He estimated their ages at 700 years old. Thus, rather than sitting between the two copper coils of Lakhovskys design, Van Tassels participants were immersed in a giant copper generating spiral that encircled the entire building. Lakhovsky authored The Secret of Life: Electricity, Radiation and Your Body in 1929, positing that, cells from living organisms behave as tiny radio transmitters and receivers sensitive to oscillations or frequencies that could be positively manipulated by his therapeutic electromagnetic device to cure cancer and other disorders. Some updates made 10/2021. Over time, they have lovingly restored both the grounds and the building, which requires constant structural maintenance. The Devils Sea is south of Tokyo. (5) Mikhail Makarov, Wikipedia About Us Overview. More than fifteen leys, covering every state. The spatial qualities of the structure generate audio tones and vibrations that aurally envelop your body and mind in a profoundly pleasant meditative state. Click the map to show data near to the point you clicked. These patterns are part of a larger scheme and lead to sacred geometry theory (9). Make like Leo and Brad by sipping martinis at the 100-year-old Musso & Frank. For a fee, immersive sound-bath sessions are performed with specialized white quartz bowls of varying sizes to produce transformative harmonic sound frequencies within the acoustically perfect upstairs space. This is an excerpt from Catherine Aumans bookGuide to Spiritual L.A.: The Irreverent, the Awake, and the True. When they did, they found it linked to many sacred sites. Ley lines are lines that crisscross around the globe, like latitudinal and longitudinal lines, that are dotted with monuments and natural landforms, and carry along with them rivers of supernatural energy. var sc_invisible=1; Maps. We find landscape geometries of every sort: circles, polygons, stars, pyramids, Shasta sees more than 25,000 visitors each year. Ley Lines & Vortexes. California is a declare in the Pacific Region of the joined States. Catalina Island reported UFO activity. However, many of the sacred sites are remote or challenging to navigate the terrain. The most inhospitable climates on the planet are the poles. Earth's Grid System: Science and Pseudoscience Earth's Grid Systems Science and Pseudoscience page at Crystal Links. Depending on the year and the source cited, the convention reportedly attracted 1,200 to 11,000 attendees during the mid-to-late-1950s. Source: www.mapmatrix.com. The Chinese called them dragon currents. [10] Technically, the Riverside County deputies were out of jurisdiction, as Giant Rock lies within San Bernardino County. In response, the earth would undergo a violent upheaval unless the group intervened. Here is a mainstream BBC news article (10) discussing the mysterious nature of these energy ley lines and the planetary grid. Van Tassel claims to have worked as a flight safety inspector and even as Howard Hughes test pilot, although some researchers assert that he most likely embellished his career history.12 Van Tassel additionally claimed that he had first met Critzer in 1930 at his uncle Glenn Paines Santa Monica auto repair shop, just before the aspiring prospector made his way out to the Morongo Basin. Magnetic anomaly maps and data for North America. Provides access to PDF maps, interactive web maps, and geospatial data organized in a in a searchable Hub webpage. Its deepest point is over 25,000 feet (7,600 meters). concentrates electromagnetic energy inside its chambers, spiritual growth, transcendence, or healing. Van Tassel extensively cites both Lakhovskys and Teslas concepts in his texts describing the inner workings of the Integratron. Sign in. Ley lines are an ancient idea, and occur both naturally and mystically. His volume included salutatory telepathic messages from bizarrely named compassionate aliens, such as Ashtar, Clatu, Locktopar, Singba and Totalmon. [9] Ed Ainsworth, Plans for Out of This World Laboratory in Desert Disclosed, Los Angeles Times, June 17, 1954. We drove up to Zaca Lake to see if we could visit and found ourselves facing a locked gate with a No Trespassing sign. All Rights Reserved, All of Californias National Parks, Ranked, My Birth Story: A Crazy Fast Labor and Positive Induction . Dozens of Earth Energy researchers have identified other energetic geometric ley patterns. Artist Karyl Newman, who created a detailed online interactive timeline of Giant Rocks history, partnered with the Bureau of Land Management, the Morongo Basin Historical Society and several community groups for three trash-collection efforts she initiated in 2016. Sailing Stones of Death Valley Mystery Solved Home to supermassive stone structures. Archibald states that Van Tassel most likely exaggerated his career resume: He [Van Tassel] told the 1940 census-takers he was a tradesman, a tool and die maker.. Dan lives in southern Oregon and there's nothing he would rather do than visit vortexes and talk to people like you around the world, that's a vital part of his vortex research. Several processes facilitate healing and spiritual exploration. The Indians in the. Thus there is a connection to the "666" number. Karachi is on southern Pakistans coastline in a natural harbor on the Arabian Sea. More central to the concept behind the Integratron is the work of Russian scientist Georges Lakhovsky, whose first iteration of his Multiple Wave Oscillator appeared in 1923. The Ley Lines, chakras (aka Dragon Lines) of the Earth, Magnetic Ley Lines in America | Grand Teton Circle - Ley Line Maps - Directory of Sacred Places, Magnetic Ley Lines in America | DeepInfo.com: The World Grid Ley Lines Vile Vortices Vortexes. Aliens? A geological graduate student in Montana proposed such a theory in the late sixties. Southern California region detailed map Free map of Southern California region with counties, cities, roads and places of interest. Whether or not one believes in Van Tassels alleged alien encounters or the Integratrons extraterrestrial provenance, one must acknowledge his devoted affection for the landscape surrounding Giant Rock. [15] Operation Tumbler-Snapper, The Nuclear Weapon Archive, accessed May 2018,https://nuclearweaponarchive.org/Usa/Tests/Tumblers.html. We doubt these ancient cultures had contact with one another. There is a whole swirl of vortices around and near the Golden Gate Bridge, and these might be the coming together of several faults--many ley lines follow the great faults and waterways on the surface of our earth. Captain Rhanes offered Bethurum a ride on her spacecraft, but she reneged. Outside of these hotspots, there are approximately 60 known vortices in and around the . Our bodies contain the essence of these intricate patterns. The rotating floating armature, mounted with sixty-four aluminum collectors, was designed to act as a huge capacitor to collect up to 50,000 volts of static electricity from the air to charge the human body, but it never became operational.[21]. Some believe this energy source is what Nikola Tesla (8) investigated. Ley lines are the luminous strands that many are pulling at today, hardly suspecting what riches lay at the end of these subtle light lines. Some call it the West Australian Basin because it lies east of the Ninety-East Ridge and West of Western Australia. On January 21, 2004, the Hi-Desert Star reported that an unidentified woman spray painted the boulder's exposed surfaces bright red as an "artistic" intervention "expressing the rocks pain. Over time, Van Tassel would interchangeably assert that this formula was a seventeen-page equation tested secretly in Chicago or that Solganda had verbally stated this far simpler version: f=1/t with (f) for frequency and (t) for time. Although this was only some 40 percent more than that released by Buster-Jangle, unfavorable weather patterns caused dramatically higher civilian radiation exposures (about fifteen-fold). Fittingly, Van Tassels epitaph read Birth through Induction, Death by Short Circuit., After Van Tassels death, his second wife, Dorris, leased the building to several tenants, including one who had plans to make the dome into a disco. These align with the original 12 points of the Icosahedron on the grid. Thank you. Or . The Ley lines do tend to follow waterways.) They saw how to flip the Icosahedron (6) inside out into the dodecahedron (7). The world grid ley lines map shows how these sites correspond. When you identify each location on the globe, you get the icosahedron symbol. The Bermuda Triangle is an area in the North Atlantic Ocean, forming a triangle between Florida, Bermuda, and Puerto Rico. His ego-driven vision may have indirectly inspired darker manifestations of these UFO-based myths, such as the infamous 1997 Heavens Gate mass suicide. Check out our new interactive ley line map that connects the 3 strongest vortices in North America Mount Shasta Buffalo Lake and the Bermuda Triangle. ley in their name. Ley line maps of Britain - Ancient Mysteries & Alternative History - Unexplained Mysteries Discussion Forums. world-famous (Becker & Hagens) EarthStar Globe. Asked whether he had received his design directives from aliens in an interview. I believe that these major lines crack. Ley lines can run for hundreds of miles. The EarthStar has been popularized in many books in numerous languages. Detailed map of Southern California region. Southern California Southern California is a megapolitan area in the southern region of the US. Any views, findings and conclusions expressed in this publication are those of their respective authors and do not necessarily represent the views of California Humanities, The National Endowment for the Humanities or any of our other project partners. These photographs follows the same order as the horizontal grid line, narrative and global maps above in the section with the. The Becker-Hagans grid shows how sacred geometry governs the physical universes structure. A 2014 New York Times feature described the experience as similar to being inside of a musical instrument. Indeed, participating in a sound bath at the Integratron is to encounter sound both purely and physically. Ley lines are straight tracks or lines, essentially energy grids, that stretch across the earth in every direction. This is in part due to Supreme Law of the land.the Holy Land. In this way people were able to move across the country . The Relationship between Sacred Geometry, Ley-Lines, & Places in Alignment - Part 1 San Francisco, California to Tarawa, Kiribati This new series will be about cities I found around the world in long-distance alignment with each other, starting from San Francisco. After fasting, the group began the ceremony at Giant Rock and moved to the nearby Integratron property that afternoon. Today, it is a destination not only for hikers and campers but for people in the metaphysical community . Along this grid of straight ley lines can be found burial mounds, effigies, stone structures (standing stones, circles, pyramids, dolmans, Stonehenge, etc.) Sacred geometry is the idea that geometric shapes are the infrastructure for the universe. In the United States, the two most famous vortex locations are the vortices in and around Sedona, Arizona, and those in Mount Shasta . Southern California map (counties of Los Angeles, Ventura, orange, San Bernardino and riverside). These are locations with strange and unexpected electrical and magnetic activity. Later civilizations built temples, stone . We are only now re-discovering parts of this knowledge. Shasta, Mt. And . Rednecks? Explanation of the construction of ancient sites along the ley lines and the understanding of the energy lines in Chinese and Indian cultures. The idea was developed in early 20th-century Europe, with ley line believers arguing that these alignments were recognised by ancient societies that deliberately erected structures along them. Earth Energy He How the Hermit of Giant Rock Sealed His Strange Secret, The American Weekly, November 8, 1942. Details are murky as to how or why the blast occurred since the explosion and subsequent fire destroyed any evidence that could determine Critzers guilt or innocence. But its designation as a time machine has been misconstrued. Easter Island is remote, some 2,300 miles from the west coast of Chile and 2,500 miles east of Tahiti. A pattern emerges, giving clues or potential reasons they choose these locations. 1-5 freeway from Southern Oregon to Southern California because it crosses, rather than follows, some powerful lines between major vortices. [20] These numbers cant be confirmed and are based solely on Van Tassels own accounts. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. There are some ways to do this. Mr. Edison wanted to develop a way to generate and sell electricity. Sometimes I wonder what if wed had the courage to say hello? Learning about these vibrational connections helps us see our relationship to the planet. Saga magazine published Sandersons grid in 1972. If you live near one of the key ley lines, you may have become accustomed to the energy flow. The underground dwelling featured hand-hewn stone stairs leading to a ventilated living room, kitchen area and bedroom. Opening photo from a collection of Ralph Cranes photographs of the Giant Rock Interplanetary Spaceship Convention for LIFE Magazine, May 27, 1957. The calendar of Woodhenge is illustrated on a display above my right shoulder. It was dubbed the "St. Michaels Ley Line." Similarly, many structures that appear to be substantial do not appear on these lines and are therefore . Runs across southern England from Lands End to at least Bury St. See more ideas about ley lines earth grid lines. All ley lines lead to the planetary Grid, the primary light and energy matrix, creating, enveloping, and maintaining planet Earth, our Gaia. There is supposedly a higher level of grid, the 24 mile x 24 mile quadrangle, but it doesn't seem to be as important and I don't see that on this . Just added: Bermuda Triangle to Cubabi Mexico major leyline. In Canada the Main area of Ley lines is the ruins of Calgery. This vortex is on the ley line beginning at the Oregon Vortex (which is situated on the line between Eight-Dollar Mountain and Mount Scott), which passes through the very summits of Mt. A priceless compendium from America's premiere visionary and geomancer. Many of these sites were built along the major earth energy grid lines and where these lines intersect at nodal points. The St Michael's line is an invisible line drawn across the south of England connecting many historical churches, prehistoric monuments and sites of interest which have an affinity with Saint Michael. (7) Dodecahedron, Wikipedia Ten Southern California Vortexes. As with Van Tassels compassionate aliens, Orthon forewarned Adamski about the perils of atomic testing, with the explanation that radiation emanating from earth would spread and contaminate the entire solar system. Both spellings were used interchangeably in various historical newspaper accounts. This site is a region on the northeast coast of Hawaii. Leys between Gold Hill, Oregon; Yucatan Peninsula, & Cairo, Genuine Vortexes Open as Tourist Attractions, DC & US Capitol Cities on Volcano Latitudes, EarthStar North America, the Wheel with 19 Spokes diagram, EarthStar North America map detail: Crater Lake, Sisters, Columbia River, Rainier, Rica, Individualization of the Three Americas, Chaco Canyon Meridian to Casas Grandes, Mexico, Iceland - Hawaii - South Orkney Islands Triangle, Alaska as the Center of a Great Circle of Ancient Sites, Alaska & the Great Pyramid, Corners of a Square, Nova Scotia Energy Axis and 5-pointed Stars, Costa Rica 8-sided Medicine Wheel Unites North & South, Complete Set of Grid Lines over South America. China are called Dragon Lines linking this pyramid to THE CENTER OF JERUSALEM. For a fee, immersive sound-bath sessions are performed with specialized white quartz bowls of varying sizes to produce transformative harmonic sound frequencies within the acoustically perfect upstairs space. Tumbler-Snapper released about 15,500 kilocuries of radioiodine (I-131) into the atmosphere (for comparison, Trinity released about 3,200 kilocuries of radioiodine). Rumor has it you may feel high in Ojai. You may have felt certain areas seem to emit positive or negative energy. The explosion occurred as the other two deputies descended the stairs, allowing them to escape with concussions and less severe injuries. Desert X artists at Christies for Frieze LA, Feb 13 March 10, 2023, The Weather Groups The Pattrn Show features Mojave Project, High Country News features Mojave Project for the December 2022 issue, Philip M. Klasky, activist, educator and Mojave Project contributor, November 20, 1953 April 12, 2022, Report on the Waterworks of the Arid Mojave Desert Region of the United States 2022, A Contradiction: The 1910 Lanfair/Dunbar Intentional Community in the Eastern Mojave Desert. Incidentally, the line also aligns with the path of the Sun on the 8th May, the festival of St Michael, maybe there is some truth in all of . The Extraordinary Equation of George Van Tassel, https://nuclearweaponarchive.org/Usa/Tests/Tumblers.html. Show in a web browser window: Watkins considered only those lines with four points and bounded at each end with a hill or a mountain point to be ley . The total thyroid tissue exposure amounted to 110 million person-rads, about 29 percent of all exposure due to continental nuclear tests. First, the core 1950s contactees, including Adamski, Angelucci, Bethurum and other guests, lectured to a festive and enthusiastic crowd from a wooden platform located at the southern side of Giant Rock. It is the marine basin area of the northeast quarter of the Indian Ocean. Allows users to zoom into an area of interest, explore underlying information, and access analysis tools via interactive web maps. Critzer was later cleared of these charges, but law enforcement and some locals remained apprehensive of this eccentric desert character. More than forty maps from more than a fifteen contributors. New Planetary Grid Map on Google Maps. 2, February 1940, 136. The idea that Christianity and even Christ himself came from outer space seems to be the prevailing ethos communicated by these alien mentors to their 1950s contactees. Note: The links below will take you from the CEC web site. Clickable map to see Megaliths and prehistoric sites in England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales. One of the biggest criticisms of ley lines is that because of the high density of historic and prehistoric sites in Britain (and probably most other countries), finding straight lines that 'connect' these sites is trivial and purely coincidental. Shasta, located in northern California, is not only one of the state's most beautiful sites, it also has a reputation for being a place of great magical energy. (2) Becker-Hagens planetary grid, Vortex Hunters Before Critzers questionable demise, George W. Van Tassel, an Ohio native who had moved to Southern California in 1930 at age twenty to work in the booming aviation industries, visited Critzer regularly. Google Maps. [www.tomscott.com] . This basin bears the name of William Wharton (1843-1905), one of the first to discover it. [23] During the 1964 KVOS TV interview Van Tassel states the shorter version of the formula at 15:30. Many ancient cultures built mysterious structures in specific locations. The California Energy Commission develops and maintains maps and geospatial information on Californias energy infrastructure and related activities. It is not coincidental that nearly all of these individuals hailed from Southern California. Ley Lines Southern California Map - The seamount has a name but is hard to find in the atlas. And around Duluth. 136, no. This area is known for the disappearance of ships and airplanes. And Peter introduces his version of energy leys, the Earth Rings. He explained the planetary grid as the synthesis of platonic solids. Expeditions to both the north and south poles are dangerous ventures. Im going all right, the hermit bellowed. California Power Generation and Power Sources. On February 19th and 20th, 2000, Shri Naath Devi, founder of South Central LAs Eagle Wings of Enlightenment, began a long dance ceremony with a group of devotees after Shri had earlier divined that Giant Rock was suffering from spiritual neglect. The authenticated handwritten letter details Giant Rocks early Native American history as told to Van Tassel by area Indians and also to Charlie Reche, a well-known rancher, who sold the property on which the Integratron is located to Van Tassel. Like batteries, cells run down, bodies run down, and the energy loss is manifested as aging. Ley lines ( / le /) are straight alignments drawn between various historic structures and prominent landmarks. Take Action, Use the Contact Form Read American Ley Lines then get out there on the energy leys! Alfred Watkins an amateur archaeologist used the term. Awesome! Geometry, in particular, is interesting because we can see it in action when we put sand on a flat surface. If our highways, railroad tracks and airways were laid out Following ley lines rather than crossing Westernized hypnosis has its roots in Mesmerism. Even after Critzers untimely death, Van Tassel continued to visit Giant Rock. As it turned out, the missing dynamite was later discovered in Joshua Tree National Monument.[11]. Airborne measurement of the earth's magnetic field over all of North America provides gridded data describing the magnetic anomaly caused by variations in earth materials and structure. Its exactly what we want.. They have been theorized as a tool by which early British (ley lines were, initially, a very British concept) travelers could guide themselves safely to their destination. The structure was finished by 1959, but when Van Tassel mysteriously died of a heart attack on February 9, 1978, its electrostatic mechanism was only ninety percent complete. Large detailed map of California with cities and towns Click to see large. Edgar Cayce spoke of gigantic earthquakes in Southern California after Mount Etna in Italy and Mount Pelee on the Island of Martinique exploded. chose the word because along these alignments he found a preponderance of towns with Sacramento, CA 95814, Contact Us | DirectionsLanguage Services. and megaliths, as well as geographical landmarks such as rivers, waterfalls, ridges and mountains. McCraken, being the first to enter the cave, was the most seriously injured of the three. carried Earth Energies. Active and abandoned railroads in the Golden State. I suspect that. During these excursions, Critzer shared his innovative inventions with Van Tassel, including breakthrough formulas for plastics not currently in use. Seeker Project 4 Spiritual Exploration (SP4SE). Talk to Dan. This story is recounted in Van Tassels other books as well as the June 18, 1964, KVOS Webster television interview, The Extraordinary Equation of George Van Tassel, KVOS Channel 12 films archive, Center for Pacific Northwest Studies, Western Washington University. Or better yet use those ley lines to find the good. View. [22] Ainsworth, Plans for Out of This World.. Jesus is about to land amidst you. Newman will bring together an archaeologist, explosives specialist and other research experts to resolve some of the many mysteries of Giant Rock. This is an interactive map that connects Mount Tamalpais and The Mystery Spot (Santa Cruz). Ley Lines are not few or far between.If you get an ordinace survey map of any part of England and find a church,castle monastary,earth mound or any place that has any form of religeous connections .
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