what did jane fonda vietnam

And I didnt even think and they sang me a song and Im made me laugh. (Later, after 58,152 American dead were just names on a wall, declassified US Navy logs revealed there had been no torpedo attack!). Its something very like the worst sort of lovers betrayal, the deep wound that time itself often is powerless to heal. The Nixon Justice Department poured over the transcripts of my broadcasts trying to find a way to put me on trial for treason but they could find none. . You know, we can we can scare her, and boy did they try? I am going to let the extract stand as it is, containing just enough truth to be uncomfortable, I think. They hadnt been able to vote on the virtues of the conflict, and they found themselves in mortal peril in the midst of an ugly, painful ordeal that a lot of vocal people back home thought was a criminal enterprise. Others were hoping to catch a glimpse of a famous Hollywood actress. It was my mistake, and I have paid and continue to pay a heavy price for it. In 2005, she apologized again on 60 I was not the kind of mother that I wished I had been to my children. Id been getting pretty sour about the incensed patriots who would curse me and my family and confidently speak on behalf of all veterans living and dead, and the Great Jehovah and the Continental Congress, to declare I was a disgrace to America for running that storythen conclude by smugly assuring me they would never read it. And you were photographed sitting on an anti aircraft gun. But Dave [5] One man who was supposed to have encountered Jane Fonda, one Colonel Larry Carrigan, has denied any claim that he ever met her. He was Americas most famous pediatrician. Especially considering that the Republican Party has obviously now been captured by the same forces (the 'Illuminati', hehehe). But he never met Jane Fonda, and he has no idea how the maddening tale attached itself to him. The cover called her Ms. Fox News has enhanced the careers of numerous women who have served as hosts. She has to be a murderess too. Jane Fonda was always an outspoken opponent of the Vietnam War. Heres the picture that was used to shut shut down American plants, critics, and there were millions of them, called you a Hanoi Jane and said you were a traitor. Lets break down her remarks. And that we probably couldnt win it not because they werent a fabulous soldiers. Heres her explanation, from 2011: I had decided to do the broadcasts because I was so horrified by the bombing of civilian targets and I wanted to speak to U.S. pilots as I had done on so many occasions during my visits to U.S. military bases and at G.I. That is not my place. But the action that still enrages veterans most was that photograph of her with North Vietnamese troops onan antiaircraft gunthat would have been used to shoot down American planes. MacArthur soon realized he was expected to win battles but lose the war. CHRIS WALLACE: Your most famous protest was 50 years ago when you went to North Vietnam at the height of the war there. Here is my best, honest recollection of what took place. They hadnt been able to vote on the virtues of the conflict, and they found themselves in mortal peril in the midst of an ugly, painful ordeal that a lot of vocal people back home thought was a criminal enterprise. Support with a donation>>. William Burkhead, a Democrat from Anne Arundel, said, I wouldnt want to kill her, but I wouldnt mind if you cut her tongue off, according to a Post story. WebJane Fonda & TheVietnam War. To begin with, the title is deliberately misleading: his real point has nothing to do with Jane Fonda. Whereupon Truman dismissed MacArthur for insubordination. Jane Fondas first impression of Americas involvement in Vietnam was that it was a just cause. Im not you know, they all went to jail. Please support this 72-year tradition of trusted historical writing and the volunteers that sustain it with a donation to American Heritage. After all, she is an American; surely shell carry the message home to the families that their husband or son is alive. This weekend's special I mean, this is very moving. He collects a group of American POWs from their septic dungeons, cleans them up, and has them mustered on parade to show his guest how well his embattled nation treats its prisoners. Its more than being a traitor; millions of Americans felt treasonous during that war. Thank you, sir. And by the way, did our government lie to us during Vietnam? Watch above via HBO Max and CNNs Whos Talking to Chris Wallace. Yet, despite treason in high places American troops - outnumbered ten-to-one - were winning the war. There is no doubt these treasonous no-win US wars were meant to disillusion the American nation into accepting loss of sovereignty and one world government." Congress held hearings. In 1972, Fonda toured North Vietnam, where she spoke against U.S. military policy in the country. No article of ours gets hundreds of letters, but this one did, very few of them friendly. Switch to the light mode that's kinder on your eyes at day time. Jane Fonda came clean in an interview with Chris Wallace about her Hanoi Jane days and her failure as a mother. Jane Fonda came clean in an interview with Chris Wallace about her Hanoi Jane days and her failure as a mother. And the more they tried, the more. In fact, when the Tet Offensive broke, Jane Fonda was the featured pinup girl in that months issue of Leatherneck , the official publication of the Marines. The cover called her Ms. My question is, when will people like Fonda and Kerry (unlike Joan Baez) take responsibility for what they have wrought -- the totalitarian system that gave us re-education camps and the boat people? If it wasn't I must be missing something. She went to Hanoi that year to tour villages, cities and infrastructure. A series of photos of her sitting at an NVA anti-aircraft battery earned her the nickname Hanoi Jane and the undying spite of Vietnam veterans everywhere. There were also rumors she turned over secret messages from POWs to their captors. Fonda told Wallace that she did not like the nickname she was given, but she stuck by her choice to oppose the war. The chance to remake oneself is a universally acknowledged strength of this Republic, and the Republic itself has done it often enough. Dr. Rockefeller certainly did not defend Communism as a "Jewish" system, since it is the Hebrew Bible that was the basis of our Common Law, and hence much of our Constitutional Order. And I was I was like a limp noodle what I had experienced and what I had seen, I just I wasnt able to resist, they said were gonna take you out here today. No, after the Left's "victory" in the United State's withdrawal from Southeast Asia, the matter of consequences was conveniently dropped from the discussion. She was dubbed "Hanoi Jane" after traveling to the Communist capital. Aristide was an ENEMY of Communism, hence his downfall. Fonda told the audience that their protests saddened her. They called it FTA, which they said stood for Free the Army, but it was also a not-so-subtle nod to the expression f the Army.. Credit: Bettmann Archive/Getty Images "It was a very tumultuous and polarized time," she said in the HBO documentary. 2023 FOX News Network, LLC. And heres Cat Ballou, the beautiful daughter of Young Abe Lincoln, of Mister Roberts, beaming down from a machine designed to kill them. Copyright 1949-2022 American Heritage Publishing Co. All Rights Reserved. If they did, can I really blame them? I remember one retired lieutenant colonel describing a conversation he had with an angry trooper about the treasonous behavior of Jane Fonda in the midst of the 1968 Tet Offensive. On a hot, stickyMay afternoon in 1970,a crowd of several thousand students and protesterstook over the University of Maryland mall. It's not just handing out, you know, blankets. Jane Fonda was on 3 times this week talking about her new book. Due to the pressure of so-called "rationalists", Article VI, Paragraph 3 of the Constitution forbids Congress from excluding Communists, Anti-Semites, or Globalists from its membership, allowing the control that you decry. Quite the contrary. It meant re-taking the same bloody ground over and over again. The alleged mission was to prevent communism from spreading to South Korea, a peninsula pointed at now disarmed Japan. Have a tip we should know? I dug in my heels. You know, we can we can scare her, and boy did they try? Though Fonda has been an activist throughout her life, the only other time she has spent the night in jail was in 1970, when she was 32, on a speaking tour protesting the Vietnam War. 1991) Pages 225-229. And the question I have is 50 years later, how do you look back on that particular chapter? Have a tip or story idea? It was the last day of my two week time there. These men were bombing and strafing and napalming the country, she said, according to an Associated Press report in April 1973, which quoted an interview she gave to KNBC-TV in Los Angeles. Sending Out Veterans' Benefits, The Executive Branchs Response to the Flood of 1927, The Case For Calling the Language "American", America Fought Its Own Battle Over Books Before it Fought the Nazis. I mean, the reality is, there were 24,000 American troops on the ground in South Vietnam. The POWs are beaten. It sounds loony until you actually think about it - and the general thesis of "no-win wars" (i.e. Troop D, 1st squadron, 4th Cavalry, RVN, 1966-7 Among the products sold expressing veterans' disdain for Fonda are a variety of bumper stickers, envelope stickers, sew-on patches, but evidently D&G no longer carries my favorite Fonda item, a urinal pad depicting Jane Fonda's photograph. AND If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. And I refused to have them scare me away from being actively against the Vietnam War. When Jane Fonda Rocked the U.S. Army A newly exhumed documentary delves into the actresss anti-Vietnam vaudeville tour of American military bases in 1972. Read more >>, The magazine was forced to suspend print publication in 2013, but a group of volunteers saved the archives and relaunched it in digital form in 2017. In replying, I discovered that the Good Book notwithstanding, a soft answer turneth away wrath no more than zo percent of the time. And exocide (ph) and biocide. All Rights Reserved, Copyright MAGA Conservatives. Radio broadcasts, which attempted to shame American troops: Fonda did record messages that the North Vietnamese played for Americans to weaken their resolve. or redistributed. Jane Fonda and the Vietnam War. There's nothing like a historian 'cherry-picking' his citations or only presenting a partial 'truth' from his source. After countless apologies spanning four decades, Breitbarts John Nolte believes Hanoi Jane Fonda should finally be forgiven for her antics in Vietnam.. Fonda has said categorically that she was an adult at the time and called her Jane didnt make her infamous and idiotic trip to Hanoi until 1972. It is nothing more and nothing less than the full culmination of Greco-Roman Humanism as it has defined itself throughout the thousands of years. Greta Van Susteren -- who had been one of Ailes' most stalwart defenders -- left in early September 2016 after saying that Fox had "not felt like a home" for years. Even Trotsky, whose philosophy I do not advocate, could see this relationship between the capitalists and the communists clearly (hypocritically denouncing it, since he went along with it). The Washington Post spent that day with Fonda, following her and a dozen or so students to Fort Meade in Maryland, where they planned to hand out antiwar leaflets to soldiers. ED GRUMMETT, USMC: The night before we made the landing at Chu Yuan (ph) we were listening to Hanoi Hannah and how they were going to annihilate us on the beach. JANE FONDA: it was a mistake to go, I never wanted to go to any military installations. JANE FONDA: It was a terrible mistake. Alisyn Camerota hosted a number of Fox News programs during a 16-year run that ended in 2014. Andrea Tantaros, former co-host of "The Five," filed a lawsuit saying that Fox News operated like a "sex-fueled, Playboy-Mansion-like cult.". However, the allegation that she abused American POWs is not true. Screw you. But when you know why you did something, and youre willing to admit the mistakes that you made, but stand up for the things that you did that that mattered? She still does not know what she did wrong. : Yes, that one story was true. I have had my say. Forget? More than 58,000 Americans died in the war.. There is certainly no doubt that the country was basically split down the middle on the idea of our military presence in SE Asia, and as Americans we were all free to protest the war to our hearts' content. So did Joan Baez and William Sloane Coffin, Noam Chomsky and Pete Seeger, Rennie Davis and Judy Collins. As anyone who knew or worked with me in those years knows my heart has always been with the soldiers. In Hanoi, Fonda also met with seven American POWs and later said they asked her to tell their friends and family to support presidential candidate George McGovern; they feared theyd never be freed during a Richard Nixon administration. There was a real Colonel Carrigan, and he was a POW in Vietnam. [2] While criticizing America, she made laudatory comments about the Soviet Union. He hadnt liked the story but at least was willing to discuss it. She was a symbol of a divided nation. CHRIS WALLACE: When you got that nickname Hanoi Jane, how did you feel at the time? Good question here Richard: "My question is, when will people like Fonda and Kerry (unlike Joan Baez) take responsibility for what they have wrought -- the totalitarian system that gave us re-education camps and the boat people?" Mutual Fund and ETF data provided by Refinitiv Lipper. She claimed she was sexually harassed by correspondent Brian Wilson and later spoke out against Fox News' culture after the Ailes scandal broke. However, it was a bit too long, and Dr. Shenkman needed it shortened in the interest of time. Just another old women of no consequence, don't give her any credit for ending the war, people like John Kerry and Max Cleland don't even think it's over yet. [2] Peter Collier, The Fondas; A Hollywood Dynasty. I mean, the reality of it is that's not an apology. I plead with him, You have to be sure those photographs are not published. We now see a pattern of sedition/treason. So I feel that well If I did was good, except that I shouldnt have set gone out to a military place. and how good she feels in her 70s. It hurts me, she said, and it will to my grave that I made a huge, huge mistake that made a lot of people think I was against the soldiers., The Dragon Lady: How Madame Nhu helped escalate the Vietnam War. Hanoi Jane told 60 Minutes that photos snapped while she sat on an enemy aircraft gun was a betrayal and the largest lapse of judgment I can imagine. Though she did say, meeting the locals, other artists, and intellectuals were well worth it. I wanted to tell them what I was seeing as an American on the ground there. Bates. It never happened. Listen closely. Transcription Copyright 2005 eMediaMillWorks, Inc. (f/k/a Federal Document Clearing House, Inc.), which takes sole responsibility for the accuracy of the transcription. And I refused to have them scare me away from being actively against the Vietnam War. Even so, I'm going to keep an eye open to purchase one of the urinal mats with her photograph depicted upon it. As I tell my students when we discuss the proper use of testimony, we probably ought not to listen to Jane Fonda on things dealing with foreign affairs but if our goal is to rid our aging bodies from the ravages of cellulite then Fonda can be considered an authority! It has simply been repeated over and over again, without proof, and duplicated on a number of websites. I spent many years its when I made coming home talking to American soldiers, who had been in Vietnam and the things they told me were heartbreaking. WebIn July of 1972 Jane Fonda went to Hanoi, North Vietnam, for a two-week tour of the country. Article 3, section three of the Constitution defines treason as "levying war against the United States or adhering to their enemies or giving them aid and comfort.". Her name was Jane Fonda. "War Stories," Colonel, we'll be watching this Sunday, 8 p.m. as usual. How unfair! But because of the nature of Vietnam, McNamara said to me, if wed known what we know now it would have we should not have gone out. Which is precisely why U.S. liberals so vehemently protested U.S. involvement - and that is the only reason - we were destroying their comrades the communists. I make it a habit not to intervene as an intern. Heres how we saw the article we ran: It is a survey of the singular career of a woman who both drove and was driven by many of the largest social concerns of her era, and who came to embody some of them. ( New York: G.P. I dont think they know, Fonda said in a news conference when she returned home. Hardly misdirected anger, Jane Fonda really was merely a silly and shallow child of privilege who allowed herself to be used for propaganda. The war was being fought by the air during during the Nixon administration. Read on. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. And it was a terrible mistake because of the image that it showed, which was not at all what the reality was. Thats what made me laugh. She is the daughter of legendary actor and WWII Naval Officer Henry Fonda. Finally the brainwashed, confused, exhausted American public forced our government to surrender. So I feel that well If I did was good, except that I shouldnt have set gone out to a military place. I mean Alan, this woman was totally caught up in the age of the '60s, the rhetoric of the '60s, and quite frankly I feel sorry for her, because she's not out of it. "Claim: POWs were beaten for refusing to cooperate or meet with Fonda during her visit. True. She now works at Reuters. The Bushes have a long-standing relationship with Red China, one that has hardmed our national security, yet few attack them as vociferously as Fonda was attacked. I hardly even think about where I am sitting. President Lyndon Johnson, Democrat, in a special address to the American public, reported an attack upon a U.S. naval vessel in the Tonkin Gulf by a North Vietnamese torpedo boat. But Jane Fonda: Cancel my subscription!, In replying, I discovered that the Good Book notwithstanding, a soft answer turneth away wrath no more than zo percent of the time. MacArthur asked Truman to permit Chiang Kai-Shek's troops to fight with Americans against the Red Chinese. It is giving them the advantage of the propaganda visibility that this woman lent to them. You will not be surprised to hear that I have bowdlerised the above considerably, removing racial designators and course expressions of various sorts. We're going to take them out. Fonda moves down the line, greeting each man with encouragements like Arent you ashamed you killed babies? as she shakes his hand. Id been getting pretty sour about the incensed patriots who would curse me and my family and confidently speak on behalf of all veterans living and dead, and the Great Jehovah and the Continental Congress, to declare I was a disgrace to America for running that storythen conclude by smugly assuring me they would never read it. And four months later, the bombing stopped of the dikes. Each of them suggested that they had done at least one interview with Fonda, and individually they were looking into the historical accuracy behind the claims made about Fonda and why she became such a lighting rod for controversy. Del. However, the fact that she advocated Communism does not give anyone license to make up stories or slander. Us veterans will never forget or forgive her posing on a North Viet anti-aircraft gun, regardless whatever else she may or may not have done. Maybe. CHRIS WALLACE: Your most famous protest was 50 years ago when you went to North Vietnam at the height of the war there. Christopher Andersen, Citizen Jane (New York: Henry Holt and Company. Heres how we saw the article we ran: It is a survey of the singular career of a woman who both drove and was driven by many of the largest social concerns of her era, and who came to embody some of them. I mean, he realized that . The war was being fought by the air during during the Nixon administration. Whether youre a lifelong resident of D.C. or you just moved here, weve got you covered. Heres the picture that was used to shut shut down American plants, critics, and there were millions of them, called you a Hanoi Jane and said you were a traitor. North Vietnamese press reported and Fonda later confirmed that she made several radio announcements over the Voice of Vietnam radio to implore U.S. pilots to stop the bombings. Ramsey Clark went to Hanoi during the war. Nobody remembers, nobody cares. Many Americans disapproved of Fondas comments I mean, the reality is, there were 24,000 American troops on the ground in South Vietnam. Thats all the ground troops were Ms. Fonda only met with those POW's who had sold out their fellow POW's, who willingly (without torture) made propaganda statements for their captors, and who enjoyed privileges of medical care, food, and even night-time excursions into Hanoi to watch movies in return. She and actor Donald Sutherland started an anti-USO troupe to counter Bob Hopes famous shows for the troops. "Because of this," the narrative continues, "I spent three days on a rocky floor on my knees with outstretched arms with a piece of steel placed on my hands, and beaten with a bamboo cane every time my arms dipped." Also Read: Megyn Kelly Trashed by Rosie O'Donnell as 'Spineless Wanna Be Barbie' for Jane Fonda Spat. In 2015, about 50 veterans stood outside theWeinberg Center for the Arts in Frederick, Md., to protest Fondas appearance there. Jane Fonda sparked outrage among war veterans when she was pictured sitting on an anti-aircraft gun in 1972 during the Vietnam War, earning her the nickname Hanoi Jane. Nobody remembers, nobody cares. She has said that she regrets doing this. Jane Fonda remains unforgiven. I sang a song. Respected online resources such as Snopes, Truth Miners, and Urban Legends have all cited key persons in the infamous email as having refuted its claims. I feel sorry for NORTH: She didn't apologize, Alan. For example, she went on Radio Hanoi a number of times, while our troops, your friends, were being shot at by an enemy in Vietnam, saying our POWs were in good health. Fifty years later, he bears witness again. Free shipping for many products! The POWs are beaten. Youre gonna come through it, okay. Imagine its the Battle of the Bulge and Betty Grable is up on top of a German tank saying the Yanks are fighting an evil war. Its not a preposterous analogynot as far as the soldiers involved are concerned. In fact, when the Tet Offensive broke, Jane Fonda was the featured pinup girl in that months issue of Leatherneck , the official publication of the Marines.. Putnams Sons. This is not a legal transcript for purposes of litigation. It was the last day of my two week time there. Hundreds of Americans had gone to North Vietnam, journalists diplomats, our Secretary of State Ramsey Clark, Vietnam veterans, but I said but a movie star hasnt gone and maybe if I go it will draw more attention, and thats what it did. JANE FONDA: Well, I didnt like it. Free subscription>>, Please consider a donation to help us keep this American treasure alive. NORTH: And mine too, brother, even after 37 years. The charges against Fonda went beyond the notion that she was an apologist for the mistreatment of American prisoners of war. I think that there is a lot of selectivity going on. CHRIS WALLACE: Who the people in the Nixon administration? The media heaped calumny on U.S. military leadership; presented biased, horrifying scenes depicting "the wanton killing of Vietnamese civilians", and the "degeneracy" of our fighting men and women. But Jane Fonda: Cancel my subscription! Rudi Bakhtiar jumped from CNN to Fox News in 2006. That's an apology. One showed her applauding North Vietnamese anti-aircraft gunners. target_type: 'mix' Considering the admonition about Caesar's wife, perhaps HNN should remove you as an intern. But she maintains she was not a traitor by speaking out against the war or trying to turn soldiers against it, because she still believesthe U.S. government was lying to them. The one story that was true never touched the question of whether or not she directly participated in war crimes. CHRIS WALLACE: Who the people in the Nixon administration? Mr. Nolan wrote something that helped me better understand the fury of this sort of reaction. I don't want people putting words into my mouth, saying "you're going to tell us all these bankers and financiers are Jewish", for instance. Joining us now is the host of "War Stories," who fought in Vietnam, Colonel Oliver North is with us. Fonda addresses the media in December 1972 to protest U.S. military involvement in the Vietnam War. They landed two months later on 7 May with the 2nd Battalion, 4th Marines. An analogy: I'm more upset by somebody coming into my house and stealing from me than I am by a tax increase, or even by government malfeasance. Since the dawn of the Internet and a spate of anti-Fonda websites, there have been many fabrications and exaggerations regarding her actions, but her photo ops and press conferences to "give aid and comfort to the enemy" are not and never were in question. Thus, the U.S.A. deliberately betrayed its former ally Chiang Kai-Shek and gave mainland China to communism. tips@mediaite.com. And, as she does, each POW palms her a scrap of paper with his Social Security number written on it. Watch "Hannity & Colmes" weeknights at 9 p.m. Why? America. The Ms. , we thought, would signal a bit of ironic distance from the broad, ingenu- ous affection contained in Miss America., It evidently didnt. You're a great American. After Fonda returned from hertrip, the State Department spoke out against her. And, you know, I think they thought, Oh, shes this white privilege rich, famous daughter of all of that stuff. It never happened. And definitely not fonda Fonda. Deprived of American assistance, his army bereft of supplies, Chiang Kai-Shek retreated to the island sanctuary of Formosa and dug in. During her two-week stay, Fonda concluded that America was unjustly bombing farmland and areas far flung from military targets. Heres a transcript of her remarks so you can judge for yourself. Only the bankers know. The answer, of course, is that they won't.