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>Congrats! Posted By : / actual instructions in flowcharting are represented in /; Under :nose exercise before and afternose exercise before and after That is not what it means! We have a net on the 146.88 repeater every Wednesday night at 1930 (local) (7:30pm). 225 Main Street Alaska Statewide NET - 10:30pm CST TG 3100 Great guys and open to everyone. Option #1: Echolink There are some hams that are adament that Echolink is not ham radio. It is par to the SoCal emergency prparedness network. Disclaimer: SMARC provides this list of nets for informational purposes only. know they wont. It may not display this or other websites correctly. At some point I should make some videos on other topics, like how to tune an HF station, etc. All other nights is the Mike and Key Social Net. Though I have been part of 6M, 10M, and HF nets as well. Second Monday of the month. Sunday 2100 Queen Creek Area Net Q Creek 449.325 minus 100.0 43 Queen Creek/SE Valley LDS Net Monday 1930 Buy/Sell/Trade Ham Equipment PHX Metro 146.940 minus 100.0 19 Buy/Sell/Trade Ham equipment Monday 2000 EVRG (East Valley Repeater Group) Mercy Gilbert 449.825 minus 100.0 40 Hospital Based Group . That is great! Learn how your comment data is processed. If you don't like the GDPR, [complain to the EU about it]( Please be patient as the dust settles in this new home. 1100. First you need to decide on a time and frequency for your nets. 3. I got my wife to pass her tech and I got a Kenwood 06:10AM: 6:10 Net I did get an invitation to see the station the next time I am in Salt Lake. I think you can only receive them on the "other side". My brother was a member but he has since passed away. dont confuse amateur radio and CB radio, they are not the same. Field Day. Once you have your date, time, and place selected you will need to have a script. If I am underwhelming you, or if you want some more in depth perspective on a topic mentioned, post a comment and I will do my best to work these suggestions in, and still keep the topic as LDS centric as I can. Net controllers are Tom, VK2KF, Tom VK4ATH, Ron VK5MRE, and Colin VK4PDX. In this installment we will discuss;Excuse #2 I cant afford a radio! I can empathise Continue reading . Though, I believe that is can be a tool in our training or new hams, that do not have equipment . lds ham radio netsplymouth township mi police scanner. GENERAL NETS. Contact Tim . 73-ki4rexD&C 88:81Behold, I sent you out to testify and warn the people, and it becometh every man who hath been warned to warn his neighbor. blew up my Swan and kind of gave up on things. One of which is to gain more knowledge. 1. Is it okay to refer people to your site to help with their studies? Remember me Sign in Forgot your password? CP/Lbsw~>>jvj oj\_7yom23l, %Gxcp_85#hAG1S!AhDoX/! Anyone is welcome to join. Below we've compiled a list of active weekly digital nets. We had a saying in the Navy, You train they way you want fight, because you will fight the way that you trained., We need to adapt this to our efforts as You train the way that you want to serve, because you will serve the that you trained!. hmk0>nN($mnbRwt~wEE:=)XP@)b92@ec It looks more like a multi mono band Yagi like a Foce12 XR6-C or similar. The Granada Hills California Stake (organized in 1936) was discontinued and the seven wards in the former stake were reassigned to the Canoga Park California Stake or the North Hollywood California Stake.The Church has had a long-term trend of stake discontinuations in California since the 1990s. 2 Problems with Radioddity DB25-D, Permiscuous, and Monitor, Moved and updated for Christmas 2022 N9JIG Office shack, Spacing 6m/2m/70cm - and a scanner - and a cb and my TV antenna. 147.225 in Cape Coral. Hawaii Frequencies / Repeaters. BM TG 3119886 and TGIF TG 6282. Cedaredge repeater (I do not hit this one well). Though I have been part of 6M, 10M, and HF nets as well. I created them specifically for people in your situation. Held daily on 7.093 Mhz on 40m, at 0700 UTC. Would be worth it to do some searching around and maybe asking on some of the more social LDS sites. I am pretty sure they have a repeater on top of Mt Wilson. LDSFF. I just got my radio working the other day. HVmo0^>U4'RUl6hE I say to you with the utmost respect, you are wrong. rodheadlee To use Echolink as a standalone tool, you would install the application on your unlicensed, and preferably as many licensed hams in your Unit that can/will. endstream endobj 571 0 obj <>stream Every good LDS unit net needs to know how to hold a simplex net. Shirley Larsen AD7HL We just happen to take part in a peculiar hobby called Amateur Radio. I believe there areat least I remember some guy talking about one up in Canada. in your unit. Comet CAA-500 Mark II Standing Wave Analyzer In Stock. 73 ki4rex. 565 0 obj <> endobj Central Alberta ARES Net, linked to SARA network: LDS Net: 146.61 (VE6OIL) 20:30 Sunday: LDS Net: CAARC: 146.61 (VE6OIL) 20:00 Monday: Central Alberta Amateur Radio Club Monday night net: CARA Caratels Net: 146.850 FM (VE6RYC) 13:00 Tuesday: CARA's weekly midday net held on the VE6RYC repeater. 2. MDARC Affiliated Voice Nets: Daily, Mondays thru Fridays: 05:42AM: 5:42 Morning Muster 2 meters, 220 MHz and 440 meters: 147.060 /+ (100PL); Linked to 224.780/441.325 /+ (100PL) Net Control is Trevor Hall, WA6JAU. Plus it would be over simplifying the issue. You have your Ham Ticket, now what do you do? There are many in the Amateur community that say that. Once again, if you have comments, suggestions, or questions, share them in the comments section. Now you have a why, when, where, and how, you just need a who. Hi(n4YX%Xy?I%as1IX"V&ZvsLSfD Akdl:VJFaxO It is not a log periodic. I sold 5 guitars to pay for my first radio. 0 Secondly you can volunteer to be an Elmer for some of the less seasoned hams (I love the sound of that!) The Yaesu FT-857D is a pretty popular rig and costs less than $1000. It should get you there. NETS on K7LED Repeater Weekly on the Club repeaters. Work has me in Salt Lake City this week and I noticed on top of their office tower a nice log parabolic antenna on the roof (as well as other stuff). There is no requirement for any specific radio or service. One of the most obvious answers is to let your unit leadership, Emergency Preparations Coordinator, and Emergency Communications Specialist know that yup are licensed and what your capabilities are. Neat place to visit no matter what your beliefs are. Kyle >So youve had your license for a while, what can youdo? This takes the concept to the next level and gets your hams used to having to pull that weak 2M Simplex signal out of the static, and static itself as well. The telephone system is designed and built to handle a specified number of calls at any given time, usually between 10 and 15% of its subscribers. Step right in! endstream endobj 572 0 obj <>stream Why we need our operators operating, if they do not have radios, and you do not have the resources for them to travel to get on, or others to travel to them, then you will still need a way to get them over MIC Fright and used to operating in a net. So far I have written two posts (part1&part2) to help new hams get started in Church Emergency Communications (more to come as time and inspiration permits). Religion, science, technology, computers (especially computer programming), foreign languages! In my last post, I talked about new hams not knowing what radio to buy, or even where to buy it if they did. About the different levels of amateur radio licenses; ACP 131(B) Q-Signals and Z-Signals; Amateur Extra Class Ham License On-Line Help for Your Self Study; Colorado Western Slope Repeaters MDARC Nets: W6CX Nets M-F 5:42 am Morning Muster 147.060+ 224.780- 441.325+ M-F 6:10am Commuter Net 147.060+ 224.780- 441.325+ Monday 8:00 pm SATERN Net 147.060+ Tuesday 7:30 pm Fat City 10 meter USB/CW Net 28.420 MHz My Stake has aVE team, that we just stood up and are going to do our first session in a few weeks. I know those that are in my units ERC group, and maybe some from the Stake or region, I dont need or want to meet more radio amateurs. We know their advantages, but some of their weaknesses need some explanation. Use These Cool Amazon Links to Support Ham Radio Answers! FT 1200 or a FT 450. National Weather Service Products via Amateur "Ham" Radio. I participate in one, but it's stake-wide and uses 2 meter simplex. Ive had tremendously positive response from folks across the country and am deeply gratified that people find them useful. If you have a mobile unit, go to a less active hams ( take that either way) house to check on them and help them check in. Utah Amateur Radio Club Net Schedule - 1 Alternate frequency used when summertime conditions are poor on 80 meters. West Virginia DMR net TG 3154 7:30PM EST. $29.99. The Riverland Radio Club's BRL Net was previously held on Saturday morning on 40m and Wednesday night on 80m. I have only scratched the surface of what can done to assist your unit if you are a well seasoned ham (there I go with the foodmetaphoragain), but it is my goal to make these posts a good bite sized nugget (oops there I go again) of information as to not overwhelm anyone. huge difference in operational capability. 224.520 in Fort Myers. The Three M's of Church Emergency Communications. Please be patient as the dust settles in this new home. At 7:30 pm each night, a Net is held on the 2 meter repeater. Overload. Worldwide coverage nets and maritime service nets are featured (as are National Traffic System Area and Region Nets) in the database. Listen the net live. The church has an emergency communications organization that includes amateur radio operators at . , I provided an example net, but left off where you would involve your Echolink contingent. Sucks cause I worked If I remember correctly the antenna is a Force 12 and the transmitter is an Icom IC-7200. ~;+w>dt?~%Q0d+N 3995 usually has severe QRN suggest 3992.5, Your email address will not be published. Many Ham Radio (another term meaning Amateur Radio) operators are highly skilled individuals. So here is my questions Local Nets & Frequencies Draper Ham Radio Association (DHRA) Public Safety Net: Thursday at 8:30pm, on 447.100 - repeater, tone 100 hz City of Draper Emergency District Nets: Corner Canyon District: Thursday at 9pm on 146.500 MHz simplex Fourth Thursday at 9pm on 447.100 - repeater, tone 100 hz Crescent View District: . There is no requirement for any specific radio or service. You can purchase low cost Baofeng and Wauxon radios for less than $50 and you can purchase high quality high frequency (aka Shortwave) radios costing up to $10,000 like the YAESU FTDX9000/MP. Along with general knowledge you can gain training, some of which might not be able to be gained from your Church ERC group. Don't w What do I do first in an emergency situation? The big HF antenna on a short tower on the right side in the first pic is not a log periodic. There are several reasons to join a club. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. It might be a Hy-Gain TH6-DXX antenna with some other antenna stacked above it. I.e. Why Continue reading , >In my last post, I talked about new hams not knowing what radio to buy, or even where to buy it if they did. Learn More, The RTTY Roundup, EME contest and Sweepstakes--just to name a few. A Ham Cram session is a one day session where the question pool is reviewed at a fast pace, to prepare the participants for the exam, which usually follows the session. Hi Kyle, yes, please do tell others about these videos. Still real apprehensive about it. These are usually done on 2M FM Simplex. > There are many in the Amateur community that say that Echolink is not Radio, and I agree with them. Update to Club Officers. 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm [2M/70CM/ECHO]Superstition ARC Club Hamnet. Your email address will not be published. Amateur Radio Classes: , I provided an example net, but left off where you would involve your Echolink contingent. Every good LDS unit net needs to know how to hold a simplex net. : pV?Z I spent several evenings at my Elmers shacks getting experience without shelling out any money. It is run by active hams and they have frequent emergency test' and most areas in Utah and Idaho run weekly vhf nets to test communication capabilities. Very first picture shows what looks like a log periodic antenna. Matanuska Amateur Radio Association +++ MARA, Inc. is a 501(c)3 IRS Tax Exempt Charitable Organization +++ ARRL Organization Affiliate AMATEUR RADIO CLUB AND Amateur Radio Emergency Service - Alaska Section (MATANUSKA Borough) . You raised your hand to sustain them, or will at the next unit conference, so start helping out, and sustain them! These are usually done on 2M FM Simplex. This does mean that you have to do it all, or have to loan or give away the gear that you have so carefully scrimped and saved to afford, but it does mean do what you can. If this is too much, then a small step back is to get your VEaccreditation, this is not as hard as it sounds it is just an hour or two with a pdf manual and an open book test that is sent in to the VEC. 73 ki4rex, > I know what you are thinking, I am busy, I got my license to help the Ward/Branch/Stake/Area if there is an emergency, why do you want me to give up my time to go and join a ham radio Continue reading , > There are many in the Amateur community that say that Echolink is not Radio, and I agree with them. Toll-free: 1-888-277-5289 This is a social net open to anyone with a valid FCC amateur radio license. Does anyone know how to contact the mormon net in northern california. Hurricane Frequencies . You know the age old problem. But, you are not a new ham and still want to serve. Net PreambleSpokane Hamfest and ARRL Washington State Convention September 22, 2018mark your calendar. I could just leave this post short and say "GET ON THE AIR!", but that would be rude, and not really answer the question properly. He has tried to return it as he now has his own radio, but his Elmer has told him,Yes, but you have a mobile rig, you dont have a handheld radio keep it a bit longer.. LDS ERC - How To Get Started By Kevin Reeve N7RXE N7RXE@ARRL.NET Condensed from a presentations given at the 2016 Great Salt Lake Hamfest in July 2016, titled "LDS ERC, Going from Zero to Hero" I am often asked how do I get emergency communications organized in my stake/ward. 3.960 Mhz. MTC's Top Sellers. The Ham Hub. By $YDM@zvVE5f(f(8C&)p(CG:yJ*()"2&(2}kM(2MIdJ,4 Look up the Mercury Amateur Radio Association, or MARA. This connection can be a VHF/UHF/HF radio operation simplex, a stand alone radio tuned to a repeaters frequency, or the repeater itself. Emergency Response Communication, ERC, Ham Radio, LDS, LDS Ham Radio, Mormon Ham Radio, Simplex nets | 1 Comment >Why Should I Join a Local Club? Ive done both of these and it does make a difference. Add To Cart. Newington, CT, 06111-1400 USA Sched Freq MHz Time Net Name Ctrl Stn Notes; Daily: 7.088: 0200Z 1600W: Hawai'i Afternoon Net: Daily: 7.088: 0630Z 2030W: Hawai'i Late Net: Daily: 7.188: 1900Z 0900W 1. If you are feeling really ambitious, there are many other things that you can do. Emergency Response Communications Net for the Logan Storehouse Area- *_Cjz:1'C8PPsYMiO`aSm5lf&lhF|u.~A\,=+ bYbW!7+)iD0-J@CH77$^@cnZN:1pMQZ7YeWC+$S&g'iHH-"V2WON5gkI Je"wX^ AjgK$8 There are many Amateur Radio (Ham) frequencies allotted for Amateur use. Interested in getting licensed for your own HF frequencies? %PDF-1.5 % \6AQWkrM{% Last Days (Signs of the Times, Emergency Prep, Health) . Though I have been part of 6M, 10M, and HF nets as well. (I was close at 21 wpm but not even at 13?) Name Band Frequency Mode Start Time End Time; The Green Frogs Net () 80m: 3 947 000: SSB: 05:00: 08:00: Friendly 7.188 Net - Carribean Region Net () 40m US Amateur Radio Bands.Updated . One of the most obvious answers is to let your unit leadership, Emergency Preparations Coordinator, and Emergency Communications Specialist know that yup are licensed and what your capabilities are. Weekly Live CW Training; Welcome to Dave's Information Site! The antenna you saw is an amateur radio antenna. Do you own one? Okay as if I knew what I am doing. Ive done both of these and it does make a difference. Tualatin CERT - Ham Radio Class/Exam. Did not ask about any amplifiers,VHF,UHF, or digital but assume they have everything. Many people believe the word Amateur means unskilled. You can assist with theregularcommunication nets, there is one. I would love to learn what is happening on the inside so I could tune up a older radio and Below is a list of HF nets available to local Ham's with the right equipment. x%EDZm i6i)u81oN . Our bishops storehouses also have Ham radio stations. my last point is that you can give back to that club that spends the money to run and maintain your favorite repeater, unless it is one of the rare single user maintained repeaters. You have your Ham Ticket, now what do you do? The first net was probably formed as soon as two hams went on the air. I didn't see a nice log parabolic up there. This is all defined in FCC Title 47, Chapter I, Subchapter D, Part 97. I will work on Extra after that. $UbC J13iA{kISuWkIbVH While this is effective, I do not believe it is the end all solution, to succeed we need to excite some electrons and get our Units hams on the air. click here for steps to add a calendar to your device. While this is effective, I do not believe it is the end all solution, to succeed we need to excite some electrons and get our Units hams on the air. Once we at the stake get all the data we report it to the Kent, WA bishops storehouse via HF -- who presumably would report to SLC in turn. FMARC Club Net. About Ham Radio HF Nets The resource is currently listed in in a single category. Amateur means unpaid, it is the antonym for Professional. HMo0HsL; JEtWj*mm. Anyone is welcome to join. Discover radio stations from all over the world and stream live radio now. Though I have been part of 6M, 10M, and HF nets as well. There are people who check in that I cannot hear but wish I could! There are many in the Amateur community that say that. Sorry. Must be below the roofline in these pictures. About; RSS Subscribe: RSS feed. 583 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<45ED6D591CF46648A0092797122E639C>]/Index[565 29]/Info 564 0 R/Length 99/Prev 306288/Root 566 0 R/Size 594/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream MARA members now operate, on regular schedules, nearly fifty shortwave radio nets covering or linking regions and localities in the United States and Canada and on other continents as well. Sometimes, the nets are strictly for pleasure, to discuss topics such as collecting things, playing radio chess, or pursuing awards. If there isnt you can help by assisting with the creation of the net script, being the Net Control Station (NCS) or the Alternate Net Control Station (ANCS). Required fields are marked *. One focus of the directory is toward public-service oriented nets that support the ARRL National Traffic System (NTS) and the Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES). These are usually done on 2M FM Simplex. Posts about LDS Ham Radio written by ldsgeek. Register Choose language: Powered by HumHub I will do my best to cover some of them here. Sign up Don't have an account? All Amateur Radio operators are welcome to participate in the net. Learn More, Get all of the information on the Hiram Percy Maxim Memorial Station. It is so exciting when things start to fall into place. the whole powering and balance thing. the uncle who willed it to me passed away. Wednesday March 1. Assess equipment and communications capability. Hence the videos. A search of the Salt Lake area comes up with WNGV534 with HF freq's licensed, but the control point and transmitter in Guam. Many entries have the county listed in the title to help you find nets taking place near you. in the house going. Hope to be back blogging at a more dedicated pace soon. LDS Net: CAARC: 146.61 (VE6OIL) 20:00 Monday: Central Alberta Amateur Radio Club Monday night net: CARA Caratels Net: 146.850 FM (VE6RYC) 13:00 Tuesday: CARA's weekly net held on the VE6RYC repeater. Canadian Ladies Amateur Radio Association (CLARA) Net: Central Kentucky Amateur Radio Club Net, Columbia (WA4UXJ) Sunday 8:30 PM: 146.880 (-) PL 77: Lake Cumberland Weather Net Somerset (AC4DM-R) After the conclusion of the Weather Net: 146.880 (Simplex) Lake Cumberland Area Simplex Net (Somerset) Sunday 8:45 PM: 146.670 (-) PL 103.5: Perry County ARES & Hazard Rgnl SKYWARN Net Hazard . I usually recommend something a bit less complex for a first HF radio. I am not sure if it is licensed to the church or if it is provided for select amateurs (those trained in emergency communications) to use. If you go to my ham radio home page at, youll see some articles listed about setting up stations. HamfestsFox Hunts. Amateur radio can be operated nearly worldwide, however, certain restrictions may exist and advanced . It is par to the SoCal emergency prparedness network. An informal round table kicks off nominally at 06:30 AM Eastern Time (local time is used as opposed to GMT thus the net continues at the same local time regardless of transition to DST/Standard Time). An Amateur Radio Net, or simply Ham net, is an "on-the-air" gathering of Amateur Radio operators. Option #2: Visiting Stations As mentioned in the most recent post you should find an Elmer. Class of license, gear, and availability. Talked to a gentleman that works with the radio station in the LDS Church office building. Re: Radios. Mercury Amateur Radio Assoc / hurricane info net : 03873.0 LSB: West Gulf ARES Emergency (night) 03873.0 LSB: more to do so. Option #3: Loaner Radios Even better operating someone elses gear at their station, but not to be expected, is operating someone elses gear at your station. There isnt a central organizing body for this that I know of. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. where is the serial number on vera bradley luggage. admin | February 26, 2023 . tell what frequency I was on so I didnt dare try to work anyone. You could setup a multi-week series of lessons for the various license classes, or a Ham Cram session. The stake is hoping that a bunch of people will just jump in and do this but you and I both It is run by active hams and they have frequent emergency test' and most areas in Utah and Idaho run weekly vhf nets to test communication capabilities. The [old website is still available](! Why Linked Repeater System. Posts: 41 Location: Mountain West. USCG Amateur Radio Net. Return to the UARC Home Page Last Update: 06-11-2022 1333 I know what you are thinking, I am busy, I got my license to help the Ward/Branch/Stake/Area if there is an emergency, why do you want me to give up my time to go and join a ham radio club? The main category is Ham Radio Nets on air that is about ham radio nets for amateur radio operators. If you can hear us then call net control, WB4FLM, Charlie. So I really didnt understand it. These pages include topics such as, satellite, QRP and RDF Learn More, Find the rules and regulations that have to do with operating abroad. The antenna you saw is an amateur radio antenna. The Mormon church does stress obtaining amateur radio license among its members. . LDS Sunday night Net at 6:30 pm on KF6HTE at 444.450 MHz, positive offset with a 107.2Hz CTCSS tone. It's no secret the LDS church is one of the first to respond to disaster areas. The Church discontinued another stake in California. What is a Ham radio Net. wow really glad I found your site. Invite a newly licensed ham over so they can check into a net. To help hams, both new and new to North Texas, find ways to connect with other amateur radio operators, we have a list of regularly scheduled nets available. I have had a radio (swan 500) since I was 10 BUT Ive just dusted off the shack after years of not using it. I do not recommend ambushing them. Hawaii Omega Station. Top Stations Barefoot Net. Posts about LDS Ham Radio written by ki4rex. If you are feeling really ambitious, there are many other things that you can do. First you need to decide on a time and frequency for your nets. Class of license, gear, and availability. Does anyone else have tips and or advice for setting up an unit net? jLXe,? The Gospel, theology, music, movies, 80's and 90's nostalgia, computers, etc. We had a saying in the Navy, You train they way you want fight, because you will fight the way that you trained., We need to adapt this to our efforts as You train the way that you want to serve, because you will serve the that you trained!. This does mean that you have to do it all, or have to loan or give away the gear that you have so carefully scrimped and saved to afford, but it does mean do what you can. I have a old Kenwood 101 that I play with a little but still do not get As for HF nets, if you have a General license you can participate in these: Of course the Mercury net is local to the Pacific NW, and the bishops storehouse net might be regional in that sense as well. The FCC has long recognized the value of having a hobby radio service that can perform a variety of services including inventing new technologies and performing public service. They have the means alright. Now I just had the stake emergency director call me and tell me he wanted me to set sp1W/\4wQ/Nq 9#[K#v0E.\A+v5 eLXFeXH q7:j#hzU80|w ZS /]h@#}N=GF1C{M=z{5hD5BBok Held on the 220 repeater. H]k0/2BbcaeB-,MJ>'"XT:tBNS\|V?HgZo&drY0Jp]>R6R-kr#U|$_72JreharxIQ&MwmW$.5]1D` ]b[ Though I have been part of 6M, 10M, and HF nets as well. September 22, 2018. Because Washington state (especially the western half) is prone to earthquakes and volcanoes (we're anxiously awaiting the arrival of the next Cascadia Subduction Zone earthquake -- the last one was in 1700 and it pops every 300 - 500 years or so), the church in our area maintains a somewhat low-key effort to keep up an emergency communications network using Ham radio. Normally it would be done on 2 meters, but if your stake is geographically large, you may want to look at NVIS methods on HF. Secondly you can volunteer to be an Elmer for some of the less seasoned hams (I love the sound of that!) safeway bakery order online royal canin glycobalance cat food cylance script control has blocked powershell from running; 9mm pak full auto synonym for inspired; rite aid prescription delivery ham radio conceptsHow to use Chime's SpotMe Set up direct deposit. Using both of the latter options is how I was able to get my feet wet and get on the air when I did not own a radio myself. endstream endobj 566 0 obj <>/Metadata 7 0 R/Pages 563 0 R/StructTreeRoot 11 0 R/Type/Catalog>> endobj 567 0 obj <>/MediaBox[0 0 792 612]/Parent 563 0 R/Resources<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Tabs/S/Type/Page>> endobj 568 0 obj <>stream I am not sure if it is licensed to the church or if it is provided for select amateurs (those trained in emergency communications) to use. Posted in Alternate Net Control Station Echolink, ANCS, Emergency Communications . There are two documents for viewing about this: Net Control Operators. ( as in put in a booklet I am making to give to the wards.) And both of you can check into the net from the same radio. Continue reading . Comet CAA-5SC Soft Case for the CAA-500 and CAA-500MarkII. I don't have an HF rig and I've never been on them. UhIgSn U*n?1 6tW-[JpM+zp1z$Z9}6*. IRLP node 9259 on the Western Reflector is primarily for LDS ERC-ECS use. Once again, if you have comments, suggestions, or questions, share them in the comments section. If you don't like cookies, sorry about that. Some nets cover wider areas, and therefore will . Amateur Radio Kandos Group. KI4YBH will be setup with scouts at the LDS Church, 2034 Great Falls St, Falls Church, VA, hoping to get on the air at 0700, until 2200. . Mercury Northwest Regional Net - Monday nights at 8:30 PM PDT on 3.965 MHz SSB. In our area of Western Colorado, people are few and far between and giving ham radio classes across the Stake is simply unfeasible. In this installment we will discuss;Excuse #2 I cant afford a radio!. The FT-1200 radio is a pretty nice set. The church uses amateur radio for emergency communications in both hf and vhf frequencies. If you have a mobile unit, go to a less active hams ( take that either way) house to check on them and help them check in. Simple theme. JavaScript is disabled. Just because these callings have the words coordinator and specialist in them, does not mean that they are all knowing, and able to carry the unit on their back alone. Rocky Mountain (MARA) Net : 3.920 (Saturdays 7:30 am) SATERN (Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio Network) SSB: 14.265 (Monday through Saturday 6:00 to 7:00 am MDT) Digital: 14.066 (Saturday 7:00 to 8:00 am MDT) Scotty's Roundtable 7.204 (Daily 9:00 pm) Tailgaters Net : 3.916 (Sunday through Friday 7:30 to 9:00 pm) %%EOF It is part of the ERC system. Hope to be back blogging at a more dedicated pace soon. 136.5. This organization used to be an official church organization until the church disconnected it to become independent, as it were. A LDS Ham's Log. Ill move it for our next net. There is a an LDS sponsored Ham Net in southern Californis. If I am underwhelming you, or if you want some more in depth perspective on a topic mentioned, post a comment and I will do my best to work these suggestions in, and still keep the topic as LDS centric as I can.