities so much pain he didnt really want anyone around and when we were alone he would get in a stressed out mood and yell how he hated life and wanted god to take him then cry and do it all over again and again for a very long time, I loved him more than life itself,,,, I have losses in my life my sibling,mother and father,,, I am exhausted now my husband I am so lost with my life and so sad. The loss of a special animal companion can leave devastating heartache and most people will suffer in silence out of fear of not being taken seriously just because the loss was not a human loss. I feel like Im going insane. I lived with her the last 8 yrs of her life & cared for her for the last 3 yrs. I am integrating my old life with my new life. Nothing, and I mean nothing could have prepared me for the grief-slog of these past 14 months. Im so incredibly sad all day, everyday. I understand perfectly. I found him passed away from a heart attack on my 27th birthday. He was the love of my life. Want. He did his nightly walked, went to the store and picked up milk and bread which he always does, before he left I asked him if I could come but he said no then he gave each of us a kissed on the forehead and said hell be right back, he then told me to get the kids in bed as there was school the next day.