. 21
. . Seker, Henery . . . . 9 Sep 1738 Two Sisters There were 120 passengers, including 50 children, on the voyage. 27 Aug 1785 Adolph Walter Harris settled at Weymouth, Massachusetts, 1632. . 27 Sep 1752 Pennsylvania German Pioneers Ship Nancy - Search original lists of German pioneers who arrived at the port of Philadelphia from the years 1727 to 1808. Marcia says: December 11, 2017 at 12:02 pm. . 30 Dec 1805 Johann Andreas Included are passengers names, ships names, dates of arrival and ports of departure [$] MORRISTOWN Three years ago, a downtown developer said plans to build the town's first new hotel in four decades were well underway.. Today, local officials are studying their options to revive a property that remains an empty lot just a short walk away from the Morristown Green.. On Tuesday, the Morristown council voted unanimously to look for alternatives to The Cambria Hotel and Suites . . Smith, Richard . . Mary Weatherhead, (Q) 26 South 27 Aug 1739 Samuel 12 Sep 1791 Fair American 30 Sep 1732 Dragon . 38
1 Sep 1769 Pennsylvania German Pioneers Ship Nancy & Sucky . Lane, Edward . Can she solve the mysteries of the past and the present before disaster strikes? Sept. 25, 1749. 10 Nov 1743 Pennsylvania German Pioneers Ship Endeavor - Search original lists of German pioneers who arrived at the port of Philadelphia from the years 1727 to 1808. 18 Sep 1733 Pennsylvania Merchant 4 Oct 1793 Polly Under the ownership of Captain John Thomas Chappell, the Speedwell sailed again on May 28, 1635 from Southampton, finally arriving in Virginia. 26 Oct 1741 Snow Molly A List of the . . On the second attempt, Mayflower and Speedwell sailed about 100 leagues (about 300 nautical miles (560km; 350mi)) beyond Land's End in Cornwall, but Speedwell was again found to be taking on water. . took a ship named the pearl and she escaped. 26 Sep 1752 Pennsylvania German Pioneers Ship Richard & Mary - Search original lists of German pioneers who arrived at the port of Philadelphia from the years 1727 to 1808. Strassburger and William J. Hinke, published in 1934 by the Pennsylvania German Society, Genealogy Data Page 1657 (Family Pages) Note: Walter Harris's English origins are unknown. and 9 Nov 1749 Pennsylvania German Pioneers Ship Good Intent - Search original lists of German pioneers who arrived at the port of Philadelphia from the years 1727 to 1808. . A vessel of the same name and size travelled to the New World seventeen years prior as the flagship of the first expedition of Martin Pring . Re: The "SPEEDWELL". Speedwell w/ the Explorer: Martin Pring: 10 April 1603: England: June 1603: Penobscot Bay, Maine: Richard: M. Henry Challons: Aug 1606: . . . 8 Oct 1744 Pennsylvania German Pioneers Ship Aurora - Search original lists of German pioneers who arrived at the port of Philadelphia from the years 1727 to 1808. 22 Sep 1752 Pennsylvania German Pioneers Ship Halifax - Search original lists of German pioneers who arrived at the port of Philadelphia from the years 1727 to 1808. 25 Sep 1754 Pennsylvania German PioneersShip Adventure - Search original lists of German pioneers who arrived at the port of Philadelphia from the years 1727 to 1808. 28 May 1742 Pennsylvania German Pioneers Ship Catharine - Search original lists of German pioneers who arrived at the port of Philadelphia from the years 1727 to 1808. Included are passengers names, ships names, dates of arrival and ports of departure [$] 24 Sep 1753 Pennsylvania German Pioneers Ship Neptune - Search original lists of German pioneers who arrived at the port of Philadelphia from the years 1727 to 1808. . Genealogical and family history of - Google Books of Southern New York and the Hudson River Valley, Compiled under the Editorial Supervision of Cuyler Reynolds Vol. In this case, the initials "J.E." Dudley's letter to the Countess of Lincoln, which is printed in the New Hampshire Historical CCollections, vol iv. Vol. 7 Oct 1803 Caneon . 15
. "Passengers and Vessels that have Arrived in America: A List of Ships which Arrived in New England in 1630," NEHGR 31:309 (Citing Gov. 27 Sep 1752 Pennsylvania German Pioneers Ship Anderson - Search original lists of German pioneers who arrived at the port of Philadelphia from the years 1727 to 1808. . The house in New London consisted of a front room and shop room with a lean-to on the back and two chambers above. 27 Mar 1800 Ocean 1656". William and Dorothy (May) Bradford . 20 Aug 1794 Holland . 15 Sep 1804 Atlantic 14 Sep 1754 Pennsylvania German Pioneers Ship Nancy - Search original lists of German pioneers who arrived at the port of Philadelphia from the years 1727 to 1808. 4 Sep 1728 Albany From it it is clear that the Harris family ranked in point of comfort and accommodations with the well-to-do portion of the community. . 6 SHIP PASSENGER LISTS All Ports, 1654-1685, continued Title to this commences An Index to Bristol and America . 30 Sep 1789 Signer of oath of allegiance Miller, John . Included are passengers names, ships names, dates of arrival and ports of departure [$] Join Geni to explore your genealogy and family history in the World's Largest Family Tree. 40
. The will of Mrs. Harris is one of the oldest extant wills in the county, and is rich in allusions to costume and furniture. 2 Oct 1727 Adventure [3] Passenger Robert Cushman wrote from Dartmouth in August 1620 that the leaking was caused by a loose board approximately two feet long.[5]. Island New York Ships Passenger Lists 1894-1927 & Naturalization . 23 Oct 1752 Pennsylvania German Pioneers Ship Rawley - Search original lists of German pioneers who arrived at the port of Philadelphia from the years 1727 to 1808. . . . 11 Aug 1732 Samuel Included are passengers names, ships names, dates of arrival and ports of departure [$] . 22 Sep 1752 Pennsylvania German Pioneers Ship Brothers. Included are passengers names, ships names, dates of arrival and ports of departure [$] Sept. 11, 1738 Pennsylvania German Pioneers Ship Robert and Oliver 3 Dec 1800 Diana . 11 Oct 1786 Nassau . 18 Sep 1795 Rose . 3 Oct 1768 Pennsylvania German Pioneers Ship Pennsylvania Packet 20 Sep 1764 Pennsylvania German Pioneers Ship Sarah - Search original lists of German pioneers who arrived at the port of Philadelphia from the years 1727 to 1808. 21
. . Lori Case Ships - no passengers ISTG Immigrant Ship Transcribers Guild The Ships List passenger lists and naturalization records on a pay site. . . Mathew Edwards, . Baldwin, Mary . 18 Sep 1773 Britannia . . Included are passengers names, ships names, dates of arrival and ports of departure [$] 12 Oct 1802 Tom The Mayflower was carrying a crew of around 30 men and perhaps 90 passengers, while Speedwell was transporting perhaps 30-32 passengers or so. . 9, 1775 Pennsylvania German Pioneers Ship King of Prussia Looking for other USA records? . Wigins, John . 29 Sep 1774 Charming Molly 2 Nov 1752 Phoenix 29 Jun 1792 America Step 13 Aug 1750 Bennet 26 Sep 1753 Pennsylvania German Pioneers Ship Windsor - Search original lists of German pioneers who arrived at the port of Philadelphia from the years 1727 to 1808. 8 Aug 1764 Chance 31 May 1773 Dolphin 30 Sep 1772
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