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You can visualize as much as you want. Obsessing over your progress and certain outcomes shows the Universe that you dont believe in manifesting. What kind of guy do you want? To use the 369 manifesting method, you first need to write in detail your desire to manifest your ex boyfriend back. Take Action: Take action to improve your life and make yourself a better person. Mental Style Project has been created as an outlet to guide you as you navigate through life, with the right tools and resources that will upgrade your life, enable you to take charge of your personal growth, and improve your wellness journey. It encourages the visualization of qualities that one desires in a partner, such as kindness, understanding, and a good sense of humor. They have the same concept: script a statement three times, then six times, and then nine times. As a result, throughout the night, their subconscious mind will dwell on and focus on all of their negative thoughts. Now Follow the Three Steps: Every day when you wake up, write down your affirmation 3 times. Winquist stresses the importance of remaining open and truly believing in your manifestations as you write them down. These will help amplify the positive energy youre trying to attract. The 369 method is a form of manifesting. The 3-6-9 method is a simple of manifesting with the law of attraction. No need to fret, we will explain how to go about it as well. Write it out a total of six times. It will almost certainly take longer to truly focus on the intention because your mind will be dealing with far more distractions than it did in the morning. If you have practiced one of the two methods then you may be wondering what to do next. Describe their physical appearance as well as their qualities. Describe the positive feelings youll experience when you achieve your manifestation goal. You just have to be open to taking it when the universe presents it to you. As you can see, manifesting a boyfriend with the 369 method is quite simple. On a more spiritual level, manifesting is said to take the pure vibration energy of your thoughts and use this energy to attract other things into your life that have the same vibrational energy. This obviously doesnt make it true, but its definitely worth considering and understanding. The fascination with three, six, and nine can be traced back to the inventor Nikola Tesla, who reportedly said that "if you only knew the magnificence of the 3, 6 and 9, then you would have the key to the universe.". I am so grateful to the Universe for aligning with my desires to attract such a loving boyfriend, bringing love, happiness, and joy into my life.. The difference between the two methods is what youre saying at each step. The simple answer is to visualize what you want happening to you. Could you break it down into smaller goals and try to manifest them? Finally, before going to bed, open your journal and write your high-vibe affirmation from earlier in the day 9 times. As you can see, I used words like love, gratitude, and happiness, which you can feel within your body. The final step of the process is to write down your manifestation phase 9 times in the evening. Journal 3 Times in the Morning. Yes or No Tarot. Make a list of all the qualities that you would like in a partner. The next step is to visualize what it would feel like to be in a loving relationship in the present tense. If you are trying to manifest a specific person, you will write their name. The way you do this is to simply come up with a phrase that encapsulates what you want to happen in your life. We are the, a website that provides spiritual content, affirmations, motivation, and meditation so that you can live a better life. As long as you follow the 4 steps of the 369 method, you can write down your manifestation phrase any way you want. Manifesting has been around for many years. After you have written out your statements, quickly think about something else. This will immediately up your vibrational frequency. Feel free to try both! According to the Law of Attraction, like attracts like. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category "Functional". Step 1: Clarify Why You Want To Manifest A Boyfriend. They are there to help hopeless people to feel hopeful and relief, hoping that maybe it will happen later. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. 7 Manifestation Methods. Nikola Tesla Secret Code. The only thing you need to do is focus on protecting your energy and keeping your vibrations high. The 369 method for manifesting a boyfriend entails writing down your desire three times in the morning, six times in the afternoon, and nine times before bed, for 33 days straight. But on 98.8 (what you want to manifest) has a clearer signal. Do you ever feel like youre being followed by triple numbers? Start investing, working with a financial advisor, or even buying lottery tickets (a responsible amount, of course). Think of this first affirmation as letting the universe know you want something, and you mean business! Crystals are a really great way to help amplify your manifestations to the universe. I know because I've done it. If what youre trying to manifest occurs before the 33 days are up, keep going until the end! Remember that each instance of writing your phrase should take 17 seconds, and its essential to be wholly focused the entire time. Let's get started. Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for the visitors. First thing in the morning - write your manifestation phrase 3 times. Visualization is a large part of manifestation. If this happens to you, its important not to lose hope. For example, if you want a new car then you should include if you want it paid off in cash or not. Well, there is something to that technique, and you dont have to be Ari-level rich and famous to get massive results, according to manifestation and spirituality experts. STEP 5: Visualise your relationship. Many people choose to make this the last thing they do before going to sleep. is also elevated thus you can do more to achieve more. This technique also encourages positive affirmations, gratitude for what you have, and releasing of any negative energy. Visualize your ideal partner in as much detail as possible. Are you tired of waiting around for the perfect guy and feeling like youre never going to find him? STEP 4: Write the qualities you want in your ideal boyfriend. Overall, the 369 Method is a powerful practice that can provide a range of benefits to those who are looking to attract love and happiness into their life. Step 4: Midday, Write your Affirmation 6 Times. That is a classic example of your thoughts creating your reality! Most people agree that you should practice the 369 method for a total of 33 days. To use the 369 technique, make sure you have a journal or piece of paper and a pen or pencil. You write down each desire as an affirmation and hold the affirmation in your thoughts for 17 seconds. 2. First, you will start with the number three. Finally, end the 369 Method with a positive affirmation. Well, start showing up that way yourself first. For example, lets assume youre trying to manifest a new job with a higher salary. And the Leo full moon? In the process of trying to manifest your goal, youre going to be more focused and more dedicated to making it happen. The most common advice is to revisit your manifestation phrase and make changes. I have a loving partner who accepts all parts of me and is emotionally available. Dont ignore any opportunities the Universe sends your way! Your first line will simply state the object or person in which you are trying to manifest. Get rid of any negative thoughts and notions about having a boyfriend, manifesting a boyfriend, or just getting into a loving relationship. You want a partner who is active, friendly, and emotionally-evolved? Let's start with number 3. What do you want to happen? Some examples of limiting beliefs include: How To Manifest a Better Relationship With Your Boyfriend, manifestation technique involves writing your intent three, six, and nine times in the morning, afternoon, and evening, Clear quartz and amethyst are great for helping your manifestations come true, really the person youre supposed to be with. These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. Dreaming and daydreaming about The One, staying positive through life, and everything soon falling into place all of those sound quite familiar to anyone who manifests or uses a vision board. As long as you genuinely believe that you desire something for someone else, you can manifest it for them. You only have to ask once. Subliminal messaging is one of the most reliable and fastest routes to reprogram your subconscious, especially if you hold a lot of negativity around your ex-partner. 1. Witchy Spiritual Stuff | Privacy Policy, Decide on What You Want and Why You Want It, How To Manifest a Boyfriend on Paper Using the 369 Method. A common misconception about manifesting is that you just think about whatever you want, and it will come true. Do whatever makes you happy. I mean, if you think about it, were actually accustomed to things in threes. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. True love is yours. So many people I know are obsessed with the 369 manifestation method at the moment. Keep your written text message in a safe spot to revisit later. Make your why as specific as possible; this will determine whether or not your desire is realized. Of course, you can always start the process again with fresh eyes and tweak your manifestation phrase to focus more on your goal and how achieving it will make you feel. Step 2. All you're doing is adjusting the tune to get a perfect frequency. The practice involves repeating the number three six times while visualizing the qualities of a potential partner. The saying is, if you want something to manifest, write it down. Thats why we created our fun law of attraction worksheets. How do you manifest a specific person into your life? So, get rid of all those negative beliefs in your subconscious mind and start imagining the type of person you want to be your future boyfriend. One approach recommends that you begin your manifestation three times in the morning, magnify it six times in the afternoon, and finish it nine times at night. Method 2: Write your focus 3 times. 369 Manifestation Method. Make sure you use a journal and label it "369 manifestation journal". Each time you write it down, focus your concentration on thinking about the phrase as you write. Then, explain why youd like to manifest a boyfriend. During the mid 90's Dr. Masaru Emoto discovered that water can actually hold and retain different types of energies. Once youre done, its essential to try and let go and move on with your day. What Are The 7 Laws Of Attraction The what in this step is a boyfriend (or girlfriend, etc.). Many people find it helpful to approach writing their phrase like a form of meditation. This is a short and simple affirmation that you can focus on to direct your thoughts and emotions toward the manifestation of your desires. In the afternoon, write it down six times. This will help open you up to more love and help you focus on all the positive experiences you have. Many who believe in this spiritual modality credit Greek philosopher Pythagoras with its incarnation (perhaps you also wrestled with his theorem in high school as I did). Express how grateful you are for achieving your goal. That means that you need to repeat your positive affirmations for morning 3 times in the morning. Step 3: Practice the Feeling. Maybe you don't have a significant other at all but are dreaming of a beautiful marriage proposal? You may laugh, but what if I say our beloved Disney princesses were on to something? Close your eyes and begin to visualize the perfect partner for you. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. You can use the 555 method or the 3 6 9 method. Repetition, repetition, repetition. 7. Feel the positive emotions in your words and allow them to resonate and amplify in your mind.