Review and confirm the staking by clicking Confirm Stake and signing the transaction. The 30-day reward period begins. So what exactly does this Supercharger do? When I add what I'm staking in the supercharger why does it not show in the dashboard unless I add something to the stake exchange tab. Crypto Referral Code; xw37vqrgu6 Sign up for. CoinStats is equipped with a top-quality security infrastructure designed to ensure maximum protection of assets at all times. It is used to carry out the key functions of the platform as detailed below: Cronos Chain is powered by Tendermint BFT. change rate is the maximum fee they can change daily. A high number of delegators could indicate positive sentiment towards a validator. Step 4: Click on the To Validator dropdown to choose a validator from the whitelisted validator list. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". It is possible for you to lose money from the Supercharger if you do not claim your rewards during the Acceptance Period. Validators that are part of the VPP will have a blue checkmark displayed next to their names on our website. Now that you have your liquidity score, you will take that percentage from the prize pool. 6. This is a more accurate APY for supercharger. The 2 possible risks that I think you may encounter include: These 2 situations really depends on the market, and everyone will be affected as well! Note: If your CRO balance is below a minimum amount, you will not be eligible to receive a reward. Share calculation +100. The total liquidity being provided by all users is also being recorded every hour. Il primo step e cliccare sull'icona del brand, poi ti si apre una finestra, nel tag FINANCE, clicca su Supercharger (guarda immagine sotto). Auto Detection. ASIC Hub is a mining monitoring and management software . By connecting your wallets and exchanges, you can receive timely calculations and alerts about your portfolios ups and downs. Only staked tokens are eligible to be used for governance voting. Some of the tokens that you could have received includes: Moreover, the amount of tokens that you receive will be based on your liquidity score. The users average lockup across the event duration = (100 CRO*10 days*24 hours)+(0 CRO*10 days*24 hours)+(200 CRO*10 days*10 hours) = 44,000. Crypto markets are highly volatile, and investors need to be aware that they cannot sell their tokens immediately once they have staked them. The charging period ends, no new CRO can be deposited into the pool. As such, I do not believe that Crypto.coms Supercharger has much risks. Note: Formulas below are based on these hourly snapshots, but snapshots of the rewards pool cannot be manually done by the user since this is done every hour of every day of the event. Once the charging period for the event is over, accept the reward amount allocated to you. 4. Liquidity Score = (100,000 / 200,000,000) = 0.0005. I came across the concepts of personal finance back in 2019, and Ive never looked back since. Using the same example, the total liquidity being provided is 4,400,000. After that, you'll need to select the amount of CRO that you wish to stake. Note: Users would not be able to calculate the total pool size on their own as this is based on hourly snapshots of the Supercharger pool size, which is constantly changing. Once redelegated, you have to wait for 28. days before you are able to redelegate again. Through this program, we thoroughly scrutinize potential validators, evaluating factors such as security measures, their on-chain reliability, their provider setup, and value-added services for the whole ecosystem. Youll be given a certain time period to accept your rewards. Total rewards = 0.0005 * 100,000 BOSON = 50 BOSON. But, be suspicious of that historical APY since is not transparent about how they calculate these estimations. Step 1: Download Defi Wallet and ensure that your CRO is stored in this wallet. There are a lot of numbers to keep track of when you are doing the Supercharger calculations. There is no minimum withdrawal amount, which is different from minimum deposit required each time (100 CRO). The Staking Rewards on CRO are generated by: Inflation (Block Rewards) A total of 5 billion CRO has been set aside for staking rewards to be distributed over the next decade. Users' rewards are based on the rewards score they accumulated during the Charging Period. Your total ETH pool rewards (Average staked amount over 30 days): 100.000 (Throughout the Charging Period, hourly snapshots of the rewards pool and crypto provided by each user are logged). It's the final amount you enter divided by the starting amount. is the centralised exchange that offers the suit of products to over 50 million users. The rewards that you receive from Supercharger depends on the current event that is hosting, as well as your liquidity score. We advise you to work with your local tax professional to determine how best to approach a situation like this. Meanwhile, Crypto.coms Earn allows you to deposit many different currencies, and you will earn interest based on the currency that youve deposited. Depending on the amount of CRO you stake on the Exchange, you are able to earn between USD $10 to USD $50! Please read below. provides a strong ecosystem to build up your crypto portfolio. Check out our calculator to see just how much you can make with Supercharge: Your Rewards Calculator Do you hold cUSD, cEUR, or cREAL? Here is each stage of the Supercharger explained further: You can view the current event that is happening on If you have used the App or Exchange, you may have noticed that both of them have this function, called the Supercharger. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. Below we have a step-by-step guide for both options. *App users can accept their allocation in the App. The current circulating supply is 48,829,111.566 RAD. Note: The formulas below are based on these hourly snapshots. Booster NFT: The NFT will be airdropped to the winners NFT accounts within seven days after the end of the Charging Period. Lockup* to the pool by clicking Charge Now, Accept the Reward amount allocated to you, Look for the Supercharger banner in the home screen or the Super App menu, Enter the latest Supercharger event by tapping Learn More, Select a supported cryptocurrency from your Crypto Wallet and enter the amount that youd like to lockup, Once the Superchargers charging period is over, accept the reward amount allocated to you, Wait for rewards to be distributed on the Exchange or your App Wallet, depending on what you have selected. Once the Charging Period has ended, the amount of rewards youll receive will be calculated. Please see here for a more detailed step-by-step tutorial. First, you must be eligible to participate in the Supercharger program. I love this! **Once the Charging Period for the event is over, accept the Reward terms, and receive rewards (evenly distributed over 10, 30, or 45 days) based on your rewards score. You can use Crypto Profit Calculator to calculate the potential profit/loss from your cryptocurrency investments like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Dogecoin, Shiba Inu, Solana, Cardano, and more. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[728,90],'thefipharmacist_com-box-3','ezslot_11',648,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-thefipharmacist_com-box-3-0');Last updated on April 4th, 2022. However, if you are willing to put more time in, then delegating to a smaller validator helps support the decentralization of the network. After accepting your rewards, the total allocation will be split between 30-45 days. Throughout the Charging Period, hourly snapshots of the rewards pool and crypto provided by each user are logged. Or, the ultimate crypto calculator with thousands of cryptocurrencies to choose from! We value our users' privacy, so we use the most advanced military-grade encryption to securely store data. Latest Crypto News: NiceHash Digest #24. Thanks again. I received SHIB as a reward when the price was still low. The Supercharger is quite a safe method, and you do not need to know much about liquidity mining to get started. Some providers offer extra services to their delegators, such as tax reporting tools, explorers, etc. Mining monitoring and management software for your Windows GPU rigs. Ho approfondito i termini e condizioni di Earn di, che stato aggiornato il 19 luglio 2021 (guarda immagine sopra); ho preso i punti pi importanti che devi sapere, leggi il prossimo paragrafo.Per tornare all'indice clicca qui.. Termini e Condizioni Earn (cosa c' da sapere) Mi sono messo nei tuoi panni (come sempre) e ho aperto il Termini e Condizioni di Earn . To accept your reward, log in to your Exchange/App account and go to the Supercharger page. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Crypto Calculator: A Simple Way to Estimate Profits or Losses Use live prices from more than 200 cryptocurrencies to quickly estimate your rate of return. It offers instant finality, is horizontally scalable and is secure against malicious actors. Next up is our crypto calculator's annual growth rate. Heres an example given on Crypto.coms website. This depends on whether you used the App or Exchange to deposit your CRO tokens into the Supercharger. Number of Users: A high number of delegators could indicate positive sentiment towards a validator. Thank you. Fixed. If you fail to accept your reward allocation before the Reward Period begins, you will lose the portion of the reward that was scheduled to be distributed to you during the start of the Reward Period. There are 2 main terms that youll need to be familiar with: if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'thefipharmacist_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_12',653,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-thefipharmacist_com-large-leaderboard-2-0');When you deposit your CRO tokens into Supercharger, you are adding liquidity to the centralised pool. Ask CDC team to buy your stuff they can put in on their page, it's GREAT. With this blog, I hope to make personal finance more accessible for you! When your reward has been calculated, youll be given a notification to accept your rewards. It's a ridiculously simple, flexible, and safe reward platform that allows users to stake CRO tokens in exchange for popular cryptos including Bitcoin, DOT, ZIL, AXS, DOGE, SHIB, ENJ, NEAR, EFI, dYdX, HBAR, and several others. The minimum amount youll need to deposit or withdraw is 100 CRO tokens. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Great work. Supercharger Calculator For Rewards Review, How to sign up with the app and claim a referral bonus, How to sign up with exchange and claim 500 CRO referral code, CRO to earn the best interest rates and staking rewards, Kraken Staking Rates APY VS Coinbase Staking Rates Rewards, Cryptocurrency Investment Strategy 2022 HODL, Best Crypto Portfolio Allocation Strategy and Breakdown 2022, Best Ethereum ETH Interest Rates and Staking Rewards Yields, Best Uniswap UNI Interest Rates APY and Staking Rewards, Best Cardano ADA Interest Rates and Highest APY, Best BNB Interest Rate and Highest Binance Coin APY, ChainLink LINK Staking APY Interest Rates, Best Ripple XRP Interest Rates and Best ROI. Thanks . Now I manage all my portfolios from one user-friendly platform and make much better investing decisions! Performance: Make sure you pick a validator with the highest possible uptime performance by viewing the validator information on the Validator Dashboard. Supercharger ( App) - General Information, Information about how to participate on Supercharger and how to calculate rewards score and rewards. Make sure the validator charges fees that you are comfortable with. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Performance". The supercharger reward period starts after the charging period has ended. Profitability Calculator. And that result is then multiplied by 100 and turned into a percentage. When a Supercharger event is in the Charging Period, users can lockup and withdraw tokens from the rewards pool as often as they wish. You can lend out a wide variety of currencies, like BTC to even VET. Supercharger attivato su $ETH Il Supercharger un sistema di staking avanzato che offre ricompense fuori mercato, nel senso che queste sono molto superiori a quanto viene offerto da altri intermediari. 4. To receive the latest updates from my blog and personal finance in general, you can follow me on my Telegram channels (Personal Finance or Crypto) and Facebook. The other option is to click the logo in the middle at the bottom and click Supercharger. The Crypto Investment Calculator by CoinStats will make your calculations of crypto profits and losses significantly easier and faster. Any verified Exchange user (Level: Starter or Advanced) is eligible to participate in the Supercharger events. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". Look for " Balances " and click on it. This means that CRO holders who do not participate in staking may see their share of the total supply decrease over time. It is possible to hold some assets as an investor, and others . Also, you can stake your CRO in the desktop exchange. Once you have delegated your CRO, there are things you need to consider going forward: It is essential for users to stake their PoS tokens with a dependable and highly performant validator, which is why we have rolled out our Verified Provider Program in June 2022. I was wondering since I'm still a crypto-noob. 3. This time, users have the chance to boost their returns by 10x. The Supercharger is a simple, flexible, and secure rewards platform that allows users to lockup tokens (with the option to withdraw at any time) in order to earn the most popular crypto on the Exchange and App. Once the liquidity score is confirmed, you will receive the option to accept the reward tokens before the reward period ends. You can find out more about accepting your Supercharger rewards below: If you only have a small amount of funds in the Supercharger, the amount of rewards that you actually receive can be quite little. This chain is mainly used by for staking, payments and the transfer of NFTs. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. It is quite easy to make a rough estimation yourselves since gives you the available live data. Delegating to the most popular validators increases centralisation risks within the network as those validators will have more say in governance and produce a larger share of the blocks. If you fail to accept your reward allocation before the Reward Period begins, you will lose the portion of the reward that was scheduled to be distributed to you during the start of the Reward Period. The Supercharger calculation example 1 was easy since you hold the same amount through the entire charging period. This is not an issue anymore. is a popular cryptocurrency exchange with over 10 million users worldwide. In the app you can stake your CRO coins to receive a CRO VISA card with a lot of benefits. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. 1.41 PH/s network hashrate and 27 different coins. It does not store any personal data. So, USD 38.1081.655 staked is about to share $1000.000 in reward, However, this is for 45 days and to get the accurate APY (annual percentage rate), we have to. Youll need to select the Supercharger Terms and Conditions afterwards: Youll need to select the amount of CRO to be deposited. The active validator set consists of the 100 highest-ranked validators by staked tokens, from which 1 validator is randomly selected to propose a block with 66% of the remaining active validators being required to attest the block in order for it to become final. Immediately after the Charging period ends, we will determine your rewards score and reward tokens according to the terms set out above. Then, you have to divide the result by the actual cost of the investment. kently pointe apartments. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Finally, users receive daily rewards during the Reward Period. 3. Any verified Exchange user (Level: Starter or Advanced) is eligible to participate in Supercharger events. If a validator drops out of the top 100, they also stop earning rewards. When the Charging Period ends, your Rewards Score and rewards are calculated as follows: When the ETH Charging Period ends and the Acceptance Period begins for the reward distribution. App users outside of Hong Kong SAR, Mainland China, Russia and the USA. Both the Binance Smart Chain (BEP20) and Cronos are compatible with the Ethereum network, while and the Binance Chain are not. The Supercharger is a farming approach that resembles but is not identical to, traditional farming methods. Tesla Supercharger Rate Calculator Paying for supercharing sucks! Launch the App Look for the Supercharger banner in the home screen or the Super App menu Enter the latest Supercharger event by tapping Learn More Select Charge Now Select a supported cryptocurrency from your Crypto Wallet and enter the amount that you'd like to lockup Total pool size across the event duration = 4,400,000 CRO*30 days*24 hours = 3,168,000,000, Rewards score = 44,000 / 3,168,000,000 = 0.0014%, Calculating rewards: If total reward pool is 10,000,000 LUNA 0.0014%*10,000,000 = 138.89 LUNA coins awarded to the user. I explain how supercharger works, how to deposit your CRO to start charging, plus how to accept your rewards after the 30-day charging period. However, you should make a rough estimated calculation to see if its worth depositing into the Supercharger. Look for the Supercharger banner on the home screen or the Super App menu. We recommend using a Ledger Hardware Wallet to keep full control over your funds. auto detect my hardware For Windows 64bit users only. Please pass me suggestions on what to improve. Look for the Supercharger banner on the home screen. Duration: 7 to 45 days, depending on the event, Lockup from: Exchange wallet, App Crypto Wallet. Were defending against external threats and guarding against misuse of insider access. If the Reward Period lasts for 30 days, you will receive 1 X token each day. If you have any questions about using this calculator please reach out to us via phone or email. Acceptance Period: Immediately after the Charging period ends, the liquidity score will be determined. The total liquidity that you provide is then tallied up by adding up the liquidity that you provide each hour. In return, you will receive interest in the currency that youve loaned out. A high commission rate means your rewards will be lower whilst a low commission rate could mean that the validator is not profitable and could cause issues for them in the future. Tendermint BFT is a Byzantine Fault Tolerant (BFT) consensus engine developed by Tendermint. This is awesome, love the attention to detail (design, fonts, colour). For example if the max. AboutPressCopyrightContact. Therefore it can be useful to look at the average fee, indicating the fees set over time. There are no fees charged, and you are able to withdraw your CRO tokens at any time as well, making this a flexible way of earning these DeFi tokens. Lockup* to the pool by clicking Charge Now, *Multiple lockups are allowed per user. Another ~ 10.4 billion are locked in smart contracts and will be burned monthly as theyre unlocked.