Based on movement tracking, the devices can estimate how long someone is asleep and how often the person wakes up during the night. The first paragraph of your text 2. B. Mostly not. B. They see it as goofing off. Begin with a great first sentence. The author's exigence in the passage is apparent in the story she provides about her parents' deportation, which is then linked to other stories about the impact of government immigration policies on families. . E. "[T]he process of falling asleep in the afternoon is quite different from bedtime sleep." Black= Question Blue= Answer Orange= Justification Red= Right answer with justification Pharmacy 1) The first three sentences of paragraph 2 ("The pharmacy . (2) The statue's placard attributes the poem to John Roulstone, who, according to popular lore, wrote it circa 1816 after witnessing a girl named Mary Sawyer bring her lamb to school. Related: How To Write an Introduction in 4 Easy Steps (With Tips for an Effective Introduction) 4. C. identify one aspect of her family's situation that is atypical Crazy Horse's combination of recklessness and calculating calm. . Fighting off natural inclinations is a major Puritan3 virtue, and nothing that feels that good can be respectable. responsibility and guilt. Question 7. The writer is considering deleting the underlined portion of sentence 10 (reproduced below) from the sentence. It should contain the most significant and relevant point you wish to make regarding your topic, thus summarizing the paragraph as a whole. These are labelled as P Q, R and S. Choose the logical sequence of these sentences:S1 : Calcutta, unlike other cities, kept its trams.P : As a result there was horrendous congestion.Q: It was going to be the first in South AsiaR: They run . Should the writer delete the underlined text? Like other forms of writing, paragraphs follow a standard three-part structure with a beginning, middle, and end. Professionals refer to the first sentence of a paragraph as a topic sentence. The writer wants to add a sentence after sentence 11 to conclude the passage with a quotation that effectively restates and reinforces the overall argument. Cohesion and Coherence. Yes, because it provides commentary that helps explain why the details presented in sentence 6 are important to the point the writer is making in the paragraph. Which of the following factors is most important for the writer to consider when deciding whether to keep or delete the phrase? (2) A sudden supply of steel led to the construction of many skyscrapers, bridges, and railroad tracks. Which of the following choices best accomplishes this goal? A. support the claim that her parents' absence affected her during her adolescence . let readers know that they have reached the beginning of the final section. The supporting sentences, also called the body of the paragraph, are used to support, explain, illustrate, or provide evidence for the idea expressed in the topic sentence. The purpose of a paragraph is to express a speaker's thoughts on a particular point in a clear way that is unique and . The increasing number of people seeking asylum in the United States The writer is considering adding the following sentence immediately before sentence 11. Which artist's music is the best? Congress needs to provide a permanent, fair legislative solution, but in the meantime families are being destroyed every day, and the president should do everything in his power to provide the broadest relief possible now. The writer is considering adding the following sentence after sentence 13. Which of the following does the author represent as an effect of "congregat[ing] in places of high environmental risk" (paragraph 3, sentence 8) ? In this way, she establishes a point of comparison between the two cultures and uses it as the basis for developing her thesis about Americans' fear of napping. A. Remember not to introduce the culmination right from the start. I really like When the author refers to her "rocky existence," she suggests that although she had good friends, she faced a number of challenges. The writer is considering adding the following sentence after sentence 6. C. highlight the hospitality offered to her by the parents of her friends Which version of sentence 9 best accomplishes this goal? Look at the reading to make predictions of the topic. D. An unfulfilled pledge by a . Is rap t My parents came here from Colombia during a time of great instability there. According to a recent report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Americans are not getting enough sleep. Which of the following best describes how the author represents "western American history, written by Euro-Americans" (paragraph 4, sentence 4) ? A promise. Which of the following is a logical conclusion that can be derived from the final two paragraphs of the passage? The middle four sentences in each have been removed and jumbled up. The latest findings in social psychology suggest that self-knowledge is a more complex phenomenon than you might think. Not one more family should be separated by deportation. The writer wants to add a sentence before sentence 8 (reproduced below) to introduce the main idea of the third paragraph. Eppie was a creature of endless claims and ever-growing desires, seeking and loving sunshine, and living sounds, and living movements; making trial of everything, with trust in new joy, and stirring the human kindness in all eyes that looked on her." details, continuity and information. D. It asserts the relevance of her personal experience within a wider political debate. You must do whatever you can to lure your reader into the web you've woven by writing a sentence so provocative . And, though I was surrounded by people who cared about me, part of me ached with every accomplishment, because my parents weren't there to share my joy. Throughout my childhood I watched my parents try to become legal but to no avail. Some time ago, I wrote an article on how to set up the structure of a blog post. A shock. I was lucky to have good friends, but I had a rocky existence. As University of Glasgow lecturer Gavin Miller argues, "Science fiction does not invite us to be prophets, but anthropologists making sense of a complex and troubling foreign culturewhich we may eventually come to recognize as our own. While awaiting deportation proceedings, my parents remained in detention near Boston, so I could visit them. The writer wants to change sentence 14 (reproduced below) to qualify the passage's conclusion and express it in less absolute terms. These stories highlight the impact of government policies on undocumented immigrant families. There we lie, visible and vulnerable on our day lit bed, ready to cut the strings and sink into the dark, swirling, almost sexual currents of the impending doze, but what will happen in our absence? Fifteen minutes later the napper pops back to the surface as from time travel, bewildered to find that it's only ten of two instead of centuries later. B. show how her experiences were typical of teens in the United States Read the paragraph and look for corrections Joanna needs to make. According to the fourth paragraph, the battles of June 1876 established Crazy Horse's reputation for which of the following? An idea or emotion that is associated with a word. Should the writer keep or delete this sentence? Even the housewife, taking advantage of the afternoon lull, knows at the deepest level of consciousness that the phone is about to ring. They are more familiar with Euro-American accounts of Crazy Horse than with Lakota accounts. It engages the audience's sympathies by suggesting parallels between Rowling and her . . C A Lakota author's account of his ancestral culture's history and values. Which of the following statements best summarizes the main claim about Crazy Horse's cultural legacy that is developed in the passage? Look at each paragraph. The art of effective or persuasive speaking or writing, As represented by the rhetoircal triangle, the appeal most commonly associated with the speaker is, As represented by the rhetorical triangle, the appeal most commonly associated with the audience is, As represented by the rhetorical triangle, the appeal most commonly associated with the message is, A brief story used to help make a point is, An indirect reference to something (Usually a literary text, although it can be other things such as plays, songs, historical events, ect.) In his description of the United States Army's plan "to capture and herd all the Lakota onto reservations once and for all" toward the end of the fourth paragraph, the author's tone conveys which of the following? But it's not just in the interest of immigrants to fix the system: It's in the interest of all Americans. And they missed my prom, my college application process and my graduations from high school and college. Finally, they agreed for me to continue my education at Boston Arts Academy, a performing arts high school, and the parents of friends graciously took me in. . I consider myself lucky because things turned out better for me than for most, including some of my own family members. The author situates her text within a particular political context by making the following statement about a political leader: "President Obama has promised to act on providing deportation relief for families across the country, and I would urge him to do so quickly." In the first sentence of the sixth paragraph, the author describes her rocky existence during high school in order to the claim that her parents' absence affected her during her adolescence.. Is rap The topic sentence is the sentence in the paragraph that gives the reader not only the general topic, but also the main idea, or what the paragraph says about the topic. . D. "Fighting off natural inclinations is a major Puritan virtue." The writer is considering adding the following sentence after sentence 13. B. Today, she is serving time in jail, living the reality that I act out on screen. The primary purpose of sentences 4 and 5 of the second paragraph ("Among . The opening sentence of the second paragraph primarily serves to. She notes, for instance, that her parents were scammed while trying to obtain legal status, that the government did not check on her when her parents were taken, and that judges did not have the discretion to let her family stay together. E. delivered a moral message at the end of the poem about being kind to animals. Es el rap el mejor tipo de msica? C. illustrate her point that existing immigration policy is broken (B) illustrate the limits of scientific claims. Read the first sentence only of each paragraph after the first, until you get to the start of the next section. . The writer wants to start the third paragraph (sentences 10-14) with a sentence that captures what the different claims and evidence in the paragraph are meant to show . Stories by his contemporaries offer a credible record of Crazy Horse's life. C. "[Napping] seems to be a natural inclination." In the fifth paragraph, the sentence "She had neglected them, these feet" indicates that Nazneen's attitude toward her husband is marked by all of the following EXCEPT. 2) The comparison in the second . The writer is considering changing the underlined portion of sentence 1 (reproduced below) so that it conveys the information in the sentence in the most precise way. Some corporations, in their concern for their employees' health and fitness, provide gym rooms where we can commit strenuous exercise at lunchtime, but where are our beds? The writer wants to illustrate the point made in sentence 2 (reproduced below) by adding historical evidence to the end of the sentence, adjusting the punctuation as needed. These fictional scenarios have sometimes become reality. Fifth --> Read the first sentence of each paragraph. In Japan, the productivity wonder of the industrialized world, properly run companies maintain a nap room wherein the workers may refresh themselves. E. show that two sets of values are more similar than they might appear to be. The passage as a whole claims that the learned cynic's core failings are, The speaker's tone in the passage is best described as. My family and I worked hard to keep our relationships strong, but too-short phone calls and the annual summer visits I made to Colombia didn't suffice. Fifth 5. Which version of the underlined portion of sentence 1 best accomplishes this goal? A. 1. answer choices . Warrior societies offered a path of entry into political power structures. It can be a question, famous quote, a story or other idea. A 5th grade paragraph must have at least 5 sentences (topic sentence, body/support . I was always insecure about being a nuisance and losing my invitation to stay. The latest findings in social psychology suggest that self-knowledge is a more complex phenomenon than you might think. Sixth 2. Based on movement tracking, the devices can estimate how long someone is asleep and how often the person wakes up during the night. The writer wants to support the line of reasoning in the fifth paragraph (sentences 13-16) with a comment that reflects the complexity of the historical narrative in the passage's earlier paragraphs. Elementary students often write simple topic sentences that focus solely on the main idea of the paragraph. In a well-constructed first paragraph, that first sentence leads into three or four sentences that provide details about the subject you address in the body of your essay. The modern office isn't designed for privacy, and most of our cubicles have no doors to close, only gaps in the portable partitions. In fact, the CDC considers lack of sleep a public health infection. He embodies the virtue of humility in Lakota society. . The data these devices provide are not as accurate as the data that come from a sleep lab. The middle four sentences have been jumbled up. (1) The use of steel transformed cities during the 1800s. The impact of government policies on undocumented immigrant families. A paragraph is a collection of related sentences dealing with a single topic. It is Here, this sentence refers back to the first paragraph's summary of online education"what we know"and introduces the idea that there are things we don't know about online educationthe focus of the second paragraph. B. Estanto(-a, -os, -as) + sustantivo(s) + como = tanto/muchos _____ comoEjemplo: El solista gan tantos premios como el grupo musical. Which of the following sentences best accomplishes this goal? D. distinguish between groups who have adopted similar values for different reasons . Third The first sentence of every new paragraph. tan + adjective + como = as _____ as D. establish a cultural comparison for her argument about napping coat") primarily suggest that Henry is C methodical and reliable Because throughout the passage he shows he is a person who cares and listens about others. Action without discretion can incur disastrous results. They are more familiar with Euro-American accounts of Crazy Horse than with Lakota accounts. Make sure to read that article if you have trouble setting up the structure for a text. E. In sentence 16, changing "impossible" to "improbable". You must be shameless and your first sentence must be irresistible. Document B\mathrm{B}B The Language of Composition: Reading, Writing, Rhetoric, Lawrence Scanlon, Renee H. Shea, Robin Dissin Aufses, Creighton Prep Physical Education Chapter 1-2. Which of the following choices accurately describes a strategic stylistic decision that the speaker makes in the first two sentences of the second paragraph ("It is not . Attempts to establish a national standardized voting age, however, were met with opposition from the . E. the foster care system is underprepared for the needs of immigrant families. An attribution of an emotional quality to explain Crazy Horse's humble demeanor. Whereas Hale was a widowed mother of five, Roulstone was a ten-year-old boy who never published anything. See Page 1. a conjugated verb, To do this assignment, you need to read about 6 special foods in Latin America (tamales, empanada, asado, platanos fritos, yerba mate, ceviche and tac The writer is considering deleting the phrase "which many critics consider the first science fiction novel," in sentence 5 (reproduced below). Again, this topic sentence acts as a bridge, connecting the main ideas of each paragraph. Which of the following best describes the author's exigence in the passage? The measurement is largely personal and idiosyncratic c. The measurement is not as important as other elements of the rating system d. A paragraph is a component of fictional prose and non-fiction writings. The remainder of the paragraph focuses on the way Nawab attempts to A. improving the immigration system would benefit the entire country C. suggest that her audience's values might differ from those of her parents It shows that the author was luckier than most adolescents in her situation. Crazy Horse displayed ferocity and courage in battle and modesty in dress and speech. In the first sentence of the passage, the speaker engages the attention of the audience with which of the following types of statement? Attention de bien insister sur les voyelles nasales. The writer wants to illustrate the point made in sentence 2 (reproduced below) by adding historical evidence to the end of the sentence, adjusting the punctuation as needed. P : (Listen as Tina interviews the famous athlete Sergio Martinez. Which version of the underlined portion of sentence 1 best accomplishes this goal? Which of the following characteristics does the author anticipate may be true of some members of the audience? What comes after the construction acabar de Escucha una entrevista entre Tina y Sergio Martnez, un atleta famoso. C. illustrate her point that existing immigration policy is broken In the first sentence of the passage, the speaker engages the attention of the audience with which of the following types of statement? It is a very important form of writing as we write almost everything in paragraphs, be it an answer, essay, story, emails, etc. This paragraph is from Joanna's history paper. The other sentences in the . Certainly the process of falling asleep in the afternoon is quite different from bedtime sleep. 8. This version presents a category of comparison: Hale's and Roulstone's experience in writing. The American nap is even scarier because it's unilateral. Each dash stands for one missing letter. The introductory paragraph of any paper, long or short, should start with a sentence that piques the interest of your readers . E. The author's desire to acknowledge her parents' efforts to support her despite their immigration status. B. was a prolific author who wrote both novels and poems introduction, conclusion and body. E. respect for the rule of law: these lines show that the author's parents made a genuine effort to legally navigate a burdensome immigration process , Look at the reading to make predictions of the topic. Provide appropriate credit to the source (e.g., by using an in-text citation) whenever you do the following: paraphrase (i.e., state in your own words) the ideas of others. First paragraph. "Know yourself" is a well-known maxim, but the latest findings in social psychology suggest. The author's choice to repeat the phrase emphasizes that these are national values she and her audience share and that her family's experiences run counter to them. I really liketan + adjective + como = as _____ asExample: My favorite band is not as popular as my friend's favorite band.
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