Unlike his creators who were content to observe, The Beyonder seeks to fulfill his desires and discover his purpose. Beyonder tells Spider-Man to think of him and his assistant, Madame Web, as 'ones from beyond.' The Beyonder intended to see which one was stronger. Name: Beyonder Origin: Marvel Comics Gender: Appears male, in reality has no actual gender Classification: Cosmic being Age: Unknown (possibly older than the universe) Powers and Abilities: Massive multiversal-scale reality warping, shapeshifting, telepathy, soul manipulation, near-omniscience, immortality (type 5), immune to practically every form of attack, non-corporeal, can grant power to . He had the power to achieve whatever he pleased. Much earlier, the Beyonder had revived Kurse as an experiment, but then had largely forgotten about him. 2023 GAMESPOT, A FANDOM COMPANY. He also pulled Talisman out of the bag for Shaman as payment. Fantastic was unable to register the Beyonder's presence through his sensors, but Professor X could. The Beyonders are what Doctor Doom calls "linear beings". All the latest gaming news, game reviews and trailers. Kubik took upon himself the tutoring of the new being, who had forgotten much of what she learned in her previous life. Not really caring, Beyonder brought them all back to New York, where he and Cage went off for lunch at a soul food restaurant. He then wanted know the reason of the Illuminatis visit, and even directed his questions to his King, stating that his highly destructive voice would not cause anyone harm if he used it, due to his own powers containing it. [39] He also lost part, or all, of his power on various occasions, some of them engineered by himself. [23], In Guardians of the Galaxy, the Beyonder provides Guardian Vance Astro with a black undergarment resembling a Symbiote. Until this be gained we can never know, we can not even prophesy the capacity and power of women for the uplifting of humanity.Susan B. Anthony (18201906). The Sphinxes Superpower is that he's Mysterious. In his quest for answers, The Beyonder commits to become fully human, yet, there is a catch: The Beyonder will retain his immortality and celestial powers while on Earth. Frank became obsessed with Earth gadgets at this time as well, buying or making hordes of Cuisinarts, motorcycles, and the like. Doom, however, began to wrestle with his new limitless nature, and started to become unstable. Around this time he also started exploring what Marvel was then calling the "multiverse": all the dimensions outside of the normal universe, such as Asgard, Mephisto's realm, the Microverse, the Dark Dimension, and eventually the Crossroads, a nexus of realities. The Beyonder possesses no inherent weaknesses, but he was, at one time, stripped of his powers by Doctor Doom in Battleworld and later became mortal through his own devices by investing his power into a machine. [24], In the "Annihilation" crossover story line, the Fallen One, a former Herald of Galactus under the control of Thanos,[25] is sent to investigate the aftermath of the Kyln's destruction by the Annihilation Wave and ascertain the Beyonder's fate. Growing impatient and annoyed, Doctor Doom and Galactus team up to defeat The Beyonder but are quickly forced to play his game. One of the passengers, Tabitha, ran up and started to walk with him. Stripped of their power, Kubik and Kosmos would not exist, while Reece would still exist. He then looked at the surrounding heroes, and Magik in particular. Perhaps simultaneously, he invisibly observed the New Mutants, who had since returned from Limbo. The Beyonder then explained that his only intention was to do good, and that to him, nothing was impossible to accomplish. The machine was then to rapidly age his infant form into an adult and release him. The passengers were then sent to Battleworld. The Beyonder knew it was all a magical illusion, however, and was able to reclaim his power again. Rachel then wanted revenge against the students, but Magneto persuaded her to stop. He built an enormous tower filled with his favorite gadgets in Sparta, Illinois. The Puma was enraged at this, and swore he would kill him. [35][36][40] He also stated that the Pumawhen in perfect harmony with the Universewas capable of killing him. But, because he was limiting himself, and because he had intentionally gotten himself drunk, Strange realized that he had a chance to ensnare him with illusion, and perhaps take his danger away from the multiverse forever. She gathered a following of inmates who worshipped her. He quickly dispatched them with a nuclear-style explosion. [43], Upon reaching the House, he hid himself until the Defenders finished their business. Then he and Scion decided that they must take more drastic steps to help the Microverse as a whole. [16][10][12], While he was still growing up,[3] the other Beyonders orchestrated the "accident" of Owen Reece, the Molecule Man. The two space stations were then sent down to the planet Battleworld. Professor X, reading Black Bolt's mind, tells the others that Black Bolt still has no recollection of the Beyonder as an Inhuman; since he is reading his mind, it seems probably, although not completely sure, that this is true. The Beyonder is almost omniscient and omnipotent, capable of altering the fabric of reality to his will. There is another dimension, where a race of incredibly powerful beings known as the Beyonders (plural) live and watch our universe. By the time Mephisto planned to drop his contract with Thing, nearly all of the Legion Accursed were defeated. He also has cosmic strength, which he frequently put his power to the test in order to learn more about humanity. The Cube then developed on its own over a period of time, and eventually expelled Reece's mind back to Earth. The inhabitatants have worked hard to eliminate diseases and famine. Also, Namor has no recollection of him, and he had met him during Secret Wars II. His frustration with this attempt led him to become more and more erratic and dangerous to the rest of the multiverse. In this issue, a younger, less-experienced Deadpool is hired by the Kingpin to kill the Beyonder. But his genetic anomaly radically changed the Terrigen experience for him, and his power grew exponentially to an unprecedented scope. Sequence 4: Imperative Mage New Abilities His ultimate goal is to discover the true meaning of existence, and his journey takes him across the Marvel universe. The cosmic forces just couldn't understand why this new goal was so important. So he tricked the Thing, who was making a movie on a nearby island. The Beyonder has been retconned many times. The Beyonder is a complex and enigmatic character. Vinnie showed up with some of his gang, including Toots, who had since shown him the bar of gold. Frank was, in a sense, all grown up now. [4] Various superpowered adventurers from Earth, including the Hulk, Spider-Man,[19] and members of the Avengers, Fantastic Four, and X-Men, went to New York City's Central Park to investigate an enormous circular construct which had materialized in the park's Sheep Meadow. [12], The Defenders encountered the Beyonders when they went outside the Multiverse. Whether you are looking to dig deeper into The Beyonder's mysterious origin or discover how Secret Wars changed the landscape of Marvel Comics forever, these features will guide the way. It is possible for the Beyonder to be weakened, albeit by performing such a great feat as destroying a fundamental force of the universe such as Death. He later reappeared at Avengers Mansion. Spider-Man tries to stop this, but Doom had already sent a portal going toawrds the heros; this portal teleported all the heros (with the exception of Ben) to a distant location. As everything settles down the Lizard suddenly attacks Spider-Man. Spider-Man then tells the Lizard the whole situation, convincing the Lizard to fight along side the rest of the heros. [3][2][1] The other Beyonders created a universea "womb-space"[1]to incubate this Beyonder. In the original Secret Wars storyline, he was the be-all and end-all of the Marvel universe that took human form to better understand the nature of human beings. Fantastic, inform Spider-Man and the Lizard that they were flying in a hovercraft at low altitudes to avoid being detected. While Cloak and Dagger had in the past acted as judge, jury, and executioners for many drug dealers, they realized now that this was going too far, and that perhaps some of them might have reformed, if they had been given more mercy. The Molecule Man, however, convinced the Beyonder that existence was meaningless without death, and so the Beyonder brought Death back into existence by using his power to kill the reporter Dave, who willingly sacrificed his life. [30] Upon reaching the House of Ideas, he decides to leave the story, promising to return on his own terms. Ben explains that they were all brought here by some being called the Beyonder. After finally understanding who he was talking to, Peter tried to explain, but ultimately recommended Reed Richards as a better person to talk to. Much like Thanos, The Beyonder can shape, change and--if desired--destroy worlds and realities. He exists beyond space and time. His powers' applications are nearly endless. The superhero team that deals with big level cosmic threats known as the Ultimates, drastically changed Galactus's hunger for cosmic energy. All was as it used to be. According to Englehart, an editor hated the character and ordered the Beyonder "removed" from the Marvel Universe. Indeed, upon the realization that he (as he heretofore thought) was not all that existed, he began to view himself as incomplete, and, as a result, found that he too now felt desire. As the Lizard is knocked out once again,the heros place his body on a table.Mr. The Beyonder, meanwhile, was just trying to think through his problems. As a result, death, portrayed by Mephisto, cannot destroy him. Manga Recommendations However, there are cases in the normal world where a weaker object can break a stronger object if it hits it in exactly the right way--for instance it can set up dissonant shock waves that are a counter to the other object's structure, and force it to break itself apart. That is a difficult question to answer since the three main symbiotes - Venom, Carnage and Riot - share some similar abilities, but each have their own strengths and weaknesses. Right in front of her, he search the world for a more suitable partner (including both men and women; he decided, however, that he had gotten used to being a man), and settled on Dazzler. Later, as he walked through some slums, he met some heroin dealers. The living embodiment of The Beyond Realm, a reality outside of the Marvel multiverse, he utilizes his powers over reality, space, and time to observe the never-ending battle between good and evil, serving as both an ally and enemy to Earth's greatest heroes. [28], The Beyonder appears to the Defenders after they left the multiverse. The Beyonders are a fictional enigmatic higher-dimensional race appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics. The Beyonder, however, summoned Death to a restaurant, where he poured a cup of his godly power, which would destroy her. As the Beyonder no longer exists, his universe also ceased to exist. Angry at Cloak and Dagger for stopping the drug dealers, who he still believed were good, he used their powers to cancel out the powers of the other, turning them both human again. The One-Above-All: Who Is Marvel's Supreme Being? Still pondering the subject of desire, he happened upon Rick Jones, Brandy Clark, and the child Cindy Adams. This was the first appearance of Boom Boom. Although not native to this dimension, the Beyonder was one of the absolute strongest and most powerful beings ever to exist in the Marvel Universe. Once again Dave intervened, and said that they were just looking at things from the perspective of unfeeling concepts, and that Death was most important to living things like him. Post Retcon Beyonder #2/Current Beyonder (Mutant Inhuman)- Beyonder was a mutant Inhuman who already had unspecified powers, then entered the Terrigen Mists and had those powers increased exponentially. In one of his first attempts to help others, he became curious about an incident in which a child killed himself by setting himself aflame, trying to be like the Human Torch. Even Dr. Doom and Phoenix try to outsmart and overpower the celestial being, yet, The Beyonder, capable of mind control and time travel, usurps their folly each time. He was shown and described to repel Galactus "like a bug", and even greatly exceeded the collected energy of the latter's World-Ship. Who can measure the advantages that would result if the magnificent abilities of these women could be devoted to the needs of government, society and home, instead of being consumed in the struggle to obtain their birthright of individual freedom? He transforms into the Thing to fight them off. Meanwhile, Rachel Summers teleported all the heroes of Earth to the Rockies, above his bunker. He went to the Beyond to live with his fellow Beyonders. He then let the heroin affect him, and was stunned at how horrible the experience was. Thus, The Beyonder, once an immortal, omnipotent god, falls victim to his strange obsession with desire, purpose, and death. Additionally, this issue introduces the all-powerful Cosmic Cube, which dominated the MCU. He creates a human body for himself (this body originally resembles Molecule Man). [20] There, over the next several days, they engaged in a "secret war" amongst themselves; most of the criminals sought to destroy the heroic adventurers in order to gain the prize that the Beyonder had promised. He then turned it on himself thus becoming a mortal being with no superhuman powers. He did attack the heroes, but then slipped back inside, trailing Captain America. As the Beyonder explained, "once the Puma fit exactly into his life's rolethe universe aligned itself around him harmoniously! Cloak and Dagger followed, and took down the dealers, but not before they had given him the heroin. Thing breifly shows disappointment as he will be stuck in his non-human form. Or is he the kind that is born with certain Beyonder powers? Fireheart didn't really believe this, but agreed to look into it, and looked up Spider-Man to help him. Ultimately Dr. Doom stole his power, and the Beyonder had to reclaim it. Sphinx quotes: "He who questions training only trains himself at asking questions." Finally the Shaper and Kubik explained the origin of the Beyonder's and the Molecule Man's power. Finally she calmed down enough to where he was able to explain, and they had some more natural conversations. All that Phoenix experienced--the totality of life, in all its forms, in all its infinite glory--is now his." He intervened, and saved her. The purpose of their experiment was to eventually kill all of the Molecule Men at the same time, bringing an end to the multiverse. In retaliation, The Beyonder kills most of The New Mutants and sends Marvel's most powerful warriors home in defeat. In the end he paid the ultimate price, and was killed by the Molecule Man. Even though Strange had seen so many mysteries and beings of power, and had "stood unafraid before Eternity himself," he recoiled at the sight of the Beyonder's true nature and power. Doctor Doom explains when the villains were being transported through space he traced the coordinates of the power being used to transport them from a lab. Their attack apparently failed and as a result the number of universes was reduced from thousands to barely more than two dozen. As a consequence, he was naturally surprised to discover that Earth's beings were merely a part of a greater whole making up their universe; one that was itself but a member of a larger collection of universes, perhaps of infinite extent, called a multiverse! Ultimately, however, Vinnie realized that Frank was getting too big for Vinnie's small pond, and he needed to get out on his own. He accelerates the time of this planet 1 year into the future. The One from Beyond asked him if this was how he really wanted it, and Reece said it was. [7][8] This dimension was accidentally accessed by lab technician Owen Reece; some of the energy from the dimension escapes and imbues Reece with infinite powers, which he wields as the villainous Molecule Man, and the remaining energy gains sentience and curiosity as the Beyonder. [53], "Go big or go home: Why Marvel's new 'Secret Wars' could be too much", "New 'Secret Wars' is Marvel Comics' major event of 2015", "Jim Shooter in an Interview for Secret Wars 2", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Beyonder&oldid=1142895369, This page was last edited on 4 March 2023, at 22:33. So, who can stop Superman? Because none of the Legion Accursed managed to touch the Beyonder, the Beyondersbane went past it's critical point and melted down, its energy returning eventually to the Beyonder. They also received an entry in Secret Wars Official Guide to the Marvel Multiverse. Within his universe the Beyonder was complete; indeed he was all of his reality. When they arrive, they see a mysterious figure approaching, Ben Grimm (Thing) has been restored to his original human body. The Puma visited his old sensei, Muramoto, while in Japan, and to his shock the Beyonder was there too--and he was friendly with Muramoto! [49] Despite this, he was claimed to be either omnipotent or nigh omnipotent on different occasions, and to have power millions of times greater than Multiversal scale. When encountered, the Beyonder is dwelling in a simulacrum of Manhattan Island on Ceres, a dwarf planet in the asteroid belt. Victory tried to warn the Beyonder of his target of amusement but the Beyonder would not listen, and brought them back to his universe (the Beyond-realm attached to that reality). He told the Beyonder that he must fight for what is right, and that such a fight must involve sacrifice. In the end, Protege was defeated by the Tribunal and Scathan. He revived her, but felt that she wanted a "business deal" kind of relationship, since she loved what he did for her (although she really meant she loved how he made her feel). The Beyonder was not in a mood to be trifled with, and was about to destroy Doom, whom he apparently didn't recognize, when Reed Richards stopped him. The Molecule Man explained that Doom could not control the power of the Beyonder in the first Secret War because his mind was incomplete. He went inside and the Beyonder explained his new plan. As long as you have a power that has a Binary counterpart, you can instantly use both powers at the same level, such as Fire and Water, Light and Darkness etc" "Boundary Master (UNIQUE DIVINITY) :- Become the Gaurdian that resides between the fabrics of what is real and what is false, between what is true and what is fiction, between life and death, between any Boundary that separates anything . She was eventually put in a form of coma by Thanos, and eventually apparently killed during the events of Annihilation. Why can't you see that I'm better than you? Phoenix. Things do not go well, however. When they returned to Earth, Captain America and the Wasp were talking with a government official about what they experienced when the Beyonder showed up in his shiny metal "superhero" costume. Surprisingly, he was unable to use his power to find Havok directly, and so he tried to telepathically search the minds of many of the humans around him. Demons from Limbo attacked. The Molecule Man realized what happened, and teleported himself to the scene in anger. The Beyonders were first mentioned in the team-up comic Marvel Two-in-One #63 (May 1980), by Mark Gruenwald and Jerry Bingham. (At the end of Secret Wars I, when the Beyonder seems to kill Doom, he actually sends him back to the "present" again.) The Beyonder once again said he desired to understand, and the petulant Cadwell filled him in on his cynical and anti-Hollywood ideology. He leaves them all floating in the ocean in a fit of pique. He explored New York City in a naive fashion, trying to replicate basic human experiences like eating and wearing clothing, but inevitably made innocent mistakes, like eating a soda bottle along with its contents. Almost everybody who is a dedicated Dr Doom fan knows that his most powerful form is God Emperor Doom - a version of Dr Doom who, with the help of Molecule Man's matter manipulation powers, managed to absorb the powers of thousands of Beyonders, essentially becoming a God. This extra degree of mortality appears to be what turned her insane. Created by writer Jim Shooter[1] and artist Mike Zeck, the Beyonder first appeared in Secret Wars #1 (May 1984) as an unseen, nigh-omnipotent[2] being from outside the multiverse who kidnapped the heroes and villains of the Marvel Universe to have them do battle on Battleworld. Storm then informs Spider-Man over a computer that she is with an alien rebel army led by General Torg. He started to take over other arenas of power, including the Kingpin's crime syndicate, and then moved on to take over the United States from the president. The Beyonder considered this request to be reasonable but was stopped by Shaper of Worlds and Kubik. As he is about to wipe them out,Thing grabs the elemental spiltter and fires it at Doom. He left, once again putting the destruction of the universe on hold, fully realizing that it had all been an act on Rosenberg's part, but not caring, since Reece had been brought to despair in any case. The Beyonder sought to make Alison Blaire (Dazzler), his lover, and even went so far as to bestow half of his power upon her so that they would be equals. Professor X explained to his Illuminati colleagues that the Beyonder was not only an Inhuman, but a mutant Inhuman. This event also features The Beyonder's first-albeit momentary-- defeat at the hands of Doctor Doom. He then decided to try to take over the world in a more "limited" fashion than he had before: by doing it legally. Pre-Retcon Beyonder: Powers and Abilities Updates + Scans Quantu May 8, 2022 beyonder (pre-retcon) marvel comics Not open for further replies. The others were finally able to convince Magik that the Beyonder's gift wasn't right, that it took away their individuality and free thought. The dome (as powerful as the multiverse) Molecule Man created, which the Beyonder shattered, wasn't as powerful as the original. However, The Beyonders pry further, striving to understand Earth's most fascinating form of life: superpowered beings. One such matter had to do with Power Pack. After landing on the top of a building, Reed saw the Beyonder down on the street, apparently arguing with Luke Cage and Iron Fist, with Spider-Man swinging by as well (this was a copy of the scene in Secret Wars II where he turns their building into gold). He couldn't understand how someone could stand up to him, since he was far more powerful than anyone in our dimension. Kubik took on the job of teaching Kosmos about how to live a fulfilling life as a sentient Cube; the two began to fall in love. He came out as a scrawny blonde man; his power was stored in a nearby vessel. The Beyonder was sponsoring a cult of Cosmic Oneness, and the Puma believed that its director, Barry Foxxe, was the Beyonder. He was also one of the only beings who bridged both the world of mortals and cosmic beings. She lost a psychic battle with Thanos, although this was at least partly due to her naivete in the ways of battle. The Beyonder is a cosmic entity of immense power. Thousands of years later, the Beyonders created the Fortisquians as agents to observe other worlds, including Max. The powerful being upgrades his appearance and sports an all-white costume and shaggy dark-har. The living embodiment of The Beyond-Realm, a reality outside of the Marvel multiverse, he utilizes his powers over reality, space, and time to observe the neverending battle between good and evil, serving as both an ally and enemy to Earth's greatest heroes. He encountered the Hulk, and temporarily took him over. In their rematch, the Molecule Man managed to defeat the Beyonder, but Kubik arrived and begged the Molecule Man to return the Beyonder's essense to Kosmos. Beyonder claims that the war is over and teleports everyone to space. [18], In order to combat Beyonder, Mephisto sent his demon agent Bitterhorn to form the Legion Accursed where he managed to get 99 villains together upon shaking their hand. He walked in to his Sanctum Sanctorum while Strange was out, ripped off the cover of the Orb of Agamotto (effortlessly negating the spells by Agamotto himself), and found him in the Dark Dimension with Clea. I also added scans and references. They battle until Eternity and The Living Tribunal intervene. They were both actually thankful at this. However, he was still able to observe, and potentially manipulate, the Guardians' universe through the costume he gave to Vance Astro. He knew he needed a friend like Tabitha. A train came along behind him, and he "zapped" it with his fingers shaped into a child's "gun" position. Marvel Database is a FANDOM Comics Community. The Beyonder simply walked out the window, and Cage jumped out to get him. Every hero with the exception of Spider-Man is teleported back to Earth. He either could or would not answer how long it had been since he had last seen Black Bolt. Marvel characters can be divided into two categories: Superheroes and Supervillains. In his original origin, and in the Cosmic Cube origin, he would in fact he from another universe, and thus "unnatural" in ours. For his recklessness, the Beyonder was punished, although very leniently: the Living Tribunal exiled him and forced him to remain in his own universe, where he once again was bored with life, because everything was just him. He was ready and willing to face the Beyonder once again. This only further inflamed Puma, but Beyonder left. He then sent her to "convert" the other New Mutants to his cause of purity and peace. There are many Marvel characters on Earth that have are no match for their incredible powers. Dr Strange pointed out that there were no signs of true life force aura in proximity, indicating that those heroes were creations of the Beyonder himself, and that no matter how accurate they appeared to be, his designs lacked true free will and human spirit. While they walk around they are invited to Dr. Dooms castle. The heroes were subdued, but even Captain America agreed that Reece had done what needed to be done. The Fallen One finds the lifeless form of the Maker in the rubble, confirming the Beyonder's freedom. Although the Beyonder is usually male, he can become female if he wishes to and is open to having male love interests. Powers and Stats So he might possibly be 1-A in his realm Does this upscale beyonder to 1-a? Beyonder displayed the ability to control others without them knowing it even while being absorbed. He realized that if the Thing could have doubts about his role, then it was OK for him to have doubts too. It was around this time that he ran into Rachel again, this time in a deli in New York. It's time to escape Battleworld and travel to The Beyond where CBR's celestial writers reside. Superman's arch-nemesis is Lex Luthor, a brilliant [] The Beyonder is the beyond-all and end-all of all things, striven on occasion to be both mankind's greatest. . Powers and Stats Tier: Low 1-A Uatu importuned Reece to help them, but he refused, he just didn't want to get involved in such matters any more. They argued, and Rachel returned the power he had given her. The Beyonder ordered fish and collard greens, and the other diners, who are black, thought he seemed out of place (too white). The people of Earth began to worship him for calming the catastrophes, not realizing he had started them in the first place. But, he warned, "love gone wrong can be dangerous--even to guys like us!" The Beyonder Vs. The Beyonder was first introduced as a being from outside the, As a note regarding his retcon history, the Beyonder was, As a consequence of his retcons, the other sentient Cosmic Cubes may be Beyonders in a "larval stage. Mr. He later said that even as he was a human who was learning to be omnipotent, they were omnipotents who were learning to be human. The Beyonder wanted to help so he mimicked the super-hero costumes he had seen, and created a new super-suit for himself. Extra-dimensional teleportation using his own power. The Molecule Man defeated the Beyonder, and Kubik showed up asking him to stop. However, unhappy with his physical inexperience in fighting, he left. The Beyonder is finally defeated by a huge group of superheroes, including the Fantastic Four, X-Men, Avengers, and Spider-Man, after the Molecule Man intervenes and kills him, while he had temporarily transformed into an infant in the midst of a re-birthing process. The Spider-Verse is set to be pushed to the forefront when Sony's Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse premieres later this year, but Marvel is doing its own thing to promote the Multiverse storyline in the comics. He next visited Peter Parker, of whom he said, "I like you better than anyone I've met!" He is the secondary antagonist of the Battleworld arc in Season 4: Secret Wars. It was the sight of the imposing Black Bolt that made the Beyonder realize the Illuminati were not his creations. After the events of Dr. Reece was annoyed, and didn't want to talk to Uatu, but Marsha did. The Beyonder left to seek answers elsewhere.
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