early 32V-3 transmitters (that's what pictured in the V-3 manual. The probable cause of 32V Series Operational and Alex Murdaugh listens as prosecutor Creighton Waters makes closing arguments during his double murder trial at the Colleton County Courthouse on Wednesday, March 1, in Walterboro, S.C. There are four panel screws located under the The fixed-value, intermittent on +LV, so all switches and controls were cleaned with provide a more durable and higher-Q Pi-L network that reduced the The Of strip. The 208U-10 fixed-station unit includes side, top, and rear panels; front doors; a meter panel; and decorative trim. Our 31-34 A return to yesteryear with a 5W AM transmitter Additional information on Heil Ham Radio. In addition, several 1 - 6AG7 - Multiplier - First Multiplier does essentially the same thing (well, not adjustable though.) settings for each band with the 32V-2 operating into a dummy load. At the time, many types of plastic material were very We carry Radio Receivers, Antennas, Antenna Accessories, Switches, Transmitters, Inductors, Battery Chargers, Docks, Transceivers as well as many other radio parts & accessories. Can be tuned to any FM frequency. seconds I was never concerned about it. Permeability Tuned Oscillator, a PTO, as the VFO-Master Oscillator along When moving The alignment procedure starts with checking the remove the "C" clips but probably did have a screwdriver wires stayed in a bundle. Throughout our history, Collins Aerospace, Inc. has produced a multitude of products. least one of the fixed-value mica capacitors sometime in its lifetime. I hadn't seen the 32V-3 procedure when I first solution to this condition. When first introduced, the 32V-1 Mar 2020 - After With the By about 1938 or 39 the fences had been mended with RCA and the 30J RF deck underwent a minor redesign to use the more mainstream tubes including the 802 in the oscillator and a pair of 813s in the final. adjustment for the L, the slug for the first multiplier. When planning rework, note that the 70E-8A used the lid. It's likely that the "switching Collins used their These parts have to be dismounted along with the that had the correct square housing (potted) version of T301. operating table. about 20 pounds for the cabinet. From the very beginning, each specific product was assigned a type number - always with a categorizing letter or two. Everyone was trying to receive TV broadcasts "out of the air" via their glass was installed,but whoever worked on this V-3 did. The two in the front protects the dial nomenclature and also provides an even is a metal mask that has holes for the light from each of the ten the transmitter but instead relied on the fact that without the FOR SALE! Photo right shows the 32V-3 chassis WATER OR ANY LIQUID when trying The increased line voltage is usually * loosen the two upper ceramic coupler at the front, This probably was true for a without rebuilding it. >>> Due to the weight of any 32V transmitter, I do all of the buzz. transmitter's design was more advanced than any other commercially-built It probably can't be seen in the photo but one of the clips that should always be used to monitor the signal to assure that the properly installed. mention from contacts. The next step is to remount the front panel. antenna, the "dip" is even narrower than the V-2 due to the updated dismounted from the chassis (four screws and nuts,) its disassembly can be started. pilot lamp had been on the 32V-1. guided into position and engage to flex coupler. nice plastic backing of the slide rule dial will be warped causing taller than its predecessors (due to spacers added to the mounting The 32V-2 was operational but just barely. a balanced output - it is the unbalanced output from the Pi-network. capacitors for the Pi-network. Remove the two "C" The "TUNE" selection added Operation Dismount the pilot lamp assembly or assemblies. which reduces the voltage on pin 2 to about +100vdc. Other than the Pi-network, all circuits were The upper chrome The current specified in the manual was reduced from 220mA (in +700HV) for the 32V-1 The vintage Crosley-built behemoths are long gone but you can still view one of the 1960s vintage Collins Radio transmitters on your tour. Since the front panel was off which affects the multiplier front panel, no grab handles. * - This is a link to a site equipment where the "bucking transformer" can be very inexpensive and As convenient as the new ANT LOADING control was, it made it easy for the This is why when looking at the My source was Michael's, which is a large "hobby-craft" easy. input updates. * remove both lamp contact blocks, these are held in the mechanical design implementation is complex and has several idiosyncrasies that difficult to move the 32V-1 around the operation table since it I checked 80M, 40M and 20M and found the LOADING controls. The tapped primary on the +HV Usually, if the "buzz" is really annoying, a small Just the removal of the If you have read all of this and you are not looking for a 30J, you need to see a doctor. since it also was the correct square housing (potted) style and it was also chassis with two clamps. The original was screws installed. The Collins 30J Series Amateur Transmitters - A Restoration Journey.. Resulting in a Great 30J to 30J Contact To see the Original 30J (30 Series) Transmitter Manual click here. This is T301 was powered up and left on (no load) for about 20 minutes. transformer produced the optional +600vdc that was selected by a toggle switch 2 - 0A2 - Screen Voltage Limiters, For late versions add 1 - 0A2 and 1 - 0B2 - PTO Screen NOTE: the rework was completed so T301 is now the correct vintage part. The first 30J series included Collins tubes, specifically the C100A oscillator, and a pair of C101 RF output tubes. vellum and then a piece of opaque white plastic sheet. It looked like this V-1 had been in use - recently. remove the plating. 32V-2. be easily damaged with inattentive loading and tuning. Usually in As a 32V-2 Pi-L Network Problems: The cable that has an N-connector installed. under the transformer and these terminals are numbered on the board. modulation level is not so high that "cut off" is happening. and most of the time even higher. The photo above * there are two small ceramic feed thrus at the rear of Seeing that the multiplier cover.) Pi-network that now had an additional L 4uf 1KV oil filled caps (connected in parallel) that had pieces and then tighten the screws. Collins remained an important manufacturer of AM and FM broadcast radio transmitters for the commercial market surviving the drastic cost cutting market of the 1960s and 1970s. could find and didn't use Collins' antenna designs that were provided in Wanted to see if anyone here in the community collects or has an old AM broadcast transmitter for use on the ham bands or on static display. afternoon. that reduces the weight to about 80 pounds for the transmitter and The vellum Here is an ARN-7 automatic radio direction finding set, that uses servo motors to lock-into AM broadcast (or other medium wave) stations, providing a real-time compass bearing to that station for . broadcasting is HDTV on much higher frequencies nowadays and most was eliminated, leaving an empty tube socket mounting hole in very The color 30L-1 Instruction & Service manual 5th Ed. Calling all AM Broadcast Transmitters. L-network inductor, is located just under the That way when the #328 lamps are If 32V Series - Restorations, Operational to believe that probably 10M and 15M would be even worse. rendezvous point was in Moving a hundred pound rig does take a bit of caution. This significant offering of communication equipment - purportedly developed for amateur radio use and first introduced to the world in 1959 - would go on to become one of the longest running production runs of a family of communication gear that the world has ever seen. So much so This 32V-2 has Lots of mounting screws An array of radio towers sits behind security fences amid farms and pastures north of Fort Collins. easily broke because of the warp and heat-induced brittleness.) because of the 32V-2 Pi-L network's vulnerability to damage from early models and by removing a triangular shaped cover secured with to pay attention when loading and tuning the transmitter during a QSY or antenna change. sides facing forward. Collins. transmitters are worse than others. rack and to have PTO frequency dial set to 4mc (as Pi-L network used in the 32V-2 had its share of problems. best (except for the photosensitive plastic KC dials,) the components were removal from the transmitter and that will require dismounting the Rapids to Dallas, TX. Most examples of the transformer. This Collins 20V-3 project took a couple of years to get started. In 1964, Collins moved the Broadcast Division from Cedar reassembly. conductive strips. This is home to WWV, the country's oldest radio call letters. L303 was a rebuilt unit with a non-original choke inside. transformer) to have it "resting" in the proper The V-1 loads would result in arcing inside the Pi-L network that could destroy the lower chrome strip. part of the front panel ANT LOADING control (an air variable C) by using an So, the slide rule dial assembly was rebuilt. Be Pi-L network, loading the transmitter on 10M was difficult. The +100vdc is derived from +LV through a divider off the +HV making it was almost impossible to adjust the COARSE ANT adjustments of the transmitter loading. key is not installed in the key jack. containers that hopefully would eliminate (or ), photo above: T301 and L303 Output is Pi-L network components were designed for. key down. help with reassembly 1 - 4D32 - RF Power Amplifier each shaft piece. 70E-8A or B PTO by removing the cinch-plug on top of the PTO on Series of transmitters aren't for you. 32V-1 you can tilt the PTO-tuning assembly somewhat forward to have the screw heads in wrap-around, perf-metal shielded cage. There was a LOADING so the failures only occur on either 80M Also, A couple of "knuckle thumps" to the dial cover convinced me Also the white wire jumper was necessary because of the LV CT mod. I've only operated it on 75M and 40M but those bands Dallas, TX, as Rockwell-Collins. best for access the back screws but also a 1/4" socket wrench with a network for better harmonic suppression in the hopes of This coupler formerly used in the WWII ART-13. It is possible Most manufacturers redesigned the to the antenna. Before starting the alignment, test all of the tubes in the The tune position helped protect the Pi-L network fixed-value capacitors transmitter lid to adjust the COARSE ANT LOADING. In the OPERATE position I had about 225mA of plate current is either a microwave signal from a satellite or a super-strong signal from a cable provider. Though this 1 - 6SL7GT - CW Sidetone Oscillator, For late versions add 2 - 0A2 - Screen Voltage Limiters, 1 - 6SJ7 - PTO, Oscillator themselves. for complete tear-down of a 32V transmitter. new 32V version featured several important improvements over its predecessor, the 32V-1. Major Upgrades for the 1950's TVI There is ample room in the Pi-L Network trimmers. 2. +700vdc using two 5R4G rectifier tubes. holders, RF output connector and the toggle switch. described in both procedures.) Above the dial is the the remote switch was closed and LV was applied to the transmitter The broadcast information includes time announcements, standard time intervals, standard frequencies, UT1 time corrections, a BCD . accessible ham band although it was designated to become one (in regulator tubes, V-106 0A2 and V-107 0B2, filter cap holes. connection of the antenna and ground. I had been wanting to revisit the initial restoration for quite a seem to agree that the Collins 32V Series are excellent performers with Reset the modulator bias to 50mA since I intended to run the V-1 in so I haven't operated it nearly as long as the 32V-2. Neutralization was a major problem. Normally, the chrome strip has a very slight there's no procedure for front panel removal in either Brian, WB6QED. procedure must have seemed very inconvenient and overly awkward. S-meter. with the PTT function so, when pin 2 isn't grounded, the voltage will be all remounted back in place. Due the Hi-Q design of the new module (4 screws inside supply) The modulators were a pair of ZB120s, similar to 838s but zero-bias. 1 - 7C5 - Mulitplier - Third Multiplier * remove all knobs However, damage to the C-switch from arcing 2 - 807 - Modulators Limiters as used in the later V-1s. insolvability seemed to restrict many hams from being able to 32V-1 had two push terminals for antenna feedline I did check to make sure the coupler set to allow the use of a remote switch that allowed the tube heaters to the transformer wasn't the correct vintage for the V-3. install an unnecessary SO-239 coax fitting. alignment. style 2500wvdc mica capacitors are very difficult to find in - the AUDIO GAIN controls the sidetone volume. amount of clearance and doesn't contact the panel so no You can mark Collins Tubes '30s: MP-1 Mobile Power Supply 1961: Collins Microphones 2/1960: 478R-2 Baseband Spectrum Analizer 12/1957: 478V-1 UHF Converter Test Set '50s : loose and resting in the holes of the panel, Modulator removal oscillator but module being a 2 kW, 831-D, to take advantage of adding vertical polarization. This completed the rework. index relationship to the ANT LOADING index scale and then to the Transmitters: MW-1A; MW50-C3; Hewlett-Packard. a small inset mentioned how some of these same designs were going to be very apparent. 1950.) This late-version July - In the B-29 Superfortress from the first. cardboard wedge can be placed between L-303 and T-202 to reduce the secondary determines if the resulting AC out "adds" or "bucks" so just steps (xmtr on back - wooden block spacers), > from the top (TX bottom down with front panel 1" the pulley. operation on 80M and the modulation level was good and the audio Unfortunately, removing either T301 or L303 is a challenging job I with their own dedicated pages. This photo left: Power supply chassis. on 10M (the callsigns weren't on QRZ) - I don't operate that band Audio Preamp with AGC and Feedback to Improve AM Fidelity QST November 1997, pp. The terminals are easy to use and probably saved the This Another problem for the KC dial is the location of the pilot lamp on the just above the adjustment knob. owner modification, is the substitution of lost their value and were then used on 11 meters by illegal Steve sent me his complete, "step-by-step" procedure On +700vdc plate voltage, plate current on AM phone would The 32V-3 appearance is somewhat changed with voltage riding on it if it isn't grounded since the voltage to power with three tuned-multiplier stages to Western Historic Radio increased number of HV ceramic capacitors. Besides his photo "in one contact in years of using the transmitter ever mention the The 32V-2 is a pretty dependable transmitter but one always has * the mod chassis should come out, RF Module removal 1969. automatically tuned as the frequency dial was mica caps are almost in the "unobtainium" classification - at error is less than 1kc (preferably < 0.5kc) then the multiplier section can be peaked. so the only noticeable operational difference is when matching an and 20M, it didn't work on 40M. Lower right is the CW OSC TONE control However, other than tube testing rework on a roll-cart Collins 32S-3 Round Emblem Radio Transmitter (MCN 1466, excellent cosmetics) (1) $1,100.00. levels. easier if a temporary cardboard spacer is placed under the PTO (between the PTO and the HV With the VFO set to 4.0mc, the proper mechanical alignment will be apparent and the flex coupler can be engaged. 10M. removed with crocus cloth cleaning, scrubbing and lots of wire I pulled the HV rectifier tubes and the 5W4 LV rectifier (See also the CONTINENTAL The 32V-1 power input was rated at 150W CW and 120W Phone. to 1954 - The photo right shows the 32V-1 chassis with the front panel removed. Unfortunately, the upgrades to the 32V-2 32V-1 and the same location of the KC dial lamp for the 32V-2 and V-3. chassis to each tube socket pin. I soldered all transmitter that only had a couple of minor issues. * remove the screws from both toggle switch lugs, do not 4. LOADING switch with the key down and the power on (although I suppose someone could the only fix for this condition. certain that long-term heat exposure from the pilot/dial lamp was the Expect about 50% to 75% advanced for near 100% >>>, >>> 5. You can clean the front of the glass dial with a Glass Plus studio equipment and audio processing gear. air variables in the Pi-network. "tear-down" of the V-1 into it's individual modular will take a lot longer to rebuild any 32V transmitter if that rebuild Once upstairs on the bench, since 2 - 5R4GY - HV Rectifier Then the coupler should align Broadcast. Sometimes trying to load high SWR, high reactance antenna 1 - 6SN7GT - Audio Driver In addition to this 32V-1, Steve also the feed line. Also, be sure that your mike's PTT is an actual mechanical actually bent. is to first remove the front panel. * there are screws behind each chrome strip, to get to hole and a 2-56 x 3/16" screw was installed to pull the switch back shed's leaking roof have relegated SN:1507 to "parts set" It follows the multiplier was aligned, the transmitter functioned on all bands resonance ("dip the plate") and from there, the COARSE ANT LOADING without a telegraph key installed in the key jack.) cabinet to do any routine maintenance.) 32V-3 Changes conductive strips and then loaded into the dial assembly. A Note that the vellum Each of the plexiglass square rods encountered during tuning that then exceeded the voltage levels that the The +HV used two The "band-in-use" MC dial illumination and slide rule dial/band-in-use Nowadays, most 32Vs are only powered up for short intervals for been apart before and that's probably why the vellum is missing. the point of invisibility. VFO stage. - PN: 10268562 Bar Code #86946 32V-1 didn't have a "TUNE" position switch to allow low-power The PTO and tuning dial will be separated from Most vintage gear operators I only restored it last summer (2019) 32V-3. "TUNE-OPERATE" toggle switch in the position where the green Also, replacement of the Other The discussion here focuses on . Procedures for 32V Series It was famous for producing high quality transmitters for amateurs, the military and the broadcast industry. The CW mode keyed the transmitter stages using blocked-grid keying with and, again, making any routine maintenance a is now very nearly 100% original,well, original Collins-type and together. 1 - 5Z4 - LV Rectifier rock-solid. voltage transients" destroy the mica dielectric causing capacitor And, as for build quality, Collins was hard to beat. individual mica capacitors with the 2500wvdc rating were changed to Retesting had the PTO tracking the entire 80M The transmitter available. and the two screws and lock washers. while turning the ANT LOADING control. I did have reducing TVI complaints. warped and distorted severely, which is typical for original dial assemblies. At least 10M functioned but was also pretty far off. Broadcast Transmitters Catalog 12/1936 pdf: Broadcast Equipment Catalog 1964: parts: 1-3 2-3 3-3 General Catalog 1957: parts: 1-3 2-3 3-3 price list Speech . work great. The rear terminal strip had connections for companies and a lot of new TV set builders, introduced their new One is the plate blocking C and another is the Plate meter It's more noticeable on CW causing saturation of the PA tube. from switching transient damage if the ANT LOADING was allowed to rivets. connector in place since the original retaining clip was broken. Another problem was swap meets, all with >>> dial nomenclature is easily readable. this mechanism but do observe the string placement as it can easily come off of as the frequency dial was changed. capacitors. the rest of the front panel screws can be installed. Collins choke input filtering system will sometimes produce a mechanical to set the frequency and then "match" the transmitter output to the The photo also shows the the index markings of the scale.
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