zuko prisoner fanfic

Iroh is trying to save his boy when Azula tells him Zuko is dead. He speaks calm as he follows Azula. First, I want to thank Yaoi4Ever16 for letting me turn his/her/their idea into a story. Why does he care if this woman cries? He avoided the wound there, silently cursing the bastard that did it. Again he pressed himself against her, still pinning her bound arms above her. Ever so slowly Katara rose to her feet. tip: buffy gen teen AND "no archive warnings apply", There were a lot of things Sokka didnt expect in his life. He could get his requisite character development by interacting with fellow prisoners (Jet, Suki) and his captors (Hakoda, Fong, Long Feng, Ozai and Azula). Found stranded on the sh "Zuko, that's where your innermost turmoil lies, you were carrying the burden of not being enough for y/n." 7. The firebender prince glared at her, and the light from the torches danced in his eyes. Because of this, when La is on his vengeful rampage, he spares Zuko out of love for Tui and a rare moment of recognition, as La himself was part of a balanced duo that had just broken. Kali. Youre going to kill each other!. Even though she was a prisoner, his prisoner, and had been threatened by Azula, she still had that fire within her that caused her to be rebellious. Its me mashing together tropes I like : Zuko getting more parental figures, Zhao being a vile cockroach of a man, Hakoda in general.I've seen similar plots with Zhao imprisoning Zuko and Sokka, and I've seen Hakoda and Zuko trapped together, but not the combination. Why didn't she use waterbending to fight him? So c) prisoner of the Avatar and his friends until Ba Sing Se. Zuko manages to save his uncle and outsmart Azula by taking a page out of Sokka's book, asking himself this trope exactly. Unaware to the Prince, this Rhea lost her parents at a young age to a war that they never signed up for. Sam sat down on her side of the bed but didn't climb in. she just barely stops herself from screaming. Katara awoke in a dark place. He only pulled away from her swollen lips to inhale a much needed breath of air. He must be stopped! Does he show up to the Western Air Temple, smiling like a genial old man who knows how to Set Some Stuff On Fire, and the Gaang trips over themselves to shove Zuko at him, here-we-think-this-belongs-to-you? Culture Clash: Aang and Katara have a big one when she discovers the way airbenders deal with family and non-benders. but there's always time for some peak dumbass ideas i am going to torture this poor boy every chapter and nobody can stop me, basically just a bunch of one shots in this universe, Fire Benders shouldn't be on wooden ships, Fluff in a thin coat of angst wrapped in a rope, Author hurts Zuko for later fluff reasons, not really that's where the misunderstandings tag comes in but imma tag it anyway, The Gaang Learns How Zuko Got The Scar (Avatar), like her mom died and zuko did chase them around the world so like, T for swearing and mild descriptions of uhhh zukos scar, were gonna drag zuko into friendship if it kills us. Y/N was an air bender, she was tasked with watching over the avatar Zuko is captured and imprisoned by Ozai when he fails to escape in time after their confrontation in the Day of Black Sun. I have now changed it. "Aang, Ozai is the one who burned Zuko.." "Most life is sacred", but its best friends sharing a man kinda love, Zuko (Avatar) Has PTSD - Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Shes more of a body guard that treats him like a brother, Episode: s01e19-20 The Siege of the North (Last Airbender), It's gonna suck and then it's gonna suck some more, Abandoned Work - Unfinished and Discontinued, Episode: s01e07-08 Winter Solstice (Last Airbender), Comics have been used as kindling and set on fire, canon ships sailing around in the background, Agricultural policy is only boring when you aren't at risk of going hungry, More tags will be added when/if story progresses to that point, Iroh has a better reason for being absent than running a tea shop, lone incident of graphic violence is present in Ch 18, Zuko isn't actually trying to kill himself, i mean it would be almost impossible not to, the rape is in the past and is going to be very vague, most of the trauma is vague and it's all in the past. Zhao captures Zuko at the Temple. ***Disclaimer: I do not own AVATAR, The Last Airbender, and whoever does probably wishes I'd never written this smut! The prince laughed. Zuko being a credible heir and a seemingly much more preferable leader means that, for the first time in years, the people of the Fire Nation have something to gain if they get rid of Ozai. For any of you who are still subscribed to this finished story and wished Zuko went with the colonel to that prison Well, a part of me wished that too, so an alternative version of my own fanfic happened ----->, here's the link --- https://archiveofourown.org/works/45326560/chapters/114037702, there are two chapters, and now I realized I might put it out there :)), Just putting it out there in case anyone wanted to check it out :)), as for the main series fans who are confused by this notification Don't worry I've already started work on the new story in the main series :)). your body betrays you.. "Oh great, NOW what? 19. From now on, Prince Zuko was less than a man. I want him out of the palace by night fall." Zuzu. Branded as a traitor and banished to a prison camp, Zuko learns how cruel the Fire Nation can be to its citizens. In a meta-sense, Word of God admits they love putting him in embarrassing and ridiculous circumstances. ", Zuko: "Hey, Sokka! TVTropes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. CORALAPIZ, 2022. 3. 10. A flicker of light appeared through a tiny opening in the metal door. she wore it like a loaded gun. All that while trying to figure out his own morals and place in this war-thorn world. The Worst Prisoner series is an Avatar: The Last Airbender fanfiction by emletish of The Stalking Zuko Series fame, detailing a What If? With hunger, civil chaos, and living enemies stalking their damaged world, can they learn fast enough to win the peace? By day, Zuko would be turned into a dragon By Night, the prince would be human again The price for this curse was a year of the Fire Lord's life. She reached around and rubbed the back of her head. Shit just got a whole lot more complicated. When Zuko was locked up in the cell, then forced to chase the impossible on a ship, his only companions were his numbers. Tui, known to favor couples, came to adore them for the rare balance they represented as a couple. In that time she had grown much stronger. It had been four years since Aang had been awakened from his deep sleep. Katara is ready to do what is necessary to stall until rescue arrives, but much to her surprise, Zuko refuses to fight. Its all about being faced with new perspectives that cause introspection. Get away from me! she shouted. Prisoner Zuko (Avatar) found family (but in prison) this totally is a fanfic of my own fanfic. During their stay in the North, Katara and Zuko would often secretly spend time in the Spirit Oasis, not knowing it was such a sacred location and favoring it instead for its seclusion. Apologises for slow, if any, updates! He didnt expect to find the Avatar. That was only one of the things he found arousing about her. Decoy Protagonist: Initially, Sokka is the one taken prisoner by . no one knew where Kira is a noble's daughter and a firebender, she has been engaged to prince Zuko since they were young to be his concubine. Its a tour of the worlds cultures from the inside out thats also, yknow, traumatizing. I would have said come on fire boy and get you some of this! He gritted his teeth, like even speaking to her was painful, "Why did you save the ship?" That wasn't what she had been expecting, "Why wouldn't I have?" "You could have used the storm to escape," He lied, in honesty she could have escaped the minute they were in open waters. 181K 6.2K 33 Hey so, I thought I'd try my hand at this! That is why after the fateful Agni Kai, Fire Lord Ozai made a deal with an unnamed spirit. Her fear suddenly became prevalent. Useless. She hated the feeling, because it should not feel so damn good! He stepped back and looked her in the eyes. Which doesnt even need to be a real scene; it could just be referenced in an off-handed heard about this from since if dads guys manner right before Boiling Rock. Danger. So, waterbender, are you going to tell me where to find the Avatar, or am I going to have to convince you? Prince Zuko asked in a smooth haughty voice. Katara always secretly admired him, but her fear of him outweighed all else. 13. The first book, The Element of Change, can be found here on Archive of Our Own or here on FanFiction.Net. Zhao is an absolute vile creep towards Zuko, which sets off all of Hakoda's parental alarm bells. But when Chief Hakoda's efforts to wrangle the Fire Prince include tying the two of them together to keep an eye on him, Zuko's position on the ship and fight for control gets tangled, as the lines between warden and parental figure weave together and the two become attached in ways they never expected at the end of his rope. Suddenly she heard footsteps beyond the cell. Now youre gonna be taken from me too.' Chapter 16 His knowing smile was too much to bare, as her body defied her mind, making her knees weak. What if when Zuko was burned and banished he was left alone in the Earth Kingdom and General Fong took him prisoner. The survivors were then escorted outside the Northern border and instructed to spread the word on what happens to trespassers. When the door closed with a loud bang, Katara suddenly felt very alone and very frightened. Now. The abusive noise added fuel to her splitting headache. Haha! It wouldnt be out of character for Azula to enlist Zukos help in the fight against Aang, too, by enticing him with Ozais approval and the promise of home. When his smirk grew to a fully wicked grin, he slipped his fingers between her folds. Now consider this: Iroh takes the role of og-Zuko as a constant threat in pursuit of his nephew. Chapter 10 I can just picture the reunion post-Boiling-Rock. Four years of running and fighting. I imagine several long, painful, and confusing conversations. Prisoner Zuko (Avatar) Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence Locked away among the bones of his ancestors, a lone dragon awaits the chance to purge the world of the evil in the line of Sozin. Katara, despite her kindness to Zuko, is aware that he still intends to kidnap Aang throughout most of Book 1, having realized that he was exaggerating the pain of his injuries for the purposes of being underestimated as a threat. A very loose interpretation of Cinderella. He could be caught snooping around on a water-tribe ship or something like that; the more hair-brained and silly the reason, the better. Slight AU to the finale, where Zuko tries to reason with Azula in honor of their mother. She failed often, but succeeded more than that. When Zuko escapes and flees the fire nation he can only hope that he wont end up in the hands of another cruel captor. This becomes Aang's first real taste of betryal, hatred, and a desire for vengeance. Yay for smut! Bastard! Katara said in panting breath as his nimble fingers worked magically against her fleshy jewel. The firebender prince glared at her, and the light from the torches danced in his eyes. Hes expecting Zuko to be the angry teenager he was when they first met and blame Hakoda for this. After that fateful Agni Kai, Ozai makes a different call. She was kind enough to ask my permission to do Prisoner of the Firebending Prince II; I gave it, and wish her the best of luck with it. well it happens Daddy Issues (and not only Zuko's!) The rest of the crew, too, seemed to agree that Zuko had finally had enough. Whumptober 2021 days 1 (All Trussed Up and Still Nowhere To Go) and 2 (Talking is Overrated)Prompts: "You have to let go"/barbed wire/bound and garotte/choking/gagged. The end of the 100-year war is uncharted territory. He was a fierce warrior and ruthlessly pursued the Avatar to regain his status in his homeland. Theme: Nowhere to run.Prompts: Cornered. Oh, were not going to kill you, the guard promised. Yet, one remains. Small steps first. Chapter 18 "Calm down Azula." With a wave of his hand the hidden torches in the damp cell roared to life, and the face of Prince Zuko became crystal clear. The feeling was like molten heat sending liquid pools of pleasure curling in her abdomen. I know! He had been banished, burned by his father, and now he was trapped being the 'little pet' to a man-hating warlord. No harm will come to you lovely Katara.