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Mothers calling their sons papi and fathers calling their daughters mami. There a many weird and strange laws in Colombia. According to this law, if the girl is kidnapped and married, then her crime is dismissed. In France, drivers are legally required to carry a portable Breathalyzer in their vehicle. Im glad that you agree with almost everything in the article :). Anyone importing, selling or making gum in Singapore can get fined and/or jail time, with the exception of nicotine and dental gums offering therapeutic value. Rome's strict laws against animal cruelty include the walking of pet dogs. Although the legislative trend in Colombia has tended towards the criminalization of possession and consumption of psychoactive substances, decriminalization prevailed when it comes to jurisprudence. Minca. Best to leave your bear attire at home if visiting this Eastern European country, just to be safe. Advertisement. Hi Rich! LOL!! Flush Before 10:00 Pm Flush Before 10 in Switzerland Source The curfew on flushing toilets after 10:00 PM is quite a strict regulation of Switzerland.Everybody, better finish their business before the clock strikes ten. Here are two of my favourite strange Irish laws from Trinity College Dublin: It is illegal for a student to walk through Trinity College without their sword. Tacha is an expat from Switzerland and lives in Medelln full time with her husband Sam. To keep beaches clean and beachgoers healthy, Portugal has banned peeing in the ocean. Dancing after midnight was banned for generations, as it is just too sinful. It's just one of the many odd, unique things that have occurred in the Bolivarian Republic since Hugo Chavez was elected in 1998 and promptly flipped the country's regime from democratic to socialist. Still, there is this ancient law dating back to 1313 that prohibits it. We're not sure exactly what level of dirt is permitted or how often the rule is actually enforced. FACT#16. As far as I know, Colombians usually dont tip like in the U.S. in example. We're not sure how they enforce this, but China is known for having some strict laws. Also, theres a really high tolerance for dogs everywhere. The beautiful city prevents people from playing dominoes in public, allegedly because the pieces make too much noise when they clink as players put them down. There seems to be a celebration for almost everything. The time depends on the region. On the other hand, what Ive foud in El Hueco is that if youre looking for something a bit unusual, if you ask in any store, they will give you some very specific and complex directions and its always correct. People place paper lanterns and candles, which placed on porches, balconies, streets, sidewalks, squares and parks in cities and pueblos throughout Colombia. In the event of a locust invasion in India, a male 14 and older must do everything possible to prevent and stop the destruction of the locusts. During large national events, such as the World Cup and elections, local Colombian governments will impose a short-term ban on alcohol to avoid violence in the streets between rival supporters. Thankfully this particular law is no longer enforced, and after the governmental body entrusted in targeting antiquated laws is finished, it might not even be documented anymore. Clearly, such obsolete laws are not unique to Colombia. Whenever you get into a cab, it's normal for the taxi driver to be listening to the radio, as a way to make the ride more pleasant for everyone. 2) Calling me Mr Trevor (my first name) as a mark of respect for a senior. I would welcome Christmas Comments from the Medellin community. It's illegal to kill Bigfoot Bigfoot hunters, beware. Forgot to enjoy the food, the kindness of the people, the music, the beautiful places, the paisa culture, the beautiful landscapes, the fauna and the flora or rather lost the coming to COLOMBIA and my beautiful land. This is possibly the weirdest fact of them all. Tall dandelions and other weeds are banned in Pueblo Large dandelions in southern Colorado. Earlier this year, the British Express reported a man sent an angry message to a car dealer who seemingly did him wrong. Posted by Tacha | Oct 5, 2018 | Culture, General | 36. I now heard several times Colombians calling somebody mono even when he wasnt blond at all. How they'll know what you have on underneath is another subject. The Protection of the Rights and Interests of Elderly People (over the age of 60) includes a number of requirements for children when it comes to their elderly parents. Honestly its usually better to rely on Google Maps then ask for directions in Colombia. If you are going to another country you may find things that you are not use too and that is exactly what this article is about. @2008-2019 - Colombia Reports. However, in 1966, Victoria, Australia, proved 20 th -century people could be just as miserable as their ancestors by passing anti-kite legislation. Also, check out the article my husband wrote about our expat story moving to Medelln, how a couple from Switzerland moved to Medelln and are loving Medelln. Having retired and moved to Cali three years ago, I can agree that the cultural differences are many. The cuddly little bear all stuffed with fluff also gasp! No. DON'T TOUCH ELECTRIC WIRES After Swiss and German travelers decided to make naked hiking a thing in Switzerland a decade ago (really! Alaska. Technically, the full 1872 law mandates people not be drunk when in charge of a cow, horse, carriage or steam engine. This one is an interesting one, and it probably will make you laugh. If you have a potty mouth, be sure it's in check before you visit! Surely he could have suggested that they translate it to . Find out more, Copyright ESLstarter 2007-2023. and just for completeness, the breads in the first photo on the left is Almojabana and right is Pan de Yuca. Tweet this. Colombia has the largest amount of unique wildlife in any part of the world. India TV brings to you 10 weird and bizarre sex laws that might shock you: 1. Spiteful gossip or talking behind someone's back is illegal in Indiana. And all of these are Gluten Free. . Take the following laws with a grain of salt, as they are truly bizarre. My father was red hair and everybody called him mono. In the great state of Wyoming, any public building erected must have art displayed valued at 1 percent of the building's costs (although not to exceed $100,000). New Year celebrations in Cambodia get so crazy that the capital city of Siam Reap won't allow for the sale of water pistols leading up to and during its big celebrations. Suspiciously holding a salmon in the UK Ben Bryant/Shutterstock Parliament's famous Salmon Act of 1986 states that it's illegal to hold a salmon under suspicious circumstances. Yes, the dreams of many children everywhere are coming true! ), optionally filled with guava jam. I now speak Spanish with locals even though I know I might say or pronounce something wrong, but that doesnt stop me anymore from speaking. This section creates an offence in England and Wales "for any . Colombians love cheese. Edy by weird dont think bad. This ban includes any DIY projects or household cleaning that produces loud noises. In addition to documents, many of the links below retrieve results from online databases and catalogs or collections of legal materials maintained by the Law Library. Many of these silly, outdated laws are still on the books. And always after saying Gracias. Amanado? Another law, also no longer enforced but which may explain the sad state and bad taste of Colombias most well established beers, governs the sale of alcohol. However, in such a marriage, the condition is that divorce cannot be taken before 5 years. Thankfully this particular law is no longer enforced, and after the governmental body entrusted in targeting antiquated laws is finished, it might not even be documented anymore. But thanks for the input. The islands want to look clean while you're cleaning. The ban went into place to prevent "traffic accidents" and "public disorder.". So, not everybody in Colombia expects an automatic tip. (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees), (International Committee of the Red Cross), Constitutional Courts As Mediators: Armed Conflict, Civil-military Relations, and the Rule of Law in Latin America, Colombian Constitutional Law: Leading Cases, Manuel Jos Cepeda Espinosa and David Landau, Legal Reports (Publications of the Law Library of Congress): Colombia, An Introduction to Colombian Governmental Institutions and Primary Legal Sources, Treaties, States Parties, and Commentaries: Colombia, Guide to Law Online: Nations of the World. Then you ask someone else at this location and they tell you its five blocks in the other direction. Therationale is supposedly that person who just left the seat youre about to sit in has left their body heat behind and that this can cause the spread of germs. (We have to admit, that's a pretty good rule.). Just another funny and unusual thing I get to see in Medelln. You can decide if you want to tip or not. It's not that you can't go to the bathroom, but you won't be able to make noise while you do it. In the town of Sarpourenx, you cannot die within the city limits unless you already have your burial plot purchased in the local cemetery. Maybe because I have many Hispanic friends. Links to additional digital content are provided when available. The list of celebrations in Colombia seems to be endless. Gates in Nevada are used to keep in livestock, and anyone not closing and fastening a gate when outside city limits can receive a fine. If youve been wondering why, much to your chagrin, that Aguila (alcohol content 4%) you were nursing appeared to improve your spatial awareness and make people less interesting, look no further than to this law. more efficent: Santos, Think tanks propose new court to combat corruption in Colombia, Judges unfamiliar with international legal norms concerning womens rights: Colombias former minister of justice, Colombias justice minister begs judges to stop shutting prisons, promises new prisons soon, Colombias new prison code wont cause massive prison releases: govt. Tweet this. Photo taken on the dia de la pereza in Itagi. Lawmakers in 1907 Buenos Aires took it a step further by completely stripping the Argentinean capital of the simple joy of flying kites. Then you can get down to business. Actually, its French law that men do not wear loose-fitting swim trunks on beaches, swimming pools and other public places where a swimsuit is required attire. If a child burps during church, his parent may be arrested. Top paramilitary chief assassinated in northern Colombia: police. Also, in Colombia, your average Colombian usually makes a distinction between tinto and cafe (coffee). Always make sure that if this person doesnt show up, you already have another plan. (Image: Shutterstock) 2 / 16. The bottom line is that the things Colombians do that foreigners may find weird or just funny or unusual are from our point of view. A few of our bizarre, unexplained laws. If you don't pick up your dog poop, it may be possible to use DNA testing to determine the identity of your dog. The artwork has to be approved as art, so hanging a picture sketched on a Post-It won't do. Keep your eyes on your gas gauge and fill 'er up when you get low. This need to avoid clothing that could have been worn throughout the day also extends to T-shirts; you'll need to lose those as fast as your surfer shorts. One of the things that stands out to me as being unique is the intentional way Colombians dress and their attention to their appearance. We refer to mono or mona to blondes. Take a second to support Medellin Guru on Patreon! While women across the nations protested, the law is in effect and you can no longer buy lace garments. Bien gracias y usted? The colors of the Colombia flag are yellow, blue and red. I never heard about the brown time, but my friends and I call it the Colombian time. Or sometimes they bring up some random excuses like: I need to go grocery shopping with my mom, thats not even necessarily a lie. You can dance after midnight as long as it's not in the dark. Sorry ladies (and gents), but Russia doesn't want you wearing anything lacy underneath your clothing. 2. Thanks to any member wishing to comment on Christmas. Becoming more widely spotted, the pink river dolphin, or Amazon River dolphin, is an inhabitant in Colombia. Children are technically not supposed to go trick-or-treating on October 31st. So, the parents must beware of such strange laws that are in effect and should be sure of locking the liquor cabinet when they leave the house. The Air Fouling Legislation" of 2011 made it illegal for people in Malawi to "foul the air.". But don't even think about trying to enjoy this childhood pastime anywhere else. Arizona also has a few strange laws related to . It's illegal to hold salmon under suspicious circumstances Manuel Sanvictores/flickr Yep, you read that right. Colombia, a civil law country, has different inheritance laws from the US, which uses a common law system. In the District of Columbia, you could be fined up to $500 for every time you throw a stone or other projectile on any street, avenue, alley, road, highway, open space, public square, or enclosure. The typical granny talking to her little dog in a high pitched voice and dressing it like a baby. A law that prohibits Colombian companies from importing Chinese laborers to work on Colombian land is just one of the ridiculous and bizarre laws that may be targeted for removal by a government body looking at ways to steamline the countrys legal system, El Pais reported on Monday. But in Colombia, coffee shops dont rely only on a morning rush. This is a day dedicated to playing practical jokes on friends and family. So much so that all Canadian radio stations are required, by law, to play Canadian artists on the airwaves at least 35 percent of the time, especially during the hours of 6 a.m. and 6 p.m., Monday through Friday. I felt that it didnt need to be salty because it was just naturally delicious. Think just different. In San Francisco, car owners are forbidden by law to polish their vehicles with used underwear. 2. Why this law exists is anyone's guess. Just wanted to tell you keep up the fantastic job! Camouflage is only allowed to be worn by the country's military personnel. ( IC 14-22-9-1 ). In the Muslim United Arab Emirates, swearing could get you fined, jailed or deported. Colombians are really friendly and welcoming people. It's illegal to give, sell, do away with, even use, use stink bombs in the state of Alabama. Laws against fun are most common in centuries-old legislation. This means that, whether you're driving on the Garden State Parkway or the New Jersey Turnpike, you technically should honk your horn before you pass, according to state law. It's illegal to let your donkey (yes, you ready that right) sleep in a bathtub in Arizona. Endemic species are species that only exist in one country. For a complete list of the Law Library's gazettes, please visit the Foreign Legal Gazette Collection. Its just a culture thing. Cheese, I fond the these not neutral but just more creamy. By nature and upbringing Im courteous and social. Take, for example, one popularly referenced law: You may not tie an alligator to a fire hydrant in the state of Michigan. As the couple "outwardly present themselves as husband and wife to the public," they are deemed a common law marriage, that is honored and valid in North Carolina. If an owner does not walk their dog once a day (at minimum), they could be fined $625. Here are 13 of those weird laws in Colorado that will leave you shaking your head. But PALEEZE can we get on with it? Even if youre not dancing, drinking or singing, you will have fun watching the Colombians doing it. The Colombian people are very patriotic and their laws reflect this. One day of the year, no personal cars are allowed, people can only use public transportation. The rule isn't followed in every part of the country, but if you have an annoying neighbor who wants to complain, they would technically have the law on their side. No one has ever captured proof of this hairy, giant creature, but if you should find it and kill it, you could be fined up to $250,000 if you do not have a proper hunting license. Here are some of the most random and unique laws in Colorado, in no particular order: 1. Paraguay is the only country worldwide whose national flag has different emblems on each side. Our son Joseph is seven years old and born in the United States with light brown hair. At times they say that but are still laying in bed and havent even showered yet. I also sampled some amazing cheese wrapped in platanos leaves in Tolima ! This is ironic, given that the town is known for its "Kissing Alley," where the legend of two star-crossed lovers is said to have taken place. This means that you will be forced to let it mellow until the morning. Angela, Hi Angela, thank you for the explanation! If you're a guy, you'll also need to go sitting down so that you don't make noise. No were not joking. At coffee shops in Colombia, 3 pm and 7 pm tend to be busier than the early morning. The weird aspect of the Act comes from Section 32 of the Act, which is headed "Handling Salmon in Suspicious Circumstances". The Christmas season in Colombia unofficially tends to start on December 7, which is known as Da de las Velitas (Day of Candles). They do it in order to let the seat cool down before they sit on it. Ask for directions from a passerby and if they dont know they still will tell you something like three blocks ahead and to the right. Its only over the past few years in Colombia that coffee shops selling quality coffee have really started taking off. For countries with civil law systems, the official gazette often serves as the sole source of the authoritative texts of laws until updated codes are published. Enacted in 1948 while U.S. soldiers occupied Japan, the ban was placed to stop liberal Americans from corrupting the good citizens of Japan. Lastly, relevent to the topic our son has light brown hair and is often called mono. I figure that is because either his hair is almost blonde or an incorrect guess at his name. In my opinion it is uncomfortable to get this question asked. By common law marriage rules in the state, that man and woman would legally be married. We understand that stuff gets everywhere! In case you are wondering, the same law states you cannot have a loaded firearm on you while drunk. It seems a tad dangerous. Fun stuff ! Yep, that's right! Not that South Africa has bears, but if it did, it would be illegal to wrestle with them. But they are normal for Colombians. In this way I got to know a lot more people, learn more about the culture and also improve my language skills everyday. Need assistance? Only directional, real estate and landmark signs are allowed. Japan finally lifted the ban in 2105. BACKGROUND: New initiative will make govt. As a response to a hidden camera crisis in subways, the South Korean government banned the silencing of phone cameras when taking pictures. But if you are married, it's just one glass of wine for you. But for the many dog owners who ignore this law, science is now against you. The only thing I would change is that we dont really call mono white people. While the law has been around for a while, fans continue to partake in this tradition. A cup of hot chocolate, bread and cheese on the side to dip in, photo by Peter Angritt. Save for Sumo wrestlers, in an effort to prevent obesity in its citizens, Japan created the Metabo Law. I wish i knew that before . Hunting any animals other than raccoons on Sunday. 3. If you are tried and convicted of horse theft, the penalty in Florida is still written as death by hanging. You think you only ordered a fruit salad? In an effort to encourage people to keep their chickens under control, there is a statute in Quitman, Georgia, that says you can be fined if your chicken should get loose. For instance, when a seat in a bus gets free, Colombians tend to first uncomfortably lean on the back of the seat before sitting down. Ive spent many months and weeks in Cali since the 90s. Article 8, law 88 of 1923: With the exception of soft drinks and beer with an alcohol content at or below 4%, in accordance with the provisions of this act, the sale of fermented beverages is prohibited between the hours of 6PM to 6AM, and on Sundays and public holidays.. Of course thats not the only reason because many just couldnt afford braces as a teen and are now catching up on the dental work. These weird facts will help you get over the culture shock when you relocate to one of the worlds happiest countries. the other two Im not sure of. In 2013, one young tree-climbing enthusiast earned himself a $365 ticket for climbing one in Bellevue Square Park. It is also illegal to make a telephone call and intentionally fail to hang up . this was so nice to read ! This stirred up a big debate on whether or not this means flatulence is now a criminal offense.