Mark Wagner, a member of our Board, who is former president of, and now a consultant to, Walgreens, will serve as Interim Chief Operating Officer. Moody employees in Israel were informed of Dr. Easley's resignation today as well. That seems legitimate to mesome students are underage (especially for alcohol) and it is wiser to have a campus atmosphere without those elements. The Moody Board of Trustees reluctantly accepted his resignation as he feels his medical condition is impacting his effectiveness. Roys has added several other concerns to the list, citing her own investigations, though not all are shared by the Moody Anonymous staff members. Related links: . Before that, he was the president and CEO of Avant Ministries, a Kansas City-based church planting missions organization, and had pastored churches in Nebraska and Iowa. Roys disclosuresinclude a loan nine years ago from MBI to the schools president Paul Nyquist for a condo (source). Roys was the host of the Moody Radio broadcast "Up for Debate" and has been investigating several instances of malfeasance. The early church were Jewish believers who practiced Jewish customs (Acts 2:5, 21:20). As I first reported Friday, the administration was facing serious allegations including allowing professors who deny the inerrancy of Scripture to teach at the institute and write curriculum; permitting a top education official to violate the institutes bylaws repeatedly; fostering an atmosphere of fear and intimidation; and refusing to allow shared governance with faculty as stipulated by theHigher Learning Commission. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS (ANS) -- Dr. Michael J. Easley, President of Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, Illinois, has announced his resignation effective June 30, 2008 due to a health problem with his back. If thats what is needed to attract new or younger faculty as was explained to methen they are attracting the wrong kind of people. . One of the school's provosts will also be retiring. Moody Bible Institute is in the midst of what some are calling a crisis and it doesnt appear to be going away anytime soon. "He continued: "At our last full Trustee meeting on May 16, 2008 the board reluctantly agreed to accept my resignation, effective June 30, 2008. Throckmorton cited Roys, claiming that she had been terminated without stated reason by Greg Thornton, Senior VP of media, who had ostensibly handed down the decision from Moodys Executive Board. Read 21:1-15 bible commentary from James Gray's Concise Bible Commentary by James Gray FREE on . After coming under harsh criticism for his handling of a sexual abuse crisis at Moody Bible Instititute (MBI), institute president, Mark Jobe. However, we are unanimous in our decision that it is time for a new season of leadership. Sign up to get our top five trending stories delivered every weekday! Let there be no mistake that the Board of Trustees holds these three men in high regard for their ethical, moral, and spiritual leadership. She wrote, In 2009, the institute gave President Paul Nyquist a $500,000 interest-only loan to buy a$1.08 million condoadjacent to the institute. This was at a time when the institute was experiencing significant financial stress, which has only exacerbated over subsequent years. Let there be no mistake that the Board of Trustees holds these three men in high regard for their ethical, moral, and spiritual leadership. Roys was the host of the Moody Radio broadcast "Up for Debate" and has been investigating several instances of malfeasance. As we continue to pray and seek resolution to these allegations, we are committed to keeping you informed about this matter and how we are proceeding. technically I resigned, but you know how that goes. As we press forward, despite the challenges and hard conversations that are taking place at Moody, our executive team and the Board of Trustees are unified in our love for the Lord and this great institution, the pursuit of truth, and seeking reconciliation where possible. If friends of Moody have questions, they may be directed to www.moodyministries.netfor more information. We also pray that the concerns of Moody Bible Institute will be as much doctrinal as financial. In an email sent to the Moody communityWednesday evening that sources forwarded to The Christian Post Randy Fairfax, the chair of the Moody Board of Trustees, wrote that they had "been discussing issues related to widespread concerns over the direction of Moody" and "accepted the resignations of President, Paul Nyquist; Chief Operating Officer, Steve Mogck; and the retirement of Provost, Junias Venugopal. And particularly THE ISSUE of "TITHING-UP." The Moody Bible Institute today announced the resignations of President Paul Nyquist, Provost Junias Venugopal, and Chief Operating Officer Steve Mogck. Theyve also undergone faculty and staff cuts. Please also pray for the Board of Trustees as they embark on a search for the new president of Moody.In his letter to faculty, staff, students, and friends of the Moody Bible Institute Dr. Easley wrote that, "After much thought, prayer, and consultation, I have asked the Board of Trustees of the Moody Bible Institute to relieve me of my duties as President so that I may devote more time and energy to seeking medical treatment for my back. Given the accusations of Julie Roys, we sure hope that these men arent receiving golden parachutes while their misbehavior is swept under the rug (as often happens in ecclesiastical organizations, and Louisiana College most certainly comes to mind). Provost Junias Venugopal has retired. An MBI spokesman confirmed that Roys was no longer employed with Moody Radio. With Gossip of the Gospel, the Church Grows in Nepal. He is also the founding pastor of New Life Community Church, a Chicago-based ministry with 27 locations throughout Chicago. Please know that we are working diligently through everything, and will stay in regular contact with you first, our Moody family, and with our many partners and friends as well. The problems at the 132-year-old school are wide-ranging and include. At this point, any attempt to save face without sharing information is still damaging to our trust. While I respect Dr. Nyquest for his services, Ive always known that something didnt sit quite right. Then youll be respectable enough to be heard. Cant they figure this out that we cant give when the music sounds like rebellion, the girls wear tight pants, and Biblical theology seems to be in question? I am unaware of the verses where Jesus condemns drinking smoking and gambling in moderation. While we begin to develop plans for a nationwide search and prayerfully seek the Lords direction for these important positions, we are encouraged that the Lord has provided a strong leadership team to step into these roles in the interim. In addition to last weeks meeting of the Boards Executive Committee where these issues were discussed at length, the full Board of Trustees will deliberate further onWednesday, January 10. What God Gives Black Americans That The Country Does Not, Baylor, Louisiana State University and More Colleges Report Revivals Happening on Campus, NYC Subway Banned Dogs Unless They Fit in a Bag, So Residents Got Creative, The news comes following the firing of Moody Radio host Julie Roys yesterday, who recently posted lengthy blog posts, She wrote, In 2009, the institute gave President Paul Nyquist a $500,000 interest-only loan to buy a, announced it is closing its Spokane campus, In recent years, the schools enrollment has dropped significantly, and they recently, If You Attended the Asbury Outpouring, You Might Have Measles, Why Asbury University Decided to End Revival Services This Week, GET OUR TOP 5 ARTICLES IN YOUR INBOX EACH WEEKDAY, The Impact of The Post Is Far More Interesting Than the Actual Movie, Sienna Just Wore Her 2006 Met Gala Minidress for a Night Out With Noel Gallagher, Got Allergies? I am by no mean surprised at all that he was fished out. His father, Hugh Gray, died shortly after his birth. Birmingham, AL 35238, Get powerful revelatory articles and be the first to know about upcoming events,, Prior to his resignation, Nyquist penned a letter with Fairfax on Monday acknowledging the allegations before the board. And maybe they didnt want to get into nitty-gritty minutia like whether poker or bingo are gambling. FYI. Regarding the staff cuts, an MBI spokesperson told CT: Such changes often result in wide-ranging emotions, especially for those whose jobs may have been impacted. When four years ago they decided that faculty could drink, smoke and gamble in moderation that was the final straw for me. As we press forward, despite the challenges and hard conversations that are taking place at Moody, our executive team and the Board of Trustees are unified in our love for the Lord and this great institution, the pursuit of truth, and seeking reconciliation where possible, they wrote. Today, we accepted the resignations of President, Dr. Paul Nyquist; Chief Operating Officer, Steve Mogck; and the retirement of Provost, Dr. Junias Venugopal. December 5, 2018. Roys has now reported that Nyquist has resigned, along with the Chief Operating Officer, Steve Mogck and Provost, Junias Venugopal. Nationally known pastor Rev. Moody Bible Institute President and Chief Operating Officer have resigned and the schools Provost has retired following publicized complaints about the schools direction. Nyquist has been the president of Moody since 2009. fiction series. The Moody Bible Institute today announced the resignations of President Paul Nyquist and Chief Operating Officer Steve Mogck, and the retirement of Provost Junias Venugopal. Help keep The Christian Post free for everyone by making a one-time donation today. We have already talked about how it should not embarrass us or anger us to talk about proper giving. I have followed the protocol of Matthew 18. On Wednesday night, both the president (J. Paul Nyquist) and the Chief Operating Officer (Steve Mogck) resigned from their positions at Moody Bible Institute. However, we are unanimous in our decision that it is time for a new season of leadership.". One Moody student who spoke to CP on condition of anonymity Wednesday night said he expects they will hear more about this in chapel service Thursday, adding that it will take time for the news and implications of everything that just happened to sink in. Our church that I pastor sponsors over 300 missionaries every month representing a multiplicity of evangelical mission agencies. The board has honored me by kindly asking that I serve as President Emeritus through the end of the 2009 school year. He and his wife, Dee, have been married 32 years and have three adult children, Marissa, Josiah, and Grant. I ask that you be in prayer for them and their families. James Martin Gray(May 11, 1851 - September 21, 1935) was a pastor in the Reformed Episcopal Church, a Bible scholar, editor, hymn writer, and the president of Moody Bible Institute, 1904-34. We often refer to the Moody family, which is how we see all of you. Amid widespread concerns over the direction of Moody Bible Institute (MBI), the historic Chicago school announced today that President J. Paul Nyquist and Chief Operating Officer Steve Mogck have resigned, while Provost Junias Venugopal has retired. After DL Moody died, Gray was the first president of Moody Bible Institute, assuming the role in stepsdean to co-ordinate dean to president. Let there be no mistake that the Board of Trustees holds these three men in high regard for their ethical, moral, and spiritual leadership. Moody Bible Institute A mid "widespread concerns over the direction" of Moody Bible Institute (MBI), the historic Chicago school announced today that President J. Paul Nyquist and. Thank you for the action you have taken actually for all of us. president of moody bible institute resigns. Roys also accused the school of Fostering an atmosphere of fear and intimidation, silencing whistleblowers by reprimanding, or even firing them., In a statement responding to the blog, the school said, While the blog post presents a limited perspective on the assertions raised, Moody is engaged in a comprehensive review of these matters to confirm that past events have been properly cared for and that any other matters are handled in an appropriate manner., In another statement toChristianity Today, the school defended the presidents housing arrangement, saying that the location of the condo made it possible to to host students and student groups, helping him foster positive relationships with the student body, and generally be available for [school] business., Yesterday, the Chair of the board of trustees, Randy Fairfax praised the schools leaders for their ethical, moral, and spiritual leadership in an email to the schools community, but added, However, we are unanimous in our decision that it is time for a new season of leadership Understandably, there are many questions at this time. Subscribers receive full access to the archives. Give a gift of $30 or more to The Roys Report this month, and you will receive a copy of Escaping the Maze of Spiritual Abuse by Dr. Lisa Oakley and Justin Humphreys. Greg Thornton, senior vice president of media, will serve as Moody's interim president while the school searches for a permanent replacement, Fairfax wrote. Also, any comments with profanity, name-calling, and/or a nasty tone will be deleted. [MBI] does not. Right now, we must be patient. Senior pastor of Mark Jobe serves as president of Moody Bible Institute and host of Moody Radio's Bold Steps.He is the author of Unstuck: Out of Your Cave into Your Call (Moody Publishers). The president and chief operating officer have resigned, and the provost has retired. My son was attending Moody at the time this took place. Dr. Mark Jobe. Lindsey CrystalAssociate Director of Public RelationsMoody Bible Institutelindsey.crystal@moody.edu312-329-4449, Mailing address:
Box 383213
According to Roys, MBI dropped a prohibition on gambling from its employee standards after it was reported that Jenkins had admitted to gambling both in his home and at casino poker tournaments. CHICAGO The president of Moody Bible Institute in Chicago has announced his resignation. "On behalf of the Moody Board of Trustees, we are disappointed to lose Dr. Easley, and we owe him a huge debt of gratitude for his agreeing to stay with us in this new role while we seek his replacement," said Jerry Jenkins, Chairman of the Board. EXCLUSIVE: John MacArthur Shamed, Excommunicated Mother for Refusing to Take Back Child Abuser, Days-long Revival Sweeping Asbury University in Kentucky, EXCLUSIVE: John MacArthur Covered Up Pastors Sexual Abuse, Witnesses Say, EXCLUSIVE: John MacArthurs Church Supported Convicted Child Abuser & Pedophile, Records Show, Dante Bowe Posts, Then Removes, Apology for Behavior Causing Split with Maverick City Music, Matt Chandler Steps Aside After Admitting Inappropriate Online Relationship, John MacArthur Pulls Out of Ligonier Conference, Pastor Resigns From Houston Megachurch After Admitting Affair, Televangelist Creflo Dollar Renounces Past Teachings on Tithing, But Questions Persist. Roys wrote on herblogWednesday: "I am heartened the board took this action, though as I reported yesterday, the problems at Moody extend to the board and some board members need to own their complicity and responsibility and resign too.". Michael's involvement with ASSIST News Service is a sponsored ministry department -- Michael Ireland Media Missionary (MIMM) -- of ACT International at: Artists in Christian Testimony (ACT) International. While I continue to pray for MBI and its future, Im also praying that they return both your job and your laptop to you. Her article was titled A Luxury Suite, Questionable Loan to Officer, & Gambling: The Disturbing Truth About Leadership at MBI. The article resulted from her own investigation of complaints about MBI that she said school officials refused to address. Below is a collection of helpful resources that highlight this theme. "It has been an honor and an inestimable privilege to be a very small part of the Institute's rich legacy since I came in March of 2005, and I am confident that God's great kindness-overseeing Moody for over 122 years-will continue.". However, we are unanimous in our decision that it is time for a new season of leadership. Over the last few years I have had a growing and now unshakeable conviction that God is calling me to give myself singularly. The letter describes urban ministry classes that frequently started late and ended early and were taught by an unprepared professor who promoted social justice, liberation theology and exercises meant to instill fear of white privilege ahead of ministry and the gospel. For others, the stress of change may impact their sense of trust in the organization. "I'm sure there will be a split as there is anytime something of this nature happens, with some on either side of the fence," he speculated, adding that if Roys' allegations are indeed accurate, "it is a necessary change, and more students will hopefully accept it, and trust the leadership is moving MBI in the right direction.".,, Moody Bible Institute president resigns due to health problem. The terms of the loan are fully disclosed on [MBIs] federal disclosure forms. Charlie Dates is set to succeed Rev. I hope that Im wrong. Procore is seeking an Executive Assistant to support the Vice President of Specialty . Bob Ditmer has worked in Christian media for more than 20 years including positions with Ravi Zacharias International Ministries and Focus on the Family. Id be very uncomfortable in an audit in a situation like that.. Recently, the instituteannounced it is closing its Spokane campusand cutting one-third of its faculty due to financial troubles According to the latest990 Tax Form, over the past nine years Nyquist has repaid none of his $500,000 loan. She also said that a board member participated in gambling, despite the schools prohibition against it. Roys wrote that many MBI staff members were uncomfortable with the arrangement and in 2008 someone submitted an anonymous whistleblower report internally at MBI. Board unanimously decides "it is time for a new season of leadership. (Photo by OLIVIER DOULIERY/AFP via Getty Images) OAN Geraldyn Berry2:44 PM PT - Friday, March 3, 2023 Former mayor of College Park, Maryland, Patrick Wojahn, has . Easley, 51, said in a letter written to the Moody community that he made his decision after "much thought, prayer, and consultation." for more information. The website says it is documenting the decline and fall of the Moody Bible Institute., On December 15, 2017, the website reprinted a letter from an MBI alumna documenting the unidentified writers deep concern with the atmosphere, education and direction of Moody Bible Institute., Moody Bible Institute is not the training ground it once was.