What he meant by this was he had inflicted significant temporary damage on the Spanish Armada and it would regrow in time. She's regarded as one of the greatest monarchs of England. Stimulus = Anne Boleyn / The threat from France, [Examiner commentary following each paragraph and at the end is provided in italics], ____________________________________________________. LS23 6AD Elizabeth increased her financial commitment to the cause of the Dutch rebels and hired mercenary soldiers to intervene in the conflict under the leadership of John Casimir. Spain had colonies in North and South America and Englands trade with them was very profitable, but foreigners needed a license to trade there. There were two important reasons why France was seen as a threat to England. By the 1580s, the relationship between England and Spain was at its lowest point and the tension was at boiling point. - navy to firth of Forth. Suitable for the Edexcel GCSE History (9-1) course. Her early life was full of uncertainties, and her chances of succeeding to the throne seemed very slight once her half-brother Edward was born in 1537. As Catholics do not believe in divorce it means that the marriage between Henry and Catherine was never dissolved, and therefore, the marriage with Anne never happened, and as a result of this Elizabeth was an illegitimate child and had no right to the throne of England. There were French troops in Scotland, and this posed a problem for Elizabeth and the security of England because England was still technically at war with France. Elizabeth couldn't restore authority and teachings of the Pope. The execution of Mary, Queen of Scots eventually took place on 8th February 1587. Charles Neville, 6th Earl of Westmorland was part of the rebellion against Queen Elizabeth. Cleopatra, Queen Victoria and many more. English ships departed from Plymouth to meet the Armada. 1558 -french threat. "the threat of invasions was Elizabeth's main problem when she became queen in 1558" - 2nd explanation. Study notes, videos, interactive activities and more! The threat of France to Elizabeth's rule Elizabeth had two main problems concerning France: She inherited a bad relationship with France from her predecessor Queen Mary I. France were. West Yorkshire, Elizabeth had also claimed all the profits from copper mines that were discovered in his estates which meant he lost a significant amount of money too. The plots were often uncovered due to Elizabeths informants and Walsinghams highly efficient spy network. Describe two features of Elizabeth's religious settlement 1559 5. Elizabeth chose to give direct help to the rebels by signing the Treaty of Nonsuch, which placed the Netherlands under her protection and promised military help. 2002-2023 Tutor2u Limited. Elizabeth and James VI agreed to maintain Protestantism as their respective countries religion. Despite the failure of 1585, another attempt to colonise Virginia took place. Here then, military alliances, English weaknesses, questions of legitimacy and the influence of religion all meant Elizabeth was very vulnerable upon her accession. The leading figure involved in the plot was Francis Throckmorton, a young Catholic man who carried messages between Mary and Catholic conspirators abroad. The Armadas journey back to Spain was a disaster. -In 1558, Elizabeth the first became queen. She managed these difficulties with great pragmatism and opportunism, reducing the threat of invasion. "the threat of invasions was Elizabeth's main problem when she became queen in 1558" - 4th explanation - Most significant problem she faced as if she didn't have money she couldn't defend England against invasions. This risked provoking King Phillip further and to avoid this, Elizabeth forced Dudley to resign his position immediately. Drake knew he wasnt able to attack this port with any realistic hope of success. This was signed by the English nobility and gentry and required the signatories to execute anyone who attempted to overthrow the Queen. Robert Dudley was the Earl of Leicester and during the time of the conflict involving the Netherlands, he was appointed to lead the military expedition to the Netherlands. Nevertheless, the answer has sustained conceptual focus and is wide-ranging in its analysis. 1. As the closest person to God in the eyes of the Catholics, obeying the Pope was of paramount importance and this meant Elizabeth had to be suspicious of other Catholic threats at home. In 1595 Elizabeth had to deal with a rebellion in Ireland led by Tyrone and O'Donnell. This meant her ability to govern from the outset was immediately hampered. The reasons for, and significance of, Mary Queen of Scots execution in 1587. Mary was spared. In all, whilst the Catholic threat was increased through Elizabeths interference with the Dutch revolt, as it incurred the anger of the Spanish, it was Mary Queen of Scots presence that emboldened the Catholic threat. This partly explained why harsher treatment of Catholics occurred soon after, led by the Council of the North. Register for free, Home / This aimed to ensure poor relief was collected. [Relative comparison made to inform the judgement here shows instantly criteria are being established, helping to signpost the rest of the answer.]. In 1580, she received treasure from Sir Francis Drake from his exploits which was worth more than all the rest of her income for that year put together. English canons could also be reloaded more quickly than the Spanish ones allowing them to inflict greater damage. What made the Auld Alliance stronger at this time was the fact that Mary, Queen of Scots was married to the French Prince Francis II. Boston Spa, Roberto di Ridolfi was an Italian banker who played a small role in the Revolt of the Northern Earls. Sir Robert Naunton recorded that the queen once said angrily to Leicester, when he tried to insist upon a favour, "I will have here but one mistress and no master." Naval support by the English proved to be more effective for the Dutch rebels and a fleet of English ships patrolled the Dutch coastline to prevent the Spanish from landing some of their forces by sea. Mary, Queen of Scots had been linked to Catholic plots before, but Elizabeth had always been reluctant to take any action against her. This time, however, the evidence gathered by Walsingham was enough to persuade Elizabeth to put Mary on trial. "the threat of invasions was Elizabeth's main problem when she became queen in 1558" - 1st point + explanation. - Significant political threat as her legitimacy and gender led to people not accepting her as queen. England and Spain had tried to remain on good terms but a growing rivalry between them led to increased tensions. Mary's Catholicism and previous alliance with France increased the threat of a French invasion in support of her, which threatened the stability of Elizabeth's kingdom. 14-16 / [This last point is important and often students dont embrace the anomalies for fear that it will undermine their argument. Explain why Elizabeth faced many problems upon ascending to the throne in 1558 . Probably at the core of Elizabeth's decision to remain single was an unwillingness to compromise her power. In 1568 Elizabeth also controversially stole gold from Spanish ships (which was loaned from Genoese banks to fund the Spanish army, against the Dutch rebels) that were staying at English ports. She was able to fight off illness, rebellions . Boston Spa, This increased tension between England and Spain. They began to revolt against the Spanish. Another serious contender was Francis, Duke of Alencon, later Duke of Anjou. Insolvency therefore limited the choices of the new Queen and instantly undermined her power. All Catholic priests are ordered to leave the country. Also, the activities of English pirates', who looted Spanish ships, caused problems between Spain and England. This forced the Spanish fleet to travel into the dangerous waters off the Scottish and Irish coasts. The traditional bonds between England and Spain were deteriorating and England needed the support of France for protection from Spain. No Payment details required and completelyRisk Free. Another reason Dudley failed was a number of his officers were divided over questions of strategy. Queen Elizabeth showed no mercy to the rebels and the Earl of Northumberland along with 400 rebel troops were executed while the Earl of Westmorland fled abroad. However, Elizabeth was fearful that a foreign husband would have not put the needs of England first. However, the Catholic Church bans divorce which presented a problem for Henry as he could not legally get rid of Catherine. This was an important symbolic gesture, which angered Philip II. Born the daughter of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn on 7 September 1533, Elizabeth's right to rule as queen of England never went unchallenged. This helps to explain why Elizabeth had to deal with so many plots, the intention of which was to replace Elizabeth with Mary. Use your outline France however, thought her intention was to create war between France and Spain while England looked on. Her first husband, Francis II, had died in December 1560. Why was the threat of invasion Elizabeth's biggest problem in 1558? The Netherlands had been part of the Spanish empire since the 1550s. The strength of this relationship was shown by the fact that French troops were stationed on the English and Scottish border. Babington and other known plotters were hanged, drawn and quartered. This pleased those eager for her to marry, but made many unhappy because they did not want her to marry a French Catholic. Legitimacy of succession: The Pope did not recognise Henry VIII's marriage to Anne. 1559 - cateau cambresis, menacing position of french in scotland. Looking back at historical examples, it might be because they did a . Anyone refusing to pay poor rates could be imprisoned and officials failing to organise poor relief could be fined. Can I give a retake in the feb/march if I had given my exams in the may/June series. Spymaster and Secretary of State from 1573 Francis Walsingham uncovered the plot. Marriage and the Succession She was expected to marry and produce an heir for the Tudor line but she wanted to choose the right person and not anger anyone. In order to marry Anne Boleyn, Henry VIII had to divorce his first wife, Catherine of Aragon. Ridolfis plan was to make Mary queen by first assassinating Elizabeth and then marrying Mary to the Duke of Norfolk. Company Reg no: 04489574. Elizabeth delayed the opening of this Parliament that had originally been summoned in the autumn of 1588 in response to the defeat of the Spanish Armada for as long as she could afford to, knowing that the Commons would be eager to broach two topics, religious debates and foreign policy, that she usually reserved to her prerogative.
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