names that mean pestilence

In Ancient Egypt, Keket and her male counterpart, Kek, were rulers of the night. This is the mystical meaning of the verse, said in connection with this plague, "behold, the hand of Gd is", indicating how the name Havayah . The pagan Gaels believed their souls would go to the House of Donn after death. In Norse mythology, Ran was the goddess and personification of the sea. Azmaveth certainly acknowledges the power death has over us all. His three children were the divinities of suffering and misfortune. His name means despair. Why did you keep it there and did it make your number one? In Greek myths, Persephone was the daughter of Zeus and Demeter, who was kidnapped by Hades, the god of the underworld. She died during the great biblical flood an event that destroyed most of humanity. In the Bible, Abaddon was the name of a bottomless pit and an angel who ruled over the abyss. Dearil sounds like Darrel but with an added element of darkness and despair. In the Hindu religion, Yama is the god of death and justice. Anubis was the Egyptian god of death and decay who led spirits to the underworld. Pestilence Who the lord sends pestilence upon Leviticus 26:13-25 'I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt so that you would not be their slaves, and I broke the bars of your yoke and made you walk erect. That's "BILLION" with a "B.". Adrienne is one of those beautiful and classic names that conjure up images of polite living in upstate New York. Nephthys is one of the more unusual death names on our list, so its bound to make a lasting impression. Raven has transgressed into a comic book name and its popularity has dwindled over the years, but could that be due to its dark and unpopular meaning? Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Test your knowledge - and maybe learn something along the way. But this name has a dramatic and dark meaning despite it sounding positively unearthly and godly. Unlike other death gods that are all about doom, decay, and destruction, Pana treats death as a new beginning. Boris. I cannot reconcile the idea of a tender Heavenly Father with the known horrors of war, slavery, Only in the sensational moments of famine, flood or, There is still mademoiselle, with her new-formed friends in Parismay a, And I will strike the inhabitants of this city, men and beasts shall die of a great, In the year 1334 the city was almost depopulated by this dreadful. Pestilence; Boils; Hail; Locusts; Darkness; Killing of the firstborn; Traditional Interpretations. In old Sanskrit texts, the Solikha (flower of death) was located on top of a mountain made of corpses. Melwas is an Old Welsh name meaning prince of death or princely youth. In Arthurian legend, Melwas was the original name for Maleagant, the villain who abducted Queen Guinevere from King Arthur. Azazel has quite a charming ring to it with its lyrical tones and synonyms. This name generator will give you 10 random names for poisons, venom and other kinds of toxins. 'Hiemal,' 'brumation,' & other rare wintry words. [count] usually singular a deadly pestilence Have a look on these prince-like baby names meaning conqueror and choose the best fit for your baby boy. A Egyptian serpent demon who stalks humans at night, The Lord Treasurer and the Grand Duke of Western Hell, She is a heathen goddess who is sometimes consigned to Hell. Markandeya was a sage deeply devoted to Shiva the supreme god in Hindu tradition. This unusual Ijaw name is incredibly rare, with few modern bearers. pestilence: 1 n any epidemic disease with a high death rate Synonyms: pest , plague Type of: epidemic disease any infectious disease that develops and spreads rapidly to many people n a serious (sometimes fatal) infection of rodents caused by Yersinia pestis and accidentally transmitted to humans by the bite of a flea that has bitten an . They are very ambitious and always try to impress others.They start with a smaller way and build with their patience. " 'and in various places there will be famines and . Of uncertain affinity; a plague (literally, the disease, or figuratively, a pest) -- pestilence(-t). As the brother of death, your little Ahimoth has nothing to fear. Leukadios is derived from the Greek leuk (light, bright) combined with kedos (care for others, grief, mourning). No living thing can escape death not even the trees! So gurdhram means the patience just like the Lord. His name is derived from the Greek aides (unseen). He is part human, part crocodile. Tia could be a sweet death name for your little girl since it doesnt revolve around pain or suffering. The letter C is said to be cheerful, strong and determined. He brings all things evil at night. An inferior demon. You might want to give your little ones death names because you enjoy the macabre. Idealistic one; one who has lot of patience, Patience; Calm and Composed; Radiant and Luminant, Lord of Tolerance; One with patience; Calm and Composed Person, Man with Patience; Calm and Composed person, Patient; Endowed with fortitude; One who has patience and is not restless, A loyal person; one who has calmness and patience. Seth was thought to have supported and aided the dead by helping them reach heaven by using his ladder. Its ultimately from the Latin mortis, meaning death.. Revelation 6:7-8 tells us this about the fourth seal: "When He opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature saying, 'Come and see.'. We offer name meanings for over 45,000 different baby names, surnames, and city names from all over the world. In Hurrian mythology, Allani was the goddess of the underworld who resided in a palace at the gate of the timri eze (or dark earth in English). Pestilence. Heaven has ordained three great scourges for national sinsplague, WHAT ANCIENT LAWS CAN TEACH US ABOUT HOLDING AUTOCRATS TO ACCOUNT TODAY, TIMELESS MEDITATIONS ON EARTHS FRAGILITY, AND THE DAMAGE HUMANS DO, CHAUCER'S WORKS, VOLUME 1 (OF 7) -- ROMAUNT OF THE ROSE; MINOR POEMS, TRAVELS THROUGH THE SOUTH OF FRANCE AND THE INTERIOR OF PROVINCES OF PROVENCE AND LANGUEDOC IN THE YEARS 1807 AND 1808. Marzana sounds fresh and current, despite its ancient origins. Actually, it means "beloved". Aeron, which can be used for either a boy or a girl, has a familiar sound to it that encourages many to put it on their baby name list, but many are probably unaware of its meaning. 1. pestilence - a serious (sometimes fatal) infection of rodents caused by Yersinia pestis and accidentally transmitted to humans by the bite of a flea that has bitten an infected animal. Theferryman of Hadesl who takes souls accross the Styx. A gaint Demon pig that spreads minor diseases, Sometimes known as a princess of Hell and baals mother, The Prince of Falsehood, spreads deception, A Count of Hell who commands thirty legions of demons. The demon of Ingenious Discoveries and Wealth. Aeron has a ring to it that is strong and beautiful and worthy to be given to your baby. a widespread disease resulting in a high rate of death, Post more words for pestilence to Facebook, Share more words for pestilence on Twitter, Before we went to her house, Hannah told us her aunt was a. Your little Maveth could have a strong moral compass with no tolerance for traitors, thieves, or evildoers. : Advertisement. The Persian version of Satan. It will remind your child to be patient and persevere whenever the need arises. These numbers are horrifying. Mallory comes from the French meaning of "unfortunate" or " luckless, according to Ancestry. A Count of Hell who commands twenty six legions of demons. Achlys was portrayed on the shield of Heracles as a pale, white figure covered in tears, blood, and dust. Keket (Egyptian Origin) - She is the goddess of darkness. She gave birth to the nine diseases consumption, colic, gout, rickets, ulcer, scab, cancer, and plague. Demon from Guatemala. Keep reading to discover 105 killer baby names meaning death for your little doom slayer! Use the nickname Mark to make this complex death name easier to swallow. It is far older than that, most likely coming from Ancient Egyptian, if not earlier. one of epidemic proportions, as bubonic plague. When things go awry in life, patience is the virtue that can help you deal with the discomforts and problems in the best way possible. He would deliver truths and future events to humans. Persion female demon. Her name means dirge, a song or poem presented at a funeral to show sadness or grief. These particular names have a darkness dwelling within them which you may or may not have heard before. The demons are always shown as scrawny, or towering beasts with sneers and a feeling of death that settles upon their name and fame. In Greek mythology, Alexiares was the divine son of the Greek hero Herakles. Leviathan is a way for new parents to revel in the quirky name but improve on it. If you enter John into Magic Baby Names, Mary will appear as a suggestion. But of course, the spelling of Alvah is beautifully unique and interesting and considering that the name is not included in many lists of popular baby names, you will certainly be choosing a unique and interesting name. Fateh m Urdu, Azerbaijani. In Roman mythology, Manea was the goddess of the dead. Pluto was another name for Hades the Greek god of the underworld. A demon of hell who corrupts and tempts the holy. Morrigan could be a spooky alternative for similar-sounding Morgan. The first wife of Adam, before Eve, who was actually a demon. Would you be as suspicious as me and avoid it because you wouldn't want to raise an unlucky child? He controlled a host of demons that could cause harm to humans. Personally, my mystic self would not allow me to use this name since I'd always wonder what lurks beneath the holder of this beautiful name. I have heard of parents using this name, but I'm unsure if they realize the connection it has with the dark world of demons and sacrifices. Fedude is technically gender-neutral, but the dude ending gives it a masculine feel. A Vendetta references a blood feud in which the family of a murdered person seeks revenge against the killer or the killers family. We are in the process of building many tools and resources to help make your studies easier. In Irish legend, Cessair was Noahs granddaughter and one of Irelands first inhabitants. Guru means master or lord and dheeraj means patience. Hel is a daring option among our death names, associated with the Norse goddess of the underworld. Voldemort is an invented name created by author J.K. Rowling for the evil wizard in Harry Potter. A demon worshipped in Haiti known for causing suffering & emotional pain, A female Vampire that targets artists and poets, A half woman half serpent demon, also classified as a vampier. In modern Irish folklore, Donn is an otherworldly phantom who rides a white horse. Merripen is an unusual option among our names, meaning death, derived from the Romani meriben (death) or miripen (manner, fashion). Personally, the meaning of a name would not necessarily put me off, and the myths and legends associated with some of these names, simply make them more interesting! It was updated on January 16, 2021 by Katrina Butcher. She's written on a plethora of topics and enjoys the diversity of her work. Pestilence. Thesaurus, Merriam-Webster, Tristan. Unfortunately, the shirt was poisonous, leading to the heros death. Magic Baby Names uses the family trees from Family Echo to learn which names often appear together. You dont want to mess with a little guy named Kritanta. Athanasius derives from the Greek a a prefix, combined with thanatos (death). Hopefully, your little Desdemona wont be as misfortunate. Its an exercise of self-control, which shows how capable youre of handling life when things get tough. Americans were ready to turn the page on war and, The burials were of different stages and are believed to be the remains of plague victims from the numerous outbreaks of. The fascinating story behind many people's favori Can you handle the (barometric) pressure? Dolores is a bit old-fashioned, and Nekane feels lively and modern. In Greek mythology, Hades was the god of death and ruler of the underworld. Griffin is not an overly common name but that could be more to do with the fact that it is usually a surname rather than a first name, and nothing to do with the meaning or context. 2. anything, as a doctrine, regarded as harmful or dangerous. In Japanese folklore, the Shiryo are spirits of the dead. In Japanese culture, the Shinigami are supernatural spirits who encourage humans to seek death. Name means the black god. Or, perhaps someone you love recently passed, and youre looking for a way to honor them. Latin - One who endures with courage; Patient; A variant of the name Patience, The patient person, one who has a great patience, A man of great patience who takes pity on others. NYX was the goddess of the night. Abiba could be a poetic way to honor the death of a loved one. He was unpredictable and strong, making him more fearful and dominant. In Greek mythology, Archemoros was the son of Lycurgus, king of Nemea. According to Ancient History Encyclopedia, 8 Fun Pregnancy Quizzes To Take When You're Expecting, 10 Must-Have Items That Every Exclusive Pumping Mom Needs, Midwives Weren't Always Accepted In Society, Here's Why. SCP-049 is a Euclid Class anomaly also known as the Plague Doctor.The Plague Doctor is one of the most mysterious creatures in SCP Foundation containment. But Lilith has quite a discerning meaning and history that veers on the dark side. Click the next to a name to add it to your favorites. Girl Names That Mean Unfortunate 1. Your little Mara could even end your sadness and despair. In Aztec myths, Coatlicue was a goddess with 400 children. Your little Felagha wont be easily forgotten. This unique place name is derived from the Hebrew azaz (to be strong) combined with mut (to kill, death). Keep reading to discover 105 death names for boys and girls with terrifying origins thatll make your blood crawl. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Names That Mean Fire If you're hoping to raise a future feminist, rebellion leader, or a baby who warms the world, fire names are strong and powerful. Synonyms of pestilence pestilence noun Definition of pestilence as in plague a widespread disease resulting in a high rate of death the fear that terrorists could unleash a pestilence that would wreak unspeakable havoc Synonyms & Similar Words Relevance plague pest epidemic infection illness malady pandemic sickness contagion murrain blight ailment Said to be a small hairy demon able to make men perform cruel acts. Known as the night bringer. Chelsea Nelthropp previously worked with special needs children before transitioning to her current passion, freelance writing. According to the Greek word used in Luke 21, loimos, pestilence is a plague or a disease. He certainly wasnt much of a comforter. According to Ancient History Encyclopedia, he was also the Egyptian god of chaos. The mod adds two modded gamemodes where the new content are in. Demon who demands the simulataneous human sacrifice of seven men and seven women. But all is not lost with Seth as there is a strong positivity to this name and the lore. The Hebrew people had suffered as slaves in Egypt for decades when God sent them a deliverer named Moses.But Pharaoh, Egypt's arrogant king, wasn't about to let this valuable source of free labor go.After all, Pharaoh believed he was a god, and who could oppose a god?