What happens in the last quarter moon transit? No, its never too late to put wrongs right; a leopard can change its cards, but it takes hard work and endurance, avoid living in your own fantasy world. Your focus isn't sharp, and you have a tendency to daydream. The shadow side of Mercury Conjunct Neptune looks like deceit, lies and poisonous tactics, so beware! At one extreme, this can incline you toward lying or embellishing facts enough that they favor the story you want to tell. New Moon meaning in astrology : When is the next new moon? We don't collect your IP address. Avoid having loose morals and starting illicit liaisons; even small white lies will still be exposed. Holistic Weekly Horoscopes and well-being forecast all signs, Full moon in Gemini on December 12th 2019 Personality Integration, Saturn Conjunct Pluto 2020 Transit- Harmony through Struggle, Aspects In Astrology : Sextiles,Squares & the rest, What does my Yod mean In my Astrology Natal Chart ? as a person who didnt drive). You understand complex issues almost without effort. Venus Square Mars Natal and Transit: Accepting Some Compromises, Mercury Conjunct Jupiter Natal and Transit: Inspiring Life Ideas, Venus Trine Saturn Natal and Transit: Romance Comes Naturally, Mercury Conjunct Uranus Natal and Transit: Staying Open-Minded, Uranus Sextile Pluto Natal and Transit: Challenge Yourself, Mars Trine Uranus Natal and Transit: A New Need for Freedom, Mercury Square Neptune Natal and Transit: Save Your Energy for Later, Mars Conjunct Saturn Natal and Transit: Holding Back Frustrations. They most likely have many ideas and others see them as unrealistic or delirious, even if theyre always making perfect sense. You may have strange ideas or delusions. Usually the left and right sides of the brain work at cross-purposes, but now they blend smoothy. Unclear ideas and confused thoughts can produce problems in your life at this time. How long does the Moon transit the houses? But, you know, so you think that and you go like, I don't know, maybe they're maybe they're out to lunch? When meetings are being avoided, people should keep their propositions short, which can prevent many from wandering. You must not readily believe anything you hear; fact check, always research and fact check. This transit can also focus your communications and thinking on divine subjects, the unknown, the spiritual or mystical; hidden realities and secrets may pique your interest during the mercury conjunct Neptune transit. Conversely, Neptune can overwhelm you with a dangerous sense of being somehow strange and a need to hide this from others. MonthJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecemberDay12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031Year1920192119221923192419251926192719281929193019311932193319341935193619371938193919401941194219431944194519461947194819491950195119521953195419551956195719581959196019611962196319641965196619671968196919701971197219731974197519761977197819791980198119821983198419851986198719881989199019911992199319941995199619971998199920002001200220032004200520062007200820092010201120122013201420152016201720182019202020212022202320242025. However, you can also find yourself mentally lazy and passive, finding it hard to concentrate on mundane matters. Parts of the problems is that theyre trying to discuss anything that they cant really be as theyre being described: their ideals that are high, as well their visions from the past, their present and their future, so their realm is full of possibilities. That's good for psychic work or creative expression, like composing music or writing works of fiction. What does Venus mean in astrology? Mercury Stations Direct! As the Mercury conjunct Neptune transit takes place, people tend to become more sensitive to their surroundings. Right now, you cannot easily tell what is a delusion and what is real. Moon Transiting Libra: How does Moon in Libra affect me? Health issues tend to be neurological in origin at this time. Moving away from whats stressing their life during this time theyre going through can open their mind to bigger possibilities than theyd normally consider because thoughts are flowing for as long as the Mercury is in conjunction with Neptune. They may need to get together with those who arent honest and manipulative, or they should be tempted to put the truth in shadows and avoid confrontations, even when lies are being revealed. The positive is that your sensitivity to subtle influences around you is greatly increased. Working on subtle problems may draw your attention as you have the capacity to recognize slight distinctions where others may see none. Yes, you may have spiritual guides, but its your life, and its best to take otherworldly advice with discernment and not follow it blindly. If lord of the 3rd, you may be subject to alot of detours while doing errands. You are now more likely to be confused than ever. There are different kinds of conjunctions transit Mercury can make with natal Neptune. The best part is you are able to ask any specific questions you have. Distractions and absentmindedness are normal. Mercury conjunct Neptune transit focuses your thinking and communications on spiritual topics, mysteries, the occult, and secrets. You may still have this trait as you get older; note that just as you have sovereignty ( full ownership) over your material world, you also have it over the psychic realms. If you can feel your imagination soaring, then its likely because Mercury is conjunct Neptune right now! About the white shorts . Youre not very sure of what youre thinking, or you adopt ideas that you normally would consider impractical. You may sacrifice your own interests for the benefit of other people and the world at large. Calculate Time and Cost. Clarity in conveying information may become important during this cycle, and understanding accurately what others say can avoid misunderstandings. You can tell and understand what others are thinking or how theyre feeling, even when they say nothing. On the contrary, this period is useful in being more open with what you say and more trusting in what you hear. The proven principles that have guided your life will serve you better than new ones. Take care not to deceive others, as this can come back to bite you where it hurts in the long run. Neptune brings an other-worldly component to the thought processes that can greatly enhance the ability for idealism, imagination, and fantasy. Some of what you experience while lost in another realm can be useful in consensual reality. CATA buses and facilities are accessible to persons with disabilities. They may get to not be understood and paranoid for as long as the Mercury is in conjunction with Neptune, but its known to pass rapidly and to bring people to their old self. Quickly get estimated shipping quotes for our global package delivery services. . Mercury Transits. But WaitHere's What You Need To Know About The Mercury Retrograde Shadow, 5 Powerful Ways To Hit Restart When Uranus Stations Direct! There is a tendency to forget important details that can create future dilemmas unless detected early on. Your rational mind is confused, but your intuitive one is very sharp. I offer sensitive and intuitive astrology readings to guide you on your soul journey. Celebrities: Martin Luther, Tatum ONeal, Robert Redford, Demi Moore, Julio Iglesias, Maria Shriver, Alyssa Milano, Meg Ryan, Neil Armstrong. You're prone to losing your mind in a thicket of thoughts, imaginings, and perceptions. Can be larger than life, but its best to have two feet on the ground with it; this will give you the killer edge. Your incredible creativity and imagination can lead to a career in the arts such as painting, dance, or theater, as well as healing or other fields of communication, where your ideas can touch and inspire others. There are tendencies to deceit, delusions or being under the influence of too much undecipherable information. At times you can just ignore advice, openly or underhandedly, leading you into more hot water. You have to be sure that no matter what you choose to start at in your life, you take the time needed to finish it. As a child, this penchant can be a creative and protective cocoon for you. But I have been doing a lot of creative visualizations, they help. Order now and get 20% off with the coupon code ARIES. This distorting influence of Neptune can harm your relationships. Its almost inevitable that youll be easily deceived, misunderstood, or try to deceive others. The text below is the interpretation of Mercury transit when Conjunct Neptune Mercury Conjunct Neptune More sensitive to the surroundings, you are particularly influenced by the words and opinions of others. Moon Phase and Natal. These rarer conjunctions represent opportunities for social or cultural events that may offer insight into the ways that generational or cultural forces and ideals shape your world and additional ability to become a personal exemplar of these. 2022 can bring new adventures, new roads to explore, and new successes to reach! Relatives, siblings and neighbors tend to misunderstand you. Leo Moon Transit: What does the moon entering Leo mean? Find out important dates in 2023 that can be a improve your relationships, career opportunities and health considerations. Short, quick and to the point. If someone is contradicting these natives and says theyre unrealistic, they may have some serious problems later in life, become sensitive as theyd just pick up the feelings of everyone around them. The goal is to provide you with deep insight to help unravel puzzling or difficult life experiences and spiritual dilemmas. Insights of great value can be attained by meditating. All this means theres a connection between consciousness and unconsciousness in their energies, and that they need to use all the knowledge theyre gathering in order to not have problems with their balance. Perhaps, at first, you don't do this with any malintent. Neptune Conjunct Sun Transit The world suddenly seems to have a hazy glow and softness to it. April 16, 2026 You will receive an email within 24 hours please check spam folder. You are apt at picking up verbal and non-verbal cues in your environment; you can also have a natural presence of being highly intuned with the unseen and higher truths of life. Using the Midheaven, the True Node and Saturn discover where your true potential and Career lies. How others, especially parents and teachers, reacted to your stories about this imaginary world was critical. But be warned, unless you actively seek out the positive side of the Mercury-Neptune transit, you might be shown the negative side. They give a special liveliness to your creative imagination and its expression. And as you get a lot of speedy information, it will take time to learn to settle your mind and only receive helpful impressions at least 75-85% of the time. The higher octave of Neptune is all about unconditional love, divine guidance, connecting with the universe, spirituality. To Get Your Weekly Cosmic Update, EnterYour Details Below Each week, we'll send you your guide to the most remarkable and mystifying cosmic events of the week (& other goodies! You can express these insights through compassionate, supportive, selfless words and thought projection. Copyright 1998-2023 Veraxs Int'l Inc. All rights reserved. You tend to show greater sensitivity in what you perceive as well as what you share. You may have mystical or metaphysical experiences. What you say often has a double meaning. You may develop an interest in music, poetry or literature (particularly fantasy novels). If lord of the 9th, you may be attracted to the mystical side of life more than usual. Find your highest truth with the help of a gifted psychic reader. first day of fall September 2022, How does the winter solstice affect astrology? Significance. Dissolving hope? When you have natal Mercury conjunct Neptune, you can keep your mind open if you step away from lifes stresses or limit them to put the bigger possibilities you are infused with into practical use. Its essential to separate high imagination from logic, and vice versa, do all you can to steady the mind and train it, so there is only ever one clear thought in your mind at any one time. In its highest manifestation, this transit gives accurate psychic perception at all levels, with unbiased processing of this spiritual information. It is common to start a romantic relationship now. This is a time when misunderstandings in your communications are likely. All rights reserved. Dealing With The Darkness On The Spiritual Path? You may be a victim of identity theft or fall victim to fraud if not careful. Contracts that you sign during this cycle should be examined closely since you may take on more than you anticipate. Do not become selective about the information you share to avoid the repercussions, stating half-truths always bring, as whats hidden in the dark, comes to light eventually. ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. A time of deep inner unhappiness read more Song for this transit Experiences that open your awareness probably are as varied as your imagination, which is enhanced now also. When transiting Neptune is in opposition to your natal Mercury, its very easy to misunderstand circumstances and be deceived. Seek healthy ways to manage your sensitivity like spending time in nature, listening to or creating music or art, dance, act or become an alternative healer. Be careful in any contractual negotiations; that you understand the terms and that the other party understands you. If it does happen it occurs shortly after birth. Moon Phases in Astrology Transit and Natal, The Transit Moon In Astrology What Transits of the Moon mean. Transiting Moon in Aquarius: What does the moon in Aquarius mean? These natives possess a rich imagination and are oftentimes incapable of separating logic from whats unreal because their mind is all over the place. (18 January 2022). These transits favor the study of mystical, spiritual or metaphysical subjects, since you understand studied subjects better when you experience them at the same time. Click here to get the 1st 3 minutes of your reading free. An unclear mind and the wrong messages being sent may be too much for them to handle. You might make plans that seem to make sense now under this influence, but later will make no sense at all. Your In-depth guide, Uranus in Astrology Natal Meaning : The most high, What does Pluto Represent In Astrology : In-depth, What is a transit in Astrology? Faith and reason are in a state of equilibrium. How would this apply if the conjunction is making an opposition to natal Juno and Jupiter both in Virgo? While you can learn abundantly, the classroom is typically very open, and the world around you may offer many possibilities to broaden your outlook. Astrological transits are a part of what is usually called predictive astrology, the claim of astrology to predict or forecast future trends and developments. However, they need to learn how to concentrate because their nervous system is shaky. When transiting Mercury is conjunct your natal Mercury: Your thinking and communications are much sharper than usual. You can express yourself clearly and concisely. Web design & Development: ThinkWeb ThinkWeb A greater understanding of the personal ideals and the way they are either serving or frustrating is also possible. : Your Sun meaning and more, What Does Your Moon sign mean? Click here to get the 1st 3 minutes of your reading free. I know its hard, as you can usually see the best solutions for more peoples problems, but keep quiet if someone shows you they are not ready for them. I have this for my solar return at 0 degrees, A lot of Absent mindness and forgetting stuff.