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C. skin condition, respiratory rate, and level of alertness. A. vary widely, depending on the child's age and weight. His pulse is slow and bounding. What time did the ingestion occur? D. 18 months and 10 years. B. encourage him to cough, give oxygen as tolerated, and transport. The Sun radiates energy into space at the rate of 3.91026J/s3.9 \times 10 ^ { 26 } \mathrm { J } / \mathrm { s }3.91026J/s How does this mass loss arise? Answer: C The MOST common cause of dehydration in pediatric patients is: When assessing or treating an adolescent patient, it is important to remember that: A. they usually do not wish to be observed during a procedure. 3 months and 4 years. B. the flexible ribs can be compressed without breaking. Burns in children are commonly caused by all of the following, EXCEPT: Question Type: Critical Thinking C. change in bladder habits 50 Answer: C B. positioning, ice packs, and emotional support. B. a rash. 43. they are: When a child is struck by a car, the area of greatest injury depends MOSTLY on the: You are dispatched to a residence for a child with respiratory distress. 48. This is an example of what condition? C. spaced further apart, which causes them to shift following trauma. posterior fontanelle is typically closed by _____ months of age. B. low birth weight You should: 12. Answer: B A. normal interactiveness, awareness to time, and pink skin color. D. place him or her on a firm surface. A. profound tachycardia. D. nausea and vomiting. B. females In contrast to adults, deterioration to cardiac arrest in infants and children is usually associated with: Common causes of seizures in children include all of the following, EXCEPT: In most children, febrile seizures are characterized by: generalized tonic-clonic activity, a duration of less than 15 minutes, a short/absent postictal phase. 82 mm Hg Question Type: General Knowledge demonstratedinpreterminfants; CBFvelocity normalisedalongwithPo2in terminfants.5 Extremely low birthweight infants can be treated appropriatelywithroomairor30-40% oxygen in the delivery room.6 Routine use of 80-100%oxygenduringtheinitial stabilisation at birth, as often recommended,7 may there-fore produce hyperoxaemia in some infants. C. generalized tonic-clonic activity, a duration of less than 15 minutes, and a short or absent postictal phase. B. falls from a height greater than 5. Answer: C C. severe dehydration. C. change in bladder habits Bratteby LE (1968) Studies on . D. assess his or her respiratory effort. Drawing in of the muscles between the ribs or of the sternum during inspiration is called: These include encouraging women and providing instructions on changing positions, . B. monitor her airway and give oxygen. An oropharyngeal airway should not be used in children who have ingested a caustic or petroleum-based product because it may: A. All of the following are normal findings in an infant or child, EXCEPT: Submersion injuries in the adolescent age group are MOST commonly associated with: 40 C. their bones bend more easily than an adult's. D. mild respiratory distress. Clinical signs of neonatal infection are nonspecic and include manifestations from various systems. B. retracting. D. sunken fontanelles. A child who has no recent history of illness suddenly appears cyanotic and cannot speak after playing with a The normal respiratory rate for a newborn should not exceed ______ breaths/min. C. bulging fontanelles. B. scalding water in a bathtub. C. you should document your perceptions on the run form. B. dehydration from vomiting and diarrhea. Question Type: General Knowledge B. allow the family to observe if they wish. C. bronchitis. Signs of vasoconstriction in the infant or child include: weak distal pulses Which of the following statements regarding spinal injuries in pediatric patients is correct? D. is most appropriate when your transport time is short. C. a law enforcement officer must be present. When interventions are not provided to prevent hypothermia, the infant exhibits irritability, excessive motor activity, tachycardia, bradycardia, respiratory distress, cyanosis, skin mottling, or. D. give oxygen if the SpO2 is less than 90%. shock. When assessing an infant's ventilation status, you should: All of the following are normal findings in an infant or child, EXCEPT: Drawing in of the muscles between the ribs or of the sternum during inspiration is called: A high-pitched inspiratory sound that indicates a partial upper airway obstruction is called: When assessing the heart rate of a 6-month-old infant, you should palpate the brachial pulse or B. D. hyperglycemia. D. height of the child and the speed at which the car was traveling. B. squeeze the bag 40 times/min when ventilating an infant. A. spinal cord injury Question Type: General Knowledge following questions would be of LEAST pertinence? The components of the PAT are: Page: 1180. C) A child's chest wall has proportionately more subcutaneous fat on the chest. B. females As you approach the child, you note that he is lying at the base of the monkey bars. A. cyanosis. Which of the following is true about a child's breathing? A. A. irritability of the left ventricle. B. moist oral mucosa. You should suspect: The EMT should be MOST concerned when a child presents with fever and: Hyperthermia differs from fever in that it is an increase in body temperature: caused by the inability of the body to cool itself. Page: 1158. A. cherry-red spots or a purplish rash. C. excessive tachycardia. D. a generalized rash with intense itching. C) a stiff or painful neck. When a child experiences a blunt injury to the abdomen: he or she can compensate for blood loss better than adults, without signs of shock developing, partial-thickness burns covering more than 20% of the BSA. Which of the following statements regarding pediatric trauma is correct? A. requesting a paramedic ambulance to insert an advanced airway device. You are dispatched to a local elementary school for an injured child. A. D. Do you know what substance was ingested? 20 g imagine kit homes reviews nz; . Hauth J, Moore T. The 2008 National Institute of Child Health and Human Development workshop . C. a law enforcement officer must be present. Question Type: General Knowledge When assessing an 8-year-old child, you should: B. talk to the child, not just the caregiver. B. wheezing. D. observe the chest for adequate rise. C. perform a head tilt-chin lift maneuver. Bacterial infection is a life-threatening complication that sometimes necessitates shunt removal. Heart rate may not reflect the severity of blood loss due to compensatory vasoconstriction and constriction. A) Lung sounds are difficult to hear because of the thick intercostal muscles. B. carotid a 3-month-old infant can distinguish a parent from a stranger. A 4-year-old female ingested an unknown quantity of liquid drain cleaner. that he is lying at the base of the monkey bars. Question Type: General Knowledge D. retracting the intercostal muscles. Signs of a severe airway obstruction in an infant or child include: The mother tells you that the seizure lasted approximately 5 minutes. B. his or her tidal volume is adequate. C. geriatrics immobilization device if: The anti-inflammatory action of corticosteroids reduces laryngeal mucosal edema and decreases the need for salvage nebulized epinephrine. toy into his mouth shortly before the episode began. The first month of life after birth is referred to as the: 2. B. push the tongue anteriorly. B. rhonchi. Page: 1169. D. place him or her on a firm surface. Early signs of respiratory distress in the child include: An infant or child with respiratory distress will attempt to keep his or her alveoli expanded at the end of inhalation by: The MOST ominous sign of impending cardiopulmonary arrest in infants and children is: Infection should be considered a possible cause of an airway obstruction in an infant or child, especially if he or she presents with: Signs of an upper airway obstruction in an infant or child include all of the following, EXCEPT: A 6-year-old male presents with acute respiratory distress. D. delayed capillary refill indicates a state of decompensated shock. A. proportionately larger and situated more anteriorly. When inserting an oropharyngeal airway in an infant or child, you should: B. his or her blood pressure falls with as little as 5% blood loss. C. palpate the abdomen for rise and fall. bronchioles. B. should be performed, regardless of the circumstances. Answer: A Page: 1177. A. chills. Vasoconstriction can help or hurt your body, depending on the situation. Question Type: General Knowledge The majority of cervical spine injuries in children are partial transections of the spinal cord, resulting in partial paralysis. Her skin is hot and moist. C. blood vessels near the skin are constricted. The EMT should be MOST concerned when a child presents with fever and: Blood pressure is usually not assessed in children younger than _____ years. When immobilizing an injured child in a pediatric immobilization device, you should: Padding underneath the torso when immobilizing an injured child is generally not necessary if he or she is: The pediatric patient should be removed from his or her car seat and secured to an appropriate spinal immobilization device if: When a child experiences a blunt chest injury: the flexible ribs can be compressed without breaking. C. Children are more likely to experience diving-related injuries. Signs and symptoms of meningitis in the infant or child include all of the following, EXCEPT: Which of the following statements regarding the use of nasopharyngeal airways in children is D. Do you know what substance was ingested? Answer: C 84. spinal precautions, and transport. A. grunting. B. not rule out compensated shock. Page: 1155. A. radial D. 10 years. A. routinely suction the mouth to remove oral secretions. Question Type: General Knowledge A. block the pop-off valve if needed to achieve adequate chest rise. C. second-degree burns covering more than 10% of the body surface. Pupillary response in pediatric patients may be abnormal in the presence of all of the following, EXCEPT: mouth. They can usually identify painful areas when questioned. This is what is known as an embolus. She is conscious but clearly restless. A. bleeding in the brain. Question Type: General Knowledge A. infection. C. 8 months and 8 years. B. a stiff or painful neck. Answer: C 78. D. become obstructed by mucus. The infant's heart rate is 140 beats/min and his anterior fontanelle appears to be slightly sunken. Question Type: General Knowledge A. place padding under the child's head. Question Type: General Knowledge Answer: A As you approach the child, you note that he is lying at the base of the monkey bars. Question Type: General Knowledge A. he or she can compensate for blood loss better than adults. Before assessing the respiratory adequacy of an semiconscious infant or child, you must: Pale skin in a child indicates that the: Question Type: Critical Thinking A. proportionately larger and situated more anteriorly. Page: 1155, 15. Answer: B C. hypothermia and an irregular pulse. Question Type: General Knowledge A. child abuse must be reported only if it can be proven. D. 70, Answer: A D. ask a relative if he or she knows the child's weight. C. avoiding the placement of a splint, if possible. D. duration of symptoms. they can usually identify painful areas when questioned. Answer: B The first month of life after birth is referred to as the: Which of the following statements regarding a 3-month-old infant is correct? 68. D. Blanching of the nares after insertion indicates correct placement. Certain cases of SIDS are predictable and therefore preventable. D. give detailed updates to the infant's parents. D) Retractions are less obvious in children owing to their noncompliant rib cages. Use of a nonrebreathing mask or nasal cannula in a child is appropriate ONLY if: The EMTs should: remove the child from the car seat and secure both him and his mother to the stretcher. Causes of infant death that may be mistaken for SIDS include all of the following, EXCEPT: EMT Chapter 34 - Pediatric Emergencies Quiz, EMT-B Chapter 34 - Pediatric Emergencies (Mul, AAOS EMT Eleventh Edition Chapter 34 Pediatri, EMT: Chapter 33 [obstetrics & neonatal care], EMT: Chapter 32 [environmental emergencies], Julie S Snyder, Linda Lilley, Shelly Collins, Stanwick Managerial Accounting T/F & MC for E, Captulo 23: Aparato reproductor femenino. B. use a length-based resuscitation tape measure. Which of the following is the LEAST reliable assessment parameter to evaluate when C. hyperthermia. D. swimming pools. An 8-year-old female with a history of asthma continues to experience severe respiratory distress despite being given multiple doses of her prescribed albuterol by her mother. A. assume the child is hypertensive. B. weak distal pulses. Febrile seizures are MOST common in children between: he or she presents with: C. severe infection. When a child faints, the blood supply and the oxygen that blood brings to the brain is temporarily reduced. Your assessment reveals that she C. skin that is cool and dry. D. heat compresses and lowering the injured extremity. dropshipping shipping policy template aliexpress. A. profound tachycardia. B. continue high-flow oxygen therapy, contact medical control, and request permission to administer more albuterol. B. obtain a SAMPLE history from the parents. Question Type: General Knowledge C. electrolyte imbalances. 3 months and 4 years. If a nasopharyngeal airway is too long, it may: A. vary widely, depending on the child's age and weight. D. dry mucous membranes. A. pink, dry skin. A. begin immediate rescue breathing. Answer: B Question Type: General Knowledge Page: 1155 13. C. putting a baby to sleep on his or her back Compared to an adult, the diaphragm dictates the amount of air that a child inspires because the: A. intercostal muscles are not well developed. B. A 2-month-old infant was found unresponsive in his crib by his mother. Wheezing. is decreased. 3 73. Her skin is hot and moist. 82. 41. His skin is pale and cold and his arms are stiff. most cases of SIDS occur in infants younger than 6 months. Question Type: Critical Thinking When auscultating the lungs of a patient with respiratory distress, you hear adventitious sounds. As you approach the child, you note that he is lying at the base of the monkey bars.