Leni: Linky.(sniffles).please don't do this to us. Lynn Sr.: Son..we never stopped loving you..we do care about you Lori: Don't hurt us like this..we're your familywe want you to be with us. Lana: We didn't mean to ruin your life..(sniffles).we just wanted to avoid bad luck..we're so sorry we went about it all wrong Luna: We get it bro.you were never bad luck..we ruined everything for youthere is no such thing as luckwe'll never live this down.. Lola: You can't hurt your own family like this.. Lincoln: You all hurt me first! The Loud House Encyclopedia is a FANDOM TV Community. Eventually Lincoln had the courage to say something, but was stuttering as he did so, "Areare you saying" he wanted to finished that sentence but felt that he couldn't. "So just so you can remember clearly," Lincoln started with, before he and his sisters got red in the face, "WE HATE YOU!" (Lynn looks confused.) As they leave, Jeffrey grabs Lynn Sr.'s arm, making him and his wife turn to him, he added, "And just so you know, your kids tore apart my lobby and the room you were staying in. So about the Duke, Had he ever felt like he was just a glorified peasant in his time around is ten sisters? Lori turned to face him, lowered the window and said, "What?" It's been a day since Lincoln tried to convinced them that he wasn't bad luck. Lisa: That's the last time I ever fall for such phone-baloney! "Aren't you guys going to help us?" Reacting to The Loud House is an ongoing series of The Loud House and The Casagrandes fics written by J Tom (or JTom09) in which many characters from both shows watch episodes of said shows. after they let go, Lincoln notices Lynn standing with her head down.) As she pondered what he meant, she felt the room shake. He'll ruin it for them!" Rita: "Even worse than they already were!" Chester: "OK, if you know the words to this song, sing along!" [Lincoln starts song off with turntables and keyboards.] Pre-Story Notice: Hello everyone. Lynn Loud Sr. and Rita Loud were in the spa, trying to get their minds off the trouble their kids caused yesterday. Lola yelled. See if I care! Whats wrong? We need to follow them, they have to be Lincoln's! WE MAKE EVERYTHING WORSE!!! But this particular day, one of those children has been left out due to some "bad luck". Post-Story Notice: Anyway. MY TROPHIES!!! The Loud House Re-Write - Linc or Swim. We feel so ashamed! Lynn: (clenches her fists) Say That Again.. Lincoln: No. Lisa: (with a broken voice, but not as loud): "Even an intelligence person such as myself fell for such bologna. Even Ronnie Anne was there too. SQUIRRELS WIN! They knew that whatever they were going to tell Aunt Ruth, it wasn't going to be good. My last one just got messed up and i wish to make one properly. Lola: What if we get stung or bitten by a shark!? ", Lynn: Oh Lincoln. But, if what this guy was saying is true, then the only reason the room would show up as vacant is if the family was checking out. Fool Me Twice extended ending10. I hate fashion shows! (He walks back and forth to get attention) You guys have spent the whole weekend obsessing over this ridiculous good luck/bad luck thing at my expense! Rita: Lincoln?! Lincoln is scared, expecting her to beat him up, but instead she wraps her arms around his neck and begins to cry), Lynn: (with a broken voice) "I'm so sorry Lincoln! While we do so, sit on the couch and DON'T MOVE!" Lisa: I have truly disgraced the scientific community Lola: Does this mean Linky doesn't love us anymore? Lincoln: Alright then, call them. "Uuhhh," Luna started, unsure of how to start the conversation, "Hello, security dude. They were my favourite! And then, as quickly as it appeared, the noises disappeared. Computer typing was heard yet again and, after a few moments. I HATE THIS!!! YOU HATE US!!! Lori: No, this is literally a terrible beach trip and I want to go home! After a few moments of static, a female voice was heard on the other end, "Hello, Felix. He crawls over to the kitchen sink and drinks deeply.). "That we had to learn about all of this when hotel security barged up to our room due to numerous complaints!" I'm sorry I was such a bad loser, all I wanted was for Lincoln to support me, to support us. she responded back with, in a bit of an uninterested tone. (With his remaining strength, he scrambles over to the house. I only own this fanfiction story, which is rated K+, so enjoy. (thinks for a minute) "Hmm. Lincoln: I don't believe it! Lola: How could he?! SEE YOU NEVER!" That was my favourite bat! ", Lori: "Oh Lincoln, if you don't feel like attending our events all the time, we're not forcing you to go. Why? Here's another Alternate Ending. And with that the family walked out of the spa, the kids still angry and upset and the parents ashamed and disappointed in themselves. I hate that you don't care about anyone, but yourselves! They are looking very heartbroken.). Sell custom creations to people who love your style. Fund your creativity by creating subscription tiers. Experimental One Shot. "Yes, you are right," the woman said, "It appears that your parents were caught swimming in the pool after hours." "She's got a million cats that enjoy scratching us like crazy," Lucy said. ], Baseball Announcer: "Yowza." NO!" Lincoln: I said NO! The Loud House: No Such Luck (2 Alternate Endings) View source Ah yes, No Such Luck. I hate that you put your own lame pride and wants above everything else! I hate that fact that you never make up for anything! ", Lincoln: "Guys, it's me!" They thought that if they did or said something that this man didn't like, he would turn them to stone with his glare. Lincoln: No, im your good luck charm! You just mess up everything! And we asked, or rather demanded, they leave, that is when things got really ugly." Trivia. I loved winning so much that didn't take my failure like a good sport, and started thiswhole bycalling you bad luck. ", Lisa: (with a broken voice, but not as loud): "Even an intelligence person such as myselffell for such bologna. Luan then walked up to Leni and whispered into her ear. Ive come to many grave-digging events and cemeteries with you! Lucy shouted, "WE DREAD GOING TO VISIT YOU AND DREAD LOOKING AT YOUR GROSS FACE!" ", Lucy: "After all, it's not like we always go to each others events 100% of the time, so why should you? Knowing they sealed the deal and there's no way they will ever have to go back to Aunt Ruth's, Lincoln said, "Well so long, freakshow. In order for him to not have "bad luck", his sisters forced him to wear a squirrel suit from Lynn's baseball game. Find out what other deviants think - about anything at all. except in this story, the family never believed that he was bad luck in the first place. ", (Vanzilla is parked in the driveway. Everyone finally realized that what they've done. I hate concerts! UPDATE: 20/04/2018- the next chapter has been written I just need to correct some thing's from this chapter. The siblings began agreeing with that statement, but Lynn Sr. and Rita were frightened. ", Lincoln: "No, Lucy. Would you mind me speaking to Angus for a bit? Youve ruined my life and made me look like a melting snow cone!! I have failed as a human being. Then you'll be treated like irresponsible teenagers." I MESSED UP!!! One of the Boys alt ending4. Just a heads up, this ending is going to feature a lot of yelling from the siblings and behavior/actions that some of you may believe that I'm representing the siblings in a bad light. Why do these three buffoons have the room. "As grateful as I am that I saved you from making a dangerous decision," the man said, his tone getting lighter for a moment before returning to a serious tone, "I'm afraid that doesn't do much to the amount of trouble you're all in.". I'll just play softball all by myself! You love baseball. Lincoln: I dont think I told you I was bad luck. A very, and I'm talking VERY, controversial episode of The Loud House. No Such Luck (Alternative ending, my version) . Anything bad happen then? She's smarter than she looks and there's evidence canon in the show to prove it.). "You guys are literally going up the room right now and getting our stuff now!" I don't need anyone! And Lori and Lisa. Maybe I should just stop playing softball for a while. This whole trip their parents were telling them to behave and they got grounded when they didn't, but now they're learning that they did something to cause them to be kicked out of the hotel after only one day. Share your thoughts, experiences and the tales behind the art. I know you would never label me bad luck, and youd never neglect me. We just thought you were bad luck, we didnt mean to upset you like this. (breaks from the hugs) *sighs* "I'm sorry for lying. Both Lynn Sr. and Rita responded in a slow, nervous stutter, "Yes." ", Lincoln: (To his all sisters) "All thoseevents I attended, was I bad luck? And with that, Lori started driving the van out of the hotel and back towards their house. Luna, Luan, Lola and Lisa were battling off against three obnoxious hotel guests that made all of them look like saints. "They have a point there honey," Lynn Sr. said, before immediately clasping his mouth shut, his wife glaring at him for saying that. Leni: Linky, if you didnt want to come to my fashion show, you just had to say so! "But you know what's even more lousy than that?" Bad luck never happened before when he was there..but he said all we do is just mess things up..we really are the worst family ever Rita: We're sorry kids. Lincoln: (crying berserker tears) NO!!! And Lily was doing, whatever 15 month old babies do when nobody's really watching them (another author interruption: I know this sounds vague and it sounds like Lily is going to hurt herself but she's not. Nobody ruins my life, casts me out and then uses me, understand!? 5 months of research ruined. Even though Lincoln was the one who brought this on himself. I feel like a fool!" Lynn Sr.: (with a broken voice) "And we were horrible parents to you, locking you out! One Squirrel tosses the bat right at Lincoln by accident. "Aunt Ruth," Rita said, trying to stop the kids from doing something they'd regret, "hang up the phone." We don't want to stare at you on the drive home, so you're sitting in the back." Lincoln: "Oh really." After spending a good 10-15 minutes unpacking and putting everything back in the respective places in their rooms, the siblings walked into the living room and saw their parents were in fact still sitting on the couch. Lincoln asked his parents. (Inhales, then exhales) "I. "Not cool, guys." Well thanks [Sam then kissed Luna on the cheek. Did anything bad ever happen at your concerts with me there? They were wondering how could this room be these three idiots, they were booked until tomorrow. Lincoln: No! Dont threaten your little sister! Lori soon pulled out her phone and dialed Aunt Ruth's number. (The family submerge, coughing up water, covered in seaweed and muck, their sunnies, hats and sandals floating in the water and their swimsuits in tatters. Lucy said, as the siblings once again glared at their parents with anger. Everyone awed over this.] Just tell us and well let you skip it. You're scaring even me. You're nothing, but an embarrassment to sports. but I just really wanted to get it off my chest. I only told Leni, Luan, Lana, Lola and Lily. I can't believe they said they'd tease you for eternity. Hmm. Lola finished with. I'M A STUPID, SENSELESS BULLY!!! Lincoln: yeah. Ive been a really nice guy with you for far too long! Needless to say, they were not pleased. Youre our brother! Eventually, one of them said, "Look officer. I just got so mad, that I stopped thinking and gave him a stupid idea and made us all push him away and lose almost everything. Lynn: FINE! "Lynn," Rita said, as she rose her head to meet with his, "Be honest with me, do you think we can earn our kids' trust back?" Leni: *Gasp* My Sewing Machine! I WISH YOU'D NEVER EXISTED!!!!! Scared as to what will happen if they say something wrong, eventually, Lincoln stepped forward and proceeded to say, "We're really sorry, sir. She turned to face her parents, a massive glare on her face, and Lola added, "And it's all mom and dad's fault." Two of Lincoln's comics have references on them: The one he reads first has Mr. ", Lincoln: "Just hear me out." Hahahaha! ", (after a few seconds of silence, Lincoln smiles at them), Lincoln: "I forgive you." I was being a sore loser! I hate that you all act so smart and serious and important when you're not! "But you know what's not fair?" The Princess and the Everlasting Emerald: A Royal Woods Fairytale. And if you do, I'll have you arrested! "Room 5," Felix answered with, "On the 11th floor." Lincoln: (marches up to Lynn) Straight from you, you big bully! Today I'm doing a new story called 'Hall Monster Linka,' as you can tell this a story that features Linka Loud and her brothers. Well just grin and bear it. Lynn Sr. also tried to say something, but he couldn't either. I hate that you do nothing but ruin other people's lives, including one of your own! Rita: Honey! ], Lola: "What's with that squirrel today? Lynn: Put that suit back on Lincoln! Ever again. Luan: Yeah, our luck has just run out! "And mom should know better," Lori shouted back, glaring at her mother specifically, "Then to take us to that woman!" Its a stupid mascot costume! They all shouted. (She storms out of his room and into the hallway. (she comes down into the living room and whistles loudly) FAMILY, DOWN HERE NOW!!! turns her attention to Lincoln) "Get out! Sweaty Pants here! "you bad luck, Lincoln!" SQUIRRELS WIN! Lola: Hey, Lincoln! None of the kids wanted to talk to their parents and the parents didn't know what to say to their kids. Dont rage out at us. (he goes to the living room window. While this Season 2 Loud House episode might not be as bad as 'Brawl in the Family' or 'No Such Luck,' it's up there. Felix turned to the clock on the wall, it was almost 1 in the afternoon, why were these kids still in a room they were supposed to have been long gone from. So expect a bill in the mail." (He tears the costume off, leaving a very red and sweat-coated body in his wake. Look, I see sweaty footprints! it is true that the Duke's actions were noble and his heart was stout, but he held doubts of his. [Ronnie Anne handed Lincoln the card. "Wait," Lori interrupted with, "How could our parents get us kicked out just for taking a late night dip?" it shows how badly Lincoln was treated by his family. I hate that you all are as dumb as a big fat rock! But seriously, we made a mess of everything! A late St. Patrick's Day story for austin2468. The furniture was all over the place, the shower was ruined, the air conditioner was gone and he noticed a 17-year old girl with blonde hair in a blue shirt outside, about to jump from the side of the balcony. Everyone turned to the doorway and saw the Loud kids standing there, red with rage and ready to destroy. ), Lincoln: But you know what!? (He walks back and forth to get attention) You guys have spent the whole weekend obsessing over this ridiculous good luck/bad luck thing at my expense! White hair extended ending9. Lori yelled. YOU ARE NOT BAD LUCK!!! After that, Rita began crying, a member of her family that she loved despite everyone else hating her had just disowned her and her family. *, Lincoln: It's not fair. Share your thoughts, experiences, and stories behind the art. We messed up too. When my so-called 'family' gets home, I'm gonna have a talk with them." Ive put up with your insults, your immaturity, your punches, your violence, your madness, your lack of manners, your stubbornness and your attitude and after today, ive well and truly had it! And she knew it wasn't about any massive gathering of one group for some kind of event because she would've been notified way ahead of time. She was bringing Lincoln her Valentines day card.] Lynn: HUH!?!?! Lincoln: If they're so nuts, I can't be near my family. "Lincoln," Rita said, about to get up from the couch to comfort him. "Huh. Incredible from The Incredibles on the cover. Hearing that caused everyone to become shocked, but they didn't know what to say. Luna: We just weren't thinking bro, we're sorry. (sniffles) I'd better make a home fast. NOTE: I am aware this episode has been overly bashed to death. "Well mom, you know what I think?" "They're not the only guilty ones," Lynn, the girl in red with brown hair tied in a ponytail, responded back with, in a bit of wise-cracking tone, "Yesterday, Lana and I broke the elevators. Rita walked over to her side of their bed and sat down, put her hands on her head and started sobbing. "Uuhhh," Luna started, unsure of how to start the conversation, "Hello, security dude. I hate how pathetic and chicken you all are! "YOU HEARD HER!" My first story is done. What seems to be the problem?" (He picks up the squirrel suit, jumps up and down on the head and starts ripping the chest)", Lynn: HEY! Lucy. QUIET! We were given the room." ", Luan: "The same goes for all of us. WE DESERVE TO BE HURT!!!! Instead he found comfort in being hugged by Leni, glaring at her parents as she did so. Whenever the kids fought, they were scared, whenever the kids were angry at each other or one specific sibling, they were scared, but when all the kids were angry at something (in this case, them), they were terrified, because they knew something bad was going to happen. The siblings had their arms either crossed on their chest or on their thighs in a wing stance, but they were all glaring at their parents. And you better start talking now!". ", Lola:[to the mascot] "Um, do you mind, fur ball? Lisa: (sighs in humiliation) Me neither..falling for some dumb superstition, despite always taking pride in science and not curses!! I hate the fact that I was ever related to you monsters! Takes place in the middle of the events of the infamous episode No Such Luck. Lincoln: Lucy! They suddenly feel saddened, guilty, broken and worried. "What," Felix said, "what is it?" But in hindsight, I guess I should've thought about it more before lying to you guys. # 17. the loud kamen rider by Dratinibro. An alternate ending to Underratedheros story, "Requiem For A Loud". (The other sisters come over onto the main couch. ", Lincoln: (to his parents) "What kind of parents lock their own child out? Rita: WE ARE THE MOST DISGRACEFUL PEOPLE EVER!!! Looking at her parents in shock, she said, "You got us kicked out because you decided to go skinny dipping?" Ugh!" Hope you enjoy. No Such Luck - Lucky Carol by TriassicLane Cartoons Comics Funny Comics Loud House Rule 34 The Loud House Lincoln The Loud House Fanart Loud House Characters Funny Comic Strips Movies Coming Out Sonic And Amy More information . Give it back! ), Lynn: (Screams in despair) ROASTED, BEATEN, VERBALLY THRASHED AND TOSSED INTO THE SEA BY MY ONLY BROTHER!!!! Luna spots Lincoln). Ronnie Anne sees Lincoln kicked out of his home and decides to take him out of there. Sell custom creations to people who love your style. "Lynn? [Everyone headed to the living room to sleep together. I will not be discarded and than used!! lincoln. This triggered events that none of the Loud House family could have seen. The sound of typing on a computer was heard for a few minutes. Lynn has a bruised cheek and the rest are all still coated in muck and wet from the sea. In this Loud House Alternate universe a man made virus force's mankind to abandon earth.all except one 11 year old Lincoln Loud was accidentally abandoned by his parents and five sisters as an infant and was forced to fend for himself 11 years later Lincoln has adapted to his new hunting and gathering lifestyle and.
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