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night at 9pm when mom said there was evacuation notice on TV. Waited a month to report this event and turn over the pictures they took to forestry officials! People died and lost so much and that is absolutely tragic! Why did they wait until Monday to do a voluntary a evacuation or were the city father is involved in the decision not to panic the thousands and thousands of people still there for the Thanksgiving holiday. If the defendants didnt ignite the 14th fire, who did and is this 14th fire under investigation? Great info/synopsis of the Gatlinburg/Sevier county wildfires. I will not be looking for Gatlinburg or Sevier county first response personnel as those people will be grounded by a spineless group of county, city and NPS managers Who can only be described as cowardly indecisive. I wonder why? I am thankful so many are not only opening their eyes here, but taking action and questioning. Ive ranted about the comparison to how Chimney Tops and Gatlinburg was handled by GSMNP and TEMA. No evacuation orders issued- If I had gone to work that day my two sons would be dead. Thanks again for this forum. My vacation cabin in Gatlinburg burn to the ground on November 28. My questions are: what were the wind speeds when NPS crews ignited these backfires to protect NPS structures; and if they ignited fire on the 28th when the winds were getting stronger and stronger, would the potential exist for backfire embers to get out of control? He and the other NPS staff there regularly went on out of state assignments. I can picture all LeConte is going to be fine. The power of nature is awesome and often far beyond our ability to predict and react to in a timely manner. It was very low on gas and fully covered with insurance. Shortly after that power was lost to the station and data stopped being recorded. Once again the County and the City is sitting around twiddling their thumbs and doing nothing just like they did when the fire started and they could have contained it. We may never really know the truth about this situation just as with so many other current and prominent situations. A safefy plan for people in the event of the many natural threats, would have to be determined ahead of time though because that level of decision-making rarely occurs in the face of imminent danger. The governors promised investigation has yet to appear (if it ever will), but the National Parks investigation is proceeding and no locals are on that team. It was hard to drive because of falling leaves, branches, smoke, wind, and nerves. It was probably 4:45 by this time. At this time, Tennessee Bureau of Investigation officials were contacted, according to the report. But the last one, issued at 7 a.m. EST on Sunday by Eric Holweg, did predict strong winds. If an aircraft will be en route to a lit helibase or airport, they can drop 30 minutes after sunset then fly to the lit facility. Hopefully all of those affected will be able to begin again. Years ago, the NPS wasnt maintaining the churches in Cades Cove of the Smokies. Sorry to hear that you lost your house, but you followed your wits which kept you from getting stuck there by downed trees over the road. there is nothing that can address the failure of leadership at every level that contributed to that loss of life. I told him my home was on fire and he said they were evacuating everyone,then. GATLINBURG, Tenn. (AP) Firefighters have found a body in the remains of a building that burned in downtown Gatlinburg, officials said. Personally, I have already started reconstruction on my cabin but the consensus on Chalet Village north which was 540 cabins and now stands only at 20 remaining Is that about 70% are not rebuilding for a variety of reasons . Mother nature always bats last Sad chain of eventsonce again. The Tip Line is 888-653-0009. He should loose his job and be prosecuted for this mess he created. I fully understand the financial difficulties of the NPS and with firefighters abroad. I told him I would call fire department in Gatlinburg across from Food City. Your are correct; and we all pray and hope for the community to get back on their feet again. As I reflect on the comments regarding this fire, the articles and analysis, as well as any instance of leadership, decision-making and accountability, I have to askHow is it that one gets experience? All those who have experience from saythe wildfires out west, were not born with it. Question, seek truth and evidence, get to the roots, with the intention to create and apply solutions, not simply hang someone; that is how we grow forward! 321) at Glades Road and the Post Office. Jeannines comments were spot on. We need to question everything and everyone with the same tenacious veracity as the other, but we also need to allow for humans to be human, and engage in the process of learning. Instead, the city ordered evacuation of the neighborhoods nearest the NPS day use area that was on fire (Mynatt Park and others). Some of those GSMNP personnel were trained out west and know how fast a wildfire spreads in high winds. All you left out was Howie Long jumping out of a plane on a motorcycle with a chainsaw running and you would have knocked that thing into last century! A friend that owns a rental company there said that about 90% of the homes in the area which leave them 10% they can rent or sale. Thanks for the correction Bill. Visited Gatlinburg for the first time in Oct 2016. Someone must have started the fire. I understand the excellent point made in the article that history in the Smokies area would expect less of a problem than out West. The Spur between Pigeon Forge to Gatlinburg is open from Pigeon Forge to the Gatlinburg Welcome Center. This is the path to healing, and the way to light. I told him to go up and park in driveway close to where I wanted to leave the truck and that I would drive truck up. I was nervous about it. We waited as the days passed until we could go and see if ours had burned. Visibility was so low that other car lights could barely be seen from oncoming cars. On Sunday evening we discussed with Gatlinburg friends the forecast for high winds on Monday, so I disagree with local Gatlinburg officials that they were caught by surprise. Below is the stateof access to the fire area, as reported by the IMT: The National Park is closed from the Gatlinburg Entrance to Smokemont near Oconaluftee (US 441, Newfound Gap) and Little River Road from Sugarlands Visitor Center to Townsend. We were there from May until early November. We strive to use real facts, not alternative facts, on Wildfire Today. They were taught with classroom didactic and hands on training, by sharing of lessons learned by others, and the best learning opportunity available, the best teacher of all; the actual experience itself. Anyone who has toured the hillsides where most of the homes that were destroyed would know immediately how difficult evacuations would be. Travelers are urged to avoid the area at this time. But I believe there is a fourth element of fire behavior prediction and that is the element of situational awareness. Anytime that one side seeks to destroy the other as opposed to actually raise the issues, I would raise a red flag and wonder what the distraction is really trying to hide! The high winds were forecasted on the 25th, 2016. milepost 316. Here is one interview I gave to a Cincinnati station 2-3 days after the fire. Collaboration, open thinking and creativeness are key. I told her when she does mine about my rebuild and my crooked contractor I will speak plenty about the ineptness of the NPS and local fire officials. Why did they wait until Monday to do a voluntary a evacuation or were the city father is involved in the decision not to panic the thousands and thousands of people still there for the Thanksgiving holiday. God doesnt cut financial budgets. So because of his and other incompetence property owners are paying the price. I dont know details as to the trail. Its hard to see. The day after the fire was reported 0.12 inch of rain was recorded at the official weather station recognized by the NWS, which may have made the managers of Great Smoky Mountains National Park (GRSM) feel a little better about this new fire. Will Lessons Learned fade into distant short-term US fire management history archives once again. Of course, the city of Where was all the HELP TO PUT THIS FIRE OUT A WHEN IT STARTED???? I guess they must think when you have to go up there to handle this mess they caused that you dont need lodging, food or gas to get there. I was truly astounded at how well coordinated the IMT teams are they cover it all, firelines, backburns, aircraft, field communications, weather forecast, community information via meetings/Facebook/Blog page/Twitter with daily updates, pre-evacuation notices when wind events were predicted. 119K views 4 months ago GATLINBURG Many people get worried when they hear the words Gatlinburg and Fire in the same sentence. When did Gatlinburg burn . The wildfire began burning in a remote location of the park (Chimney Tops) in steep terrain with vertical cliffs and narrow rocky ridges, making access to the wildfire area . Only 0.05 inch fell at the Indian Grave Remote Automatic Weather Station 18 miles west of the fire. LeConte, is spread primarily, if not exclusively through the air.Though I havent been there in awhile, there used to be a stunning grove of Hemlocks in the Linville Falls area off the Parkway approx. The city said crews working the structure fire that . Me, like thousands of Buckeyes make the five-hour trek to Tennessee for family [] Stupidity is as stupidity does. Hemlocks standout on aerial photos because the limbs grow in a spiral pattern around the tree. If this is the same Bob Stanton commenting here, then the bias is way too obvious. Tunica, MS, from our area near Kansas City, to arrive late evening, that day, in Tunica. But until the awareness of possibility and the letting go of holding onto what we think we know to be the truth much will remain unchanged. Firefighting aircraft were not used until helicopters dropped water on the fire Sunday afternoon, November 27 four days after it started. For the most part, the issues are with the Upper Brass. Emergency management should have been all over this from the very beginning. We had loaded dog and Abram in car, out of smoke and told them to stay put. It is very hard and slow to navigate through laurel stands and the thick Tennesee Barbed Wire Briar patches. Given enough time the clock will run out and the weather will either be in the fire mangers favor or WATCH OUT! I bet someone of you one here would sing a different tune if you loss a big chunk of your retirement because of someone incompetence. This is just one more example of one more related issue that is seemingly un-connected until you delve into the issues deeply.