You feel a compelling need to "find yourself" and your life purpose now! Theyavoid crowded placesand anything that causes nervousness. I was born in Dec.of 1953. They are defined by their powerful drive to change the world. Hey guys, Delta Gen here. Youre interested in paranormal topics. Indigo children do usually have a young look, meaning that they look way below their actual age while acting-wise beyond their years. Other potential traits of indigo children include: Indigo children are here to provoke change in a time where conscious growth is more desperately needed than ever. "What do you do for entertainment?" TV, Music. Even if everybody on the planet really is surrounded by a giant mood ring, youd still have to counter the fact that, well, autism and ADHD exist. like i am finding out about being an indigo child when i am STILL A CHILD so i think i will create my own path, who knows ? She is a deep thinking introvert who writes about human behavior and personality, the nature of introversion, the concept of belonging, and social anxiety, hoping to help those who struggle with similar issues as she does. Because of your sharp and inquisitive mind, you tend to struggle with routine and conventional structures. But heres the thing: when we reeled off that list at the beginning, did you think we were describing you? document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Hmmmmso I Am an Indigo Adult. I am highly creative in everything I am passionate about and have always made changes to processes that can be made more easy to comprehend and master and making it more efficiently effective reducing the time it takes to do that task. You inquire into traditional or religious beliefs, test them against experience, and tend to draw your own conclusions. Take this quiz and find out if you are an indigo child. Unfortunately, this can sometimes mean that their assertiveness can lead them to be resistant to authority and exhibit disruptive traits. 92 Comments. Maybe you just know someone who is part of the Indigo generations. Although the truth hurts, you honor it above all else. Men and women who are experiencing their first attempt at being human and their egos are running wild, especially in these times. While this is a good trait to have as an indigo child, it is also important to take care and not put too much pressure on yourself or others around you. Look, were not saying your kids not special but theyre probably not next level of humanity special. You try to find a way to use your massive gifts to create better systems, societies, and business models. While there is no evidence to support the claim that Indigo children are real, many people believe that they are. It was difficult to move ahead because I was raised strictly and religiously, and had no support in my ideas as an adult . Other generations tried, but then they became apathetic. The Gamma is the third generation of Indigochildren, born between1978 and 1988. You may even like to try practices such as. Indigo children is a New Age concept assigning special psychological characteristics to certain children. I always felt I knew many things better than adults, and therefore could not stand any authority; I was rebellious and a-social (until I met like-natured people in my 20-s). Are you intuitive, headstrong and perceived as "strange", "antisocial" and "wise beyond your years"? Ignoring this mission can make you feel empty and heavy like you have a hole in your heart. Indigo children arent ones to be disrespectful, but they dont respect a rule simply because its a rule. Based on New Age concepts developed in the 1970s, Indigo children are thought to be divine creatures with supernatural powers who were sent here from God/Universe/Zuul/fill-in-the-blank to upgrade life as we know it. Whether its music or painting, crafting or cooking indigo children are all extremely creative people. And most importantly of all isnt this all just some pseudoscientific hokum designed to make ableist parents deny or feel better about their childrens neurological disorders? Here is a partial list of tell-tale characteristics. These people areoveractive and quite extroverted. As I have always been free spirited and was always more then intellectual factual stuff, I was also outgoing and sporty, adventurous, social, active, i was more then books and facts. At times, they can feel like theyre a totally different species because unlike so many other people, they cant compartmentalize their feelings enough to treat people badly for an extended period of time. 1. You are wiser and more mature than people your age. As a headstrong nonconformist, you prefer to find your own truth and forge your own path. How woo woo or accepted as dependable is this now considered would you say? This is because you recognize that your mind runs along a different path to theirs. Indigo children are a group of special children identified byNancy Ann Tappe in the 70s. What Are Indigo Children? I just learned of indigo children today, and from the few articles Ive read so far, I definitely feel its possible that I am one. Remember how Nancy Ann Tappe called herself a synesthete? You feel a divine urge to create change in the existing status quo, especially when the status quo tends towards injustice and unfairness. Ive always been told Im much wiser beyond my years and that i possibly have a much older soul. If the person has a lot of planets in Aquarius in his or her natal chart, this could also describe an Indigo Child. problem is ,cant remeber anything, im just interested in spirituality, and conspiracies. This generation won't, unless we drug them into submission with Ritalin.. Always have high standards and set the bar extremely high in my work life, personal life, relationships every aspect of my life i set the bar high with my methodical ways of perfection in everything I do. 4. Scientist are now realizing the wisdom of Eistein and those before and after him. Basically, there are three different types of Earth Angels - Indigo, Crystal and Rainbow. They are warriors in spirit. If you have discovered that youre an indigo child, you might benefit from the following tips: Finally, if youre still uncertain about whether youre an indigo child or not, you can take our free indigo child test. People have ever wondered if you have ADHD. ). I have a delta son (92) and an omega son (01). It was great a few years ago when I first heard the term Indigo. You have a feeling you are special in some way but not in a narcissistic way. You are rarely satisfied with things as they are, and so you always seek improvement. The reasons for these differences were always vague and never provided a satisfactory explanation. Youve always had a strong desire to understand how things work. 4. As an indigo child, you tend to ask questions such as Why do we suffer? What is the meaning of life? Why is there injustice? Why was I born? Such deep philosophical questions cause you to lose interest in the meaningless pursuits carried out by the majority of humanity. Remember to cut yourself some slack from time to time. Both of them, too, have much more precise definitions than that of the indigo child diagnosis, which as weve seen can apply to just about any kid at some point in their life. Truth, to you, is of primary importance. I am particularly fond of math and logic puzzles too. 7. Yes we are here to counter balance the current state which is dominated by souls who are still developing there desire bodies, meaning they are ruled by there emotions and desires, they are yet to be awakened spiritually. I became very ill when he was about 10 or 11, I was bed ridden for the better part of two years and never bounced back to my old self. We help lightworkers step into their power and soul mission. He tells me our neighbors are building fireworks. The aura was also under the influence of themetallic beige hue,protecting them from external attacks and excessively early showing of indigo potential. Ive got to grow in hard conditions and it has made me a diamond-hard Indigo. Enabling us to protect ourselves; as well as allowing others to see the, Light.. Truth will reveal deception. It is backed up by something called colorology, also known as color psychology or chromotherapy. I hate monotony, wasting time, and selfish people are very annoying. If you have found any comfort, support or guidance in our work, please consider donating: document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); I'd like to receive your latest weekly newsletter! These are humanist, artist, conceptualist, and catalyst. My omega, I fear, I may be failing. Courage will replace fear. Children born between 1998 and 2008 belong to the so-called Omega indigo generation. Do you recognise indigo child traits within yourself? To their parents and teachers, they may seem like overly inquisitive, headstrong, and even obnoxious children. I have a bad habit of bringing out insecurities, jealousy, envy, vindictiveness and negative behaviours in low level frequency people. All content published on this website is intended for informational purposes only. Aletheia is a prolific psychospiritual writer, author, educator, and guide whose work has touched the lives of millions worldwide. Just as i write this im all over the place. The 3 energy is that of truth seeker and finder and of the Activist . Blessings to all. Im a beta (69). They all, without exception, have a blue aura. A light worker if it must have a name. Indigo children are very curious and introspective. If youre an old soul who feels a strong and profound urge to create change in society, you are likely an indigo child. Do they have a certain energy about them? 1. Indigo people are born with a sense of purpose to make the world a better place. Carroll was an economics major who ran a technical audio business for 30 years until a visit to a psychic prompted a New Age midlife crisis. I have always been highly intuitive with being able to see how a situational circumstances plays out. (Had a knee injure when I was around 21-22. Feeling lost, confused, or alone? You honor truth above all, and even though it hurts sometimes, youd rather cope with it than believe lies. According to Nancy Ann Tappe, the self-proclaimed synesthete (more on that later) who invented the concept, indigo children are a group of "highly evolved" individuals, all of whom share certain psychological traits that mark them as existing outside maybe even above the norm. One of the main character of Indigos, is that they cant stand in a group, mainly they seeks everything in their inside, as you are already doing so, in case you need indication life it self bring it to you, almost everyday . I know something/someone has done some kind of scanning on my body at night while trying to sleep. What is an indigo person? Indigo Children are according to Wikipedia a New Age Concept that was developed by Nancy Ann Tappe and further developed by Lee Carroll and Jan Tober. Listen to your Souls calling. Every indigo child knows that their mission is to create change on this planet. All Rights Reserved. I realized that my soul had been facing inward, I think for protection from my scary father, and suddenly at age 26 I was facing outward. Indigo Children's Traits, Characteristics, & Test Indigo Children is a topic that many people regard as a myth. I can heal, I can also easily manifest. They want to understand why its a rule, and then, if it makes sense, the indigo child will respect it. So, perhaps a personality test is out of the question but luckily, theres one trait that every indigo child has, no matter how strongly they identify with all the other supposed characteristics. Indigo children are commonly diagnosed with ADHD. There is so much to tell but do not know where to begin. As a free spirit, you dont like to be held down by anyone or anything. Am I An Indigo, Crystal Or Rainbow Personality?. Well, yes. maybe i might find teenagers who are experiencing the same loneliness that i am love and peace, Cee . Indigo children are souls present on earth now to help realign humanity with our authentic truth as multidimensional, spiritual beings. Always levels wrongly, Iam a catalyst indigo child. Mcdonalds parking lot, closed at midnight and I sat there after going through drive apparently parked took a bite and lights out i logically figured it was 5-6pm. Ive tried to help prepare them for their future, succeeding in some areas and failing in others, as all parents do. If so, some may have labeled you as an indigo child not, as your parents and teachers might have thought, a little terror who ought to be in detention four days a week, but nothing less than the next stage of humanity. Welcome to The Spirit Nomad! In the meanwhile, I wish you all an infinity of colorful light. The Indigo Children arrived mostly in the 1970s, and they did so in an emphatic way. You can often intuit the best course of action as well as know things about others that are secret or hidden. Tendency towards addiction to numb feelings, More sensitive to environmental and food pollutants, Spiritual gifts such as clairvoyance or telepathy. We respect all Whadjuk Elders both past and present, and any First Nations people. Viewed through this lens, indigo children can be seen as just another reaction against the idea that your special little guy or gal could be anything less than perfect. The life mission of indigo children is to make the world a better place. Thank you in advance. Deep in your heart, you feel a driving force to create positive change on this planet. Comprehensive numerology will reveal other details about you, like your soul urge and your life path number. My meditations have become so intense at times that they scare me, the sounds that I hear and the things that flash in my minds eye are inexplicable. The Alphas were sent here to set the energy and provide and foundation for our kindred to build on, we are in effect the elders of this group and often operate behind the scenes. The main thing or question I need to ask is has anyone else had repeating dreams of a tsunami? Didn't understand why others don't see the world as they do, i.e. This is not the same as having many lives, as you can be an ancient spirit/old soul without having lived thousands of lives. 6. Didnt think there was actually other out there, seem to be rarity in Ohio. I am also born in the zodiac Gemini. Thanks for posting, this is the first time Ive ever posted something on this topic. 2. Its how psychics and mediums make their livelihood; its why astrology is still way more popular than you might think; and according to indigo skeptics, its why so many people out there feel justified in their indigo diagnosis. They are people born in the periodbetween 1968 and 1978. Indigos are easily identified by a distinct indigo color in their aura. Click Here or Call 888-773-8999. All of us would prefer not to have our kids labeled with a psychiatric disorder, but in this case it's a sham diagnosis, psychiatrist Russell Barkley told the New York Times. So are you an indigo child? Read more about Julia Lundin. Ok, there may have been some of you reading up to this point who thought we were being needlessly harsh. I am an Alpha Indigo. xx. Figuring out that I am an Indigo Child was . My journey started then and keeps going. You really have got that one wrong. While I was on the other side I woke up as a divine being. Signs a child may be indigo include strong intuition, creativity, also a headstrong, passionate, and questioning character, wrote James Taylor, recounting his own experiences with the term in an article for Glasgow University Magazine last year. Always been an outcast, overly sensitive, and Ive been struggling with addiction for about 10 years now. You have a strong drive to find purpose in life. The 1900's spawned the Indigo Generation of psychic conciousness inbred to new children. Are you a spiritual traveler? They also tend to enjoy reading and learning more than the kids their own age. I was stuck in my head by the bank of this river, having these thoughts as I watched the diverse group of insects all fly around this flower. All Rights Reserved. Indigo children are usually aware of the indigo soul mission. Julia is the founder of The Spirit Nomad and helps lightworkers step into their power and soul mission. Indigos are nothing if not hard to pin down. Never ignore anything that you see , here or feel. I know myself and several like others older than me born before the dates you state. Others claim that signs of being an indigo child are so vague they can apply to anyone (this is called the Forer effect). As an indigo child, you are called to a purpose that is larger than everything you are. For the last ten years, the term indigo child has been used to refer to children who represent a superior state of human evolution in the context of the New Age school of thought. Until then, this person had enough time to finally learn totrust their psychic powerswithout being startled or trying to share their experiences with others. I hope that more people will be enlightened by this information. The Indigo Children is a book by Lee Carroll, a channeler for an entity he calls Kryon, and his wife Jan Tober . You would prefer to suffer from the truth than be happy believing lies. Anna is the author of, Learning Mind 2012-2022 | All Rights Reserved |. While indigo children are highly intelligent, the way their mind works doesnt conform to traditional ways of thinking. This is a very special place. Lovingly Butterfly Effect will change things better, sooner or later. To my fellow indigo brothers and sisters I say this, WE ARE THE CHANGE!!! The compassion you feel for others, when directed inward will ignite the Light. I am also an Omega Indigo! You dont just succumb to the influence of those with higher authority. So allow us to quash those misgivings: the indigo child concept relies entirely on one womans assertion that she could see mystical colors emanating around kids bodies. I thought to myself, the same way this bee receives the nectar, we too can do the same. You, as I am, are an Indigo Child. You prefer to think for yourself rather than blindly following the crowd. 2. Indigo children are so named because of a distinct indigo tint in their aura. I am a school teacher of 7 and eight yearolds, mostly African American and Hispanic kids who can repeat my thoughts. Feeling lost, confused, or alone? Indigo adults where born before 1958 . An indigo person is intelligent but may be unqualified, creative and artistic, inquisitive, have attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), discontent with status quo, can be depressive, independent, strongly empathetic beings, can be emotional . 13. Indigo children often feel out of place when they are young because they are more independent, intelligent, and emotionally mature than other people their age. Before you dive into the 22 signs, I therefore highly recommend you get a free numerology reading, if youre not already sure what your strengths and weaknesses are. I understand exactly what it's like to struggle as an Indigo Child. If you are a star child, regardless of which category you fall into, star children are known to embody the energy of grace, purity, truth and wisdom. One of the New Age theorists is Ms. Nancy Ann Tappe, who worked on the Indigo generations in an almost scientific manner and divided them intofive categories according to the date of birth of these children. As a Indigo Adult it's your purpose or mission to develop and open the Third Eye Chakra even further. The colors of their aura areblue green purple, but no longer the color of the metal shield. As with any of this stuff, not having a real primer to go by, time lines may be off and individual journeys may be affected by three-dimensional life. 5. The following article will answer some of the questions you may have about indigo children and will help you find the miracle children in your close circle. They can show signs of depression, but also know themselves to be important for the future of the world and if youve ever taken them to a traditional counselor, theres a fair chance youll have heard the letters ADHD floating around at some point. While all labels and concepts used to describe the ego are illusory constructs of the mind, finding a sense of affinity with the indigo child label is extremely beneficial. My wake up year was 2018, which is when I met Gaia on a psychedelic trip. They love learning about other explanations for the world around them, knowing how incomplete our current answers are. You may be an Indigo Child. They tend to be androgynous and have psychic powers, such as clairvoyancy. Based on these dates Im a Gamma but I feel an urge to further google Delta, as well. Would you like to know if you are an indigo child? There were also born within the date parameters . It is as my conscious has opened up with the phlegm leaving my body. At times, you struggle with being a pushover. They all contain ludicrous Barnum Statements such as You Feel Entitled or You Question Authority or even You Are Destined To Be Here.. The content is based on a combination of the authors life experience and years of knowledge gathered through online research. I am studying metaphysics now and became an R.M.T. With this improved diagnosis and treatment came a slew of panicky commentary, disturbed by what people saw as the overmedicalization of society. Or just, you know any child? Indigo Type 3s were put on this planet with the purpose of solving the polarity in the earth. Nancy Ann Tappe first coined the term when she discovered the emergence of a new set of children that produced an indigo aura, a color that she hadnt seen before.