The request was deniedbecause both state and county child abuse reports are confidential. He certainly never earned any understudy degrees. You cant really think he doesnt know this about you. Suppose someone was to lay out all that you, Josh, have done in the past 12 years, Im sure it would be somewhat less than flattering. MAUMEE--A local pastor convicted of drunk driving is back home. For more, visit the website and Jesus says I never knew you, you workers of iniquity. Why are there so many people concerned about Cornerstone, if its not their money that people given to the church? He just pleged another 750 million over the next five years. Check out his books on or in Barnes and Noble. Officials did not press charges after Pastor Pitts agreed to seek counseling with a psychologist who sees sex offenders, they said. What kind of a moron would log into his book that he saw Pastor in a state park on a day when Pastor was out of the country. Jesus crossed many lines for you, laying down his life that you might have eternal life. Though, there are false prophets that have tried to use God for their own gain, God always expose them in the end. Dave: All those Biblical types you mention acknowledged theyd done something wrong. You know how I feel about no names LOL Big Chickens!! But he didnt. You can share anonymously or with your name. Rob Shryock is an author, journalist and editor of the Religion blog "God Is Sometimes Great." You want to differentiate his doctrine from his behavior, but from a Biblical perspective they are both inerrant. Ive never questioned whether or not he sinned. But several of themmadethemselves known to Aarum or his boardover the years in hopes that confrontingthe issue head-on would causeAarumsbehavior to change. It is not pastor Pitts efforts that will make him righteous, nor mine or yours. Ok, Im tired of arguing about the Pittster. I can assure you that this forum is 100% protected by the constitution of the United States. Please know that as I am sorry for my past actions, I am thankful for Gods saving Grace, and the authority he gives me as a child of the King. His car was spotted near where several of the incidents occurred. The ones that are in the pitts with denial? But there was a significant amount of evidence that many people found quite convincing. I dont mean to give you a hard time but just want to encourage you to seek the truth and remember that your relationship with God, and answering to God is more important than answering to a leader of Cornerstone Men are to point to Jesusthe Holy Spirit leads and guides us into all truth. Its your site, do what you want to do. It looks like we have some Christian potty mouths in here. Righteousnees seek the welfare of others more than the welfare of themselves. But you dont have to be bamboozled. However, God loved David not because he was not a sinner, but because had a righteous heart. The warrants issued by a court normally are search warrants, arrest warrants, and execution warrants. Pastor Michael is, despite his lack of formal education, one of the most intelligent men I have ever known. Ive been by their place and its not that much. Anyone that builds a multi-million dollar organization is not stupid, slow, ignorant or any such thing. And about the term warrant. Because if it is. I was a real prick. I am a member and was when these incidents occured. He was rather impressed by the large amounts of money collected every week and the men with guns to handle it all. But it is idiotic and foolish to make a judgement when you are unaware of a million facts that are never presented to you. They also have issue with the fact that the church building and furnishings are so nice, but imagine how much it would cost in today. 4 Reviews. He never gave them any inkling of an idea either, since he wanted to keep the door open for them so he would know what they were up to. Pitts is not the end all be all in the Charismatic realm. He is one of the greatest men of God I, or for that matter the world, has ever known. False prophetess Paula White is working hard to resurrect the church her selfish divorce helped tear down. He is just a man. Jennifer Adema alleges that Wayne Aarum touched her inappropriately, including pressing his groin into her back, while he was a youth pastor and she was a youth group member at The Chapel in the 1990s. Try doing a search on manifest sons of God, or dominion theology or latter rain. The Cstone app from Cornerstone Church connects you with everything that is happening. Not spreading rumors. A warranted legal documentation requiring a subjects attendance at a hearing. Others have expressed suspicion, nonchalance or patent disbeliefregardingwomens stories on social media, or in person at church meetings. Id rather have a pastor who is filled with love and compassion.two qualities definitely lacking in Pitts. I left after the drunk driving incident because there was no true remorse from Michael for the ordeal that he put his members through. He loves the congregation with all his heart, and he DOES point to Jesus in his preaching teachings writings etc. TOLEDO, OH This will not be easy on the eyes. As I said, Google didnt turn up any notice of said difficulties. Thanks, and yes, I have applied for disability (though that makes me feel like a jerk) but anyway, Im just waiting right now. Another thing how ignorant are you to say somthing about paying 10% of your income to Pastor Michael. alot of those individuals were other pastors/priests in the city and alot were in a city/government office or political office. Im sure your cousin is the only saved person that has contributed to this board. I have attended Cornerstone since 1995 and without a doubt, the relationships, benefits of life and strength of my walk with God are all directly related to my involvement with this church. if you live in New York or across the U.S., the following centers and hotlines can connect you with counseling, information and support: Bivona Child Advocacy Center in Rochester, New York works on child abuse response, healing and preventionwith a model that leverages collaboration between law enforcement, medical personnel, and child protective services. I really cannot imagine anyone as high profile, in the city of Toledo at least, cognoscentely exposing themselves to some kids. Does anyone know if this is true? Hi Hayden!! None righteous, no not one. May God Bless. I dont need to see the act to know its true. But one man represents righteousness and one man represents selfishness. Just as God saw fit to birth his son the first time through imperfection, he is still using imperfection to bring his Son to this generation. Thats the childish statement. You dont need Pitts approval or covering. Its called the 10 Commandments. I would be careful pretending to be someone else. Of those, 21women alleging abuse and 27 individuals offering additional corroborating informationagreed to have their accounts reflected in the final report. It dawns on you pretty quickly that this is not appropriate, Smith said. If you are an currently an enabler of Michael Pitts, I urge you to immediately discontinue sowing seeds (aka giving him money), attending his conferences or warming the benches at his local theater church. Circle C Ranch, founded by Aarums father, Wes Aarum Sr., in 1968and still operated bythe Aarumfamily,welcomesthousands of children every summer and hosts church youth retreats in the winter months. . Let me know what happens this birthday! I WATCH PASTOR PITTS ON A REGULAR BASIS AND BENEFIT FROM HIS MINISTRY. god wont be mocked. Theres some thoughts to ponder Julie. We all fall short of Gods laws. Pitts, Wife Included Among Power Shifters", "Growing strong: Four local churches where the congregations are rising to the heavens", "Diversity a goal of local congregations", "Pastors Lament Loss of Access to WDMN-AM", "Cornerstone Church and its leader are the real deal", "Bishop Pitts: New period of awakening is coming to California", "Spiritual revival event showcases talented teens", "Pr Jessica shares her testimony in Ghana", "Toledo charity lost its leader but not her spirit", "Churches equip U.S. soldiers with over 5000 Bibles", "Cornerstone Toledo Youth Visit Mercy Ministries Today", "Local church to sponsor benefit for city's needy", "Cornerstone pastor writes 2 books on handling crises", "Metropark ranger in Pitts case suspended", "Low-power Toledo TV station produces a high-stakes drama", "Toledo Area Pastor Released from Jail after Serving Nine Days",, This page was last edited on 6 December 2022, at 08:34. Stay Connected. It was almost like I needed that from him, said Poulsen, who now lives inAmherst. I just hold Gods name in high esteem. But for the record, I am a pastors wife. Thats their business. And its no wonder, these saying are born out of the doctrine that stems from the selfish foundation on which it was built. You have never heard Pastor Michael say anything like not tithing will send you to hell. Jesus is the only thing that sends you to heaven and not knowing him is the only thing that sends you to hell. I am a member of Cornerstone and I want to say to Kevin (and whoever else may be wondering) exactly what happened the service after the DUI. You have the same response to everything just like I do. Julie: I just liked seeing you going back and forth with Dan. Cattaraugus CountySgt. IT has been alleged by nearly a dozen victims that Matt Rasor has been GROOMING, SEXUALLY ASSAULTING, and DATE RAPING young boys and members of The Cornerstone Church Global Network. Jon Schuerholz, executive pastor at Cornerstone Church in Grand Island CarolynMcDonald's childhoodchurch was present, andpushed the board memberstotake action. He would kiss their foreheads, or put his forehead to theirs in a close embrace a particular physical encounter thatstaff members at the Ranch would refer toas gettingWayned., Aarum said in a May 7, 2021, email thathe had never touched anyonein a way that was unsuitable orincorrect in the work, situation, location, setting, or circumstances.. I have never touched anyone with any inappropriate motive.. Thats a Christians main goal, to do what God wants. He was released over the weekend. A different perspective I dont necessarly dismiss the man based on his actions. I found each of the women to be credible, saidattorney and founder of MinistrySafeKimberlee Norris, who haspracticed law addressing child sexual abuse for over 30 years. Oh well. Stay away from this false prophet and his cohorts until they repent. If I wanted to get a copy, yes I could get it..anyone can. Hes known for his knowledge, humor, devotion to the Lord and to His people. Also do you realize how much he preaches out in a year? Pastor goes all over the world teaching and preaching to not only congregations, but to Pastors and Ministers. One is Ricky Payne, 20, a bearded man police describe as a hippie. But I for one, am not ever going to go to a church where the guy has had so much evidence pointing at him, and putting him in such a bad light. And. (The Pitts camp claims the officials are lying.) I was uncomfortable in retrospect looking back on this and wishing I would have done more. He has never done these things, and dont believe the garbage you hear about offerings and services etc etc. He also formed deep emotional bonds with these girls,acting as a father figure and maintaining a constant stream of intimacy and adoration, according to the women alleging abuse. I should make it clear that he was never convicted of any of these charges. In fact, Pastor Pitts is ministering more now than ever. Carolyn McDonald recalls the latewinter night in 2007 when, she says, Aarum pinned her 17-year-old body to a church pew inside the Circle C Ranch camps onsite chapel. Let it go? I cant make you think differently, nor can you make me. Theyformedfriendships around their desperation to see their stories taken seriouslyby leaders at the Ranch. A warrant isnt a subpoena (which you coincidentally also spelled wrong try the spell check again). David stood for the goodness of God toward his people. espescially the part which involves frustrating would be impersonators. Lets just say he didnt drink and drive or masterbate publicly, regardless he is clearly preaching false doctrine. He is the founding pastor of Cornerstone Church and oversees the Cornerstone Global Network, a network of over 150 churches throughout the US, Mexico, Argentina, Colombia, South Africa and the UK. That is why he was not found guilty of ANY of them. Barnum may have had something to say about the issue. You really are deceived. :, 2009-Alert: Bishop Michael Pitts and other vipers preparing to strike:, In 2010 dozens of former members started a blog detailing abuses suffered at the hands of Cornerstone leaders:, Michael Pitts Sanitized Wikipedia page: Pastor Pitts hired some very fine attorneys and, in the end, all charges except for two criminal trespass misdemeanors were suddenly dropped. The CAC atBestSelf in Buffalo, New York brings together a multidisciplinary group of professionals to address child sexual abusein a child-centered environment. I cant make sense of it, said RichFerchen, 52, who worked with Aarum at both The Chapel and the Ranch for decades. As for why people still worship at his church the good pastor is a charismatic man. Truth always outlives a lie. I am not attacking Michael, but the truth is the truth. And NO alibis for ANY of the sitings! Thankyou Doug. This public display of affection is just the latest in a long-running and highly public friendship. Isnt it funny how when you type michael pitts into the search field of this site you get links to go and look at his books at and In this December 2020 file photo, the Rev. . So the vampires gave it to them. Pastor Pitts hired some very fine attorneys and, in the end, all charges except for two criminal trespass misdemeanors were suddenly dropped. Youre not Michael Pitts. When the good Lord walked this earth, he was clothed in simple robes with sandals or on many occassions wore callouses on the soles of his bare feet! It was normal to pick them in the first few days of camp they were pretty andthinteenagers, mainlystaff but sometimes campers,said Nicole Richard, 30, of Norfolk, Virginia, who worked at the Ranch in the mid-2000s and said Aarum touched her inappropriately and made comments about her appearance. And you go girl. God is the ultimate judge. The lawsuit against SGM, which fizzled out in the late spring due to statutes of limitations, alleged that church leaders, including Mahaney, had actively worked to protect multiple abuse perpetrators while harassing and intimidating victims into silence. None of the townspeople knew they were part of a scheme to rob them of their lives. We are all very capable of doing very sinful things. For example, many of the critics are from the Catholic Church. Also attorneys dont issue warrants, judges do. And while I appreciate your no-doubt informed thoughts on how the media operate, I might point out in the case of Pastor Pitts, he was charged with more than a dozen crimes by multiple jurisdictions. (h/t Pulpit Pimps) Pitts is bishop or apostle of the Cornerstone Global Network. The Lord showed Bishop Pitts to me in a very vivid dream because I was idolizing him. Youve got people who are actively making excuses or running interference, but you also have a lot of people who are passive and say, I didnt do anything, or Thats not my job, Drumwright said. We send our kids to camp and something happens, and we know about something, thats where it gets scary. He was identified by witnesses along with his automobile. And my family is better because of it! Other wise, get over me. And yes, it will all be settled out in the end. I know that Im not perfect I have done and said things that I wish I can take back but I cant there is nothing you can do but Ask God for forgiveness. Who did you get that fromyour imagination? Best wishes to you in finding your answers. But no, just because hes a pastor, he can do whatever he wants and get away with it. In all of those years, much to the shame of its leaders, I have NEVER heard such righteous teaching. But, the one thing that made me open my eyes to the reality of my church was the internet and a website called reveal. LOL, and youre not? youve got to be kidding me you really are a beacon of light Julie, Um, who said that? That is simply an aspect of the case that has been passed along and like a game of telephone; the truth has been warped so uniformly that most believe the lie. Do you feel that you HAVE to be there every time the doors are open or youll be questioned as to why you werent? Wake up and smell the coffee! Also a fact I would assume the Pator knows. Why cant we all do the same. All Cornerstone campuses can use the information found in this app. He played dumb, Ademasaid. I personally was really impressed with how Pastor handled the service. Of course (obviously) these are hypothetical circumstances because no one reads Bentons writing. Let God handle him. with that said, youre right. You can unsubscribe at any time. Just was surprised when she told me who she was! Pastor Michael was never conclusively identified at any of the locations of his charges. He resigned from the boardsoon afterward, he said. Gillis didnt thinkto lookatWayne Aarums personnel file at the time, he said. CJ Mahaney, the founding pastor of Sovereign Grace Ministries (SGM), recentlyspoke at a conference called Conviction to Lead 2013 at an SGM megachurch in Knoxville after a long absence from the public eye. Sorry you didnt have a great experience with us. None. Pastor Pitts claimed complete vindication. Do you honestly think he would knowingly jeopardize his livelihood by exposing himself to some kids at a ball park. Actually, God did show the truth, they just choose to ignore it. Why? She was 15, and he told her she was amazing. In skits at church and later at Circle C, he played Jesus. The sermon was well rounded and I felt that it was relatable to current times and people situtations. Nice try whoever you are. [1] Early life and career [ edit] The church is very huge and the people seem nice but a little clicky which isn't ideal. Cornerstone Youth exists to disciple resilient believers that influence culture. Since late 2019, allegations aboutWayne Aarums misconduct have gained momentum. Did Mark Driscoll Plagiarize the Wrong Person? Get Involved. I just want to say thanks for posting these articles. I have been to Pastor Pitts church and seen him do AWESOME things for the Lord. Also, in regard to the Toledo Blade when have they EVER reported truth Everybody knows they make up the majority of what they print. But then again, dealing with false teachers is never pleasant. email me. Thanks-Dave. Rest assured, I know Michael Pitts better than you would ever wish to know him. Mayor of Toledo, Department of Justice: Investigate Cornerstone Church for Sexual Assault and Abuse, Investigate Cornerstone Church for Sexual Assault and Abuse,,,,,,, This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google. A buddy of mine used to video tape the services at Cornerstone. He has consistently denied allclaimsagainst him of inappropriate conduct. Maybe you need to brush up on your law. (I want to make sure that his lawyers, wherever they may be, see I am making this clear.) Glitz and showmanship don't hide their greed. Pettit Rieman has not responded to the USA TODAY NETWORKs multiple requests for comment. [15], Pitts has partnered with, and hosted annual WOWJAMs, an event started by Stephen and Linda Tavani aimed at reaching poorer communities around the city by utilizing music, games, dances, and prizes. Aarum and the Circle C board members did not respond when asked how thisinvestigation was conducted and who conducted it. Nor does that attitude reflect in my posts. What we should concentrate on is the plank in our own eye and not the speck in our neighbors. Do you feel like you have to give more than you can afford or are you made to feel guilty regarding how much you do or dont tythe? Note the mispelled words and general language style. Why am I bringing this up after the fact? The praying in his name statment was a paraphrased quote taken from his message directly after his drinking and driving might want to get the tape or have we forgotten about that arrest as well? it doesnt matter to me if he makes a billion dollars in a day.
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