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But it kind of does not work very well for me. A black and white with strong contrast and a real film stock look. I like this recipe very much. ACROS is a black and white film simulation with an exceptional level of tonality and a very complex grain structure. What white balance settings do you use for your B&W recipe on the X-Trans III (X100F) sensor? Consumers tended to overexpose it as the simple cameras were designed for print film and its ability to handle several stops of overexposure. It would be cool to create a color faux IR recipe, but I dont think thats particularly practical or possible. I have a newer sensor camera but I also have an X-E1 that I have cherished for many years and there arent too many sites with SIMS for that generation of camera. If you have favorites you would like to share add them to the comments below. Its name refers to a step in color negative . Ive seen some recipes online trying to mimic Classic Negative without having Classic Negative, but to be honest I never found them very similar. Slight S Curve. Has something changed on the newer models that makes the IR filter not work anymore? There's a real cost to operating and maintaining this site, not to mention all the time that I pour into it. Its most similar to Dramatic Monochrome, so if you like that recipe youll like this one, too. I always use the same camera settings on the x-pro1, which are: Auto ISO, Auto DR, Astia, Color -2, NR -2, H: 0, S: 0 (or 1), WB shift R4 B-5. Thanks for the article and the diverse array of sample photos to give us an idea of what your recipe looks like in different contexts. Clarity: +5 Based on some demand from our readers, we have created the Noir Film Mood film simulation recipe. As I understand it the signal flow is WB>red film simulation. I could not sort through them. Here are the settings you need: Film Prest: Classic Chrome I would love to hear from you all and experiment with new flavors. If in doubt, Fujifilm states right on the camera; "Shoot in black and white in rich detail with sharpness" It requires special film, or a digital sensor that has had the infrared filter removed. . I have thousands of yellow boxes in my closet from decades of shooting that very emulsion. As you can see below my Custom 7 displays a nice range of gradients ending in Black & White. Yeah, that would be great! Your email address will not be published. Plus it overjoyed the existing file so u dont have duplicates. I think nearly ever bank on my X-T30, X100V, X-E4 and X-T1 are filled will experimental recipes. In any case, my real and sincere thanks for your recipe. Of course it does-Ive had it all inverse-blue skies usually would mean more pronounced effect so send blue into red! Thomas said that he started with one of the Ilford recipes, and this evolved from that. Sep 13, 2021. Your X-trans IV recipe is one of the best Ive seen. (Again, all of these images are straight out of camera, unedited! February 28, 2020 @ So I know this blog is called FujiFeels but that doesnt mean I want to disregard any people who shoot other brands. Just programmed into my X100V, took first picture, lovin it already! Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. I will be trying out your Kodachrome formula for sure. I used an X-E1 with the 35mm /1.4 for my testing as I wanted a 16MP X-Trans sensor and the 35mm /1.4's edge to edge quality is uncanny. 5:30 pm. Obviously wrong idea! Its one of the more difficult to use recipes that Ive created, yet it is highly rewarding. Thanks for the recipes! I also have a X-E1 (the x-pro1 is long gone) and thats still the only color recipe I use on that camera. It reminds me of Agfapan 25 printed using a high-contrast filter (maybe a #4, or even split-filtered). I shoot this at 0 to +3/4 Ev and adjust on location as needed. I think this is my favourite so far that I have tested and really recommend trying these settings for yourself! Posted on January 11, 2021 by Ritchie Roesch. Enough of all that lets dive into my preferred 7 Custom Recipes for the Fujifilm X Series Cameras utilizing the X-Trans IV Sensor. But excellent tip with white balance. I would like to offer you some advice if this method of photography sounds appealing to you. I shot almost as many images with the Portra 160 recipe but found the contrast and colors here always somewhat more pleasing. Most of us do this with a lens filter that blocks most of the visible spectrum (like 750nm) and custom white balance set with a white card and the filter. Highlights +40. Again, thanks. . Tri-X has a good reputation as a photojournalistic film therefore I was drawn to the recipe. Sharpening: -4 So go on then, get of your arse and go make some great photographs. This gives a consistent warm look to my images. I found that it can vary greatly, so try adjusting it (reducing or increasing, but probably reducing) until it looks right. Hey guys and as always welcome back! In my opinion it works well over exposed ( just like real portra ) and in contrasty outdoor lighting. It does have a limited dynamic range, and its easy to clip highlights, so the exposure should be carefully considered, or perhaps try DR-Auto if you are concerned. Blacks -50. Have a Ricoh GR series camera? An old-school faded look on based on the Classic Chrome film simulation based in your Fujifilm camera. Those who have said thatAcros+R doesnt actually resemble the use of a red filter on black-and-white film will appreciate these settings. Ive started using the darkroom app, coz I can also add vignette, lift shadows and do much more to the jpegs. I am also frustrated that after pulling in the RAF to Lightroom I have no way to re-apply that film simulation recipe ot the RAF. Grain Effect Weak (Masazumi Imai is the chief designer and "father" of the Fujifilm X100. It is based on the Pro Neg profiles which are usually quite boring to me but in this case it works well. Join Me LIVE Today to Talk About Street Photography! Please keep it coming! I want to set myself the goal to be consistent in my styles. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. I've tweaked it very slightly to my liking, but all the credit goes to Big Negative for coming up with this. These photos are all taken with either the X-T2 or the X100F and I hope you enjoy the photos as much as I do! Departure Berlin a collection of black and white images made during years of commuting through the wonderful but also gritty city of Berlin. Unlock advanced features by becoming a Patron. LMAO.this was posted Feb 28 2020 Hard blacks are something that speaks to a part of my soul that I need to connect to from time to time in a controlled manner. I did not like what I saw. June 6, 2020 @ When I need high contrast but also vibrant colours, Pro Neg Hi hits the spot. Maybe not quite as convincing, but it definitely works. Shooting black and white film over digital in the last few years has changed my approach to photography a great deal. Shadow: 0 The white balance is fixed. For example, Ive set the custom Tri-X simulation. +G mimics the use of a green filter. teen pregnancy prevention websites. I tried making that shift to red many times. Works amazing on flowers and high contrast scenes such as sunsets. If you like dramatic black and white photographs, youll want to give this one a try! This has been a huge help, many thanks. Even though you are only using the visible spectrum of light, it can appear as though you are actually doing infrared photography. I love it! I only ever edit when I feel it will enhance an image in a tasteful way. . One of my favorite photographers is Mitch Dobrowner, who converted his Canon cameras to full-spectrum for dramatic monochrome storm photography. April 28, 2022 @ The Acros film simulation comes in four variations: Standard Acros. At first I just replicated the settings from my X-trans III recipe using Classic Negative instead of Classic Chrome, but after using it for a while and playing around with some of the new options like Color Chrome Effect and FX Blue, Ive mostly settled on the settings below. I mean come on, thats just a bit funny. That is exactly my style of black and white. These settings are for JPEG files only. Perhaps Ill rename it that actually. That being said, it shouldnt be too hard to replicate this look with the Rafs in lightroom. there is no film look when you shoot digital. White Tree Black Sky West Valley City, UT Fujifilm X100V Black & White Infrared. This sim looks great straight without any modifications. It isnt quite the same as the Classic Neg I was using on my previous Fuji, an X-Pro3 but its differences are both subtle and intriguing. Its nothing short of amazing the range you get when editing Fujifilms raf files, especially when it comes to recovering shadows and highlights. Its like making a print and throwing away the film negative. Bee But the greatest thing about working in raw quickly became my biggest problem: the endless possibilities provided by editing these files means its a never-ending task. OkIll start with this. You've . The new part is my color film simulation settings, previously I had been using exclusively Ritchies recipes for color work! Sharpening -1. Manage Settings A characteristic of both infrared and full-spectrum in black-and-white is deep contrast, with dark skies and white foliage. Nevertheless it made it into my most used recipes for some reason. Anyway, thats the intro to the post out of the way, lets dive in! xpo logistics trucking jobs. But I dont know about the other sensors. Its very rare that I use any kind of editing at the moment. You will begin to develop an eye for what a film photograph looks like when compared to most digitally shot images you see on social media these days. Take the Blind Film Simulation Recipe Test to See Which Might Be Your Favorite! Top 20 Most Popular Film Simulation Recipes of2020, Fujifilm X-Trans IV Film Simulation Recipe: Kodak Portra 800 v2 | FUJI X WEEKLY, Fujifilm X-Trans IV (X-Pro3, X100V, X-T4, X-S10 & X-E4) Film Simulation Recipe: Fujicolor NPS 160 Pulled | FUJI X WEEKLY, Fujifilm X-Trans IV Film Simulation Recipe: Fujicolor Super HG (Part 1 of 3) | FUJI X WEEKLY, On Being Ripped Off Or, Stop Stealing fromMe, Top 10 Film Simulation Recipes of 2022 (& 2023 SoFar). fast food ner; tuscany kitchen faucet; p2c7a code chevy silverado; auxillary fuel tank Just discovered your blog, love it! 8:44 pm. You can (just disregard Clarity), but it wont look exactly the same (pretty close, though). Hes a friend of this blog, and Im honored that he allows me to share his recipes here! HI, wonderful pictures! The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Watch on. A few things led me to being very keen on finding a few Jpeg recipes, and sticking to those for all my work. I might just keep this recipe as it is. Just got an X100V and Im putting in some of your recipes. You have obviously done a lot of trial and error to arrive at these settings, so thank you for being so unselfish with your secret recipes. Or maybe u could suggest or onces I could try? Hi, I really love the look of your X-trans IV recipe but I own a X-T30 without some options. This post contains affiliate links, and if you make a purchase using my links Ill be compensated a small amount for it. Sharpness - +1. In the end I want to settle with six (four color, two b/w) distinct styles that I try to develop from these recipes. Just looking back is all. December 14, 2020 @ Many of my posts can be applied across the board as general photography topics rather than Fujifilm related topics. For my color simulation, I took several ideas from Ritchies Fuji recipes and mashed them all into one. Great! Another black and white recipe. Dont get me wrongI use both media, but for my professional work, the really excellent quality refined work, I shoot in medium or large format film. Helped massively by the Across R Fujifilm Preset, there is a special feel the images it produces. Dynamic Range: DR400. I used it quite extensively but never really much liked it. Nice. For me, this preset cries out film. When used in the high situations, this black and white recipe is just gorgeous! 1:57 pm, Robert West It is a very versatile recipe with somewhat muted colors but less so than anything based on Classic Chrome. Noise Reduction: -4 1970's . I shot Kodachrome for many years and have yet to see anyone replicate it with digital so looking forward to trying this. I tried true red/orange filters on the fuji the other day for the first time. Urban Decay (2019) Fujifilm X100F Ilford HP5 film recipe. That being said, as much as I appreciated the quality of the jpgs, I almost always ended up working on the raw files for the added post-processing flexibility and to get a more stylized look. It also added some very slight toning on the warm side which I like very much. To do this I looked at countless instagram feeds that consisted of purely film photography. I just took his idea a step further to make it even more dramatic for this recipe. I enjoy black and white very much. Check out Nikon Z recipes (11 Here, 3 Here, 4 Here)! Base simply identifies what the current settings are. Thank you in advance! Overall I feel that this is Custom 7 has me set up for most situations. Film Simulation: Acros with Yellow Filter. On canon users would have to approximate the values for RGB and set them manually. Highlight Tone - 0. Here are some sample shots with these settings; (No editing at all! I was in a similar situation because the custom WB that the Portra recipe mentions may not have any previously set value. Lus, I shoot with one of Ritchies or your film simulation recipes regularly. Sweet, I will add to my list in my cheat sheet. With digital editing may be more important whether you are letting Fujifilms algorithms produce pleasing jpegs in camera or if you shoot raw and edit in Lightroom. Thanks a lot for your work I just wonder, how you call your color simulation, you posted above. Click on the profile icon in the Basic panel. February 28, 2020 @ Thats my main B&W simulation, I almost never process the raws in those files. Im working on more for sure. Its not intended to look like it, but thats what it reminds me of. Id rather just accept the modern equivalent of grain called sensor noise. I dont see this with the other custom film simulations (for example, theres no Base C1 and C1 for the Kodachrome64 simulation). Highlight: +4 I think it is perfect for urban scenes and it has a fixed white balance. I would advise Classic Chrome, Eterna, and Pro Neg. Strange that it ended up in third place. I use it primarily for portraits. Film Simulation - Monochrome + R. Grain Effect - Strong. Signs, Poles & Wires - Farmington, UT - Fujifilm X100V - "Classic Monochrome" For some reason, black-and-white film simulation recipes aren't as popular as color, but Fujifilm cameras are capable of some great monochrome images straight-out-of-camera. Download Free Fujifilm Lightroom Presets to get a Fuji Film Simulation effect in Lightroom in several clicks. Below youll find the different iterations of my recipe for the different camera/sensor generations (there is no X-Trans II version, but you can easily use the X-Trans III recipe for those cameras with some minor adjustments). My Best Fujifilm JPEG Settings for 2020 from Kevin Mullins. . Finally, we have my black and white settings. Thank you, > 2021112 6:46FUJI X WEEKLY > >, Thanks for all of the work you do with these film simulations. Thank you so much! Acros+R I have them set up the same on both my XPro 3 as well as the X100V. They wont look the same as the stills, but it can still look good and save you time color grading. This recipe is contrasty and clean. Thats a big one, and I usually turn the grain effect on in my Fuji Cameras. I still hope to do so, maybe later this year or perhaps next year. Posted on August 11, 2020 by Ritchie Roesch, Stop Here on Infrared Yellowstone NP, WY Fujifilm X100V Black & White Infrared. Required fields are marked *. But I still find that I want to tweak each image just a bit. Thanks! #3. Yes! Hi Jamie, I have recently purchased an X100V (to accomplish my X-T2) and have set-up your recipes Chrome Urban, Forest, Acros Punch and Kodachrome Hot. Your photographs have qualities which I find it difficult to accurately put into words. One thing that bugs me a bit is that the custom setting is not recorded in metadata, meaning copious notes for each image with a simulation.I know this is not your problem but I wonder if you or any of your contacts have found a better solution than pen and paper? This can be inspirational even if you . I just thought this was rather ironic though. 11:38 am, do you have other jpeg film simulations/custom settings for older fujifilm cameras like xt1? Not every one will make it to this blog, but many of them will eventually. Similar to Pushed Kodak Tri -X. Shadows -45. I began exploring different possibilities using the in-camera film simulation settings and came across Ritchie Roeschs Fuji X Weekly blog, which features some really excellent Fujifilm recipes inspired by classic films. I made myself a spreadsheet on my phone to have access to all of these recipes on the go. Thank you for sharing! That is exactly my style of black and white. Is there no other way so I could get similair results? It might be the sharpness, the strong shadows and the white balance shift that makes it interesting to my eyes. So I thought about not using a systematic approach but rather to see which film recipes I used the most. As with Acros, there are three variants for this mode; you can add a red, yellow, or green filter. Earlier in 2018 I realized that I should really spend less time editing and more time shooting, so I decided to use the jpgs instead of the raw files as much as possible. Dynamic Range: DR200 Most of the times, yeah. I am really puzzled that people claiming this. The White Balance (and WB Shift) is critical to this recipe, so double-check that it is correct. Comparing simulated Tri-X with film stock, it never really captures the panchromatic look in my eyes. Your email address will not be published. For example, if you prefer Fujis classic film tones, you can change the WB shift to -2 Red to enhance the greens. A sharp, hard, black and somewhat aggressive look. All images were shot with the same white balance and all other settings at the default. After much trial and error, I settled on the settings below that I used almost exclusively on the X-Pro1 during the time that I had it: When it comes to monochrome images, I still use the same recipe that I came up with once I upgraded to an X-trans III camera many years ago. With full spectrum photography you can choose by the use of filters which light you want to capture. This post is due to a request by @kmore on instagram and Kerry in real life. Sample shots? Check out theFuji X Weekly Appfor iOS and Android. I own an X-S10 and dont think I can create custom movie simulations as I can with stills. ISO: Auto ISO up to 6400 is fine. 4:49 pm. My pleasure! Colour Chrome Effect: Weak Love the recipe for x100f, now loaded on my camera. This black and white simulation uses the Black and White with the Red filter and give a nice balance between contrasty tones and completely . Maybe they never shot film or think, a little grain make it a film look. February 5, 2023 @ This is an interesting take on near-infrared photography. So my second colour film profile is similar to the look of Kodachrome. October 11, 2020 @ While most of the times I use the camera jpgs instead of the raw files, I still run them through Capture One to do some quick adjustments. Take the Blind Film Simulation Recipe Test to See Which Might Be YourFavorite! Better still, youll begin to understand what kind of film shots you like. Yes, youll have to set them manually, although ISO can be set to Auto and you can program the parameters of that. I dont. This is a tough one. Colour: 0 It's free! This recipe cranks up both highlights and shadows which is totally my thing. March 25, 2020 @ You need to bare that in mind when shooting with this film recipe. I think I recognize Phnom Penh in those shots? Colour Chrome Effect: Strong What monochrome setting should it be at: Y, G, or R? 68 thoughts on " My favorite Fujifilm film simulation recipes " jamiechancetravels says: September 14, 2018 at 10:41 am. Now, because I love the look of film not just the process of film. In my last post, I talked about how I am really starting to shy away from the editing phase of photography. The minimum ISO 1600 introduces too much unnecessary noise when I would prefer cleaner images in daylight. Life, Unintended - 7 excellent film recipes from Lus Costa, that bring out the character of Fujifilm's film simulation. Ive linked back your site, @Ritschie. Why You Need A Black & White Dedicated Camera 23 Jul 2021. Amazing! Overall Im posed with them but I feel I achieve better result shooting RAW files then adding some of my own Presets in post to achieve a more accurate representation of the original look of Kodachrome. Classic Chrome took a while for me but once I achieved my desired preferences it became my favorite. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. We could edit the default simulations and adjust them to what we want, I guess? I narrowed my preference down to a few specific film stocks that I loved the look of. Subject: Fujifilm Film Simulation Recipes & More. White Balance: Daylight, Red +2, Blue -5 Nice photos, i recently tried out film simulations in camera myself, its been fun! Choosing between them became an extremely time consuming task and it got to the point where I would sometimes spend over half-an-hour with a single photo going back and forth between different looks. It can be very tough to gauge the best exposure, and Ive had to go anywhere from -1 to +3 on the exposure compensation dial to get it right. Shadow: +2. So a quick change from DR 100 to DR200 or even DR400 on your Fujifilm will help achieve that filmic look. Some I only used for personal photography (like family and such) so I chose the 12 most popular ones for this article. I also find myself wanting to do some minor adjustments in the jpgs, so what I do is I import them to lightroom and apply a preset with the adjustments that I need. I shoot this at Positive + 1 1/2 to at time +2 Ev and adjust on location as needed. The X-Pro3, X-E4, X100V, X-T4, GFX100, GFX 50S, and GFX 50R all have Classic Negative film simulation. Here are the settings you need: Film Preset: Across Red Filter It looks natural, realistic and slightly warm. Hi, do you have any recommended recipe for full spectrum X100v camera. +R mimics the use of a red filter (although its really more like an orange filter). (LogOut/ I enjoyed it very much. Hi! Change). Vlad I find the odd color shifts to be interesting. It works very well at daylight either with sun or overcast. 6:11 am, Wow man this is great .. do you have an Instagram account Id like to follow you there, Veroni Creative Collective 042: FXW Zine Issue 16 March 2023, Try These 5 Fujifilm Film Simulation Recipes Today for a Color Negative Film Look, How To Add Film Simulation Recipes To Your Fujifilm Camera, My Fujifilm X100V Kodachrome 64 Film Simulation Recipe, Fujifilm X100V Film Simulation Recipe: Kodak Portra 400 v2, Fujifilm X100V Film Simulation: Kodak Portra 400, A $400 Alternative to the Fujifilm X100V, X-E4, and X70, My Fujifilm X100F Vintage Kodachrome Film Simulation Recipe. Film simulation: Classic Negative. Film Simulation Settings: Classic Chrome. Thanks for sharing , Thank you so much for the kind words! Color: -2. Estimated Reading Time: 7 mins Just embrace what you like, but do not mix up things. Drop file here. Lastly, dont choose the overly colourful film presets that Fujifilm offer. Do these two settings still need to be done externally after saving the custom recipe, or can they be saved within the custom recipe itself? Markus Arike So Ive had to tweak my color recipe a few times along the way to fit each camera generation theyre not exact matches, of course, but I believe they have the same overall vibe. The next tip is just my opinion but I find if you slightly over expose, coupled with what I have already mentioned, that can help you get a nice filmic look. White Balance : Auto WB Shift Red +2 Blue -4. Even though it's tricky to use in certain lighting situations (just like real film) when you get it just right, it works perfectly. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Im a fan of contrasty, grainy images when it comes to B&W, so I experimented a bit and discovered that the Acros film sim when shot at high ISOs produces some very film-like grain, which looks much more natural than the grain effect in the film sim settings. I had this post sitting my in drafts folder for a weeks now. I love using this black and white preset for street photography. In the meantime I already designed seven distinct styles as a base for my experiments. And heres a selection of shots that I did with this recipe: Summary: How to apply Fujifilm Film Simulation Modes to Raw Files. Originally I came up with this recipe when I was using a Fujifilm X-T20, but since then Ive also owned a X-Pro1 which didnt have Classic Chrome available, and now Im using a X-Pro3 which has the amazing new Classic Negative. I cant discern much difference to the Kodacolor VR recipe. Thanks a lot! These JPEG settings allow you to get various looks straight out of camera, many based on film stocks, such as Kodachrome, Portra, Tri-X, Superia, Vista, and many more! Thank you for the quick reply will definitely be trying these settings out this weekend. ISO: Auto ISO up to 6400 is fine. ISO: Auto ISO up to 6400 is fine. After all, thats not really photography, its editing (duuurrrrr I know). I can assure you the following content is anything but bland but what else could I possibly title this blog post. My personal black and white style will very likely be toned even warmer with some of the blacks crushed. Noise Reduction: -4. I found 15 recipes that have clearly dominated all the others in my years of shooting Fujfilm. Grain Size - Large. I think it is often the best choice for urban scenes or street photography. And what Colour Chrome FX Blue should be set to: weak, strong, or off? Shiva 10:20 pm. Thank you! Custom film recipes can also be applied or done in post-editing using Capture One to Fujifilm cameras without the film simulation; however, it is preferable to shoot SOOC JPEG anyway by using the FujiXWeekly film recipe or creating X-T4 film recipes. It has a weird golden, yellow hue to it and seems just too much. Nobody pays me to write the content found on fujixweekly.com. Mike M Apples and Oranges. Check out the Fuji X Weekly App for iOS and Android. Exposure Compensation: +1/3 to +1 (typically) Example photographs, all camera-made JPEGs using this Kodak Tri-X 400 film simulation recipe on my Fujifilm X100V: Fallen Trunk - Fruit Heights, UT - Fujifilm X100V - ISO 1600. Hard blacks, glaring whites (even though it is only a street light) and a punchy contrast. Thank you so much for your kind words. My favorites so far have been the Kodachrome simulations (both the Vintage Kodachrome and Kodachrome II) and Fuji Superia 800, but theyre really all quite excellent and cover an enormous range of looks. Marcel Fraij - Inspiring selection of colour and mono recipes, including a personal favourite of mine, C201. Enough of all that lets dive into my preferred 7 Custom Recipes for the Fujifilm X Series Cameras utilizing the X-Trans IV Sensor.